Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 242: We still don't know what happened that night [End]

"Finally ......... and finally wait till now."

While talking, Qi Lian lowered her head and pressed her cherry lips tightly to Rhode's lips. Soon, the small fragrant tongue pried open Rhode's teeth and penetrated into it. The two hugged tightly, feeling each other's existence.

"Woo ... whoo ........."

The soft and moist breath is intertwined, accompanied by the charming fragrance of the girl, which is different, intertwined with the heart-feeling femininity and natural floral fragrance. But at this time, Rhodes did not enjoy the tenderness in front of him, instead, accompanied by the action of Qilian. He suddenly noticed that something seemed to be gradually clearing up in his brain—the bright and dazzling grassland and woods. The bright sunlight spilled through the gaps of the leaves on the ground, as if forming a mottled carpet. And among them, besides myself, there is another ...

Thinking of this, Rhode suddenly lighted up, and then he opened his eyes and stared carefully at the smiling girl who was lying on himself. For a time, in the brain, a previously broken, fuzzy clue began to gradually integrate, reconnect, and integrate, from the originally broken puzzle to a complete pattern again.

"Seven love, you ........."

"So far."

Qilian smiled, stretched out a finger, and pressed it against Rhode's mouth, blocking his speech.

"Now it's not about those conversations, and ... it's not good to destroy the atmosphere, master, now is a critical time, don't think about the things that are incomprehensible. There are things that you should know when you should know Naturally you will know. Do n’t bother with those meaningless problems, that is not a good thing for us. And now, the master. All we have to do is enjoy this moment. As for future things, put them later Go for it. "[

As he said, Qilian stretched out his hand to hold Rod's holy sword, then raised his waist and smiled at the man in front of him.

"So, I'm going to start, master."

With this seemingly lightweight speech, Qilian's waist sank down. And with her movements. Rhode soon felt that his avatar was wrapped in warmth again, and at the next moment, he felt that his avatar had penetrated the last line of defense of Qi Lian in this way and completely entered her body.

"Woo .........!"

This sudden pain, even Qilian could not bear it completely, and her seductive smile expression became slightly stiff and distorted at this moment. But even so, she still did not give up, but began to shake her body actively. With the movement of Qi Lian, Rhodes ’hands began to move. He has temporarily temporarily blurred the blur that had suddenly appeared in his own brain. Qing's impression was left aside, but enjoying the happiness now. Along with Rhodes' movements, the clothes that had no effect originally were scattered quietly, exposing Qilian's white blemishes completely to Rhodes. And Rhodes followed suit. A new round of offensive was launched against Qilian.

"Sure enough ......... as I expected ... the master you ... is the best ......... wow ......... ah ... haha ​​..."

While shaking her body, Qilian pressed Rhode's chest and panted loudly. The movement between the two people became more and more fierce, and soon, the whole room was filled with the sound of "papapa" meat-to-meat collision. With the action of Qilian, Rhodes also found that he had reached the limit of patience. His hands suddenly turned into two iron tongs, and he caught Qilian's slender waist, and at the next moment, he felt that he had been teased to the limit. Just like a volcanic eruption.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Feel the power of that intense desire. Qi Lian couldn't help screaming, and then she was totally soft. Lie on Rhodes. And Rhodes hugged Qi Lian's waist limbs tightly, and then he sighed only after the hot desire was completely poured out. When he looked up, he saw Qi Lian lying on his chest, half-closed eyes. Different from the sly look on weekdays, the seventh love now feels like Rhodes, more like an ordinary girl. I didn't expect that I could still see such a side in Qilian's body.

Thinking of this, Rhode smiled slightly, then reached out and gently stroked Qilian's head while the pair of fluffy fox ears felt Rhode's touch, Qilian narrowed his eyes and shook his head, then raised it again. Start.

"It's true, the host wouldn't be satisfied so easily, but that's fine ..."

While talking, Qi Lian glanced to the side. And following her eyes, Rhodes soon found that the girls had surrounded themselves again, staring at herself with longing and expectation.

"It looks like this night won't end so easily."

Qi love smiled and said.

The banquet continued, everyone was indulged in it, greedily enjoying the pleasure and passion. For Rhodes, naturally it is impossible to stop here so easily. [

"Well, Your Majesty ......... No, it's okay ......... It's so big ......... It's hot, it's going to break, it's going to be broken ........."

"Woo ... hmm ..."

"So cunning ... Lord Rhodes ......... It's my turn next time ..."

"Just a little bit more, Mr. Rhodes, that's where ......... Ah ... Ah .........!"

Angeline's petite and slender body was firmly pressed under her, and the girl's beautiful blond hair spread out, shaking with Angeline's movements. For blood-sucking species, it was never their pain Enemy's unique advantage also made Angeline feel happy earlier than others. But even so, Rhodes still didn't sit back. He swung his waist fiercely, turned his head, and kissed Annie fiercely beside him. One hand rubbed Rabes's chest, and the other hand reached under Li Jie's body, fiercely provoking their bodies. Behind him, Canary stood up and pressed against Rhodes' back, while Marlene stared at the scene with envy and longing, while rubbing her right hand. Your own body, trying to fill your emptiness. And beside her, Qilian was smiling and stretched out her hand. Teasing Marilyn's body.

For them, it was a crazy night, as if the eternal law had ended.

But the night will finally pass.

When Rhodes opened his eyes again, it was already the next morning, and after a whole night of madness, even Rhodes reached the limit. This is no wonder, except for Rabis. Regarding the seven loves, Li Jie, Annie and An Jie Linte, are not mortal. If they were replaced by humans, I am afraid they would be content and lethargic after the first round. But whether it is Qilian and Annie, who are half-beasts, or Marin, who has become the demon awakened. Or Li Jie, who is a semi-angel, plus Angeline, who is a blood-sucking royal family, is not comparable to ordinary people's endurance. Not to mention canaries and little bubble gum. Because of this, until the dawn of dawn, the feast of the night was completely ended.

But when Rod woke up, he couldn't help but startled.

Angeline and Little Bubble Gum lie on his body left and right, while his left and right arms are hugged by Canary and Marlene respectively, and Li Jie curls her body against Rhodes's leg, Fell into deep sleep. And on the other side. Annie was lying on the side of Rhodes and whistling asleep. As for the poor Labes, she was sandwiched between Rhodes and Annie. It was no wonder that she looked pitiful, and it was no wonder that she was not tortured by Annie tonight. Qilian, on the other hand, lay on one side more peacefully, but there was nothing unusual, but watching her tail flicker from time to time, she knew that Qilian was not sleeping well.

This is really a scene.

Looking at the beautiful scenery like a wine pond meat forest, Rhodes swallowed, but he forcibly suppressed the evil fire in his heart. Take back the thoughts that have been a little out of the way. The madness like last night was occasionally okay. It would be awkward to make Rhodes like this every day. Without mentioning energy and spirit, even time is not enough. If you move your feet again now. I'm afraid it won't be a long time before you get out of bed.


Thinking of this, Rhode glanced at the little bubble gum and Labis beside her, at this moment they were all closed with their eyes closed and fell into deep sleep. But that happy expression did not change at all. Thinking of this, Rhodes could not help reaching out and stroked a little bubble gum hair lightly. To be honest, he hadn't thought that this relationship would actually happen with Bubbles before, and Rhodes's idea was more or less Rhodes, but Qi Lian need not mention it. Only bubbles ... For Rhodes, she was actually interested in such things, which really surprised Rhodes. But if you think about it, bubbles are not like Christie's living in this era. A bubble that has survived the intelligence bombing of the Internet era and dares to talk with naked people who have never met before. It's not surprising --- Fortunately, this is not the Earth. Otherwise, Rhodes might not dare to do anything with the bubble. He has no interest in going to the cell in his good years.

Thinking of this, Rhodes pulled his body out into the shadow, and quietly got out of the girls, and then waved his hand. With Rhodes' movement, the quilt originally scattered beside him floated softly, Then they covered the girls, and after making sure everything was okay, Rhodes turned to get dressed and left the room. He knew very well that last night was definitely not normal, so I was afraid that it would be a little embarrassing for everyone after waking up. In the spirit of dead friends and poor friends, Rhodes would not accompany them. And considering that Annie is likely to see the possibility of rekindling the war afterward, Rhodes is better off pulling back.

In fact, he soon realized how smart it was.

"Christie came to see me yesterday?"

Rhodes eyes widened in surprise, looking at Agavy before him, and when he realized his gaze, the sea elves lowered.

"Yes, master, but I said you have something important, so I refused her request. May I have done something wrong?"

"You did very well."

Hearing this, Rhodes secretly wiped a cold sweat from her heart. Little Bubble Gum can be said to have been the poison of Internet information for a long time. But Christie is still a completely naive child, and if she saw something yesterday or joined in the same way, Rhodes would be in trouble. Regardless, Rhodes never thought of putting Christie on the same position as Marlene. Although he often slept with Christie, it was really just sleeping, but there was nothing to do before going to bed.

"Is there anything else?"

Seeing that Agavy didn't leave immediately but stayed beside him, Rhode asked curiously. When hearing Rhode's inquiry, Agavy nodded slightly.

"Yes, master, just now, we received a report that there are two envoys of the country of France coming to Grantia and asking to meet you."

"The envoy of the kingdom of law?"

Hearing this, Rhodes frowned.

"I know."

Then he spoke. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m.)

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