Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 176: Destroyed shelling [Happy New Year to everyone]

Li Jie, who had been hit hard by the spirit and burned to gray, was set aside, and Rhode had no time to laugh at her leisure time. The guardian soldier is more powerful than he thought. Although Rhodes has launched all the summoning spirits to attack, so far, it has only consumed almost one third of the strength of the opponent. And the guardian soldier seems very clear that Rhodes is the "black man behind the scenes" of all this, so he has been trying to move in the direction of Rhodes and completely eliminate this threat. Fortunately, for now, it is in the scene card [Casali under the night] controlled by Rhodes, and the control of the card in this scene is in the hands of Rhodes. According to Rhodes's will, ** Adjust the scene distribution. Because of this, although the guardian soldiers worked very hard to move forward, as long as Rhodes thought, he would be immediately returned to the place where he was. At this moment, the guardian soldier has been trapped by Rhodes in a canyon-like gap in Kassala, but even so, he can only trap his actions.

This is not the way to go.

Rhode bit his teeth, and at this moment he was sweating all over his body, switching spaces continuously, resurrecting cards, and summoning elves. Even with the endless power of the soul obtained from the fantasy magic stone, it can no longer support it. But now looking at the patron saint, he is still agile, and Rhode can't help getting a little irritable. If I go on like this, I'm afraid I will be exhausted before I kill this guy. Even if the power of the soul is sufficient, his spirit is not infinite.

Do you want to use that trick?

Thinking of this, Rhodes could not help lowering his left hand and glanced at the card in which the huge magical turret depicting it, annihilating the dusk. This is the strongest single attack card among the cards owned by Rhodes except for the Legion Horn. In front of it, all the legendary mid-levels and below must kneel, with Rhode's taboo aura, except in God Above the level the worst is also a serious injury. However, it also has very distinct shortcomings. One of them is that the attack power is too strong, almost equivalent to a small nuclear bomb. Calling it out without releasing [Cassali under the night] is basically the rhythm of redrawing the map. . Another point is the problem of charging time. Of course, for this tall guardian soldier, aiming and shooting are not a problem. But the problem is that Rhodes is very aware that the reflection of the guardian soldier ignores the strength of the opponent, that is, as long as luck is not launched, even the attack of Lydia ’s holy gun that penetrates the continental shelf will be intact. Moving reflections back. Rhodes is not interested in using this magic cannon to try if the reflection ability of the opponent can resist it. If it really bounces back, then it is a self-destructive path, even if there is a mad prison Enhanced version of the guided artillery bombardment. This is why Rodin would rather grind with other summoning spirits than he would like to launch the annihilation.

Unless Rhodes can find a time, a time when he judges that the opponent can absolutely not launch the "reflex" skill. If this opportunity is taken, it is enough to give the opponent a fatal blow. And such an opportunity does exist.

In the game, if the instant damage to the guardian soldier can greatly reduce its health, then the guardian soldier will enter a state of rage. After entering the state of rage, its defense and offensive power will increase, and Although the reflex chance will decrease, the reflex damage will double. In other words, if the player's attack damage is rebounded after that, then he will get twice the damage. In case of bad luck, another crit will happen, which is basically a rhythm full of blood. This is another reason why most players choose to grind blood instead of a lot of output. No one wants to be dropped by their own attack, right?

But huge risks also bring huge gains.

Within five seconds of the turn of the Guardian Soldier into Rage Mode, its body will undergo a transition, during which time the Guardian Soldier is unguarded. Any attack will hit a critical strike and deal triple damage. In the later stages of the game, Rhodes's guild also has a number of madmen who specialize in instantaneous damage and detonate the guardian soldier to force the opponent into violent mode and then increase the instant damage to seconds. Rhodes also used this tactic several times, but too risky and finally gave up. Unless it is a player who is particularly acquainted, it is basically impossible to hit an attack that is enough to kill half of the damage of the guardian soldier in just five seconds. And once the guardian soldier enters the violent mode, the group destruction is a matter of minutes. As a team commander, Rhodes is a long time. It is naturally impossible to put luck on this unreliable spike strategy, so after a few trials, I confirmed that this is not what most advanced players can use anytime, anywhere. After the tactic, Rhodes gave up the tactic. Because it requires a high degree of tacit understanding of the player's cooperation, even in the Starlight group, only a few people, such as Rod, Canary and Lucky Angel, can cooperate so well. Moreover, human beings are not machines, and there are still times when they miss. Once they miss, they will face the crisis of mass destruction. Rodd is definitely not going to do it. The following people can show themselves, but as the chairman and head command, stability and obedience are the first for Rhodes.

But now ... it seems like I have to do it. There is only one chance. The summoning spirit is more obedient than the player. As long as the timing is correct, you should be able to succeed.

By joining Celestina, Celia, Grace Hill, Madaras, and Heroos, as long as the reflection effect is not activated, it should not be difficult to give the Guardian soldiers more than half a blood attack. The problem is that, next, I must summon [Darkness of annihilation] within five seconds before the outbreak of rage, and then bombard it. In case the timing is not right, too early or too late, then everything is over.

In every sense.

"So, it's up to you."

Cards can be summoned again, but people are really dead when they are gone. This is why neither Rhodes, Annie, nor Marin launched an attack. As for Li Jie—because some kind of shame has burned out and turned into gray-white stone carving, she has completely lost her will to fight, and even her ego has drifted to the sky, a soul out of her head. Under self-protection, people will forget everything that is not good for themselves, and after extreme shame, they will fall into a coma to escape the reality in front of them ... This may also be considered a way of self-protection.

No language is needed, and the connection between the souls is used. The five summoning spirits learn Rhode's plan in an instant, and in short, there is only one sentence.

"Don't play anymore, zoom in together."


Serestina complained of dissatisfaction by flapping her wings and flying backwards, avoiding the arms of the guardian soldiers, and the roaring surging air waves turned into tangible wind blades "flying" flying through the night sky, countless air currents The blade then flew towards the devil lady in front of her, but with the black flames burning, the air blades disintegrated in the air and disappeared in no time.

"Easy to say, this guy is so big, how can he do it!"

"Sister, please calm down ........."

Celia is always following Serestina's side as always, escorting her. It seems that the way the sisters get along is like this. Celestina is responsible for the impact in front, and Celia is responsible for guarding. Grace Hill and Madaras disappeared, and for them, as Carles Dufly, their most obvious failure was in the sight of the enemy.

But now, they are going to join forces to make an unprecedented assault on the monster in front of them.

"I didn't want to use this trick, but it didn't seem necessary to listen to the owner's order."

Suspended in the air, Serestina whispered to herself, then she bit her teeth and stretched out her left hand. Celia, who was next to her, instantly understood her sister's meaning, reached out and held Celia's hand. Then, the white angel and the dark devil simultaneously raised the sword in their hands and aimed at the monster in front of them.

"Sister Gray Hill, where are they?"

"My elder sister will definitely cooperate well. You do n’t need to worry about this. You still have to worry about yourself. We have n’t used it for 1,230 years. If you dare to burn Miss Ben Skirt, go back this time and see how Miss Ben packed you up! "

Along with Serestina's speech, a black flame suddenly burst from the devil lady. Soon, the black fire that swept up completely wrapped the girl in front of her. But it is weird that if you look closely, you can find that the black fire that is enough to devour everything is beating on the girl's white and delicate skin, licking her palm, and making a slight sound of burning skin, but the palm is still white and tender Run, without the slightest scar. What's even more surprising is that she was holding her hand clearly, but Celia didn't even touch the slightest black flame on her palm.

At the next moment, a silver-colored flame erupted, and the holy flames emerging from the war angel girl seemed to have life-like surging, and then wrapped the user's body like black fire. At this time, the guardian soldier who had been attacked suddenly raised his head, and the two white eyes flipped up so quickly that he quickly locked the target in front of him.

"Discovered! Are you stupid, relaxed because you haven't practiced for too long?"

"It's your sister, your fluctuations are too ........."

"Shut up! Do you dare to question Miss Ben's judgment?"

Facing Serestina's complaint, Celia closed her mouth obediently and spent so much time with her elder sister. If she didn't know her last name, then she would be asking for trouble. And right now, the giant has stretched out his three arms and grabbed at the sisters floating in the air in front of him.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

A series of magical radiance burst out from the ground, hitting the arm in front of him, the soul bird stretched its wings and flew through the air, and soon, along with its movement, a series of dazzling lightnings condensed. The giant net shrouded the guardian soldier, the little mermaid swam quickly, stretched out her hands, and with her movements, the cold wind that was enough to freeze the soul blew down like this, and soon, I saw the three The stout and huge arm was frozen in an instant, and the glittering ice crystals covered the surface of the skin, wrapping the original limb. But this only lasted for a moment, and the **** of the ice was turned into powder by the giant's sudden shaking.

But this time is enough.


"Yes, my sister!"

The flames of black and silver grew more and more roaring. The girls held up the sword in their hands and waved downwards. Soon, with their actions, the black and white flames were intertwined and turned into a fire dragon. On the giant in front of me. The surging flow of energy poured down, and even the surrounding space became distorted at this moment. The body of the guardian soldier trembled suddenly, then fell backwards, at the same time, a cobweb-like gap emerged from its chest, and began to spread rapidly up and down the body.

"———— !!!!!!"

With this fierce attack, the guardian soldier for the first time made a roaring sound like a muffled thunder. It stood up suddenly, and an unprecedented bright magical radiance erupted on its body. At the moment when this radiance shone, it was dim again. Go on. Immediately afterwards, the cross-shaped black sword light penetrated the giant body in front of him for a moment.

Gray Hill and Madaras emerged from the air leisurely, and the white elves wrapped in white robes flashed with a smile, and the short sword in their hands quickly broke **, and separated into dust. Then, the mad, brutal red hurricane pierced the sky, piercing the guardian soldier's chest. But the guardian soldier also reacted at this time, and the remaining three arms turned abruptly, pinching the petite body tightly in the palm of his hand.

"Giggle ......... giggle ......... cute prey, call it, call it! Give me more joy, more pain!"

Although her body had been twisted and deformed, Xi Luosi, still holding the bright red giant blade, tilted her head as usual, and the drooling voice made a crazy laugh. With the scream of Xi Luosi, the two chains on the girl's shoulder suddenly exploded, and then saw that they quickly became dozens of chains, and were inserted into the body of the guardian soldier, spraying His blood was spreading in all directions along the iron chain, and the dazzling bright red blade passed quickly, giving the enemy the heaviest blow! The bright red blood extended with unprecedented maliciousness, and the skin on the surface of the guardian soldier began to burst wildly. The blood vessels buried under the skin protruded one by one, broken, and re-melted with flesh and metal, forming a command. Human gagging colors. Then, a sharp sword pierced through the body, and quickly began to get up on the huge body of the guardian soldier.


The guardian soldier who was hit hard hit an unprecedented roar. With the roar, the mad air broke out, sweeping everything around to the ground. And the original Tieqing's body began to show an unprecedented red at this moment, a hot breath was emitted, the guardian soldier raised his head, and the pair of white pupils began to gradually become bright red and dazzling.

The angels and demons retreated quickly, and the white elves chuckled and disappeared into the shadows. Only the Necromancer with a giant sword still made a crazy laugh, turned his head and looked at the night sky in front of him.

The clouds covering the full moon were divided, dark, and the huge magical cannons traversed the sky in a track that was invisible to the naked eye, and stopped slowly with the continuous roar of machinery. Under the influence of the taboo halo, the magic cannon in front of it is not just as simple as a railgun. I saw that around the thick and huge base, the muzzle of hundreds of black holes shrouded the entire sky, and the gears began to run. The metal bearings twitched quickly, representing that the dead machine had awoken from sleep.


The mist of ** erupted from the side of the gun body, floating in the night sky like a cloud, dreamy, golden, gorgeous magic array rotating and appeared in front of the muzzle. At this moment, a little bit of golden light shrouded the sky in front of me, overshadowing the original moon and the glory of the journey.

The next moment, the metal artillery began to growl, converging into a huge, boiling pillar of flames.

Hundreds of rains of light covered the entire ground without mercy, powerful, with high temperature beams running through the earth, melting everything they touched. The guardian soldier instinctively stretched out his arms and crossed his chest. But with the blast of rain of light, the arm that seemed almost indestructible just broke in a blink of an eye and fell to the ground. Immediately after, countless beams of light passed through the huge body and hit the ground. The eruption of steam fused with the dust raised by the dirt, and the earth trembled, shook, and rolled like a wave. The white-hot energy replaced everything else, and became the only master in the world at hand.

And at the next moment, the huge body disappeared completely in the light curtain in front of him, without any trace.

The world flips.

Rhodes only felt a flower in front of him, and then the prairie under the night was broken into pieces like a mirror, and the next moment, they returned to the former metal hall again. But different from before, at the moment in the center of the metal hall, a bunch of red meat pieces and metal fusion like boiled shrimp are lying there quietly, without any sound.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Rhodes could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally succeeded.

ps: The new year is coming soon. How do you plan to spend your time tonight? (To be continued.)

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