Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 174: The battlefield on both sides (below) [Continue to ask for monthly ticket support]

The situation is not good.

Rhode held the shadow sword in his hand and frowned at the scene in front of him. Silver and black flames entangled around him to form a protective barrier full of surname destruction. But this is not enough. Since the body of the big sister-in-law was scattered, Rhodes and others immediately felt the pressure increased. On the one-meter-long metal body, there are limbs made of metal structures, and the front and back of each body is full of sharp sharp mouthparts, which are dense and dense. Lined up in the gap in the body, turning over and trying to tear everything. Although these attacks can effectively destroy these guys, they will be reborn instantly and more and more.

"This is really troublesome."

Rod whispered to himself, and looked forward, at this moment, when Selestina snorted and waved the black chain sword in her hand, and soon it was as if cutting a cake. Divided to her arthropod monster from the middle, the dark flames burned fiercely in the gap, but only a moment's effort saw the body of the monster that had been split open and slanted on the ground began to squirm. Two metal arthropods emerged from the side where it was cut, struggling to flip the body in front of them, and stood up again.

This is almost like a virus, divided into two, divided into four, endless.

It is definitely not a good thing to continue this way. As a player, Rod instinctively senses danger. He still knows the original metal structure ** oss here, and the strong regeneration ability is one of its most powerful barriers. And this tadpole monster now seems to have inherited this. It is not a good thing to continue to add value in this way. Although both Celia and Celestina's fire can cause a certain degree of damage to the other party, this damage is obviously not fatal enough. And ... Thinking of this, Rhode couldn't help raising his head, looking at the moment not far from his eyes, the blood-stained giant blade was waving like a ghost.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Compared to others, Xi Luosi did not seem to notice the abnormal state of the monster in front of her, she just issued a crazy laugh like a broken one, and the **** sword in her hand tore the earth without mercy, together with The monsters in front of them are completely destroyed together. Under the red giant blade, even those regenerable monsters have slowed down due to this. The young girl in front of her did not care if she destroyed the enemy. She was completely immersed in the destruction brought by the act of destruction and sex, just like the poisoned addict, greedily enjoying what she brought. Be happy, don't care, and never care about what is likely to happen after this. Not even his own life and **** are at heart, just killing, destroying, destroying, nothing more.


The huge red blade was cut off, tearing and crushing the twisted enemy. At this moment, the monsters around him seemed to be aware of the opportunity to attack, and waved four metal thin legs to jump suddenly. The dense mouthpiece at the gap of the body made a sharp howling at this moment, and the next moment, accompanied by a splash The blood, the sharp metal limbs pierced Xiluosi's arm, countless mouthparts began to run, while making a gurgling sound, while greedily eating the tender ** in front of her eyes. And Xi Luosi's body was slightly tilted with the attack in front of her. At the moment when she stopped attacking, two more monsters of the same but smaller size quickly climbed up the girl's legs and then penetrated into her. Under the skin, quickly, the pale skin suddenly bulges and cracks. The white skin is intertwined with the **** meat pieces. The sharp long needles formed by the metal flow out of it, tearing and piercing the eyes. body of.

In the case of human beings, I am already crying and praying for death at this time. But unfortunately, monsters are not facing humans, but monsters like them or even above them.

"Giggle ......... giggle ......... !!!"

Xi Luo raised the giant sword in his hand, and cut it vigorously towards his legs. The sharp red sharp blade suddenly cut the muscles of the girl's legs like a pencil, and drilled the two already drilled. The worms that entered Xiluosi's body flew out, and then the violent storm howling passed in the air, crushing the two unlucky ghosts into powder instantly, then Xiluosi lowered her head and cracked her mouth to bite After reaching the monster that penetrated his arm, he threw it sideways.

The torn monster's body just spins in the air, floats, and then vanishes into nothingness under the bright red storm.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha !!! It hurts, it's not enough, it's still not enough !!! Let me hurt more, hurt more !!! Come and tear me!"

The girl with a crooked head issued a gleeful smile of joy. The bright red blade in her hand swept away in all directions along with the chain that penetrated her body behind her. A violent tornado enveloped everything in front of her for a while, nothing could Spared.


Marin raised her staff high, and numerous lightning strikes fell from the sky, hitting heavily on those metal limb monsters that crawled forward like insects. With the roar of the lightning strikes, all the monsters stopped their actions in an instant, And Annie raised her shield, and those green eyes exuded an extremely bright light. Soon, the wind rose flatly, spreading the threat in front of her. It was then reduced to ashes under the flames of black and silver.

Still not enough, still not enough!

Rhodes held the shadow sword in his hand. It was absolutely impossible to continue this way. Thinking of this, Rhodes gritted his teeth, and then he reached out to touch the fantasy magic stone in his pocket.

Perhaps this is the only way.

Thinking of this, Rhode reached out his hand, and in the next moment, a card depicting a beautiful night scene appeared in his hand.

"Everyone! Stand back !!!"

Upon hearing Rhode's order, Celia and Celestina quietly retreated, and Grace Hill and Madaras did not know when they would appear next to Rhodes. Only Heloth seemed to turn a deaf ear to Rhode's order, still slashing the enemy in front of him with a crazy smile. After losing the restraint of the other four holy sword spirits, the monsters in front of them began to gather in the direction of Xi Luosi, and in the next moment ...

The endless night, the grassland under the moonlight replaced the original metal hall, covering the entire world. Rhodes and others were instantly transferred to the hillside at the top of the grassland. And that dense, hundreds of thousands of monster joints were completely trapped in the basin under the depression.

Rhode raised his left hand, and soon, a card emerged from his hand again. On that card's face was a huge magical turret, which ran through the night sky, thick and dark. The bright and dazzling magical radiance shines in the muzzle of the fire. This radiance, like the falling of stars, cuts through the night sky and destroys everything—the last dusk is about to disappear, and it is replaced by endless night.

[Summon, Annihilation Twilight]

"Woo ..............."

The whistle of steam sounded, and in the originally dark and empty starry sky, a huge dark shadow emerged, and the turret with a height of dozens of meters cut through the night sky along the invisible trajectory and appeared in front of everyone. White steam spewed from all directions, accompanied by a radiance of magical brilliance, three ornate interlocking and rotating matrixes emerged from the originally empty muzzle, and the unprecedented powerful energy gathered in it. Then, Condensed for the most terrifying force of destruction.

The light tore through the sky, and the magic beam that destroyed the last name swept away. The originally quiet and dark night plateau immediately began to curl. The dense monster-like monster ** was completely covered by this intense shelling, and the pierced earth appeared. With a huge and deep vortex, the light of lightning and flames chased in it, painful contraction, trembling, and the sound of wind howling reached an unprecedented peak at this moment, as if it represented the beginning and end of total destruction.


Rhode sighed, while maintaining five Divine Elves, and also released the scene card and the most powerful magic artillery bombardment. Even Rod's own soul power bottomed out at this instant. Even the figures of Celia and others began to become illusory at this moment. This shows that Rhode's power is no longer sufficient to maintain the existence of the Holy Sword card elves. However, at the same time as the shelling was released, Rhodes had reached out to hold the fantasy magic stone in his pocket. Soon, a steady stream of soul power entered Rhodes' body from this stone, and began to fill him quickly Consumed part. But this is still not enough, no matter how pure the power of the soul, after all, it does not come from Rhodes' own power. But now Rhodes can't care much about it, because --- this is not the end.

The storm stopped.

At the center of the whirlpool's chaos, a hoarse and murmur sounded, without any meaning, it sounded like a murmur in the sleep of a demented person. Then these sounds turned into a deep roar, penetrating everything. The ground began to bulge, and the earth and grass were flying into the sky under this powerful force.

A huge figure emerged from it. It opened its eyes and looked at the unknown little soldiers in front of it. At first glance, it doesn't seem to be any different from the previous giant monster, but if you look closely, you will find that the disgusting tentacles on the four sides of its body are now gone, and replaced by a strong The giant monster's arm lifted up like this. The reflection of the metal and flesh on its body was even dazzling and disgusting. Like a towering tree, the prey in front is completely incorporated into its own shadow.

Seeing the enemy in front of him, Rhodes twitched.

Is it actually it?

ps: I had a dream last night. The content is very simple. Just like in many novels, I closed my eyes and found myself crossing 5013. But at the time I didn't have any excitement to go through, but kept thinking about how to return to my world. Finally, I woke up in a hurry-it seems that imagination and reality are really different.

ps2: Everyone's monthly pass can't be stopped. It's wrong to give up the treatment. Continue to ask for monthly pass support. (To be continued.)

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