Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 221: Rabes' request

It is for this reason that when Rhode announced the participants of the mission, he specifically excluded Marlene, Li Jie and Anne. These three people are the guarantee of the mercenary regiment's combat effectiveness, but on the other hand, if they are present, Rhodes will be very difficult to try to create regiment destruction. These girls are very clever people, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not I noticed something, so in order to avoid accidents, Rhodes finally decided to exclude them. Of course, Rhodes is of course impossible to tell the truth, but in the name of "You need to strengthen your training for the Midsummer Festival", will They stayed. However, for this reason, Marin and others did not feel so strange, so they accepted it. Of course, for the same reason, Lando and Joey did not participate in the mission. Instead, this time, Rhodes brought Shana and her men with Kavos and others. He can't just take Kavos and others now, because this may give them the illusion that their status has been improved, so Rhodes chose to let Shana split half of his staff and follow her to the unicorn Feng, in order to balance the power of Kavos, after the Blackrock Abyss, these people have gradually shown signs of integration into the mercenary regiment, but this is not enough. If the pressure can not be maintained, they will recover after a while. As it is, of course, Rhodes is unwilling to let his efforts go in vain-otherwise the Blackstone Abyss is not gone?

It's just that not everything is in Rhode's grasp.

Because this time Rabis didn't know where she heard about it, he found Rhodes, hoping that he could take himself to the Unicorn Peak.

Rhodes had almost forgotten that Rabis was an alchemist-this profession is also somewhat related to archeology. But Rhodes didn't understand, why did Rabes choose to go to the Unicorn Peak? If she just wanted to go to the ruins, why did she not say a word when she went to the Black Pine Ruins and the Black Stone Abyss herself?

However, in the face of this question, Rabes refused to answer. She only said that she wanted to go to the Unicorn Peak to find something. It was very helpful for Alchemy. As for what was Rabes Refuse to say. This girl who would be scared in the battle and squatting directly on the ground and holding her head with her hands showed extraordinary persistence at this time. Although Rhode's question embarrassed her, the girl still refused to disclose the specific content. There is a spirit that can be broken, blood can flow, and words can't be messed up.

This made Rhodes a little curious. He knows that many people have their own secrets. This is not surprising, but something like Rabis is definitely not an ordinary thing. Maybe it will be an additional personal task. If it is really In this way, there is nothing wrong with letting her follow. You must know that the difference in the combat effectiveness of Rabis is definitely the second lowest in the mercenary regiment. Even the scholars of Ophenia are probably better than her. In case something happens, Rhodes can completely abandon those guys under the pretext of protecting Rabes, and let them face the danger alone. After all, for the mercenary, his companion is also very important. Isn't it?

And if they did, then even if something happened to the poor group of Ophenia, no one would blame themselves.

From this point, Rabis is a good shield.

It was with this in mind that Rhodes finally agreed to Rabis's request. So in the end, the members who participated in the **** mission were headed by Rhodes, Qilian, Shana, Rabis, and Kavos. As for the security of the mercenary base, it was temporarily handed over to Marin.

In these days, Qilian has gradually integrated into the team. Her surname is cheerful and lively, and she is very beautiful and very popular. Although being the Lord of the Elements of Fire, Qilian does not have those shelves. She gets along well with many mercenaries, but in just a few days, Qilian ’s reputation among mercenaries has chased Anne, Marlene and Lijie "Old man".

Now her only flaw is that unlike the previous three, Qilian has not really fought with the mercenaries. As mercenaries, they may admire those beautiful women, but they will not consider them as their companions. Only after fighting with them in life and death will they recognize your identity.

And this mission, for Qi Lian, was an opportunity for her to fully gain the mercenary's approval.

Rhodes was fast, and on the morning of the third day, the mercenaries had gone to the gate of the city fully armed, where they soon saw the Ophenia who had been notified. Although the genius is just now bright, these Ophelia are already dressed, packed, and ready to go. Seeing Rhodes coming with his mercenaries, the headed old man quickly rushed forward.

"You are finally here, Mr. Rhodes."

"Hope I didn't be late."

Looking up at the sky before him, Rhode nodded and greeted the old man. The old man nodded in return, and when he saw Qilian standing next to Rhodes, he was slightly surprised. Obviously, both from the appearance and personal style, Qilian has enough attraction, even an old scholar can't help but be attracted to her. However, the old scholar did not lose his temper. He just surprised his eyes on Qilian's ears and tail for a moment, then quickly closed it.

"So, can we go?"

"That's for sure."

Rhode made a gesture.

"Please rest assured that we will guarantee your safety."

"Hey, did you see that?"

While Rhodes was talking to the old scholar, the others behind the old scholar were talking, they talked to each other, and said curiously and doubtfully.

"What's going on with that lady? Do you think she's a half-beast?"

"It's not like ...... Half-beast's beast characteristics are not obvious. According to the literature, half-beasts will be transformed into beasts only after being stimulated. Should there be no difference between Ping Yue and humans?"

"But what about her ears and tail?"

"Can it be an ornament? I heard that in some remote places, some ethnic groups have such strange behaviors ..."

"But it looks like it's alive."

"Ahem! All right, shut up for me."

While everyone was developing their own academic discussion spirit and talking, one person stepped out, stopped their whispering, and then quietly warned.

"Don't forget, they are the ones who protect us. According to the information that the master heard from the mercenary association, the mercenary regiment is very strong. We must rely on their guard to complete the task, and do not invite unnecessary Trouble. Understood? This is their personal matter and it has nothing to do with us. You just have to do what you should do. "

Hearing this man's words, the rest closed their mouths quickly, and then they followed the mercenaries and walked out of the gate.


It wasn't until the moment when she passed through the heavy city gate that Rabis breathed a long breath. She looked around uneasily, but looked at the crowd who could only see the black pressure. Among these people, she should be safe Well ... thought of this, the girl could not help but let go of her heart, she relaxed her finger, then raised her head, and looked at Rhode's back.

Would the leader be angry if he knew the truth? He is a very serious person. If he knows that he is hiding something from him ...



Qi Lian's voice suddenly appeared from Rabes' ear. The scared girl screamed. She hurriedly subconsciously tightened her cloak to cover her head. Then she took a few steps back and looked at Qi in front of her uneasily. love.

"Miss Seven and Seven Love! Is there anything wrong?"

"It's nothing, it just looks a little absent-minded, so it's curious."

In the face of Labis' inquiry, Qilian showed a naughty smile. She approached the girl, staring at her eyes, wondering why, looking at Qilian's eyes, Labis couldn't help but feel dizzy, as if that It is a bottomless vortex that will completely devour itself.

"Do you have any thoughts on Rabis? Would you like to tell me? I promise not to tell anyone?"

"I ......... I'm just worried ........."

In the seductive voice of Qilian, Rabis said hesitantly, but her words were normal, but the girl suddenly woke up. She quickly took two steps back, and then seized her cloak.

"Yes, no, sorry, Ms. Qilian, I'm fine, but I'm just a little nervous, so ... I, I'll check it out later."

Having said this, Rabis didn't wait for Qi Lian to answer, and hurriedly turned into the mercenary group. And until her figure disappeared, Qi Lian then retracted the meaningful look that had been looking at the back, then narrowed her eyes, swept away into the distant forest, and then closed it back. Soon, Qilian came to Rhodes and laughed softly.

"the host?"

"Eh? What are you doing? Seven love?"

"What are you going to do with that elf?"

Qi Lian raised the question lightly, but for her sudden inquiry, Rhode did not show the expression of surprise at all, and it was obvious that he seemed to have noticed something.

"It depends on herself."

Staring at the road ahead, Rhodes said.

"I believe this may be a good opportunity."

Then he closed his eyes.

"Whatever you see, pretend not to see, understand?"

"Of course, master, I know what you mean."

Qi love smiled and stopped talking.

At this moment, in the distant forest, a figure covered with leaves all over his body slowly stood up, through the gap, carefully observed the mercenaries in the distance. Then he held out a hand, and soon a bird flew down from the air and landed on the man's hand.

Then a hoarse voice sounded.

"Notify everyone that the Oriole has finally appeared."

(To be continued)

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