Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 486: Ancient equipment

It's no wonder that Rhodes and Canary are so serious and serious, because the equipment Malin took from the ashes of the demon duke are all superb divine costumes-although I don't know when the demon duke existed, but From the fact that Rhodes has never heard of this in the game, it can be seen that it must have existed for a long time, and as a chaotic existence, the demon duke must have a lot of loot from the lower world. And now the equipment that Marin handed over completely confirmed Rod's conjecture.

Rhode reached out and took the black ring. It doesn't look like the exquisite ornate of most magic equipment now, and the black paint is even a little rough, but for Rhode, who is proficient in the history of the dragon soul continent, the more so The more powerful the equipment is, the simpler and rougher it is, but the equipment containing powerful magical power is generally a product of the ancient war era. That is the first time after the creation of the five dragons taught the mysteries of magic to the creatures on the ground. Start trying to make magic items. At that time, because there was no mastery of the magic order, the process of making magic props was also poor and it was difficult to mass produce. But because of this, the power of magic equipment made from that era is simply indistinguishable from the current magic props.

Right now, the ring in Rhodes's hand is one of them.

[Hisco's fantasy (ancient, legendary, silver) — the glory of the family is always the same, the power of the element is the eternal manifestation of the multiverse, the crowned king returns to the throne after all, without any restraint]

[Majesty of the King-Elemental Resistance +30]

[Guardian of the King-immune to spells other than the five rings]

[The King's Sanction-Devour Devourer (Rank 7) can be used once per day, sealing his spells (outside the third ring), and controlling the skills used]

Just the function described by this ring is enough to make Rhodes feel that he has not escaped in vain this time, and Rhodes is satisfied with just being immune to spells below the fifth ring. This shows that as long as the ring is worn, those intermediate wizards cannot do any harm to themselves. Not to mention [Magic Devour], this skill may seem bland on the surface, but anyone familiar with the mage knows what it means-once you use Magic Devour, Rhodes can immediately target one Self, and the spells below the peak legend level are sealed up, and they can even **** the right to indulge in the method directly for their own use.

With such equipment, Rhodes is definitely a threat in the battle with the mage. As long as this ring is held, then not only will Rhodes be immune to most of their release in the battle with the mage. Spells can even use their power to turn against themselves. Imagine that when Rhode rushed close to them and forcibly robbed the opponent's defense at the same time, then the mage who had lost the protection spell power was nothing but Rhodes to be slaughtered. If there are any flaws, then only the Magic Devour ability can only be used once a day, and it can only target one spell at a time.

But being a person cannot always be greedy.

The ancient equipment was really unusual. Looking at the ring surname shown in front of him, Rhode couldn't help sighing. Each surname on this ring could appear on the Dragon Soul Continent even if it appeared on any piece of equipment alone. Sky-high prices are sold in the world, but at the same time, these three surnames are collected in their hands, which are called artifacts. Thinking of this, Rhodes can't help but sigh good luck. The demon duke who owns this equipment is not something that ordinary people can win. Fortunately, Canary and Bubble come up directly when the peak spell hits the past, otherwise it might be troublesome. It will be a little bigger.

Thinking of this, Rhodes also quickly converged his thoughts, and then he showed Canary and Bubble through the spiritual connection that the equipment's surname was, and they were amazed to see the ring's surname, as a cast Or, they knew the important surname of the ring better than Rhodes.

"Wow ... there is such a good thing, I want to kill it back and do it again."

"This ... is really tricky equipment for the mage. Even in the game, I don't want to meet opponents with such equipment."

Hearing Canary and Bubble's answer, Rhodes couldn't help but feel a little proud, and at the same time he was a little bit embarrassed-he actually likes this life more. In the game, after playing the boss, a group of people talked about the equipment and talked about it. Show envy, envy and hate while discussing how to use this equipment and what tactics to use. But mercenaries often do not live as freely as players, and they do n’t understand the role of a piece of equipment as much as players do. After all, mercenaries do not have the adventure experience of players. They may be able to see that the equipment dropped is very powerful, but most of them are at the level of "unknown but sensible", so many times Rhodes can only get the equipment by himself. For others, they simply don't understand the value of equipment. This made Rhodes a bit boring. But now, looking at the conversation between Canary and Little Bubble Gum, Rhode smiled. Then he lowered the ring in his hand and picked up the second piece of equipment.

It was a silver and white necklace that looked like it was made of silver at a glance, but if you look closely, you will find that the white silver light on this necklace is constantly flowing under the sun, just like a silver one. A stream of silver water frozen in some kind of transparent imprisonment.

This is --- flowing silver.

Just seeing the material of this necklace, Rhodes couldn't help but breathe out. The flowing silver is really a legendary magic mineral. That is the source of the magic mystery that flows into the mortal world from the sea of ​​magic in ancient times. This substance can be regarded as a mineral or a magic material. It can be used to create weapons and also to make magic equipment. But unfortunately, after the ancient war, due to the depletion of the sea of ​​magic, the flow of silver also completely disappeared. As for the equipment it built, most of it also went missing.

It seems that the Duke of Demons is really old enough.

Rhodes was also stunned at this moment. He once again found that although he did not know who the demon duke ’s name was, but from these two pieces of equipment, it can be determined that this guy is definitely a monster in the ancient war period. Fortunately, this guy was sealed With the strength, otherwise it really frees it, it is not yet known what the outcome will be.

And the red gem inlaid on this necklace was a gem at first glance, but when Rhode looked carefully, he discovered that this is a crystal of soul—that is, an existence condensed by a human soul. It The appearance of is extremely bright, but when you look closely, you can find a blurred, solidified, painful human face on the surface of this red crystal.

Soon, under Rhode's censorship, the necklace's surname was fully revealed.

[Prison of the Soul (Ancient, Legend, Gold) — None of the betrayers will not be punished, and their sins cannot be washed away even by time]

[Captive Soul—Human (All Surnames +5)]

[Benevolence on the slave is an insult to himself—soul acquisition (permanent) (1/1) (available once per day), the holder can designate a life, and acquire its soul, subject to will identification]

[Glory to die for the master—soul sacrifice, in the state of the soul prisoner, you can choose to bear a lethal attack instead of the holder]

[Do not dispel, liberate]

[Silver (The waves of the sea of ​​magic echo in your ears)-Holder's soul power increased by 30%]

I went here ...

After watching the necklace's surname, not only was Rod stunned, but even Canary and Little Bubble Gum were rare in silence. They did not marvel at the evil and horror of this necklace. For players, equipment is equipment. There is no like or dislike, but just the family name on this necklace makes Rhodes completely lose his language. Obviously, this necklace is most likely from the equipment of a devil grandfather in hell, which can be seen from these vicious and evil instructions. But none of this is important for Rhodes. Instead, what he values ​​most is the third note.

When a soul prisoner exists, he can choose to take a lethal attack instead of the holder.

What this statement means is self-evident, which is almost equivalent to the second life. Once wearing this necklace, it means that Rhodes can escape in the event of death and choose a soul to bear the death instead of himself. Not only that, after losing this soul, Rhodes can also start the soul acquisition to recapture a new soul, and during the period of soul imprisonment, he can even get the opponent's surname bonus. Coupled with the 30% increase in soul power that comes with the silver, this necklace can be said to be an artifact among the artifacts. If used well, Rhodes will almost never be able to face a mortal situation like today. Although the cat can't have nine lives so exaggerated, if used properly, Rhodes can master up to three lives.

If there are any shortcomings in this necklace, it is the soul acquisition that requires firm will and incapable of liberating the soul in captivity, but for Rhodes, the first one has little effect, at most it is just a fat on the mind It was the second point that made him need to pay attention to it, which means that when he later acquired his soul, he needed to figure out his goal. If he made a mistake, he couldn't put it out. Although it is not clear what the soul feels after being imprisoned, Rhodes can imagine that it must not be a good feeling.

"Head, this thing is too exaggerated ..............."

"Yeah, Rhodes, if we really played this thing in the game, maybe the guild would even split up ..."


Hearing Canary's sigh, Rhodes nodded his head deeply, even in the game, the player always has a head. Some powerful equipment will condense the power of the guild, but the overpowering equipment will only bring destruction, and now this necklace of Rhodes belongs to the latter. With such exaggerated equipment belonging to the surname, I am afraid to recognize it even if it was kicked out of the guild ......... but fortunately, no one here will compete with this necklace for themselves, although canaries and bubbles Paul is also jealous of this family name, but they also know that wearing them is not very useful, but even so, the two still forced Rod to swear that after putting on these, they must go out and give them some equipment to return-anyway now With these two legendary equipment in hand, in addition to those too exaggerated copies, which one can not be Rhodes?

After two consecutive rounds of shock, Rhodes and others were almost numb, and he even began to take the third one with a mood of "I will not be surprised if the artifact is really opened next." Equipment, the bracer that looks like it's forged in brass. But after seeing his family name, Rhodes almost burst out of blood. He looked strangely at the brass wristband in his hand, completely ignorant of what to say.

[Long Wing (Ancient, Fantasy, Bronze) —It was born from chaos, forged from death as a furnace, walking in the gaps of space in accordance with the order of the arrangement]

[Guardian of Space—Any attack on the holder will have a 35% chance to automatically offset and lose the target]

[Will of Order—Scepter of Order (level 5) (available once per day), holder can cast (5sx5s) area of ​​order territory, immune to the influence of chaotic power]

[Rage of Chaos-Chaos Shadows (Rank 1) (available once per day), holders can cast (3sx3s) area of ​​Chaos Shadows, and will conduct a round of resistance identification for the existence of them except the holders] (30 will), those who fail the identification will be affected, the effect is equivalent to the chaos boundary]

[Eternal existence-equipment cannot be destroyed]

[Strength of Starfall-Holder Strength Level +3]

The bonus on this surname cannot be underestimated, the deflection probability of 35% can be said to be very high, and the +3 power level is enough to make Rhode's power comparable to those of the legendary true giants. Not to mention how powerful the scepter of order and the shadow of chaos are. The scepter of order can create a field of order within the size of 500 meters x 500 meters within chaos, protecting everyone from the influence of chaos. This is for Rhodes' later plans. Is extremely advantageous. Not to mention the chaotic shadow. Although the range of the effect of 300 meters x 300 meters is slightly narrower, the effect equivalent to the chaos boundary has completely made up for this defect. Rhode has just experienced the effects of the chaos world firsthand, and naturally knows that if one does not pass the resistance appraisal, the strength will be directly reduced to a single step, and it will cause great confusion and weaken the power of magic and order. However, the level of Chaos Shadow is only 1 and its resistance to resistance is 30, which shows that compared with the orthodox chaos world, this copycat version is still a bit far away. Rhodes has no problem dealing with those master figures, but it is not possible to deal with the legendary field.

But Rhode is not concerned about this, his gaze is focused on the description of the long-winged genus-fantasy.

Among the Dragon Soul continents, fantasy first-order equipment is extremely rare, because their essence is between "existence" and "non-existence". Unlike the other two pieces of equipment, although they are very high-level, they are all It is something that “exists in its own right”, but unlike fantasy equipment, it may or may not exist. There are some meanings that "you think it exists, then it exists, you think it does not exist, then it does not exist".

Because of this, the only thing that could get fantasy-level equipment in the game was rare, and Rhodes didn't expect that Marlene was so straightforward for the first time. Thinking of this, Rhode could not help looking up and looked at Malin ......... No matter in terms of career or luck, this young lady is really a daughter.

Compared to the first three pieces of equipment, the last piece of equipment is obviously a bit weird-it looks like an ordinary pocket of space, but both Rhodes and Canary can detect the powerful magic seal from above. Obviously, there should be something very important in it. But Rhodes and Canary thought for a long time, but they couldn't open this little space pocket.

"It's strange, head."

Taking his hands away from this gray pocket, Canary frowned.

"I can feel that the magic inside is very powerful, but ... the seal on it is also very troublesome. Although I can lift the seal with my power, it is also very likely to destroy the contents inside. Unless I find the right Password and removal method, otherwise I do n’t think we can open it. "

"Then there's no way."

Rhode reached out and stroked the appearance of this space pocket, and observed him carefully, and at this moment, Rhode suddenly saw in the lower left corner of this space pocket, a strange red rose-shaped eccentric rune sign, in this black Under the rose, six poisonous snakes twisted and twisted, forming a circle and enclosing it. I don't know why. When he saw the sign, Rhodes suddenly felt familiar, as if he had seen the same thing somewhere.

Speaking of it, it really seems like ...

Thinking of this, Rhodes flashed in his mind and seemed to think of something. Then, he quickly opened his inner spiritual connection, connected all the calling spirits, and passed the influence of this gray package.

"Do any of you influence this thing?"


As soon as Rhodes's voice fell, a scream suddenly sounded, and then the voice of Celestina's despondency appeared in Rhodes' ear.

"That's Miss Ben's stuff. Hurry back, Master!"

(To be continued)

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