Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 223: Restless night

"Miss Emily?"

Seeing a young girl with fiery red hair in front of her eyes, Rhodes had a rare expression. In fact, he was indeed very surprised, because Rhode had no idea that he would meet Emily again here.

Emily Edward.

The daughter of the President of the Edward Chamber of Commerce in the Fiat region in the southern part of the Principality of Muen is most unique because she clearly wants to be a merchant who can travel around. At the time, Rhodes went to the Fiat area to destroy behind enemy lines. He was dressed as Miranda and had contact with Emily for some time, and even triggered the mission of Emily. After Rhodes came to this world, the only mission marked "unfinished". If Rhodes was a perfectionist, maybe he would just feel like choking his throat just by looking at the dim task hint. But for Rhodes, there is no completion without completion, and he is not too concerned. Rhodes thought this was the way to go, but he didn't expect to make a lap, but actually met Emily again at this time.

After being slightly surprised, Rhode began to curiously look up at the girl in front of her. Compared with the first time she met with herself, Emily is now a little less immature and more mature. . From her confident smile, it can be seen that Emily is very satisfied with the current life. It seems that she ran out and fulfilled her dream, but what happened in it, Rhode was not allowed to. Okay.

In the face of Emily, Shan Lide's performance was a gentleman. When the two met, he also had an excuse for knowing that he could take a step in advance. As for his departure, Rhodes and Emily didn't say much. Soon, the three found a place and began to recount the old. But before that ...

"Miss Salem, this is ..."

Emily curiously watched Angeline, who was quietly following Rhodes, and Rhodes just waved his hands casually when she asked.

"She is my maid." [

"That's it ........."

After hearing Rhode's answer, Emily curiously looked at Angeline, which made Angeline a bit upset. For her, being treated by such a lowly creature like a human as an ornamental animal is a very rude act. If she changes her usual, Anjielin's unique method is to make this lowly human cut off her body and commit the crime. What a stupid mistake she made, but now she can only lower her head. Be respectful.

"How beautiful the maid beside Miss Salem is."

Looking at Angeline, who was as delicate as a doll, Emily didn't know that she had almost made a circle on the line of life and death, but just sighed with curiosity. This is because she remembered that when Miss Miranda went to Fiat before, she took Celia and Celestina with her two maids. For Emily, the two girls were already amazing. This time. It was surprising that Miss Miranda had such a lovely and delicate maid beside her.

But soon, the topic of the two turned to other places, and I was able to see "Miranda" again. Emily was obviously very happy in her heart, so Rod didn't spend much time, and soon got from Emily. Learned her condition after she left.

That also starts with the end of the civil war.

After the civil war in the Principality of Munn ended, the reformers were completely swept into the trash cans, and the South experienced considerable turmoil and reshuffle. Although the connection between Fiat and the reformers is not close, it has also been affected. Originally based on the relationship between the Edward Chamber of Commerce and the Reformers, they could not escape this difficulty. However, I do not know if it was lucky or unfortunate. Rhodes broke the Edward Chamber of Commerce's mine, which forced the Edward Chamber of Commerce to suspend the supply of ore to the reformists, which allowed them to escape the disaster. It has not been affected much in the liquidation storm. However, Rhodes had done enough. The entire mine completely collapsed. It was impossible for the Edward Chamber of Commerce to dig a new road, and their opponents took the opportunity to smash down the rocks and steal many businesses that originally belonged to the Edward Chamber of Commerce. The Edward Chamber of Commerce has to start thinking about other ways.

And Emily also took the opportunity to convince her father, forcing him to agree to the idea of ​​traveling abroad, and since then, Emily has been wandering as a travel merchant, combined with the experience Rod has told himself, There are also some ideas she has figured out. She has been mixed with enthusiasm on the land of light. In the past two years, she has gradually grown bigger. However, unlike those merchants who intend to settle down after earning money, Emily prefers to walk on the mainland and collect those rare and rare products for sale. This is the same as Rhodes in the game. Nothing has changed.

Because of this, after learning about the Highland City and the Netherlander, Emily wanted to come here to try her luck and see if she could find something new, rare and interesting. Of course, Emily is not a fool. She is just a weak woman. Although she knows some swordsmanship, she is just better than ordinary people. It is good to have a normal strength. Moreover, he is a trader and naturally carries a lot of valuable things with him. If he has no brain at all, I am afraid that Emily has already been eaten. So before coming to Highland City, she also inquired about the situation here. So I came to say hello to Shan Lide, who is in charge of the Alannick family, but I didn't expect the two sides to talk. Shan Lide was also quite acquainted with a woman who was a layman as a woman. Interesting, naturally speaking about Miranda who had impressed him before, and Emily did not expect to hear Miranda's name here, and she was overjoyed. Before she was able to go out for business, Emily naturally also searched for Miranda, and had some or some connection with the Salem Chamber of Commerce. Fortunately, at that time, the Salem Chamber of Commerce had been organized by Qilian and started its own work. Therefore, for Miranda, they were not indifferent, but most people did not know "Milan "Da", only know that the young lady often goes out. Rarely returned to the chamber of commerce. Few people had met her and naturally did not know where she was. Although this answer made Emily not satisfied, but also solved the crisis of Rhodes in one aspect ... At least his identity will not be revealed.

So, to meet Miss Miranda again here, Emily is actually very excited. It's as if a student, after learning a lot of hard work, is eager to find his teacher to prove his progress. And in Fiat, Rhode's words to Emily also benefited Emily, especially after doing business in person, Emily found out how important those experiences are. Although France helps you get rich overnight, it does allow you to do business in a safer environment. As Miss Miranda said before, money can be made again, but there is only one life. Keeping in mind the phrase "Miranda", Emily therefore chose to let go decisively in many cases, and escaped. Otherwise, I'm afraid that Emily has died long ago.

From another perspective, Rhodes can be regarded as Emily's "savior" and more than once.

"But ... you are really lucky. It's been quite uneventful these days. A businessman alone is very dangerous."

After listening to Emily's narrative, Rod couldn't help but sigh secretly. During this time, the land of light was not peaceful. Menn ’s civil war between North and South was not mentioned. After that, the attack by the kingdom of night on the land of light was very violent. In the country of Light that suffered, besides refugees, various robbers and gangsters were born, and they wandered around the territory of the country of light. In this case, Emily wandered alone. It is surprising that he can still make such a result.

"Hey hey."

Hearing Rhode's words, Emily spit out her tongue. [

"Actually ... I was traveling with others recently. As Miss Seren said, this period is not very peaceful. I also think that my small life is more important. Anyway, money can be earned again. Ah, yes, Let me introduce you, Miss Salem. "

Speaking of this, Emily suddenly thought of something, then she hurriedly glanced at the surrounding area, then she ran to the side, and then pulled out a person.

"This is Miss Stefal. I have been with her during this time. Miss Salem, like you, she is also a merchant."


Hearing Emily's words, Rhodes seemed curious on the surface, but at the moment deep in his heart, he was taken aback. He even prepared a war preparation system. Behind him, Angeline took a step back instinctively at this moment, looking at the young girl who was pulled out by Emily with vigilant eyes. Because the two of them were surprised to find that before Emily pulled the girl out, she didn't feel the breath of each other at all!

This is absolutely abnormal for Rhodes and Angeline. They are the heirs of the Dragon Soul and the vampire royal family. Not to mention, those who can conceal and hide to this extent in front of them, It has the powerful strength of Rhodes absolute imagination itself!

"Hello, this is Miranda Theron."

Taking a closer look at the girl next to Miranda, Rhodes appeared an elegant and gentle smile, then he reached out his hand, and the other side smiled slightly, and then held Rod's outstretched hand.

"Hello, Miranda ... ah, miss, I'm Stifal Yulia, I'm glad to meet you, I heard a lot about you from Emily ... now It looks like you are, as she said, a very interesting person. "

Holding Rhode's hand, the girl appeared a soft smile, and at this moment, Rhode also looked at the girl in front of her with the help of the firelight.

She has a black, waist-long hair, white face and dark eyes, which can be regarded as an impressive beauty. However, unlike Emily in a dress, this lady is wrapped in a large black cloak all over her body. What is even more weird is that in this environment where luxurious guests and dresses are everywhere, the girl is unusual. The dress wasn't noticeable at all, except for Rhodes and Angeline, no one seemed to notice her anymore, even not far from the girl and the two fat and fat businessman Shan Lide, the host of the banquet party, didn't even notice her existence.

At least there is the strength of the legendary pinnacle.

Rhodes frowned slightly. As soon as he touched, he felt the powerful power contained in the other person's body. Not only that, from the contact he just made, Rod also felt that there was a devil-like atmosphere in the other person. Combining the vigilance generated by myself and Angeline when seeing each other, then there is only one answer.

Semi-succubus? This is really a rare existence ...

But why did a semi-demon come here?

Not only that, Rhodes also noticed that at the same time when he saw himself, Stiffar's eyes clearly expressed a look of surprise. Obviously, she saw through her true identity.

Maybe it will be a sudden trouble?

A semi-demon descended from the legendary peak strength and did not know him at this time came to Highland City, which is not a good thing for Rhodes.

For this sudden girl. Rhodes didn't plan to investigate her immediately. Instead, he just talked to the other party, and then turned away to excuse himself from visiting other guests. Although Emily was reluctant to leave Rhodes, she also knew that such friendship between businessmen was necessary, so she didn't say much.

"That's right, I finally met Miss Salem. I wanted to talk to her for a while ......... Miss Stefal, you said ... hey?"

Looking at the back of "Miranda", Emily said a bit, but when she turned her head and wanted to seek the opinions of her companions, she was surprised to find that Stefan, who should have been by her side, It is now unknown.

"Really ........."

Emily doesn't seem to be surprised at Stefan's departure, after all, her companion is such a strange person. So Emily also quickly let go of her doubts and turned her focus to those rich foods-after all, after she came here, she hasn't eaten yet.

At this moment, on the unknown edge of the banquet, in the shadow of tranquility. Rhode was staring at the young girl quietly.

"Hello, Miss Stefal, may I ask you anything else?"

Without Emily, Rhodes' expression at this moment seemed bland and indifferent. He drooped his right hand and was ready to summon the Holy Sword card at any time. Behind him, Angeline also watched the woman in front of her vigilantly, ready to start at any time.

"Please don't be so nervous, Her Majesty Rod Elantra, I have no intention of hostile to the rulers here."

Facing that cold gaze, Stefal didn't show any fear, instead, she still said Rhode's true identity with a smile.

"Instead, I just want to make a small deal with you."


Hearing here, Rhodes raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, after all, don't you meet the Dragon Soul heir everywhere? Don't you worry, I'm not at all malicious, I just want to ask if you are interested in my small business ... ......... "

Speaking of which, Stiffar reached out and took out a small pendant from his arms. It was a weird pattern that seemed to be surrounded by three circles at first glance. When Rhodes saw this pattern , But it was shining.

"Are you a face businessman?"

"Your Majesty, do you even know? I thought I would spend a few words to explain to you ..."

Hearing Rhode's inquiry, Stiffar looked a little surprised. In the face of her answer, at the moment, in the heart of Rod at the moment, it was a huge wave. He did not expect that his luck was so good that he could meet a businessman here!

The so-called plane merchants are the merchants who walk between the planes to buy and sell. Most of the goods they have are various, ancient and strange, and they have everything. In the game of Dragon Soul Continent, plane merchants belong to that extremely rare existence. Their refreshing, location and coordinates are never fixed. It can be said that players want to meet them is simply lucky, but these The equipment possessed by face-to-face businessmen are not generally good. Although not necessarily powerful, they must be very strange and strange. The things they sell even include many products that were not originally in this world. One player even bought a huge biped robot from a plane merchant!

Rod remembers that when the player first appeared on the square while driving the robot, all the players and their buddies were shocked. That is, from that time on, the legendary merchants from the plane merchants became a confirmed existence. It is not that no player has specifically searched for it, but the plane merchants are too secretive and cannot find their trace at all. It ’s just that the things purchased from the plane merchant are not enemy, just like the player who bought the biped robot before, in a later boss copy battle, he overexploded because of the damage of the machine ... and then that ’s it ended.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Rhodes is full of surprise and curiosity. He has not met a businessman in the game, but now, he did not expect to encounter such an opportunity.

You can make a lot of money now.

ps: I came to relatives at home today, tossing for a day, exhausted ......... One more (to be continued ...)

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