Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 76: Army of Fire (1)

This is an extraordinary day for the Winter Palace.

Whether it's those big men who stand tall, or the little shrimps who are responsible for patrolling and guarding, this day seems very tense, and the atmosphere of the entire winter castle is even a little heavy. This is not because the Undead Army has broken through the third line of defense and is about to reach the Winter Castle. Nor was it because Lilian had set off and was on the way to the front. It was because of the news that the Principality of Munn, Lord of Pafield-Glenber, Lord, was going to lead his men to the Winter Winter Castle and join the United Army.

When the news was heard, the atmosphere of the entire Winter Castle almost entered the state of first-class readiness. This was a very rare, almost arguable, event that never happened. The arrival of an ally led to a comparable war. State of martial arts.

But as long as you understand the problem, you can understand why Rhodes's arrival will cause a more tense situation than the undead army's attack. The parliament of the Light this time organized a joint army, and of course the sphere of influence it responded to was the territory and the Principality that were relatively close to the Winter Winter Castle. However, being near to Winter Castle means that the power of the reflective council here will be huge. In fact, this is also true. Almost half of the army calling for the Parliament of Light to respond to the various territories that came here this time are members of the Reflective Parliament. They sent soldiers here for no more than It is to avoid the fall of the winter castle, then they will face the undead army directly. At that time, it was not only the soldiers who lost, but even the people on their territory and even themselves were threatened by death. It is also because of this level of concern that the territories and forces of these reflective parliaments will promise to send troops to join the coalition.

However, this does not mean that they will obey the orders of the Light Council as much as they can. Like Rhodes and the Light Council, they are also worried that the Light Council will take the opportunity to let their soldiers die, thereby weakening the reflective The strength of the parliament, but now, nominally, it is still the commander-in-chief of the light country. They just wanted to find an excuse to oppose it, but they were not in a hurry, because it wouldn't be long before the "Savior" appeared before them.

That was the Principality of Munn, Lord Pafield-Glenber, Rhodes.

The Lord Lord is a pioneer of the reflective parliament, and he is even more radical than all of them. The previous three chapters of the law have also made everyone see. The Lord Lord is definitely not the kind that can be tolerated for ambitious goals. The most important thing is that Rhodes has a brilliant and sturdy record of the undead army. Compared with the group of wastes in a series of losing streak and losing streak, the country of light, he made a verdict. Under his command, even if the army was lost, he was willing, anyway, maybe he could really block the undead legion. But the group of wastes handed over to the kingdom of light may be dead for nothing!

Because of this, at this moment in the joint army has been completely divided into two factions, one of which is the country of light and the forces that support it. The other faction is the power of the reflective country. This makes the Council of Light worrying. They are not fools. As long as a normal person has eyes, you can see that once Rhode arrives, the [***] Department of Light may not be able to maintain the commanding power of the commander in name. . Those guys will definitely scramble for Rhodes. They are not worried that Rhodes will refuse to accept them. After all, these territories have good relations with the Principality of Munn, and Rhodes is also a representative of the Principality of Munn this time and is unlikely to reject them. Request for assistance.

However, in this case, the original "unity" of the United Army may be completely split into two factions!

This is the last thing the Light Council wants to see. At the beginning, they tried their best to build such a joint army under the banner of "All Humanity". On the one hand, it was because it was really impossible for them to rely on themselves. The strength of the undead army to defend the offensive, on the other hand is to show the entire continent of the influence of the light continent as the most powerful country in the continent of light, you see, maybe we have occasional differences between each other, but facing threats, Should those who have opposed us still follow our wishes and orders and fight together side by side. If this hand is successful, then the Council of Light can offset at least part of the impact and impact they have suffered in the Dragon Sacred Code. Because the Council of Light understands that if the Winter Castle really falls, it ’s not just the unlucky ones who are going to die, and everyone will die together. If you do n’t want to die, just be obedient.

At the beginning, the plan of the Council of Light actually progressed very smoothly, although the territorial forces of the Reflective Countries secretly dug out the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the Council of Light from their ancestors. But, on the surface, they also have to obediently obey, no matter what, the light council is "it's true that everybody dies, no one wants to run" is also true, so even if they are upset again, they have to swallow it, according to the light council Said "Abandon prejudices, everyone works together to the outside world ..." ... Damn, those shameless bastards! !! It's as if we were begging you!

But the biggest mistake of the Light Council is that they should not hit Rhodes with their ideas.

They also did not expect that Rhodes would be so shameless. He did not even look at those sounding excuses, and in turn returned to the Light Chapter 3 of the Council of Light, forcing them to accept. In the end, the group of reflective nations that had been swallowing their hearts under the Council of Light would not pretend to be grandchildren anymore. They all raised their heads and raised their heads, and they no longer looked at the country of light and acted. Rhode arrives at Winter Castle, and the crowd gathers under the reflective parliament camp centered on him, and then talks about defending Winter Castle. As for whether they can hold it, they are not worried. For the idiots of the kingdom of light, they might even play drums in their hearts. But looking at Rhodes' record, they obviously have more confidence in the Lord Lord.

Of course, there is a deeper reason forcing them to choose a side station, that is, it is well known that the Light Council has suffered a big loss here in Rhodes, but they can't just let it go. At that time, the Council of Light may not have the courage to attack Rhodes, but it is still possible for these people to bully and bully themselves out of their hearts. Therefore, before this, in order to avoid becoming the punching bag of the Council of Light, they must find a big tree facing the Council of Light, which is luxuriant and not afraid of the thunder, lightning, wind and rain.

And Rhodes is this big tree.

Because of this, it can be said that the dark tide is surging throughout the winter castle. The country of light originally planned to break up the army, but the forces of the country of reflection were resolutely refusing to do so. They used the excuse to say that "the members of the United Army have not yet arrived. It's not too long to mix up and disperse the army ", but everyone knows that they are waiting for their patrons, and when Rhodes arrives, I am afraid these people will go directly to Rhodes without even blinking their eyes. As for the kingdom of light, what else do you want to break up and mix ...? Go for his dreams!

And now, with Rhodes coming, finally, the surging dark tide is about to erupt.

The atmosphere in the entire Winter Castle is extremely serious, and on a high-altitude platform not far away, representatives of various forces have already gathered together, waiting for Rhode's arrival. Dozens of colors and shapes of flags fluttered in the wind, and suddenly they were very spectacular. However, if you take a closer look, you will find that the people who greeted Rhodes were clearly divided into two factions. They were separated by an invisible but red line. They talked to each other, but never looked at each other. At a glance, it was as if no one was there.

The grudges and hatreds of the Reflective Parliament and the Light Council themselves are not decades.

Finally, in this weird atmosphere, two black dots appeared on the sky in the distance. Soon, the horn sounded, and with the light shining in the distance, the people stopped talking. They looked up and looked at the sky with different expressions.

Soon, the huge floating ship appeared in front of everyone.

The huge hull whistled and slowly lowered its height. The torn wind even made a dull sound. With the help of the sun, everyone could clearly see the huge hull, and the two sides of the hull were hanging. The huge banner of Mido, which belongs to Rhodes.

In the center of the dark pennant, a bright and dazzling white cross star hung high. Simple, but full of unprecedented oppression.

Looking at the banner in front of him, Andre felt that he could not help trembling deep in his heart. He clenched his fists tightly, and the surrounding scenery seemed to be distorted again at this moment, transformed into the burning flame. , Death, the ruined city full of broken walls ...............


Sonia's voice sounded behind Andrea, pulling him back to reality from that nightmare.

"I'm fine, Sonia."

Andre lowered his head and sighed softly. He clenched his fists, bit his teeth, and stopped looking at the flag. Because of this, Andrei didn't notice. Behind herself, Sonia looked up and looked at the flag. Then, in the eyes of the girl, there was a strange and bright, excited glory. .

The floating ship slowly moved closer to the platform, and soon, everyone saw Rhodes. He was wearing a black overcoat, with his hands behind his back, and his eyes were staring forward without blinking. Behind him are the hearts of Qilian, Annie and Bran. I have to say that these three girls with different temperaments immediately attracted the attention of many people, and even some people secretly slandered in their hearts. I heard that there are many beautiful women around this lord. Sure enough, as expected. Even such beautiful women rarely see them, but there are actually three beside Rhodes!

Among them, the most eye-catching nature is Qilian, which is single-faced. She is among the top three, plus the fluffy fox ears and tail, which naturally attracted the attention of many men. And Qilian herself was originally a woman full of seductive charm. She even smiled in the corner of her eyes, which was enough to make most men lose their souls.

Following her is Annie. Compared to the seven loves full of foxes, Annie is more like a healthy and lively idol, and the girl ’s dazzling blonde hair is matched with her round, green The eyes, coupled with the good-looking, youthful face, slender figure and slender thighs, also made many people drool in secret.

Although the heart of Bran is not as dazzling as the previous two, but her half-asleep look, coupled with the strange costume of the magician, also brought her a fairly obvious and unique temperament, which made people look Do not forget.

As for Rhodes himself ... not to mention, but no one dares to say that, looking at the frosty expression on Rhodes's face, I know that some rumors are not just as simple as rumors, they have not lived. Enough. Even if you die, you must die under the minions of the undead.

Soon, the floating ship stopped by the platform, and then everyone saw Rhodes step onto the platform. At this time, a member of the [***] department in charge of the entire coalition (at least on the surface) left. Go forward and speak to Rhodes with a stiff smile.

"I welcome the arrival of you and your army on behalf of the entire coalition. Lord Lord, I don't know if you're ready ..." ... Here he raised his head and cast his eyes to Rhode's back, and then, He stayed where he was. Not only him, but even the representatives responsible for welcoming Rhodes in the rear closed their mouths at this time. They opened their eyes wide and stared at the scene in front of them in astonishment. come out.

I saw behind the Rhodes, the sea elves walked out of the boat leisurely under the leadership of Agavy. They were neatly arranged, followed Rhodes quietly, and soon stood in line on the platform. Just looking at these sea-like white bodies with tentacles creeping around in front of me is enough to make many people lose their voices.

What are these? What are they? It looks like an elf, but has never seen an elf like this? And those ... the creepy tentacles ...... what the **** is this?

However, no one has waited for the return of the gods, and the strong stimulus struck again.

"咚 ......... 咚 ........."

With the burning scent of sulfur and flames, full of hot breeze, huge, dark figures appeared on the deck. (To be continued.)

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