Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 185: Staggered fantasy (medium) [Double time of last month pass]

Just as Rhodes and the other started their own battle, on the other side, the battle of the other six men began. Upon hearing Rhode's order, Marin and Li Jie instinctively moved closer to Annie. But they were quickly blocked by three others.

"Hum, where to run!"

Seeing Marin's movements, the magic swordsman wearing bright red leather snorted coldly, then she waved her right hand, and then the sword with a sword turned into a light and stab straight towards Marin. When she noticed the attack from the other side, Marin also changed her face slightly, but the training she received at Canary since these days has played a role. Although Rhodes thought the two were just casual contact, Marlene and Li Jie knew that they suffered more than that. Although it did indeed appear to be what Rhodes thought at first, the two were only briefly contacted by Canary and Little Bubble Gum, and simulated in conjunction with the battlefield environment. But what the two didn't expect was that after a few days, Canary and Little Bubble Gum suddenly raised the difficulty and rose directly from training to a practical perspective. This caused the two to be killed by them every day, but for Marin and Li Jie, they thought it was just a special teaching that Canary and Little Bubble Gum came up with to train them rigorously.

But if Rhodes knows everything after that ... he will understand, because seeing the unscientific upgrade speed of the aboriginal people is far more than just himself ...

Although Canary and Little Bubble Gum are obviously the two "virgins" who are fierce with envy, jealousy and hatred, but their "tough" training results are clearly revealed at this moment. Facing the attack from the other side, Marlene didn't panic. Instead, just momentarily, she held the sword in both hands and waved obliquely in front of her. Hearing only a soft bang, accompanied by scattered sparks, the two red long swords hit each other so heavily.


When she saw the flaming magic sword in the opponent's hand, exactly the same, she felt a weirdness in her heart. Although I have heard Rod ’s explanation before, and I have seen the same face as myself, it was not until this moment when the two sides faced each other that they realized that the opposite was not a phantom or a counterfeit. Product, but the fact that one is truly another. That kind of momentum, that same kind of breath, is useless to imitate.

"It's useless! You actually listen to a man!"

Suppressing Malin's attack fiercely, "Malin" wearing red leather in front of her bit her teeth, her anger and disdain appeared on her good face. "As another me, you actually obey a man! Don't you feel ashamed? What does it mean to you to associate your destiny with a man?"

"I do not know what you're talking about!?"

Although she was the same herself, Ma Lin immediately felt that she couldn't talk to the one in front of her at all, and her accusation was simply inexplicable. This immediately made Ma Lin absolutely unhappy, and drank angrily, Ma Lin The long sword in his hand waved strongly, blocking the opponent's attack stiffly. The magic swordsman took two steps back, but her wine-red eyes flashed unprecedented anger.

"You don't know? How could you not know! Being constrained by that fate, giving everything for a man you haven't seen before. But in the end everything is just a lie. Men only care about you after all. **, they just want to play with you, take possession of you, and wait for you to get rid of you as an asshole! "

"Have you ... uh ... what happened between you and Rhodes?"

Hearing here, Marin glanced strangely in the direction of Rhodes. Although she knew that she was only one of the countless worlds of fate, she heard the words that hated men so much from the mouth of "the other one", It still made Marin helplessly curious. According to her own memory, although she didn't have a good face for most of the male surnames before meeting Rhodes, it was just a contempt. It's completely unlike the other one who hates men so much, as if there is a common hatred.

Was the other one playing with Rhodes himself, then abandoned?


Hearing Marin's inquiries, the other frowned, and grunted coldly.

"That's the man who turned your fascination upside down? Miss Ben won't be with that nasty, stupid animal! You should also recognize the reality earlier! Men are new and disgusting after all, and they will lose you after you get tired Aside, if you are obsessed with it, it will only be more miserable than it is now! "

"I don't think so."

Hearing the answer from the other side, Malin breathed a long sigh of relief. Although she didn't know why the other person hated the man so much, listening to her tone never seemed to meet with Rhodes, rather than being abandoned by Rhodes. This finally made Marin relax a lot, although it is one of the countless worlds of fate, but the thought of her fate is likely to be abandoned by Rhodes, this will not make people feel good after all. And now this other one hasn't met Rhodes herself, so her performance has nothing to do with herself.

But ... wouldn't she be like her if she didn't meet Rod?

Thinking of this, Marin shook her head hard and threw this somewhat weird idea behind her, then she clenched the sword in her hand, and Canary's teaching emerged again in her mind: face the enemy, pay attention to the opponent's Sight and angle, follow your instincts, attack is always the best defense ...

"I and you are different!"

Raising his head proudly, with the coquettish drink, the bright red sword in Malin's hand suddenly stabbed forward, with a whistling sound of emptiness, stabbed at the enemy in front of him like lightning.

The dazzling brilliance flashed past, the white long sword cut through the air and chopped heavily on the ground. Soon, the silver flames roared forward and roared apart. Li Jie arched her body and rolled back one by one, so that she could avoid the attack of the opponent. Looking up, I saw an angel with a pair of white wings floating leisurely in front of Li Jie, watching her quietly.

"It really made me think that you are so weak and want to be with Mr. Rhode?"

"You ... I am not ........."

Li Jie opened her mouth to refute, but she could not say anything when she thought of the other person as herself. But looking at Li Jie's expression quietly, as an angel, she appeared with a bit of nostalgia. She lowered her long sword, with a nostalgic expression, stared quietly at the girl in front of her.

"It's really nostalgic. I used to be like you, just following him innocently, enjoying his shelter, thinking that he can help me solve all problems. And I just want to be like a happy little woman, Just stay by his side. However, things are not so simple. You also know the danger we face. No matter how strong Mr. Rhodes is, he is just one person, and I will not always be held by him. Watch. Once he looks away, then I am so powerless that I cannot follow in his footsteps! "

Speaking of which, the angel suddenly looked up, and the white sword in her hand suddenly waved.

"So, I failed! My elder sister forcibly brought me back for my safety. She didn't want me to be involved in that kind of cruel fight, and she didn't want me to be involved. If I could have more power, I would not leave Rhodes, let him fall into the dark, and associate with those undead creatures. If I can always follow him, he will not be hated by those The vampires are bewildering! Let the nasty woman turn the fascination of the fans! You have to remember, another me, those who live in the dark are a group of assholes! Especially the woman named Yi Lin! Don't believe her words, she just values ​​Rhodes' power! Obviously, my sister and I are the ones who love Rhodes the most. Why would a woman from the dark world be kicked in!

"... ……………………"

Hearing the angel's words, Li Jie's complexion became a little ashamed, and she was okay to say ......... But sister ... Did sister Lidia in another world like Mr. Rhode? Thinking of this, Li Jie couldn't help feeling a little uneasy. If that was the case, no no no, although it was said to be a thing in another world, but in case this world, sister Lidia also liked what Mr. Rhodes should do do? I can't compare to my sister at all, and for Mr. Rhodes, my sister is also a better choice, isn't it? But ... who is Elin?

She shook her head and threw the doubt behind her head. Then she looked up and looked at the other person in front of her.

"I will not hide behind Mr. Rhodes. I will try to move forward with him. I am not the same as you."

"Maybe, maybe not, but it doesn't matter to me."

Speaking of which, the angel waved the sword in his hand, and the silver flame burst out suddenly. Then she glanced subconsciously in the direction of Rhodes.

"Although I don't know why I am here, this is an opportunity for me. What I have lost, I will not lose again. This time, I will definitely hold Mr. Rod firmly in my hand , I want to take him back and bring it back to my world. This time, I will definitely succeed. "

"I will never let you succeed!"

When she heard this, Li Jie's complexion also became serious. Then, the girl reached out and took out a pair of black leather gloves from the pocket of the robe. Then she put it on her hand, and then the girl clenched her hands Make a fist, lower the body, the burning flames shone in the eyes.

"This is my world. I will prove it to you. I will never allow you to take Mr. Rhodes away!"

ps: The time for a double monthly pass is about to pass. Don't be so polite if you have a ticket ... (to be continued.)

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