Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 98: Unlucky Warlords

In Rhodes' memory, the War Corps is a brave, meaningless and powerful group. They have both the strength of a warrior and the power of a mage. They use the power of magic to defeat the battle. They are soul fighters, heirs of magic, walking alone on this continent, striving out a sky with their ideals ...

Memories are always good, but reality is not.

So it is understandable how strange the expression on Rhodes ’s face when Rhodes saw the group of tugs curled up in the corner of the fortress, looking like refugees and beggars more than members of a war corps like a mage— —It's like going to see a real person with a cos photo that I have seen on the Internet. It turns out that this is exactly the latter's credit ... Well, this complicated state of mind is really beyond words.

"I'm really sorry, Lord Lord."

The representative of the war corps standing in front of Rhodes at this moment was helpless and embarrassed. His name was South, and he was one of the deputy commanders of the war corps. Like the others, the deputy commander looks torn, but anyway, he also wears a magic robe. In addition to being a little dirty, he still has some majestic power.

"What on earth happened?"

Rhode retracted his gaze from the ragged beggars, and he couldn't understand how the war corps, which was a bit of a shame in Dongfangshanyuan, could be so miserable. And according to Marin, the total number of war fighters who came to the Fortress of Atonement this time was more than 900, which sounds a lot, but the old and weak women and children accounted for two-thirds. The true war corps There are less than two hundred members, and there are still many people who are all injured. If it were not for Li Jie and the church's spiritual master to help, this group of people would have gone to heaven.

He was injured, and he was dragging his mouth, and he was still the deputy commander instead of the commander ... anyone can see that the corps of the war corps is not good, but why is it bad? No one knows. But this is not a problem for Rhodes, because he came here to get the answer. Soon, Rhodes got the answer from South.

The root of the problem lies in the staff of the soul road.

At the time, Rhodes threw such a bait in order to hook the fishing corporation, and wrote a detailed and complete strategy for them. After getting this strategy, the War Corps naturally left, just as Rhodes thought. The Soul Road is the lost inheritance of the War Corps. If you can really find this inheritance, then the War Method The regiment doesn't mind going to beat Rhodes --- it's strange!

Although the path of the soul is a lost heritage, after all, it has been lost for hundreds of years. In the eyes of many war corps people, the path of the soul is more like a myth and legend. It sounds beautiful, but it has nothing to do with them. . These people are not numerous in the War Corps, but they are not small. So when Best returned the news from Rhodes, there was also opposition and protest. After all, the war corps and the hunting demon hunting group are different. The latter, as a semi-demon, does not live well in any corner of the mainland, and it is difficult for someone to accept them. Naturally, whether they are trapped or not, they run in first. Besides. However, the war corps in Yuefang, Dongfangshanyuan, was very moist. Although they said they were separated from the wizard association, after all, they were only pagans and not cultists. People were most ignorant and fearful of them. They did not reach the cultists. The kind of rat crossing the street where everyone shouted. Moreover, the war corps is also regarded as a king of mountains in Dongfangshanyuan. Now they want them to go under the lord for a lost thing that has not been known for hundreds of years?

It's just that this kind of voice is a minority among war corps, and most war mages still hope to be able to retrieve the heritage. So in the end, the War Corps set off, but they didn't expect it at all, and everything after that was beyond their imagination.

The War Corps has three deputy commanders and one commander. Among them, South and Best support the head of the regiment, but the other deputy chief Lemmon also supports the search for the soul. However, his thoughts are different from those of the other two, because in the tradition of war corps, it has always been stated that whoever masters the inheritance of the staff of the soul road will become the true leader of the war corps. For Raymond, this was a great opportunity for him to look into the throne of the head. Moreover, like the opponents, he thinks that the war corps goes to a lord under the lord to be a fool. It is not in line with the spirit of the war corps. As one of the deputy commanders of the War Corps, Lehmen naturally has considerable strength in the War Corps. So he sent someone in private to contact those who did not catch the path of the soul, persuaded them to join their team, and promised them that if they could help themselves to inherit the path of the soul, then he would support The thought of these people, without leaving the Oriental Hills, went to Glenbell.

Under such circumstances, the exploration of the soul road can imagine what the final result will be.

Although with the help of Rhodes ’Raiders, the war corps did go very smoothly on the soul road, but unfortunately they are not players, after all, the most enthusiastic leader of the road of inheritance, as well as Best and South ’s men have sacrificed Less, but Ramon cleverly retained his strength, and at the last minute, he gave those unsuspecting war corps members a hard shot. How did Soss not talk to Rod in detail, but it can be seen that the war corps did not expect that at the last moment there would be people in the nest, but their strength was still stronger, and Best died in the end. Thorth and the regimental leader fought hard to kill Lemon, and finally kept the legacy of the soul road, but the war corps was also greatly injured.

As the saying goes, blessings are perfect, and misfortunes do not come alone. Not long after the war corps dragged their exhausted, bruised bodies back, they once again encountered the undead attack. If changed, the war corps can still block the undead army. But this time ... they were really helpless.

In the face of the undead army's attack, the greatly-strengthed war corps had to choose to evacuate. They left their place with their daughter-in-law for hundreds of years, and the war corps leader took his The subordinates used their lives to resist the pursuit of the undead army and completely isolated their path.

Having lost its leader, lost its own homeland, the war corps whose power was greatly damaged has lost its ability to continue to stay in Dongfangshanyuan. In desperation, the only option they could make was to evacuate, but the Warfare had nowhere to go except for their own acre of three-point land. Their homes have fallen, and it is not certain when they will be able to get them back. But where are so many people?

In the end, South still remembered Rhode's suggestion. Although a bit cheeky, he still took the war corps all the way to Glenbell, and came to "run" Rhode.

Speaking of these things, South's face was still embarrassing and disturbed because Rhodes had hoped that they would join in order to get their assistance. For this reason, he also paid in advance. Although the War Corps has indeed obtained the inheritance of the Soul Road, it has suffered heavy losses, and they have brought so many people, but they are all eating mouths. In addition, there are a lot of old, weak women and children inside, unable to become a combat force, which would be a burden if placed in other territories. So when he made this decision, he was a little uneasy. It was as if a man was after a beautiful girl and wanted to win her favor, so she gave her a lot of benefits. But in the end, for various reasons, this poor girl not only failed to get a romantic love full of love as she wished, but was abused and abused by all kinds of people. A charming flower turned into a dry old cabbage that no one wanted. As a result, I could n’t survive anymore. I could only go to the door with a thick face and a body with no idea who it was, hoping that the man would accept himself for his first love ...

Rhodes is naturally not interested in being a pick-up. However, he did n’t pay much, he wrote a letter over the Warfare Corps side, and then gave them a copy of the Raiders. From this point of view, it was not a loss. But ... the situation in front of him is indeed a trouble for Rhodes. He didn't expect that the inside of the war group would cause such a lot of troubles because of this. South's worry is also Rod's thought, but Torod's face that died ten thousand years ago, he did not reveal his expression, instead, he first soothed South and let them rest here. As for what to do next, I'll talk about it later.

"What are you going to do? Rhode?"

After leaving the war group's gathering place like a beggar's nest, Marin could not help asking. Facing Marin's inquiry, Rhodes shrugged.

"Currently? I don't have any ideas yet, but I think you should have an idea, Marlene."

"Yes, Rhodes."

Hearing Rhode's words, Marin smiled very proudly, then she took out a plan and gave it to Rhode.

"I think this is our opportunity."

In Malin's view, although most of the refugees who followed the War Corps were old women and children who could not provide any help in the fight, they were born not only for fighting, but also a lot of work in the Atonement Land With human hands, the sea elves cannot do all the work-and the sea elves have no interest in compensation and money, and it is impossible to promote commercial circulation. But these refugees are different. Although they do not have strong power, most of them have a skill, which can just fill the most terrible gap in Rhodes territory.

The biggest problem with Rhodes's territory is that it has insufficient vitality. Most of the people gathered here are mercenaries and workers, but few others. However, the prosperity and development of a territory requires a variety of occupations to work together, planting, processing, production, sales, and production, all of which require personnel from all walks of life. At present, the biggest problem in Rhodes territory is the shortage of manpower. This has always been a headache for Marlene. She can let her alumni in her college come here to develop, but she cannot convince residents living in other areas to move on a large scale. But if they do n’t move, where will the population come from? ? Can't jump out of the crack in the stone.

However, when the war corps dragged her home to the Atonement Land, Marlene's eyes suddenly lightened, and she keenly realized that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to make Rhodes' territory prosperous! People really can't jump out of the cracks in the stones. Most people don't have to do anything and don't move at home, but if they are forced to move, there is no problem! Although Muen did not lose a lot of land like the Land of Light, there were also many people who could not tolerate the war and moved to other places. If he could get these people to Grunbel, then Rhodes ’territorial issue would be even Solved most of it.

Not only that, refugees are even easier to manage than ordinary people in Marin's view, because after suffering the war, they first expect to live a stable life after settling before they consider other things. But those who migrate normally leave in search of a better living environment, which are not present in Glenbell. But we still have a safe and stable environment!

And we have a small population here, so we do n’t need to worry about how to resettle refugees like other territories. Marin even plans to find a time to talk with the lords of other territories after that. If they have this idea, they can send the refugees All to Glenbell. In this way, not only can solve the population problem of Glenn Bell itself, but also can solve the big trouble that caused those lords a headache, and by the way, sell them to them. Kill two birds with one stone, kill two birds with one stone, why not do such a good thing?

The more she thought about it, the more she thought it was a good idea, so she wrote such a plan before Rhodes didn't return. In the proposal, Marlene not only elaborated on the benefits of hosting refugees, but also considered the security and chaos caused by the arrival of refugees. However, Ma Lin is very confident in this regard. At present, the entire place of atonement is within the sphere of influence of the Starlight Guild. Mercenaries and guards are present, and refugees are unlikely to make too much trouble. Moreover, they managed to reach a safe and stable environment. Naturally, they did not want to encounter turmoil again, so even if they would be instigated by those who care, they would respond to a few. Of course, with the increase in refugees, this means that Glenbell's military strength should focus more on internal security rather than external threats, which is not a big problem. Once, the Undead Legion retreated, and secondly, ... Maryn was still very confident in the Elemental Elves summoned by Rhodes. If there are insufficient staff, you can take Elemental Elves to the top.

I have to admit that as an aristocrat, Marin, who was brought up as a family heir, is indeed superior in this regard. At least Rhode had nodded. He was just a gamer no matter how good he was. Even in college, Rhodes did n’t learn about urban and rural construction management. You asked him to kill a boss and get a copy of the strategy. Look for game bugs, and even the Rhodes of the artifacts in the game. But let him do some territorial construction, set tax rates, and so on ... It's just a little bit of playing in a business simulation game that Rhodes still doesn't make sense. And making money in the game is not the same as reality. In the game, there are gold groups, and there are special sales equipment and materials to lead rookie players to get achievements. These are all sources of money for players' guilds and forces. But to put it plainly, this is a game demand, not a real need. If Rhodes travels through a game world, one copy can be brushed hundreds of times in a row, and various artifacts can be turned over and over from the boss, so it is natural and easy for him to make money. The problem is ... this is not the game world.

So Rhode's money-making experience couldn't be heard here.

What surprised Rhodes was that there were several suggestions in this plan that surprised him, and even one of them suggested that Rhodes would be able to use some of the money to be dedicated to that group of refugees. Of course, this is not to cover them for food, clothing, and transportation, but to declare that when those refugees settle in the territory and have their own industry, if they want to develop, they can use their own industry as a collateral, and from Rhodes Borrow a little money for them to develop and set a repayment deadline in the church. If the money cannot be returned at the expiration, then their property is seized and repossessed to the lord. How much money is determined by the value of their mortgage.

Seeing the twitching of Rhode's eyes here, he wondered how this thing was so familiar, and then thought that this was not a bank loan?

"Is this your idea?"

Seeing this, Rhode's eyes looking at Marlene couldn't help changing, wouldn't Marlene be the same as herself? But soon, Marin's answer relieved Rod's inner doubts.

"No, this is the idea that Ann originally proposed. She thinks that there should be some way to support those refugees to develop in our territory. Then I found Miss Canary and Miss Bubble to discuss it and finally concluded."

It turned out that with the participation of canaries and little bubble gum, it is no wonder that Rhodes looked so familiar. Little bubble gum doesn't say, although this little ghost Ping Yue is arrogant and arrogant, after all, it is a rich second generation. I have n’t eaten pork and I ’ve seen pigs run, and my brain has been turned around in this regard. In the early stages of the game, in addition to throwing money into the Starlight Guild, she also came up with a lot of ideas for making money in the later stages. I just did not expect that An An could have such an idea ... It seems that the commercial gene in the bones of the rich lady really is not covered.

With Malin's plan, Rhodes naturally has no worries about the future of the war corps. As long as Marin does as expected, the result should not be too bad. So next, he gave the matter to Marlene completely, but this did not mean that Rhodes had nothing left to do. Because shortly after he returned to the fortress of the Atonement, he received the system's latest release and construction system upgrade task— [Return of the Hero].

ps: The biggest advantage of everyone designing the dragon set is that I don't have to waste my mind to think about the new character names, but please don't come up with some oriental names ......... It's not tossing, here, congratulations [Star Story] Dragon sets appear, who will be next?

ps2: Please try not to get some characters who are likely to be involved in the important plot of the story, um, and don't grab Rhodes' harem position, there are quotas .........

ps3: Everyone guarantees that the burning value of the monthly pass is not enough. Let the fire be more vigorous. (To be continued.)

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