Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 93: Destiny of Intersection (I)

For Rhodes, it was a very bold plan. So that when Rhodes thought of this plan, he couldn't help but feel a little excited-although in the game, Rhodes once led the players to see God kill God, see Buddha and kill Buddha, but after all, it was only external force And it is relatively crude and brutal, which is the so-called "in the presence of absolute power, all tactics are meaningless". Of course, this is also related to the player's own mentality. After all, they are just passengers in that world, not inhabitants, so as long as they are cool, who cares whether those countries will be destroyed. How many people will lose their wives because of their briskness. The newborn child has no parents, the white hair sends black hair or something, and the player will not pay attention to this even if the corpse burns across the wild flames.

After all, it's not human, but npc, and it's enough to put affection on virtual characters.

But after truly crossing this world, no matter how you think about it, the people around you can't be as detached and bachelor as the player, so the method used by Rhodes will not work here. So for a long time, he was looking for a breakthrough, trying to use the rules to rediscover a way to achieve his purpose within the framework of this world. Now, Rhodes thought he had finally found it.

"Well, Your Majesty, what are you talking about?"

The representative of the Council of Light stood in front of Lilian, staring at the girl in front of him, stunned, completely unaware of what to say.

"I want to go to Munn and talk to Archduke Lydia about reinforcements."

Lilian sat in her chair, staring quietly at the pale parliamentary representative in front of her. At this moment the girl's face was gone without the cowardice and helplessness that had been shown in front of Rhodes. It was calm and confident. But what she said made everyone present shaking like a thunder.

"The Undead Legion is aggressive, but as far as I can see, it is still difficult for us to fight against the Undead. Therefore, I want to consult with Grand Duke Lydia in this regard, and hope that Muen can deploy a part of the military force to cooperate in defense, and In this way, we can gather forces to better respond to other threats. "

Although naive, but as a ruler, Lilian is not incompetent. Even if she was sitting in this position, she was, after all, educated by the Archangel, and was raised as the successor of the Dragon Spirit of Light.

But what everyone cares about now is not what Lilian said, but the statement made by the successor of the Dragon Soul. Ever since she announced that she would go to the front line for inspection, the Council of Light has developed a sense of crisis. They feared that this was the beginning of Lilian's intention to formally reclaim her rights. Because in the workshop, there are already such rumors. In particular, before the army of the kingdom of light fell back and forth, and when it was only possible to rely on the war angel army to take the defensive position, the light council had noticed that the people in many places had doubts about the ability of the light council itself, and there were even some people Complaining about the Light Council is simply a group of waste, so it would be better to let His Majesty the Dragon Spirit of Light lead the country of light. Although it is said that the kingdom of the night is the rule of the people, but see how powerful the people are. If our kingdom of light is the same, we will not be bullied by those **** undead creatures!

Of course, there are only a few voices in the country of light, only circulating in those refugees who have lost their lives and in some border areas affected by the war. Moreover, these voices are more often sent by radicals who cannot stand the defeat and invasion of the war. It's still a minority. But this made the Council of Light as the enemy. Before, they could not win the Undead Legion by themselves, but they could only rely on the War Angel Legion to make the Council of Light deeply feel the crisis. They are good at instigating public opinion, and naturally understand what the consequences will be. No freedom, no human glory is vain. When you really face the butcher knife of the undead, no one cares about what can be saved at that time, as long as they can keep their lives safe, even if it is ** What about? If the Angel of War and Dragon Soul of the Light can defeat the Undead Army, who cares about what the so-called free reading of the pursuit of humanity, is better than the whole family dead light into undead. Even if someone shouts that humans would all die in front of the undead legion, they would definitely not be slaves and subjects of the Dragon Spirit of Light, depending on how many people would agree to such a stupid proposal.

The Council of Light is not stupid. They know on what foundation everything they have is built, and once this foundation disappears, they are finished. It's as if they have been mocking Munn, saying that although Munn is a rich country, the people have no freedom. Such prosperity is only a false dream. When Moen's proud economic power bursts, it will inevitably trigger turmoil. In this regard, the light council is vowed—it seems that the people of the country of light under the light council's rule will loyally follow the struggle for freedom and unity under the leadership of the parliament even if they are poor enough to take off their pants and eat.

Of course, they only know if they really think so.

If it was just a rumor of the people and a change in the voice of public opinion brought about by the war angels, then the Council of Light is not afraid. What they were afraid of was what Lilian really did. Lilian once had such an idea before, and it really scared the Light Council, but later found that their control of Lilian was still successful, at least in Casablanca, without Lilian supported by Boulder and Silin. It is isolated. There were some political forces supporting the Dragon Spirit of Light before, but now they are almost extinct. Because as long as they have stated their position, they will be detained in favor of ** ism, who want to be the running dogs of the ** to rule and suppress the people, deprive the people of their freedom to turn them into slave hats, and become honest and benevolent. mouse. So over time, in the nobles and high-level political circles in Casablanca, there was no longer a place for the soul of the Dragon Spirit of Light. And Lilian only by herself and a war angel guard with less than ten people, obviously could not make any noise.

But when Lilian planned to go to the front line for inspection, the Council of Light began to be nervous. They worried that this was Lilian's intention to show her influence to the people and gather people's hearts. But they couldn't stop Lilian from going, so they had no choice but to agree with Lilian's request. That being said, they are still worried about what will happen to Lilian ...

Now it looks like I'm really afraid of what comes!

"Well, Your Majesty, I don't think it's good to do this ........."

The parliament's representative was pale, and he felt a cold sweat behind him. Although the light council basically ignores the dragon of light. But after all, it is in Casablanca, where the sphere of influence of the light council is, and here is the border area, the light council does not have much influence here.

"It is very important to ask Munn to send troops. I think you should go back to Casablanca and discuss with the Council of Light ..."

This is not something that can be decided by yourself. The representative of the parliament kicked the ball back to Casablanca first, so that the big brothers above have a headache! However, Lilian's next sentence suddenly made the air in the entire room drop to minus forty-five degrees as if it were an icehouse.

"Why should I consult with the Light Council?"

"... ……………………"

Hearing Lilian's words, both the representative of the Council of Light and other members of the military, widened his eyes in astonishment. Although the flames in the fireplace were burning, the warm atmosphere even filled the glass with a thick Mist. But they felt as if they were standing barefoot on the ice—the bitter chill ran from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads!

The holy spirit is up, won't it ...

"I think it's a very good idea."

Seeing the pale expressions of the people in front of her, Lilian almost couldn't help laughing. When they saw themselves before, they didn't pay much attention to her, which also made the girl a little bit upset. However, as a dragon soul of light, and an obedient child, she still put up with no complaining. But now, seeing that she could retaliate a little and scare them like this, Lilian felt very happy. She had never dared to say such a thing before, because then the council of light would accuse her, and no one would stand up to speak for herself, which made Lilian feel helpless. It's as if a child is always criticized and reprimanded by adults, but no one comes out to put on a white face to comfort herself. Over time, she can only obey obediently and dare not talk back. But now, when Lilian finds that she is no longer alone, and someone is willing to stand by her side to support herself, she finally let go of her bondage.

Even obedient children have periods of rebellion.

"This time the joint army did a great job, didn't it? We joined together and with the help of the army led by Luo Qing, we were able to defeat the undead legion. So why can't we cooperate again?"

"But, Your Majesty ........."

Hearing Lilian's words, the parliamentary representative swallowed stiffly.

"This ......... this requires the Council of Light ......... and, this is between the two countries ..."

"I don't think these are problems, are they?"

Lilian leaned forward slightly, she thought it was fun. Perhaps from the perspective of the people in the Council of Light, Lilian is afraid that this is the intention to completely regain power to implement ** rule. But in fact, Lilian just wanted to give them an embarrassment. She knew that she would definitely be opposed by the Light Council, but she is not afraid now. Rarely have such an opportunity, so why not be more presumptuous?

"But, but ..."

"I have decided."

Lilian interrupted the pale, panic-stricken parliamentary representative. She tried to make herself look serious, and then she reached out and patted the armrest of the chair, making a "touch" sound. Not big, but it trembled everyone present.

"That's it, everyone can step back."

After hearing Lilian's words, there was no objection, and they left the room almost immediately-this is not how obedient they are, but because they are completely frightened! No one expected that Lilian, who looked like a good girl in Casablanca, would show such a tough side in this place! This caught them by surprise! Neither the members of the parliament nor the military would know what to do. At this time they can only leave immediately and report the situation to the Council of Light!

With the help of magic communication, the news was soon placed in front of the Council of Light in Casablanca, thousands of miles away.

In the face of this news, the reaction of the Light Council was the same as those of the previous people. They were shocked first, and then terrified!

They guessed that this time Lilian's initiative would definitely have her own little abacus, but at that time, the light council thought that Lilian was only a small gesture. It's as if a mean and horrible father managed to let his daughter go out on a date, thinking that under the deterrence of "Silver Prestige" for so many years, it was good for her daughter to hug each other. Something kissed --- I didn't expect the other party to go directly to home base and also planned to elope with her boyfriend?

After the reaction came, the Council of Light was also extremely angry, and it was mixed with panic and panic. Before Lilian's small movements had made them a little uneasy, now she even asks other countries to send troops for assistance? And without going through the Council of Light, go directly to discuss this matter with Grand Duke Lydia?

Does this still make sense?

Is there any king law?

Is there any law?

Where did she put the House of Light, the House of Light, which represents the voice of the people of the country of light! ?

"This, this is simply not true!"

A member of Parliament even slaps on the table with a slap, but his pale complexion makes him not look angry or even fear.

"How can she do this! This is the authority that ignores our Council of Light!"

"I thought it was weird before she asked to go to the front. Now it looks like there is a problem!"

"Maybe that ’s what Lydia meant. She had such a trend when she was in the Dragon Sacred Canon! I just didn't expect them to shoot so fast!"

"Too much. At present, the country of light is facing such a difficult situation, and it is actually doing this kind of thing in order to fight for power!"

It seems that the Council of Light is quite self-aware.

Just as the crowd hurled their condemnation and protest, a low voice came and interrupted them.

"Shut up !!"

The old parliament leader stood up and looked at the crowd in front of him, and his big drink calmed down the people of the light council immediately, and looked at the old parliament president. His term of office is less than half a year away, but it is during this time that the old man suddenly burst into unprecedented energy. He changed his previous image of Vino and showed unprecedented toughness.

"Now is not the time to condemn and complain. Her Majesty has decided to do so, and she has stated that she does not need to agree with us, then, everyone, what you are doing here is not a waste of saliva, but a solution to this problem! "

Having said this, the old parliamentary sat down again, and then he wrapped his arms around his chest and stared at the crowd. Under the resolute eyes of the old man, many members turned their heads subconsciously. In fact, they could not think of any way, so they would condemn and complain here, and had to admit that Lilian would make Such a move was indeed beyond the expectations of the Council of Light, and many people were frightened. They did not respond for a while.

"We can ask the military to **** her back immediately! Then come back to discuss this issue!"

Soon a Member of Parliament proposed his own suggestion, but judging from his gritted expression, the "escort" was obviously not just "escort". But soon, objections were raised.

"That said, but who is going to escort? According to the information coming from her front, Her Majesty is clearly determined! What if she is unwilling to do it? Don't forget, the Alliance Army is now in Winter Palace, not just us What should happen to the army of the kingdom of light if any problems arise? "

This is indeed a problem. If the Council of Light really wants to send troops to "escort" Lilian back, and there is something unpleasant on both sides, then the blow to the Council of Light is absolutely fatal. The reason why the Council of Light has always been able to do whatever they want on the continent of light is because the entire continent of light is under the shelter of the dragon soul of light, and the dragon soul of light is in our country of light, and our light The council is also the representative of the kingdom of light ... ... who don't you listen to me?

But now, if people know that they have a discord with the Dragon Soul of Light, and even use this method to deal with the Dragon Soul of Light, it will be difficult to guarantee that the unpleasant forces of the Council who have always looked at the Light will mess up the opportunity ... …………

"But ... did you just let her go to Munn? Lydia is a tricky figure, if she mingles with Her Majesty ... just in case Her Majesty stays with Munn and won't leave How to do?"

Although the Council of Light has never heard of the story of "Heavenly Emperor Makes Princes", there are still some political IQs.

"I think ...... we can allow Her Majesty to go to Muen, whatever she wants to talk to that woman from Lydia, anyway, when she finishes talking, we firmly disagree!"

"But what if the woman sends troops directly after talking with Her Majesty? She could send troops to the country of Light directly on the grounds that she had obtained Her Majesty's permission!"


Faced with such a situation, the people of the Light Council really had no idea for a while. They frowned and racked their brains, but they didn't know what to do. Lilian's move was too unexpected for them, and the current environment is really uneasy. Not to mention the threat of the Undead ...

But while everyone was thinking hard, one person stood up, that was a middle-aged man. He was dressed in a black gown, and his hair shone backwards neatly. His face looked elongated at first glance, but those tiny eyes were full of radiant light, and the wrinkles on the forehead and the corners of the eyes made He looked a bit old, but the tight corner of the mouth made the man in front of him look like an unparalleled domineering.

"I don't think it's okay to let me down."

"Master Nakvad?"

After hearing this, many people looked at the man in surprise.


"Since Your Majesty has this will, our parliament of Light is naturally not against it."

Ignoring the eyes of his colleagues around him, Nakvad continued his own words.

"But, of course, for the safety of the whole country of light, we certainly can't stop there. I think we should send a representative to follow Her Majesty to Muen, Your Majesty is still a child after all, so there are always thoughts. The Light Council should send representatives to follow Her Majesty and provide her with some suggestions and opinions to ensure that a resolution that is beneficial to both of us is reached as far as possible. "

Yes indeed!

Hearing here, the crowd suddenly lighted up, which is no wonder. Before they had subconsciously opposed the parliament and Lilian, they naturally did not think of this idea. Now it seems that this is really good. In any case, the proposal made by Lilian is about the whole country of light. So, as the representatives of the people of the country of light, the parliament naturally has this responsibility to discuss together? In this way, they can not only monitor Lilian, but may even prevent her from reaching an agreement with Lidia, and even seek benefits for herself! And Her Majesty Lilian is naturally not opposed to their coming together! This is really a good idea! In this way, they will not only be able to resolve the immediate crisis, but they will also be able to take the lead in counter-attacks and dominate to a certain extent!

Soon, everyone in the Council of Light reached an agreement on this, and took a panoramic view of the scene in front of him, but the old president did not say a word. Instead, he leaned on his chair and watched. Standing in the crowd, Nakvad, he seemed so spirited ... It seems that he should be the candidate to replace himself as the President of the Parliament of Light next year.

After setting the goals, the discussions among members of the parliament also became logical, but there is still one of the most critical and important issues to be resolved.

That's ... Who is going to accompany Lilian to Muen? (To be continued.)

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