Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 545: first round

"I'm going!"

Eileen didn't see much response to this, but Rhodes and Little Bubble Gum yelled. The inheritance ritual of this dark dragon is indeed despicable and disgusting. At the beginning, even Rhodes thought that being able to find the correct position of the tower was a trial. After all, the Dragon Girl didn't even give Yilin a hint at first, and threw her directly into Shadow Canyon. do not care. In this case, it's not easy for Yilin to find a place so quickly-Rhodes believes that it is not impossible to throw players in and toss for hours or even a day or two without results.

The result was tossing for a long time, and it was so easy to find a place, but it wasn't even considered a test? Fortunately, this test was not given to Rhodes, otherwise he would already have lifted the table and scolded others. But even so, he and Bubble still scolded, even Frost who didn't like scolding, frowned at the moment. Only those of them who have gone through similar trials know how ridiculous and shameless this ritual is. Especially in the final stage of the player ’s "Supreme Privileges" obtaining ceremony, elemental talents like Canary are actually good. Although the two elements are troublesome, they are at least targeted. But it was a tragedy for a "space" talent like Bingxueer to open supreme authority. Rhodes still remembered that Bingxueer spent a whole week at that time to pass the security clearance. That was really a toss ...

But now compared with Yilin, Rhodes and others suddenly feel that the player's test is really weak. Anyway, after they enter, there will be a system to prompt them for what to do. Where, like Eileen, after fumbling for a long time, she finally touched the door and was told that this was the beginning ... It was just getting sick! !! !!

But Irene wasn't as excited as Rhodes and Bubble, she just glanced at the text in front of her, and then moved on without any pause. As she moved forward, I saw the originally closed tower door slowly open. The faint purple flame inside shone, giving this black and white world a gorgeous glow.


Seeing this faint purple light, Yilin breathed a sigh of relief. Like Rhodes' guess, Eileen also naturally likes the beauty of art, but compared with Lydia's magnificent extravagance, she prefers to be restrained and implicit. But both sides' pursuit of beauty is the same. Because of this, it is conceivable how much this monotonous world with only black and white can suppress Yilin's spirit. This is why Yilin ’s response here is half a second slow. When a beauty-loving person comes to such a monotonous world, it is like throwing a patient with cleanliness into a dirty environment—it is just terrible.

Now that she saw a beautiful touch of color, she finally immersed Yilin's agitated heart, then she took a deep breath, and then entered the stone gate in front of her with a steady step.

"What trial is this, anyway? Chief?"

Annie frowned, carefully watching the scene on the magic crystal, and then asked.

"Is it meant to make Her Royal Highness Irene walk from the top of the tower to the bottom of the tower? That's the case. Isn't it faster for Her Royal Highness to jump straight from the outside just now?"

"No ... this trial is so disgusting, I think His Royal Highness Elin may be hanging."

Little Bubble Gum has expressed opposition. Now they watch Yilin perform the ritual, and it feels as if they are back on the planet to watch the video of the newcomers together. Therefore, facing Annie ’s statement, Bubble said " Come over "shook his head.

"Also, this trial is rigid, Annie. You may not know it. This thing is disgusting, and sometimes even you have to stipulate whether you want to walk first and leave your left or right foot. You have to walk wrong It ’s possible that you will fail. I tell you, this kind of thing is used to disgusting people! "

"Ah? So annoying?"

If Anne, who is by nature a dislike, hates it the most, then she has to follow the rules. From the fact that she directly suggested that Yi Lin jumped down, she can see that she didn't care about the other steps in this tower. But when she heard this, Anne frowned suddenly, showing a bitter expression. Bubble also nodded sympathetically. The two little guys have a common language in this area ...

But Bingxue frowned at this moment, and then she reached out her hand and gently pulled Larode's horns.

"Brother, the situation is wrong."

"Well, I can see it too."

Hear Bingxue talk. Rhode nodded. Because the situation at this moment is indeed a bit wrong, after Ilin walked into the tower, she was attacked by those shadow monsters again. Although these shadow monsters are still worthless in Yilin's eyes, Rod and Bingxue, who are outside, are keenly aware of an abnormal shape.

These mobs "refresh" too often.

Before she was outside, Eileen had also been attacked by the Ghost Monster, but at that time the number of Ghost Monster attacks was normal. But now in the tower, the number of offensives she has suffered can be described by madness, refreshing a wave of mobs in almost ten seconds. Although Eileen is stronger, these mobs are spiked in her hands. Share, but such frequent "bashing" is definitely not normal.

"Eileen's strength is so strong that she can't see her situation."

Speaking of which, Rhodes became more and more stiff. He had already vaguely guessed what trials were given to Yilin in the first pass, but had to admit that the inheritance of this Dragon Soul was really sinister, mean, shameless, and cunning, and the ghostly ideas of one after another were endless. As long as the player knows that too strange brushing, there must be other solutions. It was as if the Rhodes team was pushing strongly on the Lich copy. Although they pushed in the past by strength, they did not reach the perfect copy progress. This is because they did not do as required. However, now that Irene does not have the support of the moon and cannot transform the dragon shape, it is impossible to use absolute power to defeat all conspiracy and tricks. Now Elin can support ten minutes, half an hour, an hour, or even longer, but what does this mean?

Her Royal Highness Princess of the Moon, you must not forget your original intention ...

The situation is wrong.

Yilin stopped the sword in her hand, she stepped forward, and stepped down a step again. At the same time, the long sword in her hand passed a full moon curve, and then the shadow monster pounced in all directions screamed and disappeared. It's gone. But Irene's face did not show any excited and satisfied expression, instead, her face became more and more serious. Obviously, at this time, Eileen also felt that things were unusual. This was the first test. But from the current point of view, these ghost monsters did not pose any threat to themselves, but they were more annoying. This is my first test. So what kind of test do I have to pass?

Thinking of this, Yi Lin's heart moved, could it be ...

"Control of the dark things is the first obstacle that Eileen has to face."

Rhodes explained to the others with certainty.

"Do n’t forget, the ultimate purpose of this trial is to inherit the Dragon Spirit of the Dark Dragon, and the rules of darkness are paramount in the Dragon Soul continent. The power of the Shadow Canyon itself comes from the darkness, so as the successor of the Dragon Spirit Learning to master and control the power of darkness is almost a matter of course. These shadow monsters really do not pose any threat to Irene, but in turn, why did Irene destroy them? They were born in the darkness, destroyed in the darkness, they It is the people of darkness, and as the dark dragon who controls the power of darkness, if even monsters derived from his own power cannot control, then how to control the power of the dark dragon soul? "

"Is that so ?!"

Hearing here, An Jielin nodded characteristically. As a blood-sucking species, she is also a noble in the night, and naturally understands Rhode's meaning. But soon, Angeline frowned a little, and asked anxiously.

"But ... there will be no problem with Her Highness Elin."

"I think……………"

Having said that, Rhode glanced at the scene in front of him, and then the corners of his mouth flickered slightly.

"I think ... Ill have no problem."

"Alas ........."

With the shriek of roar, various twisted and weird monsters emerged from the dark shadows again. They twisted their bloated bodies and exposed sharp minions to the girl in front of them. As soon as the next moment, they will swoop up completely, tearing the prey in front of them into pieces.

But this time, Eileen did not raise her sword. She just stood there quietly, stretched out her right hand, and silently stared at the monsters in front of her.

"Back down."

The girl's clear voice echoed in the dim corridor, her voice was not loud, and there was no coercion. Just very calm, bland and ordinary. It's like telling a fact. But I don't know when the roaring and roaring sounds gradually disappeared, and the shadow monsters curled up their bodies, staring blankly at the girl in front of them. I don't know why. Just now, they suddenly felt that an extremely powerful force dominated themselves, let them give up the instinct to kill, and chose to obediently obey each other's orders.

"Woo ..............."

With the low humming body, the shadow monsters gradually disappeared in the shadows and darkness, and disappeared, and until this moment, the originally dark corridor suddenly became bright. The staircase that seemed to be missing all the way disappeared and was replaced by a gorgeous, heavy wooden door.

When she saw the wooden door, Yi Lin smiled a little proudly.

It looks like he succeeded. (To be continued ...)

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