Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 197: Main city construction (end)

Immigration is a major project, as is Rhodes. .

The first is the remnants who guard the tinder. Even Rhodes himself has to admit that this battle against chaos is indeed very dangerous and difficult. More than half of his mercenaries were killed and wounded, and the Knights of the Bow were almost completely destroyed. Only Gunsetti and a few guard knights survived. However, the problems of the Knights of the Bow are easy to solve. They are heroes themselves, as long as they are summoned. On the contrary, the loss of the mercenary side made Rhodes very helpless, but a few lucky people in charge survived, I don't know if they should die hard or have good luck, or they resolutely carried out what Rhodes taught at the beginning The commander must not be dangerous?

In contrast, the disabled people are much worse, they are the main defense, and their strength is only a line higher than the mercenaries brought by Rod, not as good as the Knights of the Bow. Even the Knights of the Bow Knights were almost completely destroyed inside, and these remnants were naturally not much better. As a result of statistics, seven out of ten of the guards in charge of the disabled people have completely disappeared from the devouring of chaos, and most of the rest have been seriously injured and have lost their fighting ability. At present, only those residents who have taken refuge in the shelter are barely escaped from the calamity, but most of them are old and weak women and children, and there are only limited things they can do. But of course Rhodes could not let them go. In any case, they have also guarded Tinder for so many years, and now they want to kick the other party away, and Rhodes can't do it.

But building a territory is not a simple matter, many things Rhodes can't get at all. Although he once managed a territory in the game, it was only a game after all. All Rhode had to do was adjust the tax rate and wait to collect the money. Anyway, the money in the game comes out of thin air, and players will not worry about where the money comes from-such as why some coins are found in the bodies of monsters such as wolves and slimes.

But now, as Lord of the Land, Rhode had to start having a headache. Because of the closed life, these disabled people would not use anything like gold coins at all. They lived a strict overall deployment system similar to militarized management. This system is okay to say in a purely closed world, but it is not the same now, even if it is bartering, commercial transactions are also a step in foreign economic exchanges.

Even the top player in the game does not mean that Rhodes is capable of working at this level. After thinking about it for several days and unable to reach a conclusion, Rhodes decisively throws this matter to Marin to handle. As for how she would set up a complete financial circulation system in her territory, which can match the outside world, Rhodes no longer thinks about it. This is not his field of expertise at all. He studied at university. It's not a finance department.

As for the mercenaries who follow Rhodes, Rhodes has been promoted to become a member of the elite guards. Regardless of the level, being able to persist in the fierce tide of chaos to the end is enough to show their strength. Although cruel, but with the tragic war baptism, those real elites were screened out. Even Rhodes, after meeting with them, found that after this series of battles, those people had a little more. Unprecedented determination and strong will to fight. And I don't know if it was because of breaking the limit. Most of them actually broke the limit of the indigenous people and reached the level of forty or more. Although Rhodes now has less than a hundred mercenaries at this level, their strength is enough to become the core elite army to guard a royal family.

After that, Rhode also took the time to connect with the seven lovers and other people through the soul connection. Although they were guarded by the wall of absolute order, they could not enter here for the time being, but through the system connection, Rhode was still from the seven love In their report, they learned about the situation outside.

In the chaotic land, Rhodes and others have no concept of time, but on the outside at this moment, a full four or five months have passed, and it is almost the end of summer. I have to say that although there is no concept of time, everyone was surprised when they heard the report of Qilian. It ’s no wonder that in the chaotic land, even the south and the north are not clear. Basically, everyone is drowsy. The only time concept is only after coming to the source of the fire. The outside world has actually passed such a long time.

However, problems such as chaos in the territory that Rhodes feared did not occur, although many people expressed their dissatisfaction and worry about not seeing Rhodes and Marin. But for Qi Lian, this is nothing, the lord of the fire element is a fox, and the fox is the best at deceiving people, so she finds a very strong reason to send all those guys away. The reason she was looking for was ...

"Maternity leave?"

Hearing the reason that the female fox came from the end of the soul connection, Rhode felt for a moment that he was as if he had hit the magic of spirits, and he couldn't calm down.

"Yes, huh, master. Isn't it reasonable and reasonable? Miss Marlene is temporarily in need of recuperation because she is pregnant and temporarily unable to work. I think this reason is perfect and seamless. As for work, you and me help, It ’s not a big deal. "

"............ forget it, is there anything else?"

Nothing more than three seconds, and in the spirit of "dead friend, immortal and poor," Rhode decisively exposed this matter. As for how Marin would look after hearing the news, how should she face it This has nothing to do with myself. At this moment, Rhode is more worried about himself. He really didn't hit the house for three days to expose the tile. He knew that he would not leave Qilian outside. Rhodes has begun to consider whether to wait for an opportunity to drag this sly female fox onto the bed, and let her understand what the master-servant gift is.

"Everything else is normal? The country of night has never come to us after signing the armistice agreement. As for the country of light ......... Wahhoo ... …… Master you The arrangement of the chess pieces really works. "

Even through the spiritual connection, Rhodes can imagine the smirk expression of Qilian at this moment. Sure enough, he soon got the situation of the kingdom of light from Qilian since the recent period of time-originally inferred according to the date, the kingdom of light is the critical period of the election at this moment, but it was not expected that During the critical period, there were many conflicts and violence in the country of light that were totally unimaginable.

The origin of the conflict comes from the Council of Light itself. As election campaigns became more intense, people everywhere began to respond. Because of this, there has been a fierce conflict between Mr. Nakvad and Mr. Green. The former believes that human beings should be united and strive for a new future. The latter believes that people from remote and poor places should be rolled back from wherever they come. Don't be parasitic on the body of the kingdom of light like a blood-sucking parasite to **** their money and resources.

This naturally caused conflicts and dissatisfaction between the immigrants and the native people. From the perspective of the natives in the country of light, those immigrants did not respect their traditions and culture at all, and did not work hard here, but Crime on the streets or everywhere has caused their original and peaceful cities to become lairs of crime. Furthermore, according to Mr. Green's previous statement, many people think that the army of the kingdom of light was not defeated by the enemy because of the enemy. Too powerful, but because of the greedy erosion of these outsiders! These people should get out of the kingdom of light, wherever they come from!

For such rhetoric, those immigrants are naturally unacceptable. In their opinion, they came here hard and hard, and all day long do dirty and low-paid work such as sweeping the streets and cleaning up garbage. Bear it? Without you doing these tasks here, you guys who think you are noble, are all piled up at the gate! You pushed us to work that you did n’t want to do, and you did n’t want to work hard to find a job, but now you bite and say that we are wrong? Call us to drink when you need us, and treat us as trash when we do n’t need us? Really when we are bullying?

In such a situation, the faction supporting Mr. Nakvad and Mr. Green often clashed on the streets. Although this kind of thing happened from time to time in previous elections, it may be because of the tragic experience before Because of the defeat, people desperately need a breakthrough to vent their emotions. Because of this, the violent conflicts in the country of light continue to escalate, and many people are involved, and the dead and the wounded appear from time to time.

What is even more unexpected is that as the situation continues to ferment, in several border territories of the Kingdom of Light, those non-human races have uncharacteristically united, claiming to leave the jurisdiction of the Light Council and no longer endure light. Of the Parliament. Even the humans who invaded their land were almost driven out.

To this extent, even the Light Council was taken aback.

For a long time, non-human races have no rights in the country of light. No matter what race you are, as long as they are not human, they are not protected by law. Therefore, in the country of light, everything happens to sell elf. Even the battle angels were forced to take refuge in Muen, and the remaining few just hid in the Dragon Soul Temple and never went out. Therefore, those non-human rights cannot be guaranteed. Even in some border areas, humans have specialized hunting teams to hunt and catch non-human races for trafficking.

This kind of thing has been going on for hundreds of thousands of years, and the non-human races are not without resistance, but where there is oppression, there is resistance. Where there is resistance, there is repression. Non-human resistance has mostly ended in failure. But this time, they didn't know what medicine they were taking, and they all started to fight together at the same time. Coupled with the fact that the armament in the kingdom of light was emptied after the previous battle with the kingdom of night, those border territories were actually taken back by them!

At this moment, the Council of Light suddenly had a headache. Send troops, now there are not enough staff. But do n’t send soldiers, is it just watching the aliens occupying their own land? Although other territories can also be requested, because of the previous failure, the prestige of the light council has been greatly reduced, and basically the requests sent were basically dismissed by the other party.

Because of this, the country of light at this moment is completely chaotic. Before that, they had not thought about the trouble of finding territory while Rhodes was away. But when the incident broke out, they were not in the mood to pay attention to Rod's Atonement.

"It looks like Sonia is doing well."

After hearing Qiqi's report, Rhode nodded with satisfaction. Before leaving, Rhodes had considered that the members of the Light Council might play tricks while they were away, in order to prevent them from being bored. Rhode asked Sonia to stir up opposition and contradiction as much as possible during the campaign to create chaos. Now it looks like Sonia has done more than she thought.

"Yes, master, Miss Sonia has done a great job. It is indeed the master's favorite bitch. The quality is really first-rate. Ah, yes, besides, your meat toilet slaves are also very important. I want to tell you about it personally, please contact her when you have time. Although in my opinion, it is just that the estrus slave wants to reward. "

"I know."

Having been with Qilian for so long, of course, Rhodes has learned the skills of automatically filtering her mouth to run the train. So after listening to Qi Lian's report, Rod thought for a moment, then nodded.

"I'll take care of things when I'm busy."

As he said, Rhode looked up and looked at the seven monster lairs shown on the system panel in front of him.

ps: Is it even better for Shuanggeng ......... (To be continued.)

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