Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 239: We still don't know what happened that night [on]

Following Rhodes entering the room, Rabis looked curiously at the room in front of her, thinking carefully that this was the first time she had entered Rhodes' room in Grantia. Without the luxury of imagination, Rhodes's room can even be said to be very simple. Elegantly decorated tables and chairs, a wardrobe plus a thick fluffy rug are all the furnishings in the room. The only thing that stands out is the big bed, which is more than 5 meters wide, plus some ornamental decorations. Plants, that's everything in the room.

"What's wrong? Rabis?"

Rhodes's voice came to his ears, which made some curious Labis pause for a moment, then turned back, watching him with anxiety.

"Ah ......... that, nothing, nothing, Lord Rhodes."

"Speaking of you, is it okay for you to come to me so late?"

Rhode glanced at Rabis, who was nervous when answering his own question, and opened a chair with his hands. Then he sat opposite, staring at the girl in front of his eyes with his hands crossed. Rhodes didn't find anything weird about Rabes' performance, although she now looked like a mouse walking in front of a cat. But this is what La Besce has always done. If La Bess is as calm and calm as Marlene, then it is an abnormal phenomenon for Rhodes. Feeling Rhode's gaze, Rabes sat tremblingly in her chair, bit her lip, and after a moment of silence, she gathered her courage and said.

"That ......... that ......... Lord Rhodes !!!"


Perhaps it was that Rabise's final voice was a little louder, and Rhodes was intimidated, but at this time, I saw Rabise reaching out into her arms, and then took out a basket of "唰" In front of Rhodes. [

"Here, this is the cookie I baked!"


Looking at the basket with a seductive fragrance in front of him, Rhode had no idea what it was like. Is it possible to send chocolates for Valentine's Day? But Valentine's Day has long since passed. Although there are similar festivals in this world, it is the end of autumn, and there are still several months to go. Now Rabes somehow took out such a basket of biscuits. What was she going to do?

"Ah, this, this ......... Right! I heard Miss Canary talk about the storage of food during the march, so I made these cookies. By the way, I also modified them with alchemy. After testing, the effect is very good, so I brought it to Master Rhodes for you to taste it. I wonder if you think this ... Can you succeed? "

Perhaps because of excessive nervousness, Rabes's words were not prefaced and stammered or even unclear, but Rhodes finally understood her meaning. Looking at Rabise's almost crying face, Rhodes waved his hand to stop her from talking next.

"In other words, are these cookies for me?"

"Yes, yes, Lord Rhodes, I also prepared black tea ..."

As she said, Rabis dropped the basket in a panic, and then took out a fine tea set from the space bracelet and placed it on the table. Then she started to get black tea for Rhodes, but had to admit that, compared with professional professionals such as Angeline, Agavy or Marlene, Rabes' performance was really terrible, seeing her pouring tea It didn't have the elegance and nobility of aristocracy at all, but it gave people the illusion that they were adding some raw materials to the potion-especially when they saw Rabes pouring milk and sugar in equal proportions.

This stuff should be able to drink ...

Looking at the black tea in front of him, Rhode raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he was not a nobleman, he had no hobbies for black tea. However, there are guys who take black tea as their mate, such as Marlene, Li Jie, An Jie Linte and Celestina, naturally have tasted a variety of different flavors of black tea. There are pure flavors and milk flavors, but anyway, the colors look normal. But the one in front of it is green.

Is this really "red" tea?

And it turns blue after adding milk?

What is this chemical reaction?

Should n’t drink undead ...

Now that the other party is well prepared for himself, Rhodes doesn't ask for much. Anyway, now it is just leisure time, not in combat, and it doesn't need to be so nervous and serious. What's more, although Rabis seems to be panicking, the things she takes are basically reliable. Besides, Rhodes is still very confident about his dragon soul surname. Anyway, let's not die. [

Thinking of this, Rhode reached out to pick up the tea cup, took a sip of the "red" tea that had apparently turned into "dark blue", and then picked up a cookie to avoid "necessary", which is easy to understand- For example, after drinking Chinese medicine, you need to eat lump sugar and press it.


However, beyond Rhodes's expectations, the imported black tea was not so weird as expected, but it was abnormally mellow. Although it does not look like black tea at all on the surface, if you close your eyes and feel the taste, there is no black tea at all. Any difference. And his body is not abnormal, which means that the black tea in front of him should be simple (although it doesn't look like it at all). Thinking of this, Rhode also relieved his heart and began to taste the black tea and biscuits of Rabis carefully.

"Well ......... Yes, although it doesn't look like it on the surface, but I didn't expect you to be quite talented in this area. I thought you didn't care about everything except alchemy in Pingyue. My expectations. "


Hearing Rhode's answer, Rabis breathed a long breath, and seemed to relax as if he had completed any task. She glanced at Rhodes secretly, then quickly glanced back. Everything is going well. Next, just go on like this ...... when that time comes, there should be no problems according to your own plan. Thinking of this, Rabis relaxed completely for the first time, but at this time ...

"Head, Annie is back!"

With this brisk and lively voice, the door suddenly opened, and then a figure no longer familiar to them came in.

"Annie ?!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the girl, Rabes jumped up as if she was electrocuted, and when she heard Rabes's voice, Annie blinked curiously and looked at the young girl in amazement.

"Labis? Why are you here? This is really strange, is it the first time Annie has seen you leave the workshop? Why? Did the leader let you do something fun?"

"No, this ......... I ......... I just ........."

In the face of Annie who suddenly appeared in front of herself, Rabis was panicking and didn't know what to say. She didn't know why it turned out like this. According to her plan, this night should be spent by herself and Lord Rhodes. She didn't calculate that anyone would join in it. Originally according to the calculation of Rabis, based on the two elements of himself and Rhodes, this plan was 100% perfect. But ... it often happens that the theory deviates from reality, doesn't it?

Just as Labis stood there, facing unplanned factors and wondering what was right, Rhodes waved his hand and answered.

"Labis just made some cookies for me to taste. What if I want to eat them together?"

"Of course no problem!"

For Annie, eating, playing, and sleeping are the three great pleasures of her life. At this moment, I heard that there is something good to eat, and it is still made by Rabis. Down, then reached out, took a cookie out of the basket and threw it into his mouth. It was only then that Rabis seemed to react and watched Annie reach out her hand to pick up the biscuit. Rabis was suddenly surprised.

"and many more!!"


But unfortunately, Rabis's response was still so late. Just when she spoke, Annie had tossed the biscuit into her mouth and looked at her curiously. Facing Anne's curious eyes, Rabis opened her mouth, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

"No, nothing ... Annie, I don't know if you like the taste of this cookie ..."

"Well, it's delicious. Annie likes it a lot. I didn't expect Rabise to make this."

On the one side, Annie grabbed a cookie and put it in her mouth again, watching Anne's movements, and Labisnai sighed and gave up the idea of ​​stopping the young girl-anyway, she had already eaten, whether it was a piece or a piece Eat ten, the effect is the same. If I had known this, maybe I should have chosen to make cakes right?

Just as Rabes fell into silence, Annie had begun to eat the snacks in front of herself, while Rhodes drank black tea leisurely, and thought silently. If only that was okay, but ... now Rabis is already feeling some trouble. She lowered her head and stared unsteadily at the tea cup in front of her. At this moment, the air was not too hot, but a faint layer of perspiration appeared on the girl's forehead. Not only that, but Rabis's breathing became a little bit Hurrying ......... because the girl is very clear, the effect of the medicine has begun.

That's not for Rhodes's medicinal effects. For so long, Rhodes tailored equipment and potions for Rhodes. He was also very clear that even if he made things like pill, it wouldn't do much for Rhodes. As a researcher, there is still this point of reason. So she had no intention of making a potion that would make Rhodes fall in love with or at first sight. Because she was clear, the reason was with herself, not with Rhodes. So ... Rabis improved the effect of the potion.

Therefore, Labis added a potion that can enlarge and increase mutual attraction in black tea and biscuits. In this way, as long as you eat biscuits or drink black tea, if the two parties taking the potion are different names, they will let the other party Feel great appeal. To put it plainly, this is a potion that increases one's own charm and gains the favor of a particular counterpart. Only this time, Rabis wanted to make this kind of potion, completely to break through the barrier in her heart. She knew that under normal circumstances, she could not have the courage to confess to Rhodes. Therefore, Labis used this method. At that time, once she was attracted to Rhodes, she could not help herself, so she held her in peace. If you are sensible, you can speak boldly. Of course, Rabes also moved her eyes a little, because this kind of potion is not a medicine that twists and changes the will of others, but a potion that increases charm, so it is a potion potion and will not be affected by Rhodes. Offset, so in this way, you can also reduce the extent of your confession failure-after all, Rabes is also very clear that with so many women around Rhodes, I am afraid I ca n’t rank at all, but if she is not told Not reconciled ...

To put it bluntly, this is no different from drinking the truth, except that Rabis is looking at and solving this problem from the perspective of a researcher ... To be honest, if she knew that such a problem would occur, Rabis I'd rather drink a few bottles of wine and get drunk.

But now, the effect has begun.

Rabes can keenly feel Rhodes' existence. At that moment, the figure has become taller, full of charm and attractiveness. If Anne is not here, Rabes can still express her mind directly. But now ... in this case, how could Rabis really say those things! !!

Just as Labis' brain was chaotic, the knock on the door suddenly sounded. Then the two girls opened the door and went into the room.

"Rhode, you have time now ... …… Rabice?"

Why is this happening?

Hearing this voice, Rabice twitched slightly and turned to look at the two girls standing at the door.

"Good evening, Miss Marlene, Miss Li Jie ........."

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