Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 96: Destiny of Intersection (IV)

After Rhodes left the Atonement Land, Leo had been responsible for training Joey's Thieves squad, and Ping Yueli was responsible for secretly protecting Sarah's alchemy. The next step was to monitor the situation around the stronghold. I have to say that in this respect, the ability of the Dark Elves is not comparable to that of ordinary thieves. It's just that her relationship with others is limited to this. In fact, there are also several factions in Rhodes' harem. Canary has been following Rhodes for the longest time and is most familiar with Rhodes, so he can be regarded as the leader of all people, plus the Canary surname is gentle and powerful. So although she isn't the prettiest person of all, she can hardly object to what Canary says. Next, because Ma Lin and Li Jie are close friends, and once went to Rhode's bed, they are naturally closer. The two form an invisible offensive and defensive alliance. Of course, they get along well with Annie and Canary. Therefore, although they knew each other's relationship with Rhodes, they did not have any objection.

Although Rabes has a good opinion of Rhodes, after all, he has not progressed to the "that step", so it is considered to be outside the situation, and Qilian is a variable that is not easy to figure out. As for Christie, there is no need to mention that the women around Rod are very clear about Rod's feelings for Christie, at least not the feeling of wanting to hug her to bed.

But things like Leo, Sonia ... are not quite acceptable to others. Although Rhodes has never disclosed his relationship with Leo and Sonia to others, the female surname is very sensitive in this regard, so whether it is Annie, Lijie or Marlene rarely contact Leo. As a member of the Council of Light, Sonia had previously clashed with everyone in the Atonement Land, and naturally was not in the queue welcomed by them. Because Canary has a transcendent status, she doesn't need to care about these, and from her understanding of Rhodes, she certainly knows the status of the two women in Rhodes' psychology.

Because of this, Marin complained a little about the trouble Leo caused this time. This is not only because of the jealousy of the female surnames, but because Leo does not have much communication with them, so it is naturally impossible for her to help Leo like Li Jie, Annie, Rabis and others. And this time, Leo was wrong anyway this time-after all, such an inexplicable attack on diplomatic envoys of other countries is too much!

So this time after the failure of Leo's attack was arrested, Marlene did not ask for release or put Leo in her own prison, but she let Leo be detained by Corinna-this also made Corinna out of breath. The meaning, on the one hand, is naturally because of the woman who is also Rhode, she does not like dark elves like Leo. Fortunately, Malin is also very clear that Rhodes does not have much affection for Leo. If Rhodes is deeply affectionate about this dark elf and loves to die, Bao Jun Malin is definitely jealous, and the vinegar jar that is knocked over at that time can be justified Ton count ...

Although Marin didn't say much about Leo in front of Rhodes, Rhodes noticed her and Lijie's strong dissatisfaction with Leo, but Rhodes didn't plan to resolve it. As Marin thought, Rhodes did n’t have much affection for Leo. It was more of a physical obsession. Before, it was only because Leo had to completely submit to himself, be his loyal subordinate, and modify the soul sacrifice. The contract had a relationship with her. Even that time, it wasn't out of love, but out of Rod's own needs, by the way, to satisfy the curiosity that he had not tasted the taste of the dark elves. Really speaking of emotion, I am afraid that Rhodes is more to Serestina than to Leo. In Rhodes' mind, Leo is the master-slave relationship. As for talking about feelings ......... It hasn't reached that point yet.

Because of this, Rhode did not try to eliminate Malin and Li Jie's dissatisfaction with Leo. This time, Leo did really go too far and caused a headache. Secondly, as a veteran of flowers, Rhode also knows the psychology of female surnames. Even if Dragon Soul Mainland is not monogamous like Earth, it is impossible for female surnames to accept an outsider so peacefully, especially one. They don't understand and are not important outsiders. So Rhodes didn't plan to be a good guy either. He had to ask Marlene and Li Jie to be more open-minded and tell them that Leo is actually a good guy ......... I hope to see that everyone has been in the same bed. Gu Quan's harem harmony or something ... Rhode knows very well that if he did that, then it would be a rhythm that caused the wall, and maybe even the blood would end up in the end.

So in the face of the complaints from Ma Lin and Li Jie, he did not refute or make any explanation. Just nodded and listened as they talked. Because Rhodes also knows the names of Marlene and Li Jie very well, they complain in front of them, but at the most, they just express the embarrassment and dissatisfaction brought by Leo when they do this. Helio meant that Rod would kick her out of here quickly. In particular, Li Jie, she is a spiritual teacher of the church. During this time, she was also responsible for conducting spiritual training in the church. As a result, she was now embarrassed to death. And let alone Marin, as the real person in charge of the Atonement Land when Rhodes was absent, she was also responsible for dealing with the internal and diplomatic influences brought about by the incident, and it was a headache.

Therefore, Rhodes is naturally not stupid enough to blame or refute the complaints of the two, but he calmed them down and calmed their grievances. Of course, this is just a pacification, and the real actual action will probably have to wait until this evening to be performed by Rhodes ... …………

That being said, but people still have to fish it out. Moreover, anyway, Corina is the representative of the country of Fa. When encountering such a thing, as a lord, she naturally has to come forward in person. But it also requires a method, but for Rhodes, the method has never been a problem.

After some preparation, Rhodes quickly came to the church inside the fortress, a tall triangular building built of black stone bricks. Unlike the magnificent religious buildings that Rhodes saw on earth, the church's architecture looks very low-key, heavy, and calm. It looks more like a collection of banks and courts, full of unquestionable majesty and nobility. The most conspicuous is the sign hanging above the door of the church-the badge of the dragon holding the sword and the balance in both hands, which is also the sign of the kingdom of law.

As the representative of the country of law, Corina lives in the side courtyard of the church. As an elf, she does not need any particularly comfortable and luxurious life, as long as she can sleep and eat. After reporting their names, Rod and others were quickly taken to the side court, where he met Corina and Leo, who was being held in a water cell.

The so-called water prisons of the elves are naturally not the kind of dark prisons under Rhodes Castle, which are full of rotting puddles. It is a square connected by a water barrier. Leo was trapped inside, but what made Rhodes a little curious was that the dark elves at this moment did not have any weakness, instead, she gritted her teeth and stared at Corinna not far away with a deep hatred, like that It was as if Kelina had killed her biological parents ... but for the Dark Elves, wasn't it common to kill the whole family?

Seeing Rhode's arrival, Corinna also looked up at him, but soon, Corinna's eyes flashed a little surprised.

Of course, Rhodes will not come alone to the church this time, but the combination he brought is unexpected-in addition to Canary, this time along with Rhodes to the church are Agawi and Rabis, and the two petite figures wrapped up and down in white capes.

Gray Hill and Madaras.

"Hello, Lord Lord."

Seeing this combination, Corina was a little puzzled, but she hurried to stand up and nodded at Rhodes. And Rhodes quickly returned a gift.

"I'm sorry to come to you during your busy schedule, Miss Corina."

Rhode saluted Corina, then looked up.

"I think you should know why I came here, Miss Corina. I apologize to you for my rude behavior. This is my misconduct due to misconsideration. Please forgive me."

"This is not the problem, Lord Lord."

When it came to business, Corina's complexion immediately became serious, and she frowned, staring at Rhode in dissatisfaction.

"I'm very disappointed in you. I always thought you would be a good friend of our elf, but now ......... it's really surprising me that you are mingling with the dark elf. For this, you Anything to say? "

"I think it's just a misunderstanding."

Facing Corinna's inquiries, Rhodes remained the same. He just raised his eyebrow slightly, and then answered.

"Leo was the captive I got in the previous battle. After that, she surrendered to me and became my subordinate. I know the grudges between the elves and the dark elves, but please forgive me for being rude, these grudges It does not seem to have much to do with me as a human being. I sincerely apologize to you for the loss and fright caused by this incident, and I am willing to compensate. But other than that ... ... I'm sorry, I can't promise anything. "

"She's the Dark Elf, Lord Lord. Although it doesn't look like, ... you should know what the Dark Elf stands for."

"Of course, Miss Collina. I don't want to say that there are strange words in the Dark Elves to impress you, but Leo is my subordinate after all. For me, whether it is an Elf or a Dark Elf, as long as it is mine Subordinates, then it's all the same. "


This time, Corinna didn't immediately answer, after all, the people around Rhodes were too persuasive. If there were only dark elves around him, Corinna could still think that the other party was just making excuses. But looking at the elves beside Rhodes, Corina was speechless.

Even Rhodes, at this time, was extremely sighing. He looked around and whistled involuntarily. This is almost a gathering of the historical surnames of the elves. Elemental Elves, White Elves, Moon Elves, Alchemy Elves, Dark Elves ... This is a living history of the Elves. There was no vacancy at all from beginning to end. Elemental Elves are the earliest elven races that branched out from the Elf family into the Elemental Realm. The white elves are the oldest and most glorious race of the elves, and the moon elves are the glory races that succeed the white elves after the World War. Belhems and the Dark Elves created a new branch of elves in order to avoid the war of creation ...... if Agavy, Glen Hill, Madaras, Corinna, Rabis and Leo Each tells the history of his own race, that is, a complete elven chronicle.

"But I still remind you, Lord Lord, the dark elves are different from other elves. They are evil, cruel, and ..."


At this moment, Leo, who had been silent, suddenly spoke. She stood in the water cell, staring angrily at Colina.

"You are clearly evil, and cruel are you! Your evil fairies hunted us mercilessly on the surface, murdered our women and children, and forced us to hide in the sky that was hidden from view! You call us betrayers But in fact you are the most hypocritical and evil betrayers! Even if we find a new life in the dark, you have never given up trying to destroy us, haven't we? We used to yearn for peace, but the blood-stained sword It's your only answer! "

"Wh ..............."

When she heard this, Corina was stunned. She stared at Leo dumbly, unable to speak a word.

"Any elves who dare to disobey you and those who are different from your values ​​are expelled and killed. This is what you hypocritical surface spirits do! We can only hide in the dark, dark ground, mingle with the devil, and with the dead. Dance together, it's all because of you cruel and arbitrary fairies! "


Hearing this, even Rabes next to him showed a somewhat agreeable expression. Without talking about the previous words, the Belhems were precisely because their ideas of transforming nature and life were not recognized by the elves. Forced to leave, and finally headed for the road of destruction. From this point of view, she and Leo have some common language. It can be seen that, in fact, the elves are not as innocent as Colina claimed.

And Agavy was silently watching everything in front of her, without talking at all. As elemental elves, they went to the elemental world as early as their creation, and the war on the subject plane had nothing to do with them. Instead, Greyhill and Madaras tilted their heads, staring curiously at the scene in front of them. After all, they can be said to be personal witnesses of this contradictory history, or even to create the existence of this history.

"It's just a lie made by the Dark Elves!"

Corinna never seemed to think that she would get such an answer from the Dark Elves, which caused the Moon Elf Girl to be a mess.

"In the beginning, it was you who escaped from the war and abandoned the battle with the enemy and fled underground. It has nothing to do with us! What you said is nonsense!"

"History of the winner."

Facing the current dispute between Collina and Leo, Rhodes shrugged his shoulders, then turned to the canary around him. The Canary smiled slightly and did not speak. In fact, whether it is the moon elves, dark elves, or alchemists, there is a certain subjective surname for historical records. In this regard, only elemental elves and white elves who have detached themselves have sufficient say.

But Rhodes didn't come here to help the elves integrate a unified understanding of history.

"Okay, two."

Thinking of this, he made up his mind and stepped forward, stopping the two from further action. He looked at Leo first, lowered his face and said.

"Miss Leo, I think you should understand that this is not a dark ground. No matter what past the dark elves have experienced, it has nothing to do with us. You are now my subordinate, and the enmity between the dark elves and the elves It's past history, and I don't want you to have any impact on my territory because of this. "


Facing Rhode's words, Leo didn't say anything, she just bit her teeth and closed her mouth and lowered her head. At this time, Rhode turned around and looked at Collina next to her.

"Miss Collina, I apologize for the danger you have encountered this time, and I assure you that I will punish Leo and keep her from doing anything similar. If you need anything If you do, you can also ask, as compensation, as long as it is within my ability, then I will try to do it. "


Upon hearing Rhode's answer, Corina frowned. She looked at Rhodes, but soon, Corina turned her eyes to Grace Hill and Madaras next to her. After a moment of silence, she was helpless. nod.

"Well, I hope you can keep your promise, Lord Lord. I will remember your words, this time, I will not pursue it. And I will not report to the country of the law. However, I do not want the same thing to happen again Lord Lord, let me owe you a promise. "

Collina then spoke.

ps: I think my current update time has become strange again ......... when can I change back to normal .........

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