Summoning the Holy Sword

Chapter 208: The way to the future

Summer goes to autumn.

For most people, this is a bumper season, and after a war-torn winter, their lives are back on track. But for others, their normal lives are only now beginning.


Tens of thousands of people lined up in a column and headed forward under the leadership of mercenaries. Among them were old people, children, and young people. But no matter who they are, there is only one action they are doing at the moment, which is to look up and look at the sky in front of them. On the edge of the sky not far away, a shining barrier stood between heaven and earth. It was a wall of absolute order, and there was no barrier through which anyone could pass. And now, there will be their door to the new world.

In the face of this scene, the refugees also have different expressions. They all knew that the Lord Lord of this territory had successfully developed a land of order, and now they are going to enter it and become the residents inside. But in the face of this news, everyone's reaction was different. The old man's eyes are full of anxiety, because they don't know what kind of life they will face next, and they don't know if they can withstand the next trials and sufferings. The faces of young people were full of excitement. Of course, they heard their elders tell stories about opening up a land of chaos, and now they ca n’t help but look forward to thinking about going into this unknown territory and struggling for future life With excitement. The children's faces were filled with unprecedented curiosity, and they couldn't wait to see what kind of territory the legendary lord opened up.

"Everything is ready, sir."

"I know."

Hearing the return of the soldiers around her, Blan's heart leaning on the stone pillar opened her eyes, as if she had not slept for a few days and glanced at the team in front of her, although her movements looked as lazy and unreliable, But none of the soldiers around him dare to question this. The reason is very simple. It is this young girl who always seems to be unable to wake up, and seems to be dozing off all the time.

As we all know, refugees are very difficult to manage, but now, nearly 40,000 refugees can wait in line like a movie theater, and it is entirely managed by the heart of Bran. Originally, when preparing for migration, many mercenaries thought that it was too risky. To organize so many refugees, it took a long time to provide materials and preparation time. Once the refugees did not obey the management, problems would easily occur. But what they didn't expect was that this young girl who seemed to be dozing all day easily restrained the refugees, and divided them into four batches, each batch of 10,000 people, in order to enter the void collar. Not only that, Heart of Bran also divided these refugees into groups of 100 people, each group was managed by ten senior soldiers, including logistics supplies, emergencies during migration, and resettlement of refugees. This surprised many soldiers and mercenaries. Although they had learned the strength of the young girl in front of them during training, they did not expect that in the face of the problem of arranging refugees, Bran Heart could do so well.

This is also why Rhodes kept Bran's heart out to lead the large troops. In the game, those players are not the same as the soldiers in reality, and they are forbidden. Each Star Wars battle will lead tens of thousands of players to open the film, these players are under the unified management of the heart of Bran. That's tens of thousands of players. The players themselves don't like to obey orders. They can organize those players in an orderly manner, which shows that the heart of Bran's management ability in the overall situation. Because of this, for Bilan Heart, there is no pressure to manage this refugee-compared to those players who are unhappy and go offline or stupid enough to choose assaults like rookies, these refugees can be described as I can manage it with my eyes closed.

Looking at the refugees who could not see before, Bran Heart took out his pocket watch.

"Time is up."

With the soft whisper of the heart of Bran, the light curtain in front of it began to change, and a gap appeared in the middle of the light barrier that originally blocked everything. Then, the gap slowly expanded and extended to both sides. Seeing this scene, there was a burst of throbbing among the refugees, but soon the peace was restored under the appeasement of the soldiers. With the unfolding of the multicolored light curtain, the sky has also changed. Looking away, you can see the dark night sky and the blue sky in the distance. Shining stars and the glory of the sun interweave, forming a new landscape.

Although I have heard that Bran ’s Heart, Qi Lian and others have said that this kind of thing will happen, when I saw this scene in person, many people were still a little uneasy and panic. All around, and the refugees are gathered back to back at this moment, it is no wonder that they will make such a response. After all, when human beings face sudden unknown things, it is not surprising that they will behave like this.

For the time being, Rhodes has no intention of invading his own asylum, which is also a vague move to express his thoughts and positions to Munn and Lydia. After all, if Rhodes extended the asylum of the Dragon Soul to the entire Glenbell collar, then everyone would really lose it. Now, part of his territory is under the protection of Dragon Spirit of Light, which shows that Rhode's position on Lydia and Lilian is unchanged.

Of course, this is only a temporary choice. Once the war begins, in the case that the Light Dragon Soul cannot resist the erosion of the Dark Dragon, Rhodes will decisively take a shot and completely shelter his territory. After gaining the power of the dragon soul, Rhodes has learned the source of the power of the dragon soul and its power. Then according to the rule that the more you surrender to the dragon soul shelter, the more able to provide the power to the dragon soul, Lilian's own strength is so weak that it cannot be increased. Under the shelter of the light dragon soul, I am afraid that only Moun It can provide Lilian with enough power of Dragon Soul, but the problem is that compared with the land sheltered by the vast Light Dragon Soul, this Dragon Soul is simply a waste of money. It is already very difficult to maintain order. It is difficult, and once it is attacked by external forces, it will immediately collapse. A large part of the reason why the Dark Dragon ’s offensive has been before and in the game is that the fragile dragon soul barrier was completely defeated by the Dark Dragon, and then the Dark Dragon spread its own shelter along the way, in The morale of the undead army sheltered by the Dark Dragon Soul naturally rises, and the human beings under the influence of the Dark Dragon Soul will have a lower morale. Therefore, what is a mile away is naturally nailed down. Previously, because the sage girl strengthened the order rules of the Dragon Spirit of Light, the power of the Dark Dragon could not break the Dragon Spirit barrier on Rhode's side, but if the opponent wants to take a serious shot, then they must Be prepared to respond.

Thinking of this, Bilan's heart yawned boringly, and then she slammed the heavy book at hand and issued an order.

"lets go."

Hearing the command of Brin's Heart, the messenger around him immediately saluted her respectfully, and then turned to leave. Soon, the horn sounded, and it spread far away. When the loud horn sounded, the refugees who were still agitated suddenly calmed down. Although they still have anxiety and fear for the future, but now, the only thing they can do without their hometown is to choose to move forward.

"The refugees have entered the void."

Rhodes stood on the balcony, gazing at the sky in front of him, and behind him, Marin frowned slightly, and then reminded.

In Malin's view, being a summoning card did not make her feel uncomfortable. After successfully sealing Marin as a card, Rhodes fixed Marin in one of the top ten primitives. Understand], and after being fixed in the top ten original position, Marin is basically not much different from when she was a human before, and it can even be said that there are many benefits. As a card, she will not Ill, I wo n’t die from injury, I can also contact other sisters by summoning the soul connection between the cards, which makes Marin feel incomparable. On the basis, if she has no love for Rhodes but is full of hatred, then these are completely permanent punishments for her.

For Rhodes, the biggest benefit of using Marlene as a card is that he finally learned how powerful Marlene is now. Unlike other cards, there are only one summoning card for Marin. This does not refer to the number of cards themselves, but the number of cards shown in [Knowledge Demon Deck] centered on Marin. That is 1/1, that is to say, unlike Bran's Heart and Seven Love, Marin's does not have its own auxiliary card. But even so, Marin's strength is still not comparable to other cards.

[Marin Xenia (Marie Linte Askeros) (Devil of Knowledge, Demon Surname) Attack 20 Defense 20: Demon-level lord, the only surname, can not be merged. The Master of Wisdom, sings God's Word, has absolute domination, and magic technology controls. Possessive Skills-"The All-Knowledge Library" (ruler of the treasure house of wisdom and wealth contained in the void of Vientiane)

Omniscience Library (Treasure House of Wisdom)

Demon-level lord authority (release skills with absolute suppression of surnames)

Fast analysis (compresses the analysis speed of the target intelligence to one tenth)

Master of knowledge (Analyzed skills are not valid for it and cannot be activated, the holder will automatically learn the skills after being analyzed)

Gift of Knowledge (You can assign a target to learn any skill / talent / manufacturing skill, the cooldown time depends on the preciousness of the skill level)

Master of knowledge (when the holder learns skills / talents / spells, the level automatically increases to full proficiency)]

This proper ** oss template is correct.

At the time, Rhodes was completely speechless when he saw the intelligence of this card, and nothing else. Just being a [knowledge master] is enough to let all players kneel down completely. The skills analyzed by Marin are invalid and even Unable to launch, this is almost equivalent to making the player lose all the bonuses of skills and spells, relying solely on his own ** to fight. But in this way, how can a player without the skill talent guard have worked with Marin who has the authority of the demon-level lord? Christie's skills had been extremely cruel before, but Marlene was just as good. Although she didn't know what Alice's surname was, in the opinion of Rhodes, the two deities alone joined forces on this continent. Basically there is nothing to suppress their existence. What's more shame is that not only can Marin automatically learn the skills after being analyzed, but also with the surname of [Knowledge Master], she will immediately raise the entire skill level to the full level when she learns this skill. This is so distraught that there is no surname at all. And the scope included by Marin is not just spells, but all skills / spells / talents ...

As for the gift of knowledge, it is a great benefit for Rhodes, which means that he does n’t need to go to the ruins to dig those lost skills or spells. As long as Marin uses this skill to herself, Luo Germany can automatically learn any technique or acquire any kind of knowledge, omitting the learning steps and jumping directly to the mastery stage.

But for Rhodes, before that ...

"Marin, are you ready?"

Rhode turned and looked at the girl next to him quietly.

For him, the girl in front of him was still with the person around him, and that was enough. (To be continued.)

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