Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 126: Disabled people

"The deal."

In the face of the man's fall to the ground, Rhodes nodded without even looking. The man didn't say much. Instead, when he waved his hand, he saw the other two people walking towards the carriage with arms. Seeing their movements, Joey and others immediately raised their arms, but soon, with Rhodes' gesture, they backed away from the carriage. And the two men came to the carriage and packed all the things in it into their pockets. Strange to say, the pockets in their hands don't look too big, but those things are stuffed in but not full, which surprised Marin and Li Jie secretly, as nobles and casters, they certainly knew that The pockets in the hands of two people are not ordinary pockets, they are most likely space equipment. This kind of equipment is still relatively rare on the Dragon Soul continent, at least it cannot be used by ordinary people. But at the moment, these two guys who are almost the same as refugees even mentioned such a space item, which still surprised them. Not to mention, these people seem to come from a place of chaos?

The two men's movements were fast. It wasn't the first time they saw such a thing. Soon, the contents of the carriage were swept away, leaving only three huge wooden barrels. When he saw the huge wooden barrel, one of them shook curiously, and then opened the lid. At this time, everyone found that his expressionless face suddenly appeared unprecedented joy.

"Brother! It's water !!! Brother!"


Hearing the young man's shout, the headed man frowned slightly, and he strode to the wooden barrel, then stretched out his fingers, tasted the water in the wooden barrel, and continued. A few flashes of light flashed in his eyes, then the man nodded with satisfaction, and then he stuffed the three buckets of water into his pockets before turning his head and striding toward Rhode. When he saw him coming, Rhodes quickly winked at Li Jie and Marlene, and motioned them to step back. Although they didn't know what Rhodes was doing, the two backed away a little and looked at the man curiously. And just then. The man came to Rhodes.

"Very good deal."

The man said in a low voice, his voice was like thunder, but his common language was obviously not standard, and even stuttered.

"I look forward to the future. I can cooperate again."

"me too."

Rhode didn't say much, but nodded slightly. After receiving Rhode's answer, the man stared at him for a moment, then turned and left. Soon, he and two other men disappeared again in the dazzling, disgusting chaos world before everyone's eyes.

"Huh ......... Rhodes. Who are they?"

It wasn't until the figures of those people completely disappeared that Marin took a sigh of relief. She glanced at the chaos not far away, then quickly turned her head to regain her gaze. The Holy Spirit is up. When the man walked to Rhode just now, Marin could clearly smell the stench coming from him! If it hadn't been for part of the howling cold wind, she might have passed out completely. Maureen was sure, even in those ugly slums. She hadn't smelled so disgusting. Now she finally understood why Rhodes let them back away, if not from the man. Marlene wasn't sure if she would just vomit like that, which would be too embarrassing.

"You want to know?"

Hearing Marin's inquiry, Rhodes shrugged and looked around. Obviously, not only Marin, Joey and Lando, they were also curiously looking at Rhodes at the moment. After all, anyway, their trip was too weird. Somehow they prepared a few carts of food, water and weapons. , And then came to this ghost place, and then some strange people came out somehow, and then made an inexplicable deal, until now they have not figured out what exactly the other thing fell to the ground, then it looks like It seems to be a large collection of rubbish, with rhizomes, blades of grass, and flowers. There are also some stones and bones, and some messy things that can't be seen-they come here all the way, not for the sake of breaking up.

"Take these things away and put them on the carriage, and I will tell you what we are here for."

Having said that, Rhode looked at Joey.

"Well, Joey, after fifteen days from today, I want you to bring the convoy again, the goods are the same as before, no matter what the other party exchanges, just take it back. Don't have any conflict with them, Even if they grab it with their weapons, let them grab it. "

"......... Yes, sir."

Although it wasn't clear what exactly Rod's eccentric order meant, Joey nodded in agreement. After that, they followed Rhodes and turned towards the fortress. But unlike when they came here, everyone including Lando was walking not far from Rhodes at this moment. Obviously, they also expected to get answers to their questions.

"I really don't understand, sir."

The first question to be raised is Joey. The mercenaries who have been following Rhodes for a long time already know his own lord's behavior very well, although he is always cold and cold, it seems that strange people are not close. In fact, he will not refuse to answer the questions raised by his subordinates, as long as they don't ask the wrong questions at the wrong time and place-for example, Lord Lord, to what time did you and Miss Marin toss last night to sleep this kind.

"What are those guys doing? Seeing them look like savages, and they really look savage. But it doesn't sound like they listen, and how did they come out of the chaos? Where isn't it? Can no one live out? "

"Yes, it is true for most people." [

When Joey asked, Rhode nodded.

"I do n’t think you have any idea what it would look like when you enter a place of chaos. There are only broken and chaotic rules. That is, if you do n’t have proper protection, you will immediately lose your sense of direction after entering the place of chaos. Believe me, not only can you not distinguish front and back, left and right, or even up and down. Not only that, the temperature and season inside are changing anytime, anywhere, just as you see, maybe you will be hot the moment before. It ’s in the steamer, the next moment I can guarantee that you will be frozen into ice sculptures. This is why most people will not come out after entering the chaos, even if they only walk ten meters into the chaos, they will connect I can't remember which side I am behind. "

"So scary?"

Hearing here, not only Marin and Li Jie, but even other people's faces appeared more or less frightened expressions. They were not imagining scenes in chaos, but after listening to Rod's description After that, many people still shivered subconsciously. That kind of scene just made them tolerate some imagination. If you are really in chaos .........

"But aren't those people safe in and out?"

Li Jie frowned and asked.

"If you look closely, you will find that they have the torch of order in their hands. This torch allows them to barely maintain the environment of the place of order within a certain range, which allows them to see the direction clearly, and will not be too Serious erosion. And this is why those people choose to take the goods back to their own space pockets and take them away. If they drive back in the carriage, I am afraid that the food has already turned into stones, or the clear water has become Maybe even with the thick and dark kerosene, in the place of chaos, the power of chaos is very great. "

"But Rhode, who are they ?!"

Marin retracted her eyes from the pile of "tatters" carried on the carriage beside her and raised her head, her eyes were full of surprise and shock. The holy spirit is on and see what these are, dragon root grass, moonlight crystal ......... even the heart of the sun! I can swear, I do n’t think I can find so much magical material in the college. Where did they get it? !!

Sighing in a low voice, Marin took a gray-looking stone, which looked like an ordinary stone from the surface, but if you look closely, you can see that this stone is completely formed by the condensation of the mist. Touch It doesn't have the hard touch that a stone should have, it's fogstone. Marlene can guarantee that she once saw such a magic gem at auction when she was a child. At that time, it sold for 30 million sky-high prices, but it was only a piece the size of a fingernail, and now the mist in her hand Shi is already as big as an apple! Fogstone is useful in many places, especially in magic. Marlene also knows that the reason why Fogstone is so expensive is that it can store half of the soul of the holder. In this way, when the holder is unfortunate When he died, as long as his body did not die, he could use the other half of the soul stored in the fogstone to come back to life. It's just that the stored soul itself has something to do with the size of the fogstone. A piece like a fingernail can only guarantee that the holder can come back to life. But if it is as big as a palm, then the holder can be guaranteed to return perfectly together with his own strength. Of course, it doesn't make any sense if you are old, sick, or dead.

Regardless of its magical value, I am afraid there are hundreds of millions of gold coins ......... and now, it seems like it was thrown on the ground randomly by a broken stone?

This kind of thing may not be available even to court princes. How did they get it?

Hearing Marin's inquiry, Rhode turned to look at the girl.

"They are disabled people."

Then Rhodes answered. (To be continued)

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