Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 251: Gathering of Souls (middle)

The roaring air flowed across the sides of the metal hull, and the dazzling bright sunlight shone on the golden-yellow hull, shining brilliantly. . And at this moment, Lilian's mood was as bright as the sky.

"La la la ... ... how about? Sonia? I'll just say, as long as you are invited, there are absolutely no way for the stupid councils to stop me!"

At this moment, the girl sitting on the throne did not have the calmness that should fit her identity. Instead, she was shaking her feet, and she was innocent, eagerly looking forward to the excitement of hiking with her family. Although such a performance is normal from her age, it is an embarrassing situation in the current situation.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Facing Lilian's words, Sonia responded with a smile. As a member of parliament, of course she knew that this time things were not as simple as Lilian thought. In fact, she did not expect that the influence of the country of law was so great. When they sent someone to invite Lilian, the light council couldn't do anything about it. In the end, I could only helplessly agree with Lilian to attend this holy book. However, the reason why the light council will accept the invitation of the country of law is mostly because the entire ceremony was held in the country of law and not in the country of light. It has little effect on the people of the country of light. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will never be so easy for the Parliament to agree to the invitation.

Even so, Sonia was well aware that the council did not intend to waste this opportunity. She already knew that the council of light sent her representatives to the country of France and planned to protest against Rhodes in front of the public. His atrocities against the Highlands and crimes of wanton killings of Lightland Guards. To be honest, Sonia really couldn't figure out where the courage of the Light came from so courageous, and had been tossed by the host for so long. Didn't they understand that Rhodes wouldn't eat their set at all? So-called protests in public, I am afraid that Rhodes would ignore them. Not to mention this is at the site of the kingdom of law and the ceremony hosted by the kingdom of law, other book friends are watching :. Do something like this. Aren't you afraid of causing dissatisfaction with the country of law? Was the brain of the group of people caught in the door or something?

But ...... forget it, it's not me who protests anyway. .

Thinking of this, Sonia smiled slightly, and then poured a steaming cup of milk tea for the girl in front of her again. At first, she was really worried about what to do if the parliament made herself responsible for the protest. But now, since someone is willing to take the initiative to die, it is naturally the best thing.

However, things are not easy. At least as far as Sonya knows.

Although before that, according to Rhode's order, he had already stirred up conflicts between humans and alien communities within the kingdom of light as much as possible, and had also successfully created many riots and chaos. But this alone is not enough. Although encountering a certain degree of obstacles, the election of the light council is still proceeding as scheduled, as it stands. I'm afraid the next head of parliament will soon be able to decide.

That man ......... has a problem.

Sonia can be pretty sure of this. As a politician, you must first consider your interests before you stand. Leaving aside the issue of the Highland City, at the current stage, the first consideration of a newly-born Dragon Soul Force should be to prevent it from being thrown into the enemy's side as much as possible. Especially considering the position of the Nether Leader, once it has reached any agreement with the Kingdom of Night, then the Kingdom of Night can easily use this as a pedal to bypass Munn and directly attack the Kingdom of Light. Although the owner did participate in the battle of the kingdom of light against the kingdom of night before. But even within the kingdom of light. Everyone knows why Rhodes helped. On the other hand, if Muen had no threat of war, then he would naturally not care about the life and death of the kingdom of light.

In this case, a certain degree of political negotiation is necessary. Although what the other party has done before is definitely harmful to the Light Council itself, but since it is political, sometimes it is necessary to temporarily make some sacrifices. Even within the Council of Light, it is not that irrational members have proposed not to confront the Void Leader for the time being, but to seek further negotiations with the Void Leader. However, the man put forward such a proposal that is completely useless to the country of light. Although the surface is "the country of law is a country pursuing order and law, it is impossible to turn a blind eye" to persuade many lawmakers. The proposal was finally approved, but for so long with Rhodes, how could Sonia not know that the order of the country of law means caring about the order of the entire continent. . It is impossible for Rhodes to behave to Rhodes because of things in Highland City. I believe the Council of Light knows this well. Otherwise, why did they have to base their laws on the continent of light instead of the creation code of the kingdom of law when discussing the ownership of the Highland? To put it bluntly, aren't they also very clear on this kind of issue, the country of law would not care about their interests at all?

Excluding this level, due to the country's xenophobic policy, the elf-based country of law has a bad perception of them, especially in the border areas where humans frequently capture elves as slaves and take them to the light. Regarding the trafficking in the country, the country of the law has been quite criticized, not to mention that many of them are involved in the Light Corps. This time, the Highland City Light Corps suffered heavy losses. Perhaps many people in the country may clap their hands and applaud. How can it help the council to deal with the void?

Obviously, as long as this kind of thing can be thought of by individuals, the man still proposed this method, and even made people feel that he was a little crazy. But because of this, Sonia felt very weird. She didn't know where the problem was, but she knew very well that the man's performance was definitely not to make such a mistake. He seems to be taking the initiative to push the kingdom of light to the irreparable abyss of destruction, and ... I do n’t know why, Sonia always feels that he feels very, very uncomfortable. People feel sick, as if the body and soul are corroded at the same time.

"I'm really looking forward to it, I don't know when I can see Brother Rhodes ..."

Hearing the expectant voice of the girl in her ear, Sonia retracted her thoughts. She stared at Lilian with a gentle look, then smiled.

In any case, the owner will certainly have a way.

But at this moment, in another cabin. Unlike Lilian's side, she even had the opposite tension.

"Oh ... I said why the two are so nervous? It won't work. It's hard to get a trip. Shouldn't you relax?"

Leisurely curled up in a chair. Lydia narrowed her eyes and gave a playful smile. And beside her, Gaya was kneeling there as usual, stroking the strings. Playing the sound of pleasant music. But at this moment, in the cabin, neither of them seemed to appreciate this wonderful instrument except Lydia.

"What the **** is going on here, His Royal Highness Lydia. Can you tell me. Why would your lord become the new heir to the Dragon Soul?"

Boulder pressed his sword around his waist, and stood straight at the window. Turn around. Sharp eyes shot at Lydia like a sharp sword without sheath. And beside him, Silin didn't speak, but her serious eyes also showed her thoughts.

"The buds that are still standing after a heavy rain will naturally bloom and are beautiful flowers. Isn't this a matter of course? Although I was a little surprised, but what's the matter? At least so far, he is not Isn't our enemy like this? Boulder? "

Facing Boulder's inquiry. Lydia still answered with a chuckle. However, Boulder is obviously not satisfied with this answer.

"So, you already knew that this would happen? Why didn't you inform us in advance? Do you know what serious consequences this would have for us and your Majesty?"

"The sprouts are used for care. If too much attention and watering are given, they may dry up and die. And ..." Here, Lydia raised her head for the first time, the bright pair. Unwilling to give up in his eyes. "What serious consequences will this bring? Isn't it a good thing for us and your Majesty to have a new, powerful and reliable ally?"

"Humans are greedy creatures."

Boulder snorted and replied.

"The former friendship does not mean that he will still choose to be on our side now, and he may use His Majesty's feelings for him. In a way, is he not more dangerous than the Dark Dragon ......... ... "

However, Boulder didn't finish his words, but was interrupted ruthlessly by Lydia.

"You also know that human beings are full of greed, His Royal Highness Boulder. So why do you not bother about this? Your majesty's experience in the kingdom of light should be more clear than mine, then, two Have you fulfilled your responsibilities as a guardian? As your subordinate, I want to know, before you accuse and doubt others, what have you done? Otherwise, why would your Majesty put the people around you instead? To trust outsiders? "

The sound of the piano suddenly stopped.

The boundless silence enveloped the whole cabin, and Lydia lay on the chair like this, but the laziness was extremely serious and serious. And it wasn't until a moment later that Silent, who had been silent, opened her mouth to relieve the awkward atmosphere for her companions.

"......... We have not determined her qualifications to serve us."

"No matter how many years and how many changes, the earth will always be the earth, the sky will always be the sky, and the sun will always be the sun. Why, are the two intending to confirm the qualifications of our Lord by serving them? Is this the Lord, is it that the knowledge I received is wrong? "

"But she ........."

"Now we are not discussing His Majesty's problems, but our own problems."

Lydia waved her hand slightly, blocking Silin's next words. She raised her head, and her bright eyes stared at the two without any concealment.

"The eagle soaring in the sky, no matter how blunt its minions, must not be associated with the wolf on the ground.

Having said that, Lydia closed her eyes.

"At least, I will do everything to do what I should do, so what about the two?"

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