Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 542: Twelve Trials (Part One)

Rhode did not dissuade Eileen's decision. In fact, this is the only way now. Although his original plan was to take Eileen away, in the current situation, it would be useless to say this. And even if Rhodes wants to go, I'm afraid he can't go now. It's better to gamble and see if Yilin can find a way to leave after inheriting the power of Dragon Soul. As for Ion, Rhodes was too lazy to care. For a guy who would be dead sooner or later, Rhodes wouldn't care about the other party's thoughts. What's more, although Rhodes has thoughts about Eileen, but has no thoughts about Ion. As a creation dragon, Rhodes is not interested in the dwarf becoming Ion's brother-in-law--then it makes him think the most. The way to do it is to kill this cheap big sister-in-law directly, then nothing will happen.

As for Yilin, although she did consume a lot of power before, but now with Rhodes' supplement, Yilin's strength has basically recovered to the original peak period. Because Eileen's power depends on the rule of the moon, and Rhodes is a dragon of void, his own power is a world, so even if he is squeezed by chaos now, as long as Rhode is next to him, then Eileen will You can continue to gain the power connection of the "Moon" rule through the soul space of the Nether Dragon.


"Be careful and be safe."

Looking at Eileen in front of him, Rhode could only say so. In this regard, he could not give much advice to Yilin, because the trial of the successor of Dragon Soul has never been open to players, and Rhodes has no memory and information in this regard. But it is certain that this trial must be complicated and very dangerous. Just look at the rules that are really dead. The loser doesn't even have a chance to come back, but is directly held in the dungeon. This is enough to show how dangerous this trial is, and it can be seen from Eileen. Even if the successor of the Dragon Soul has not fully acquired and mastered the power of the Dragon Soul, it is already sufficient. But this is the case, there will be cases that can not pass the trial ...

"All in all, be careful."

Rhode had no way to say more. He knew that Elin was a careful and cautious person, and there was no need to say more. Just patted Elin's shoulder. When she heard Rhode's instructions, Eileen also smiled slightly. Then she nodded to Rhode, and then turned to follow the two dragon girls and turned towards the end of the corridor. Rhode kept watching her until her figure disappeared on the other side of Shimen, and then he looked back and sighed helplessly. From the bottom of his heart, Rhode did not expect Eileen to take risks, especially in the immediate situation. But there is no other way, just try it barely.


Just then, Bingxue's voice appeared in Rod's ears, he lowered his head, and saw Bingxue staring at himself now with some worry.

"You're okay, it doesn't look very happy ..."

"I'm just a little nervous, Xiaobing."

Hearing Bingxue's words, Rhode smiled and reached out and stroked the little guy's hair. And see Rhodes smile. Bingxue didn't ask much, she was very well-behaved. Children who never bother. Seeing that Rhodes didn't plan to say more at this moment, she would not ask again. But soon, Bingxue frowned in doubt, and whispered to Rhode.

"Brother? That ......... I have something to ask you."

"what's up?"

Rhodes was completely relieved at this moment, no matter what the final result, they could not intervene anyway. Well, it doesn't help to break your heart here. The so-called destiny is to do everything, then it depends on Yilin's own efforts and luck. So he didn't think about it any more, but turned to Bingxueer, watching her curiously. Feeling Rhode's gaze, Bingxueer suddenly blushed with a little embarrassment. She lowered her head and squeezed the corners of her clothes with her hands. It was only a moment later when the little boy asked timidly.

"That ... Big Brother? What did Miss Elin say to join the bubble before? What happened to them? I asked Bubble, but she said ..." Bing Xueer stared angrily at the bubble. "... She actually said that I was still young and didn't understand these! Damn, obviously she was as old as me, brother, do you know what she meant?"

"This one……………"

Hearing here, Rhodes suddenly became big. He certainly knew why Elin would say that to Bubble and Annie, but Bingxue certainly didn't understand it. Although she has a close relationship with Rhodes, in front of Bingxueer, Rhodes has always been the elder brother's identity, and she does not know her relationship with Canary. How can this be explained ...

Just as Rod was thinking hard about how to explain the "complex" relationship to Bingxueer, Elin was led by two dragon girls to an empty circular space. It seems that it is entirely made of yellow metal. In the center of this room, there is a weird hexagonal matrix. As a princess who is keen on archeology, Eileen recognized the charm on the matrix at a glance. The text is carved out of early undead characters and dragon characters. It can be seen that this law formation is very old, and it may even be the product of the early days of the founding of the country.

I didn't expect to have such a secret hidden under my feet ...

Thinking of this, Eileen calmed down, and then she looked at the two dragon girls. When she noticed her gaze, the two dragon girls nodded to her.

"Then the trial begins, the heir to the Dragon Soul. Please remember that you must pass the twelve trials and finally get the promise of darkness, so that you can inherit the power of the Dark Dragon. According to the rules, we can give you Opportunity for three times, when you ca n’t support, you can call us three times. But remember, if you still cannot pass the test after calling three times, then you will be teleported to the prison of dragon, please Remember this. "

"Okay, I know."

Facing the words of the two dragon girls, Yilin nodded, she reached out her hand, and gently pressed the dark sword hilt of her waist, her eyes glowed with fortitude, and then Yilin walked to the French array like this. Then she turned around and looked at the two dragon girls in front of her, then said.

"I'm ready to go."

After getting the answer from Yilin, the two dragon girls nodded, and then they looked at each other. The next moment, I saw two dragon girls raised their hands like this, and along with their movements, two shone. The spear of metal shining in their souls appeared in their hands, and then a huge ornate magic circle emerged in front of Yi Lin, and the dark power began to jump, emerge, and flicker, forming a beautiful pattern, and she Tuantuan wrapped in it. And Eileen stared at the dark power in front of her vigilantly. She could feel the powerful power in it. Not only that, Eileen also faintly felt a powerful Long Wei from it. This Long Wei was so Is so strong that even his own brother can't compare with it.

Is this the real, power of the Dark Dragon?

Thinking of this, Yi Lin couldn't help getting more dignified. Not only did she not feel Long Wei in her brother, but Long's Long Wei was not so far-reaching, it was a shock and majesty from the heart. It was as if I was standing on the edge of a cliff and watching the endless darkness below, the shock and awe of the vastness and infiniteness. But now, I have to face this power. If it belongs to itself, then all of this may be over.

My elder brother ...

Thinking of your elder brother, Yi Lin sighed in her heart, is this why you are willing to give power to your mother? Even if you are, will you be fooled by power? No, it should be said that ... it is because of you that you are confused by power. But now, it's me standing here. why? Yi Lin shook her head. She didn't know why Ion did it, but she knew too much why Ion did it. Although as a younger sister, Eileen never thought of seizing power, in fact, she was far superior to her brother in all aspects. I am afraid that Ion can only press her half in battle. But at that time, Yi Lin didn't think too much, she just hoped that she could learn more, fortunately, after his brother became a dragon of darkness, he could help him.

However, I didn't expect that after Ion became a dragon of darkness, I was banned from participating in all the affairs of the kingdom of the night, which was a little disappointing to Yi Lin. But she was just disappointed. For her brother's love, and considering the relationship between her and her brother, Eileen finally accepted Ion's request and hid in the moon castle far away. Appreciate some antique art all day to pass the time. In fact, Yi Lin herself was very confused and did not know what she should do in the future. She once remembered countless times that when she was a little boy, her brother would always look at herself with a little lazy eyes and a light smile, and then said to her, "Oh, those things that use my mind are really impossible. I will rule the night afterwards Country, can I leave these troubles to you? Sister? "At that time, I nodded in excitement, just thinking that I could work harder and harder, and I could stand by my brother and help him finish him. Wish.

But even so, in the end ...

This is not the time to think about it!

Yilin forcibly suppressed the sadness in her heart. She reached out and pulled out the sword, and at the same time, the rich darkness broke out completely. The next moment, Yilin's eyes were completely utterly dark. Shrouded ......... (To be continued ...)

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