Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 232: This is not war

Late summer and autumn solstice, this is a very peaceful autumn day, but it is not peaceful to a certain extent, because in this short period of one or two days, an intelligence caused a great uproar in the entire dragon soul continent— ——That is, the kingdom of light and the collar of the void are finally on the line! !!

This is an unreasonable thing. In fact, the various national power organizations on the Dragon Soul mainland have long been psychologically prepared for this. Anyone who has investigated at least a little of what Rhodes has done in the past year knows that he is very concerned about light. What kind of attitude does the country have? . In addition, because of the ownership of the Highland City before, the two sides have already been in an uproar. The Kingdom of Light insisted on using the rules of the Light Alliance agreement to deal with the ownership of the Highland City. Declared that they had ownership of the Highlands in accordance with the rules of creation, so the council of light rolled back wherever it came from. Obediently shut up and stop there nonsense.

Although the Highland City had always been ambiguous before, the forces that watched the fire across the mountains knew that in fact, the Light Council had no chance of winning, because the Light's joint agreement on which they relied was entirely under the protection of the Dragon Spirit of Light. The territorial scope of the agreement. Compared with the rules of creation passed by the Five Dragons, which are surely passed by the Genesis Five Dragons, there will be a real trouble at that time. As long as the Void Leader submits this matter to the Kingdom of Law, and the Twin Dragons make a judgment, then the ownership of the Highland City Basically it's a matter of nails. Therefore, in their opinion, it is very unreasonable for the kingdom of light to bite the highland city, and at most it is estimated that it just wants to give the vanity a little color. However, they are also very clear that due to a series of riots in various parts of the country of light during the election, the prestige of the light council has fallen to the bottom. If it is so easy to hand over the highland city, the prestige of the light council will be shaken --- But then again, is there any prestige in the Council of Light?

Because of this. In fact, for the ownership of the Highland City, the major forces are holding the idea of ​​seeing the show. They want to see how embarrassed the Light Council will be. Because the Light Council has always been scornful of races other than humans, basically there are not many countries and It has a good relationship, and the council that can see the light at the moment is naturally a good thing for them.

This makes sense.

But unexpectedly, they did not expect that the Nether Leader dared to play so much-almost all the 5,000 Frontier Army!

Attacking the regular army of the opponent, this is the rhythm of war!

At this moment, the major forces are unable to calm down one after another, especially those principalities around the Parliament of Light. They finally managed to stop from the war with the kingdom of the night. It turned out that it was less than a year. Is this the rhythm of fighting against the leader of the void? Is there anything wrong! !!

As for this storm, both sides have very good reasons. The Council of Light stated that the Highland City was a city under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Light, so their legions had the power to station in the Highland City. However, the Netherlander dominated the Highland City and even launched an inhumane attack on the frontier army of the Land of Light!

The Void Leadership indicates that the Light Corps first entered the Void Dragon Soul refuge territory without any permission. This act itself is equivalent to starting a war, and they are just defending themselves. Of course, if the Council of Light is willing to apologize for this misunderstanding and make a certain degree of expression, the two sides will not be able to sit down and talk ...

Rhodes has always spared no effort in hating the kingdom of Laguang.

The furious Light Council first issued a series of orders, such as severing trade with the Netherland, prohibiting the Chamber of Commerce of the Light from entering the Netherland to conduct trade activities, and prohibiting the Netherland ’s business transactions in the Netherland. At the same time, the Nether Leader was required to surrender the culprit who attacked the Border Corps for trial, and even sent two or three legions to the border area to conduct actual combat exercises to put pressure on the Nether Leader. .

There is no pressure on the vanity leader. Originally, I didn't plan to establish diplomatic relations with the Council of Light. How do you like to play and how to play, but don't come to my territory to trouble, or come to kill ten thousand ten thousand, come to ten thousand kill one hundred thousand, come million to kill one million, light of You have the ability to consolidate the men, women, and children of the whole country of light to the void and take them to the void. I don't mind killing them all to do family planning ...

Although it was not written in the official letter, the meaning was almost the same. The strong murderous power almost made the surrounding powers confused. They have never seen such an arrogant territory daring to face the kingdom of light. Although the void leader is not under the protection of the dragon soul of light, it is just a new territory and does not have a large population. But the kingdom of light has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and its power is huge. The so-called hundred-footed worms die and are not rigid. Although the kingdom of light is now declining after the war with the kingdom of night, it is still a behemoth that cannot be overlooked The latest chapter of the pick-up master, good-looking novel :. Otherwise, the principalities around the territory would have attacked like a hungry wolf, tearing up this behemoth and shattering it. But Xingguang actually said that there are as many as how many, and they are all afraid of dying and killing them all. Do they really have this ability? Or is it mysterious?

Soon, the Netherlanders let them know that they really have this ability. At the moment when the Council of Light dispatched nearly 15 thousand troops into the Netherland under the name of actual combat exercises, the thunder and holy glory from the sky completely reduced them to ashes. The entire process took less than five minutes. By then, the fifteen thousand elite soldiers would have no bones left.

With this battle, three people entered the public eye.

Seven love, canary and little bubble gum.

Canary and Little Bubble Gum have a long-standing reputation. After all, they are a mage and a spiritual master. The latter still has a profound impact on the entire church system, breaking the "spiritual does not go to the front line" The existence of the iron law, and the evolution of the church's combat system now, the girl who didn't seem to be twelve or three years old had considerable credit. Therefore, they are more or less known throughout the Dragon Soul continent. But at the beginning, their knowledge of the two also stayed here, although it was said that Canary and Little Bubble Gum were very good. But what they really did was fight against the sealed demon lord, get rid of a nasty swordsman of the kingdom of light, and jointly fight against the princess of the moon, and force the other party away from the battlefield. Although the performance against high-end force is very good. But after all, mortals are just mortals, perhaps like Eileen and Lidia, who have also broken through the limits of the legend, can feel their power, but as ordinary people, they just know that they are very powerful. But to what extent? It's nothing to be able to defeat the strong, and it can't be expressed in the most intuitive way, but now they know.

The army of 15,000 people only waved their hands in the opponent's hands, leaving no residue, that is to say. They had died out before they could resist. If measured by power. I'm afraid there is no more intuitive way.

Maybe it should be said. If it is just a canary, we can still accept it, after all, the mage is born to be a good attacker on a large scale. As long as it is a mage who stepped above Central, there are more or less group attack spells that seem to pull the wind. As long as the effect is in place, it does not seem difficult for people to face the end of the world. But small bubble gum is very surprising. Although there are indeed many attack spells in spiritual magic, humans are not resistant to spiritual magic. Generally speaking, to human beings, spiritual magic can cause threats. Even if there is, it is extremely limited. . But Little Bubble Gum can not only kill 5,000 heavily armed soldiers with bare hands, but also even the elite elites later, it is enough to show that the spiritual master's profession is obviously not applicable to those general concepts.

As for Seven Love. Although she has been with Rhodes for a long time, most people don't know her true identity. Except for confirming that she is a half-beast, she has little knowledge of this young lady with fox ears. But now, they finally know each other's true identity-the Lord of Fire Elemental.

One of the four major element lords, the fire element lord who masters the flames can almost be regarded as the highest force, which is comparable to the existence of the four demon and the three archangels. Although it has long been known that the strength of the void leader is good, but The ability to possess such supreme force still shocked the major forces.

But for Rhodes, it was nothing more than his apparent power.

The biggest reason why Rhodes dares to do so arrogant is to show his strength to others to form a "nuclear deterrence". Why can the country of light, the country of night and the country of law be balanced with each other? These "nuclear deterrence" "Is the most important part. In addition to Canary, Little Bubble Gum, and Seven Love, Rod's strongest forces are Marlene and Christie. As for Alice, although Rod also hopes that she can help herself, the one who lives in the library The ghost in the figure is always invisible. He also asked another Christie, but the answer was somewhat unknown. In short, according to another Christie, when he needs assistance, Alice will appear naturally. Already.

Although somewhat unreliable, it can only be so at this stage.

As for whether the kingdom of light dares to use the three archangels, Rhodes does not need to think about it. Lydia will not obey the orders of the light council, and she only needs to pay attention to the two remaining people. In the past, if they came to the door and said that Rhodes might be a little worried, but now that he has Christie and Marin two gods around him, Rhodes will not put the other side too much in his eyes. , Good-looking novel :. If the kingdom of light is really stupid enough to fight against himself with the tactics of the army, then he doesn't mind letting the kingdom of light know why the flowers are so popular.

This is not war, yes. In Rhode's mind, this is not a war at all, but a thorough slaughter.

The shelter of the Nether Dragon Soul will reduce the enemy's strength by ten levels at the moment when they enter the Nether Lord, that is, even if 10,000 human warriors reached the peak of the forty level, they will be forcibly lowered after entering their territory. At a level of thirty, this level is really no different from miscellaneous fish in the eyes of canaries and little bubble gum. Coupled with the buff that the Netherlander can speed up the recovery of soul power, this is a great benefit for these two casters.

Not only that, in fact, Rhodes hopes that the other party can have more people, because now he and Canary and Little Bubble Gum are "team mode", according to team rules. Man-level characters do not take experience. All experience belongs to Rhodes who is not full-level, that is, when Little Bubble Gum and Canary are killing Zheng Huan in front. Sitting on the back with his legs up while drinking tea and reading the newspaper while listening to songs, Rhodes has been absorbing experience ...

It is a new era of Lei Feng to let yourself show your deterrence and to spare no effort to give your experience.

Although this experience is a fortune for current Rhodes, for example, the experience of ten forty soldiers can only catch up to the level of about half the experience value of killing mobs at this level, but the mosquito is small It ’s also meat, and it ’s not yourself who is doing it anyway?

The current Highland City has gradually returned to the right track under the management of Cliff. Most of the thugs died in the hands of the undead army, and some were killed by the bow knights. The rest were arrested and tried and executed. Then Rhodes set about sorting out the Highlands, at least so far. Everything is calm. As for why the Netherlander appeared at such a coincidence. Cliff also explained to the people of Highland City through his subordinates.

However, it ’s almost the same if we come to fish.

Thinking of this, Rhode looked up to the horizon. The Kingdom of Light is really not a collection of idiots and mentally handicapped. They still have some strong ones. Although there is no way to compare them with Little Bubble Gum, they have more or less strength, and they have been operating in the Kingdom of Light. For a long time, they have considerable deterrence. Otherwise, the country of light may now fall apart. Although Little Bubble Gum and Canary are indeed very powerful, but in terms of prestige, it is still too far away. It's a shame, if it weren't for their inability to leave the void collar ...

"Wow ... it's cool."

Lie down on the soft grass. Looking at the starry sky in front of her, Little Bubble Gum yawned contentedly. Next to her was a pot of steaming hot tea and a basket of sweet cookies, while Canary sat quietly on the other side, like Everyone reads the heavy books in their own hands, and on the surface, it seems that the two are sisters who are going out together.

If they ignore the blackened person not far from their eyes, it seems as if they have experienced an inhumane bombardment.

Viewed from the air, this scene is getting more and more weird. The grassland where little bubble gum and canary are located is separated from the scorched land by a line, and this line is like a transparent barrier that separates the two worlds. One is the land of leisurely tea parties, and the other is the battlefield full of smoky, death-filled breath (it is not right to be full of breath of breath, because all the wrong souls are purified at the first time they are killed by little bubble gum).

"Hey, how about, big sister, I'm right this time, just because of our two black hand halo, the head will definitely agree to our conditions. The black copy is still a black monster, this choice is too simple to make Well."

While picking up the cookies and stuffing them into the mouth, Little Bubble Gum shook his head proudly and said.

"Hahaha, the leader is very smart, but Miss IQ's 135 is not covered! Huh, although we are just projection projections, but here we can also be considered humans. It ’s maddening that imprisonment ca n’t go anywhere, big sister, can you bear me, ca n’t bear it. Hey, this time there is some fun, I do n’t know who will be sent to death by the goods in the country of light, it ’s better to have more Humans, this degree of death is not enough. "

"Patience and wait, they won't give up so easily. Since Rhodes said so, I think it should be right, and the country of light in the game is a big dead, no need to worry about the change in 1938."

Looking at the boring little bubble gum lying beside him, Canary shook his head with a smile. In fact, the matter itself is very simple. Of course, Little Bubblegum knew that Rhodes planned to capture Highland City, but she was not satisfied that everything was eaten by the head of the team. So after discussing with Canary, Little Bubblegum She also set her own plan. She knows that Rhodes has always been ruthless in terms of tasks. He said that one is one and the other is two. If he really goes to the head of the team and sells cute and cute, he will definitely be sold.

So Little Bubble Gum came up with the black hand halo battle.

Utilizing her and Canary's double black-handed halo, forcing Rhodes to stop their actions, and using this as a condition to negotiate, hehehe, everything seems to be going smoothly now. After killing so many NPCs in the kingdom of light, Little Bubble Gum feels that he is very cool now. Especially before I saw the group of Lightland soldiers who had wailed in front of the Undead Corps and dared to abandon their companions. They rushed up bravely, then they fell down and screamed and ran away crying for escape but could n’t escape because of the sacred guardian barrier The expression of going out and desperately waiting for death made the little bubble gum feel a great joy.


"Hey ... I really hope I can get rid of that fate ..."

Staring blankly at his hands, Canary sighed helplessly. Maybe Little Bubble Gum is really just going to use this as a beating, but after all, not everyone is willing to confess their fate, especially in this case. Thinking of this, Canary's mouth is slightly upturned. In reality, I must be very envious of her, and finally I can get rid of that boring destiny. Although I said a long time ago, "I can live in the game for a lifetime." The idea of ​​"how good should be" is not expected to be completed in this way. To some extent, although it is a projection, it is luckier than the ontology.

Thinking of this, Canary could not help but glance at the little bubble gum lying beside him.

"Bubble, what do you think?"

"Huh? What's your idea? Big sister?"

"What do you think of the world? Would you like to go back to where we were if you wanted to?"

"Ah ......... that is still free."

Hearing Canary's inquiries, Little Bubble Gum was biting a face, waving something like eating something unclean.

"Although it is uncomfortable to post on the forums like in the game, but how happy it is to play here, and there are no one in our family, my mother died early, my dad ghost brought his stepmother to the house, Every time the career is different, hey, I see, as for my body, one day, I will become the victim of a love triangle murder, such as being pushed downstairs by a stepmother who wants to get my dad's property. What. Ah ... It's still good here, I have strength here, I can do whatever I want, and the big sister and head are here, perfect heaven! When we conquer the dragon soul continent, the next step is the stars The sea! This world is all ours, hahahaha! "

Well ... considering the age of Little Bubble Gum ... well, that's it.

"It's always good to have ideals, but now ..."

On the one hand, Canary drank the black tea left in the cup, then stood up and looked into the sky.

"We should do our own thing first."

As Canary spoke, above the dark starry sky, the bright and dazzling magic light cut through the sky like a shooting star, and then fell heavily in front of the two. Subsequently, a dozen people wearing magic robes and holding staffs appeared in front of them.

Seeing them, Little Bubble Gum suddenly refreshed, emitting unprecedented light in his eyes.

"This time, big sister!"

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