Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 153: Different Light Stone

"Good morning, Your Highness."

Pushing the door open, Sonia soon saw the little figure wearing pajamas sitting by the bedroom window, and seeing the arrival of Sonia, Lilian, who was slightly bored, also appeared a soft smile, she reached out She waved to Sonia, then motioned to her.

"Master Sirin is not here today?"

Sonia turned and closed the door, then came to Lilian. She raised her head and looked around. She did not see Ping Yueli, who was always next to Lilian, always holding a thick book. In fact, you do n’t have to look at Sonia to know the answer. Otherwise, Lilian would n’t be able to come out to see the guests in a nightgown. If you change someone else, Lilian may still be wary, but after so many days of companionship, Sonia has been regarded by Lilian as her personal maid, so she doesn't care about it.

When hearing Sonia's inquiry, Lilian nodded.

"Well, Sirin is not here today, saying there is something to deal with."

"So ..."

Upon hearing Lilian's answer, Sonia responded in a low voice, but at the moment, the girl's heart was full of doubts.

It's strange.

When Rhodes first gave Sonia a task, in addition to asking her and Lilian to get closer, she also asked Sonia to observe the two archangels. At first Lilian felt a little strange to the order, but when she was in it, she found that the actions of the two archangels were really problematic.

As a member of the Council of Light, from the perspective of Sonia ’s original position, the two archangels of Boulder and Slyne are considered to be the largest obstacle to the authority of the Genesis Dragon to be removed by the Council of Light. The two archangels must be inseparable by Lilian's side, and they are always clearing the thinning and obstacles that the Council of Light may send. Even Sonia herself, when she returned to Casablanca, was prepared to be questioned by the Archangel anytime, anywhere, or to have a thorough mental preparation.

But what Sonia didn't expect was that the two archangels were almost indifferent to Lilian's presence around her, and Boulder never appeared before her. As a wise angel, Sirin had only observed Sonia for two days before she came to Lilian, and then never came again. Although it's impolite to say this, I don't know why Sonia only felt that the two archangels were completely disinterested in Lilian, and even for Slynn, her appearance did not cause her vigilance and attention, but instead As if someone finally took over some of their troubles, he left.

This is not normal ... Are the two archangels still peeping at themselves in secret, intending to wait for their paralysis to reveal their true intentions? But it doesn't look like ...............

Sonya was puzzled by this, but Lilian obviously didn't think so much. If Slynn was not with her before and she would make Lilian feel lonely, then Lilian would be very happy after Sonia came. It's almost "empathy", and it can even be said that she still wants Silin not to come. Anyway, if Slynn was present, Lilian would have to maintain her serious side as a dragon of light, and if only she and Sonia were two, Lilian would be completely relieved and be herself Everything I want to do.

"By the way, Sonia, it seems to be busy outside recently. Is the Spring Festival coming soon?"

For Lilian, Sonia is currently the only way to communicate with the outside world, perhaps because she made a decision on her own. After returning to Casablanca, Lilian was placed under house arrest again, and this time she Not even the gates of the palace could go out. Because of this, Lilian was only able to know what was happening outside every day through Sonia.

"No, Your Majesty."

As Sonia said, preparing black tea and snacks for the girl in front of her, she said casually.

"It's just that the quadrennial elections officially started. It should have started in the middle of last year, but it was held until now because of the invasion of the kingdom of night."

"......... This is the case ..."

Hearing here, Lilian's complexion was a little depressed. She took a steaming tea cup and was silent for a moment before asking.

"By the way, Sonia ......... I know that the president of the parliament is elected, so they must have the support of the general public ......... Then, if I ..............."

"Not so, Your Majesty."

Upon hearing Lilian's inquiries, Sonia shook her head and said as she continued the work in front of her.

"From the birth of the country of light to the present, none of the elected presidents have a support rate of more than 60%. Historically, the majority of parliament ’s support has been between 40% and 50%. In the meantime, there is even a 30% approval rating that has become a precedent for the President. "


Hearing here, Lilian raised her head in surprise, staring at Sonia with wide eyes.

"But doesn't the parliament always say that the president of the parliament is elected by all the people of the country of light?"

"But this does not mean that the elected parliamentarian will be the parliamentarian recognized by all the people of the country of light, Your Majesty."

Sonia, as she said, poured tea into Lilian's cup again.

"From the current situation, the highest approval rates are Lord Nakvad and Lord Green respectively, and they have obtained 38% and 32% approval rates. As for the rest, Will be scattered by other members who want to participate in the election, so even in the final stage, the people will not unconditionally choose to support one of them, they may vote for the people they support, or they may be because of their own Supporters were not eligible to be elected and gave up voting directly. So the final approval rate ... even if it was only 51% and 49%, even if they did not get more than half of the support, It will also become the new President. "

"That is to say, in fact, the chairman of the parliament does not have the support of the general public?"

Lilian didn't even care about drinking tea at this moment, and hurriedly asked, the girl leaned forward, holding her fists tightly.

"But how could this ......... why did it happen? Is there no way to get everyone's support?"

"It's impossible, Your Majesty."

Upon hearing Lilian's inquiries, Sonia shook her head with a smile, then she reached out and took out a cookie and a cake from the plate in front of her.

"It's like these two desserts, Your Majesty, if someone says that when he becomes the parliamentarian, it will allow you to eat countless cakes. The other tells you that when he becomes the parliamentarian, you can eat countless cookies , Then who do you choose? "

"Woo ....................."

Hearing this sudden question, Lilian raised her cheeks, frowned and looked at the cookies and desserts in front of her, and raised her head after a while.

"Can't there be someone who allows me to eat countless cookies and cakes at the same time?"

"Of course, Your Majesty."

"Then I choose the person who can let me eat countless biscuits and cakes as the president!"

Hearing here, Lilian smiled proudly, and then raised her chest proudly, as if she had given the will as an official. This also caused Sonia to have a soft smile on her face, and then saw Sonia asked with a smile.

"So, Your Majesty, have you decided?"

"Well, yes, I decided, and let that person be the president of the parliament."

At the moment, Lilian felt a little pointing, which is no wonder. The post of parliament president has always been elected by the people. Lilian does not even know the election process and how it works. She only needs to stay in the room. Just wait for the new president of the House of Light to come and say hello. Although it's a game at the moment, Lilian feels interesting to be able to pretend to be the president of the Council of Light.

"But unfortunately, Your Majesty."

Upon hearing Lilian's childish answer, Sonia smiled and put the plate in front of Lilian and put it down.

"Although you have decided, there is still only one cake and one cookie for you."


Upon hearing Sonya's answer, Lilian pouted with dissatisfaction.

"Why, don't you say there are so many cookies and cakes to eat?"

"It is true to say so, but you know, Your Majesty, this is simply impossible."

"But ... he said it clearly, this is Lai Pi, he will not be allowed to be the president of the parliament, and will be taken down!"

Although intellectually clear, Lilian pouted her mouth and waved her hand vigorously. But this time, Sonia shook her head.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, according to the law, only after four years will you have the opportunity to decide whether he can still stay in this position, so until then, whether you only have a cake and a biscuit, or no cake Cookies, you can't take him down. "

"It's boring, huh! Big liar!"

Lilian complained, picking up the cake in her hand, opening her mouth and biting hard, as if she were out of breath. And Sonia stood quietly next to Lilian, smiling and watching the girl's grumpy behavior. I saw Lilian eat the cake in her mouth with three mouthfuls, and then she was silent.

"... Sonia, does the council really ... treat the people of the kingdom of light like this?"

Lilian lowered her head and looked at the black tea in her cup quietly. She was not stupid or stupid. Although Sonia didn't say it clearly, from the previous game, Lilian had already noticed the problem. She hadn't noticed this before not because Lilian was stupid, but because she had no idea how the country's political system worked. As a Dragon Spirit of Light, Lilian was only indoctrinated as a Dragon Spirit of Light from a young age, and she was not told by anyone else. Even Slynn never talked about it in this regard. As for the elections, Lilian just knew a little about it.

"... As a member of the Council of Light, I may not be able to answer your question, Your Majesty."

At this time, Sonia converged on her smile and responded softly.

"It's boring!"

Perhaps aware that the topic was too disruptive, Lilian shook her head vigorously, and then she jumped off the chair.

"Yes, Sonia, I want to see what the election looks like. Can you go with me?"


Upon hearing Lilian's inquiry, Sonya frowned and hesitated, then she nodded quickly.

"No problem, Your Majesty. But ........."

Speaking of which, Sonia lowered her voice.

"Excuse me, I must report this to Parliament."

"Woo ... okay."

Upon hearing the report to Parliament, Lilian's expression of dissatisfaction apparently appeared on her face, but after all, she was a sensible and obedient child. Since Sonia didn't hide herself but told the truth, she couldn't ignore her identity, After all, this was the only close friend she had made in Casablanca, and Lilian was naturally reluctant to embarrass Sonia. And Lilian was also very clear. If the nasty guys in the Council of Light knew that Lilian had taken herself out, she would have trouble with her.

"No problem, but no matter what the council says, I'm going out! Come on, Sonia, help me change my clothes!"

Lilian said, taking off her pajamas three times, five times two, and only then did she reveal the naughtiness and innocence unique to children of this age. Seeing this scene in front of her, Sonia shook her head with a wry smile, then she hurried to the closet and started preparing clothes for Lilian.


But at this moment, Sonia's gaze was attracted by the golden yellow flashing on Lilian's chest. She couldn't help turning her head and looked at Lilian's chest, only to see the girl's long blonde hair covered. Underneath, a faint glimpse of the girl's chest, a round golden gemstone is now shining with golden light.

No, it wasn't a pendant or an ornament, but a magic gem completely set in Lilian's chest. Not only that, along with the girl's movements, you can even see the magic stripe flickering across Lilian's body, and then disappear quickly.

Seeing this, Sonia opened her eyes in surprise.

what is that? (To be continued.)

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