Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 613: Bloodstained Front (Part 1)

The borderline of defense in the east of the country of light-broken teeth.

The damage caused by the Chaos monsters before is still clearly visible. The towering walls are full of various depressions and potholes. The broken and collapsed walls fall to the ground like injured beasts. The player corps and war angels who had previously stationed here have all evacuated, but it is not completely unpopulated here. I saw the armed soldiers faintly seen under the broken city wall. However, they were not so serious and nervous. On the contrary, almost everyone's face was filled with fear, anxiety and doubt. This is no wonder, because they are not ordinary soldiers. On the contrary, these soldiers are the ones who gave up their positions and fled in the previous battle with chaos. After that battle, these guys were arrested by Rhodes and sent back all the players. Although they did not think of resistance, under the players' hands, these soldiers are almost no different from the pigs. In addition, these players were originally very dissatisfied with this group of soldiers abandoning them to flee alone and they had to face a lot of chaotic monsters, so naturally they made great efforts to arrest these deserters. Because of this, these unlucky deserters were able to be captured in such a short time. In fact, they were also surprised why they would be arrested if they were found. In fact, many soldiers chose to hide their whereabouts in the deserted old forests and wilderness Gobi after that, but to their surprise, no matter where they hid, those hunters who fell from the sky would be the shortest. Appeared in front of himself in time, and then stunned and took them away. When they woke up again, they found that they had been sent back to the front again. This is where they fled. They certainly didn't know what was going on, and in order to catch these deserters, Rhodes made a lot of money. The runaway of the kingdom of light is arguably the most unpleasant part of his plan, and it also hurts morale. This inertia can be contagious. Once people in other places know that while they are working hard to fight chaos, the idiots of the country of light have given up their duties and ran to seek refuge in the back, then it is definitely not a good thing for them. Not only that, in order to prevent this from happening again, Rhodes had to choose to kill the chickens and show the monkeys, if other people would not see how severe the punishment for escape was. Then such things will happen again and again, so Rhodes put a lot of effort this time. As for the pursuit of these deserters, it is much simpler. After that battle, Rhodes found Alice and used her history tracing ability to search all the names of those deserters. Because of the demon of history, it holds the history of everything in the world. So that through Alice's historical retrospection, Rhodes can even determine who ran away at the beginning of the battle, which ran away after shaking the army, and which ones did not retreat until they finally could n’t hold it. . Therefore, Rhodes can be sure that he has never wronged a good person, nor has he let a bad person off-of course, this is based on the accuracy of Alice's historical records. But for Rhodes, Alice's history must be accurate. In other words, "must" is accurate.

There are now more than 5,000 deserters gathered here. These are the first and second types of soldiers in Rhodes classification (that is, the first and second escapes). As for the soldiers who fled to the end and saw hopelessness, Rhodes also arrested them, but he did not impose capital punishment on them. After all, in that case, even one's own hindrances, retreating and taking action are not unforgivable. But even then they are subject to quite severe punishment. After that, the captured soldiers were sent by Rhodes to the second line of defense to take charge of the frontline patrol. In other words, if the war spreads to the second line of defense, then they are the first to contact the enemy. This is for soldiers who have experienced first hand how scary Chaos monsters are. It is already an unimaginable brutal punishment.

However, if they learn of what happened to their companions. Then I'm afraid I won't lament how unlucky I am.

As for the soldiers who battled with the players to the end, Rhodes also gave a very rich reward. Not only gave them a lot of wealth, improved their status, and even let some soldiers who lost their combat capabilities after the battle leave the front battlefield. This can also be regarded as a renewed confidence for those soldiers stationed and insisting on the front line. After all, merit is rewarded, which is Rhodes' creed.

Of course, the same goes for penalties for mistakes. While hello, hello, everyone, commend the merit of the main theme series, Rhode naturally did not let go of the punishment of those defectors. To be on the safe side, Rhodes removed all war angels and players here. Although the Broken Tooth is the closest to the front line in the first line of defense, it is not the only one. Therefore, even if it is captured here, it will not affect the security of the entire line of defense too much. Of course, Rhodes won't let it be so easy to fall into-because he has prepared enough "soldiers".

As for the other point, the scene of disposing of these soldiers is not suitable for being seen by others.

Imagine how surprised the expressions were when these soldiers opened their eyes again and woke up from a coma but found themselves back on the battlefield where they had fled before.

"What's going on? How come we come back here?"

"How the **** did this happen ?!"

When opening his eyes and seeing the familiar almost scary scene in front of him, many soldiers stood up for the first time and stared anxiously at the companions around them. Although many of these people belong to different legions, many of them also know each other. After a moment of effort, they realized their current situation and the truth of the people around them. Identity, this made them more turbulent.

At this moment, these soldiers are in the playground of the Broken Tooth, which is a place for training on weekdays. Accommodating these deserters is naturally not a problem. And the soldiers themselves remained as they were when they were unconscious, and even the weapons were not taken away from them. Not only that, they were surprised to find that the entire playground, except for themselves. None of the others. That is, there are no armed guards who should appear in their own heads, and nobles in Chinese clothes. On the contrary, this fortress feels so indifferent, it seems that there is no one. The black hole window and half-covered door were so empty that even some soldiers shivered instinctively. For a moment, they even thought that there was no other life in this world except for themselves and others.

But at this time. A proud voice sounded.

"Are you finally awake? Residues? Really, it really made Miss Ben wait so long. What a waste."

Hearing this voice, the soldiers instinctively looked towards the place where the voice was emitted, and then. They couldn't help but be taken aback.

I saw at this moment a beautiful young girl with black hair and scarlet eyes sitting on the towering city wall, wearing a black dress up and down. At this moment, she just wrapped her hands around her chest, narrowed her eyes, and looked at the junk-like expression with cold eyes, and swept across the confused people in front of her. Many people feel instinctively cold when they feel the eyes of a girl. The scarlet eyes were so cold, they even gave people a sense of fear as if a snake crawled over their backs.

"Who are you? !!! Want to treat us?!" ...

Perhaps it was because of seeing a young girl appearing in front of herself, and soon a few bold soldiers spoke angrily. Although the situation in front of anyone can see that it is absolutely abnormal. But perhaps because their weapons are still around, the courage of these deserters is also much greater. Along with their wrath, the other soldiers gathered, looking around with vigilant and restless eyes.

"Your dregs and pariahs are not qualified to know Miss Ben's identity."

Facing the anger of the soldiers, Celestina snorted coldly, and she raised her head proudly. Then stared coldly at the soldiers in front of them. For these deserters, Serestina didn't look any better. The punishment for the defectors in **** will make them hate why they did not die to death, but now. After getting Rhode's authorization, Serestina apparently intends to relive the feeling of **** here.

Thinking of this, Serestina's eyes flashed with a gleam of cold mixed with joy, and then she smiled and said.

"Listen, you scumbags of deserters, you have renounced your responsibilities and fled from your battlefield. Now is the time to punish your savage and incompetent idiots! According to the order of the master , From now on, all of you will be on guard here, no one is allowed to leave without permission, otherwise let's kill ......... "Speaking here, Serestina paused strangely, and then she revealed something on her face. An expectant smile. "Now do you understand?"

"What a joke !!!"

Although Celestina's announcement surprised these soldiers, it may be because there are no armed guards around them and there is no powerful existence to suppress them, and Celestina appears to be just An ordinary aristocratic girl, which made these soldiers anger and dissatisfaction soon after hearing Serestina's words.

"Want to lock us up here! We don't want to die, we are just humans, there is no way to deal with those monsters! Dealing with monsters should be the work of monsters!"

"Yeah, those officials always hide behind, but let us go to the front line to fight against enemies that can never be defeated. They just want us to die to give them time to survive! Why do we go for those guys? Damn !!! They have the ability to go to the front line by themselves! "

"That's why we don't do it! You kill us if you have a kind of--"

So far.

The next moment, a spear with burning flames pierced through the soldier shouting "Some kind kills us", and then saw a huge dog head monster in the flame rising from the ground. Striding out, looking at the soldier who was struggling with his flame spear in front of his eyes, he grinned and revealed a stingy smile. Then he slammed his spear like this. The next moment, the soldier fell to the ground like this, twitching and no more movement.

"Devil, devil !!"

Many people screamed in surprise when they saw the monster in front of them. It was not until this time that they found out that they did not know when the raging red flames burst out in all directions, and then held the spear in one hand, and the weird and terrifying dog-headed monster walked out of the flame, just blinking Time, they completely surrounded everyone. The sudden scene in front of me also surprised many people. They instinctively pulled out their weapons and stared uneasily at the dog-headed monster in front of them. At this time, Celestina's voice sounded again.

"Want to die? Wouldn't it be easy to die? But Miss Ben wouldn't let you die so easily, whimper ... Miss Ben would have to see, what else do you have?"

"Brothers. Copy guys, fight with these demons, we kill them !!"

Although these dog-headed devil are very powerful, their number is not large, and there are only a few hundred that surround the entire playground. There are thousands of these deserters. I don't know if it is because of fear or the advantage of the number gives them enough confidence. Soon many soldiers drank and drew their weapons, turned their heads and rushed towards the gate outside the playground. And see this scene. Serestina narrowed her eyes and snorted softly.

"A bunch of dregs, now that you have made your choices, Miss Ben doesn't need to say much."

As she said, Serestina stretched out her hand and slammed her fingers.

"Uh --- !!!!"

With the movement of Serestina, I saw a huge bright red magical array with a strange and evil atmosphere suddenly appearing on the empty ground. Soon, a thin black mist emerged. The soldiers didn't even have time to respond before, so they were shrouded in darkness. Immediately afterwards, they saw their actions slowly slow down. As if drunk, just supported for a moment and collapsed to the ground.

"This, what's going on?"

One of the soldiers looked in horror at the long sword in front of him. At this moment, he felt very weird, and his whole body fell to the ground as if drunk. But in contrast, his brain was extremely awake. Although he tried to move his body, he couldn't even move it. But soon, he didn't have time to think about such trivial matters, because at this time, with the sound of heavy footsteps, I saw those dog-headed devils with flames burning all over him. Feeling the sight of the opponent with cruel excitement, the soldier in front of him trembled, he raised his head in horror, looked at the devil in front of him, opened his mouth, but could not make a sound. And almost at the same time, Serestina's sweet and pleasant voice reappeared in everyone's ears.

"The master said, trying to escape, killing no pardon ......... be obedient to death, remnants, please please me with your sorrow and screams!"

As Serise Tina's voice fell, I saw the dog-headed devil lifted a fire spear like this, pierced the soldier's abdomen in front of him, then raised it up, and with its movement, the soldier's abdomen was completely opened. Blood and viscera flew out of it and scattered on the ground. If it were weekdays, if I had suffered such a treatment, I am afraid that soldier had already passed out in pain. But now it is completely different. Although he also felt the pain of the bones, his brain was extremely awake, without any trace of chaos. Because of this, the pain of being dissected apart from the body was exactly the same. In his brain, the unfortunate soldier could do nothing but open his mouth and make a scream.


From then on, screams emerged above the fortress, and the dog-headed devil walked among the soldiers like this, waving the flame spear in their hands to cut through their bodies, cruelly and excitedly enjoying the extremely terrible scene in front of them. . For those soldiers, this is the ultimate cruel punishment. They have never encountered such a thing. Obviously the body was cut, penetrated, hands and feet cut off, burning. But he could not escape at all, and the pain of his limbs was introduced into their brains so clearly that they could do nothing but forcibly endure such pain.

"No, no, please, please let me go!"

"Don't, help ............... !!!"

Listening to the wailing of the crowd, Serestina closed her eyes, exposing her intoxication as if she was listening to a moving symphony. Her right hand was beaten with the wailing of the crowd, as if cooperating. With this beautiful song. Then, Celestina raised her right hand and slid gently in the air.

"So, let's begin ......... Eternal darkness and death, listen to my call, and give these residues eternal pain and torture!"

With the call of Celestina, the dark fog became thicker and thicker, and they rolled around to wrap up the soldiers who fell on the ground, but disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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