Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 154: Chess game

After awakening Helos, Rhodes and his bow knights spent about half a month's experience in the Devil's Abyss. After killing tens of thousands of demons, Rhodes can gain experience It's over. Realizing that going on like this would only be a waste of time, Rhode decisively called for Jin to retreat. It was just that his departure left General Capra and his generals a little bit reluctant. The former was because they had lost a good helper that could help them destroy the demons, while the latter was because the beautiful elf sisters wanted Leave them. But even so, Rhodes was quite rewarding in the Demon Abyss this time. Not only did he get the materials needed by Rabes to awaken the Holy Sword card, but he also gained the demon with the powerful fighting power of his bow knights. The goodwill of the Abyss Legion. Before the arrival of Rhodes, although the Demon Abyss Army was able to block the demons that came from the gap in the enchantment, after all, manpower was limited, and sacrifice was naturally inevitable. But after Rhode's arrival, everyone in the Underground Corps felt that the dangerous battle was now as easy as an outing, and unlike their imagination, Rhode was not just sitting in the back like other noble masters. On the contrary, in addition to eating and sleeping, he always took the bow knights to personally go and wipe out all the demons that appeared (after all, brushing experience for Rhodes is his own big thing). This immediately made a lot of soldiers look at him, and cooperated with Rhodes ’previous achievements in defeating the Undead Army twice. It can be said that Rhodes’ reputation in the Demon Abyss has basically broken his respect. Even General Capra patted his shoulders and praised him for his youthfulness when he left, and even regretted why he didn't meet Rod two years earlier. If he could bring him under his own hands, he would not have to I'm so upset now.

In Demon Abyss, Rhodes's biggest gain, in addition to obtaining the Holy Sword card, is that he finally broke through the 65th level. Not only that, after breaking through the 65th level and gaining six skill points, Rhode put all six points into his newly created sword skill "Dawning Illusion", which successfully improved the skill of this sword skill At the s + level, the limitation of the phantom clone's inability to switch weapons has been broken. This also made Rhodes a little damaged self-esteem in the battle with Helos, and finally regained a little satisfaction.

Although it is verbally said that summoning the swordsman does not rely on swordsmanship to achieve victory, the word summoning the swordsman is not written in white. Rhodes thinks that the magic swordsmanship of this daybreak has been quite good. It was useless in the face of Helosh, who had completely relied on brute force to break the game. This naturally made Rhodes extremely depressed. Now that the proficiency of swordsmanship breaks through s +, the phantom swordsmanship that can switch avatars has finally improved greatly compared to the previous power, and it is a little comfort for Rhodes.

It was only that Rhodes did not expect that he returned to the Atonement Land without even sitting on a chair, and received a report from Sonia.


Rhodes frowned, staring at Sonia's face in the crystal ball, and when she realized Rhode's doubt, Sonia nodded with certainty.

"Yes, Master, on His Majesty's chest ... ... probably there is a golden-yellow round gem in the middle, and I'm pretty sure it was inlaid in Lilian's body."


After listening to Sonia's report, Rhodes frowned, and could not help thinking. No wonder Rhode is so serious. If Lilian is an ordinary heir to the Dragon Spirit of Light, Rhodes would not think much. But the problem is that Lilian, the dragon of light, obviously does not know how to use her power, and does not seem to know her power at all. So any kind of abnormal reaction that appears to her is likely to be the key. Rhodes had asked Sonia to enter Lilian and had the same purpose. In any case, as a surname, Sonia is more convenient than herself.

And now it looks like he has achieved results.

Is it roughly in the middle of the chest?

Rhodes frowned, and recalled it carefully. Indeed, if it was that part, she would definitely not be able to see it, unless Lilian took off her clothes in front of herself, but it was obvious that even if she was close to herself, she would definitely not Will do it. And that place is very sensitive. Unless you really have a tendency to be idiot, there is absolutely no reason to reach out and touch it. It's normal that I haven't noticed anything strange for so long. It's just that ... if it appears to Lilian, then it's another matter.

Is Lilian unavailable for power right now, is it related to that gem? Or is that something that the Dragon of Creation can have? Thinking of this, Rhodes frowned and began to recall carefully, the Dragon of Light ...... forget, Rhode didn't even know whether the Dragon of Light was male or female in the game. Fa Zhilong himself has seen it many times, but the sisters are not as open as His Royal Highness, but from the place where he can see, he is no different from ordinary people. As for the Dark Dragon ......... the corpses were all restored to the original dragon body, and there was no strangeness seen, and the human form, Rhode, was bored and would not pay attention to a man's body, did he? He is not a rot girl.

"Can you feel any power on it?"

"This ......... sorry, master, this is really beyond my ability."

Upon hearing Rhode's inquiries, Sonia could not help expressing her sorry expression, and Rhode only reacted at this time. Unlike other people around her, Sonia was a noble politician, and her strength was not strong. Her Swordplay is just the level of the elite, it is not magical, and it is just human. It is too strict to expect her to detect magic fluctuations like Marin and Lijie.

"So, do you feel anything unusual or a strange reaction from that gem? Whether it is an illusion or not."

"This one…………………"

Upon hearing this, Sonya frowned and recalled it carefully before answering with a somewhat uncertain tone.

"Well ... if I had to say it, I did feel that time ... Her Majesty Lilian seemed a little more majestic than usual ..."

"More majestic?"

"Hmm ... how do you say? Although His Majesty Lilian has the status of a Dragon of Light, but it feels like a very serious child to me. After I accepted your order from the host to approach Her Majesty Lilian What I felt was also the feeling of a very simple and cute child, but just then, when I stood before Lilian and looked at the gem, for the first time, I felt that I would do it for my eyes. This girl who devotes everything to herself, no matter what she says, I will obey ......... um ......... this ......... Although it is only a short moment, I really think so. "

Speaking of which, Sonia's complexion is also a bit awkward. Anyway, the idea is almost a betrayal for herself as a Rhodes pet, but even so, in order to show her loyalty to Rhode, she Still faithfully returned his feelings.


However, Rhodes is not as worried as Sonia. After listening to Sonia's report, Rhodes nodded slightly. It seems that no matter what the gem is, it is definitely related to the Dragon Soul of Light. He didn't worry about Sonia's loyalty, otherwise she wouldn't have to report such a thing to herself. So now it looks like Lilian is having a problem?

Human beings are the people of order and exist under the shelter of light, so they will naturally feel good about the order itself, just like a bell with order channels in the body. Even if they do nothing, many people will like her and be willing to help her And take care of her. This is the instinctive reaction of human beings as the people of order when they feel the influence of the power of order. It's just that the power of order within the bell is not fully awakened yet, so it has not reached the point where it can respond to it. But if they are the successors of the Light Dragon Soul like Lilian, if they are willing, they can be shocked like in many novels, and then when the power of the king is over, there will be a large group of people willing and There is no reason to swear allegiance to her. That is true for no reason, not even brainwashing or mental indulgence. As long as it is under the sky sheltered by the dragon soul of light, it will fight from the bottom of the heart for the person in front of it.

This is also reflected in the game. When the Dark Dragon appeared, almost all undead creatures on the battlefield were buffed to enhance their strength. The same is true of the country of law, which is why no matter how the other two countries toss, no one will dare to come out and resist the successor of the dragon soul, and the higher the race, the more so. For example, if the four devil are afraid of the Dark Dragon, as long as he dares to raise his sword and stand in front of the Dark Dragon, then the Dark Dragon need not even say a word, as long as he thinks about it, The other side must obediently put down their arms and cry from the bottom of their hearts, and then change their hands and wash their hands.

Of course, the races under the protection of different dragon souls will not have this kind of closeness to other dragon soul heirs, otherwise there will be no need to send any soldiers to the battlefield. When the dragon soul heirs appear, all It's not easier to reverse each other immediately.

The reason why Rhodes had not thought in this direction before was because he was not sure whether the description and reality in the game were consistent. Especially after seeing Lilian in person at the Dragon Soul Ritual at the beginning, Rhodes didn't feel how much he wanted to bow down in front of her to give her life, so only when the game and reality are different, no matter How to say that after coming to the Dragon Soul continent, the only real Dragon Soul that I have ever seen is Lilian.

That is, after entering the land of chaos, seeing that the bell with the channel of order power in the body was unconditionally welcomed by so many people, and after hearing the report from Sonia, Rhodes found out that it was not just a talk in the game Ah ... But what puzzled him was why he didn't feel it? Lilian didn't even care about it. Now it seems that her strength is very problematic, and Rhode doesn't expect that he will have a chance to meet Lilian naked. But if Bell really liked her, he was not attracted by any order force like everyone else.

Could it be that the blood of the devil is impossible?

Thinking of this, Rhodes can't help but pout his lips, which is too exaggerated ...

"the host…………………"


Just as Rhodes was wandering out of the sky, Sonia's voice sounded again, which made Rhodes come back to life. He shook his head and temporarily put the anti-surname name on Lilian's mysterious gem and the power of order. Things aside. Then Rhodes crossed his hands and narrowed his eyes, a soft smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Continue reporting."

"Yes! Master!"

If someone who was familiar with Rhodes changed, I would probably see Rhodes's smile standing upside down, but after seeing Rhodes's smile, Sonia immediately responded with excitement. Perhaps for Malin and others, the expressionless Rhode in Ping Yue was the object to reassure them. But for Sonia, the man in the dungeon playing with a devil-like smile is her unforgettable memory. Every time she sees Rhode's smile, Sonia will feel a strong fear and follow The strong passion that comes. If it weren't for the crystal ball, Sonia would have bowed completely in front of Rhode at this moment, and begged him to slap his body and soul.

But now, Sonia can only put aside the sudden urge to report to Rhode the current state of the country of light, but there is nothing to say about the information that the country of light can report. The most important issue for the Land of Light this year is the election of the new parliamentary president. As far as the current situation is concerned, Nakvad and Green are clearly the most favorable candidates. However, these are also good news for Rhodes. It will be the end of the year when the new parliamentary president takes office, and he can just take advantage of this time to get things done in the chaos and take advantage of this opportunity to expand his power. but…………

"I still want to congratulate you, Sonia, you should be the youngest official member of the Light Council's history."

Rhodes folded his hands, narrowed his eyes and stared at the girl in front of her, and when she heard Rhode's answer, Sonia bowed her head like a girl in love.

"That's right, respectful host, but to me, the so-called Council of Light has no value at all, as long as you can follow your host, even if you want me to abandon everything ..."

"That day will come, it's just not now."

Hearing Sonia's answer, Rhodes smiled and shook his head.

"Moreover, I still need the current Council of Light, um ........." Speaking here, Rhode paused suddenly, then he narrowed his eyes, blinking a few dangerous lights in his eyes, and realized that Rhodes's In the action, Sonia also focused intently on the image emerging from the crystal ball in front of her. Based on her understanding of Rhodes, it is certain that Rhodes is thinking about some very dangerous things. Sure enough, at this point, Rhodes broke the silence. "... So, in order to make the incoming parliamentary president not to be so idle, I hope that you can find an enemy for him, an enemy that can hold him back. I think ... there should be such a candidate around you. "

"... Please give it to me, master."

Upon hearing this, Sonia emerged with a smile, and now she had a very suitable candidate in her mind. She believed that person would be able to successfully fulfill the mission and task given to him by Rhodes.

The phantom on the crystal ball disappeared, and at this time, Sonia had stood up, holding a bright red robe in her hand, and turned out of the room. The moment she walked out of the door, Sonia's soft smile disappeared immediately, replaced by frosty solemnity.

"Go to the third magic guide."

This is a new beginning.

Andrei stood in front of the window, staring at the soldiers under training, with serious conceit on his serious face. The spring breeze blew through the window, bringing a breath of life, which made Andrei helpless. He closed his eyes, everything seemed like a dreamlike dream. In the past year, he experienced unprecedented failures and blows. At that time, he thought he could never stand up again, but now , He stands here again, and has a higher status and power than before, but ...

The thought of Andre became dignified at the thought of the ongoing elections. Although at this stage it has not been determined who will be the final parliamentary president, it is clear that the parliamentary director will simply be from Nakvad and Green They were elected from Walker, but both of them could have personal grudges with Andrei, and because of a series of defeats, the prestige of the military has fallen to the bottom. It is certain that the newly elected parliamentary director will definitely be in the military. Plant your own power to control the overall situation. If they had changed before, the military would not care about the Council of Light at all, but now, from the information received by Andrei, they seem to have no choice.

By then, where should I go from here?


At this moment, the knock on the door interrupted Andre's thoughts, which made him frown, but he said.

"Come in."

"Andri, it's me, and Sonia has come to see you."

"Sherley? Sonia?"

Hearing this voice, Andre quickly turned his head in surprise, and soon he saw Sonia entering the room under the leadership of Cheryl. And seeing Andre, a gentle smile appeared on the face of the noble young lady.

"It's been a long time, Andrea, and you can see that you are doing well now."

"not bad……………"

Seeing Sonia's smile, Andre could not help but look slightly red, and he gave an awkward glance at Xie Erli next to him, and coughed before he said.

"It's just that the situation has been troublesome recently, and I think you know ..."

"I understand that there is indeed such a movement within Parliament."

Sonia narrowed her smile, and walked to Andrea seriously, whispering.

"You also know, Andrei, that the military ministry has been asking the parliament to approve them under various names, and many lawmakers have tolerated this. And this time, the mass defeat of the military ministry requires a reasonable explanation from the public. Few people also think that before allocating so much military expenses to the military, it still ended in a miserable end. The situation is really not good for you, although because of the previous Battle of Winter Castle, the Parliament should not move you for a while , But I think you understand that they won't wait too long. "

"Of course I know."

Andre reached out and held his forehead, looking very helpless.

"But we don't have a good solution at all now, do we? Lord Carlester's approval rate is even less than 10%. In this case, although I have been recognized by many people in the military, but if It is impossible for them to support someone who is impossible to win. "

"I know that too ......... but it's not impossible."

Upon hearing Andrea's complaint, Sonia flashed a strange, mocking smile in her eyes, but soon disappeared.

"The current situation is too bad for Lord Carrest. We need to change this situation, but it is not enough to rely on the people at the bottom. We need to stir up the confrontation between the two forces and then seek our own opportunity in the chaos ,and……………"

Speaking of this, Sonia suddenly smiled slightly.

"... You should know, Andrei, that I was sent by the Council of Light to serve Her Majesty Lilian. Haven't you thought ... Can we get assistance at this level?"

"what did you say?"

Upon hearing Sonia's answer, both Andre and Sherrie couldn't help it. (To be continued.)

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