Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 264: Deal with Twin Dragons

Church of Order.

The bright sunlight falls from the window, reflecting the bright and smooth marble floor in front of him. Rhode took the tea cup, sipped a cup of sweet and delicious black tea, and then looked up, looking at the sister sitting in front of him.

"Thank you for your assistance these two days, Her Majesty."

Higel saluted Rhodes respectfully, then spoke. Hearing what he said, Rhode just waved his hand and didn't say much. After the Scripture of Order was over, Lilian and Ion left the kingdom of the law separately. Ion walked the most simply. As a person in the kingdom of the night, he had no good opinion of the sunshine of the kingdom of law. Lilian, however, turned around in three steps and did not want to leave Rhode's side, but unfortunately it was not her decision-making power. Although Lilian also wanted to follow Rhode to see what the void collar looked like, but In the end, he reluctantly followed the three archangels and left. As for Lydia, Rhodes didn't know how she explained it, but from the aura of the three archangels before the departure, it can be seen that they still have not reached an agreement on this issue, and there is still Increasingly the same situation with water and fire-but this is not a strange thing, communication cannot solve the problem, and sometimes after learning about each other's ideas, they will become more and more firm with each other's hostile positions and beliefs. It now seems that the break between the three archangels is almost inevitable.

By the way, there is something even more idiotic ...

"The ambassadors of the Council of Light have told us that they do not recognize your status as the heir to the Dragon Soul."

"Ha ha."

Hearing Higel's words, Rhodes smiled a little, and did not know whether it was intentional or not. He pronounced the syllables of the words "haha" very clearly.

"It's not surprising, Your Majesty Hegel. The group of goods didn't even recognize the successor of the Dragon Soul of their family ... Oh, maybe one day you will hear the Council of Light announcing that they abolished the Dragon Soul Successor The position of Light has completely turned the country of light into a free and happy country ruled by the people themselves. "

After hearing Rod's slightly ironic mockery, Nalea was still giggling, as if she had heard some funny joke. Higgler frowned. Helplessly sighed. As the ruler of the kingdom of law and the administrator of the church, how could she not know what the Light Council did in the kingdom of light. But there is nothing they can do about it. In any case, it is the internal affairs of the country of light, and as twins of trial and sanction, they cannot interfere in the internal affairs of others at will. If the twin dragons were to be compared to a court, it would be like, for example, a plaintiff filing a complaint and then the defendant answering. They will judge. Without the plaintiff's complaint, the existence of the court would be meaningless in itself. They cannot take the initiative to take on responsibilities that do not belong to themselves, and this will disturb the balance of the world.

However, the movement of the kingdom of light is indeed very worrying ...

"In this regard, we are really powerless."

For the previous content, Higel took it straight, for them. Humans themselves are but one of the numerous races on this continent, in their opinion. There is no difference between humans and undead, elves, dwarves, goblin, giants, etc. They are not qualified to question the identity of the successor of Dragon Soul, so the so-called opposition of the Light Council is simply a joke. No heir to the Dragon Soul will take such things into account. It's just that there is a reason why Higel brought this up.

"Sir Lord, we know that there was something unpleasant between you and the kingdom of light ..."

"and so?"

Hear Higel. Rhodes didn't even change his movements, but instead stared calmly at the two girls in front of him. There was no surprise or joy in his voice, calm and indifferent as if talking about an insignificant thing. But when he heard Rhode ’s answer, Siegler was getting more and more headache. It seems that as he imagined, the grievance between the heir of the Dragon Spirit and the kingdom of light is not simple, although his previous answer seems to be Rhode Did not take this matter to heart. But Hegel had heard it, and Rhodes obviously didn't plan to talk about it-this also meant that he would not change his views because of others' suggestions.

But Higgle has to continue to talk, to be honest, although the kingdom of night and the kingdom of light have fought before, but in the eyes of the kingdom of law, that is still within the controllable range. Although Ion was ambitious, he knew “rules” and knew how to obtain his own interests under the structure of order. Therefore, when the kingdom of night attacked the kingdom of light, the kingdom of law kept silent and did not take any action to stop it. But the Majesty in front of him can be completely different. He obviously does not seem to need wars for territorial or resource purposes. It can even be said that, in Siegler's view, his goal is extremely self-centered, which is just pure. The country that looks at the light is not pleasing to the eye, so I want to clean it up-this kind of random action without purpose and plan is the most worrying.

"I think you should be aware that the current situation in Dragon Soul Mainland is not good. Now that you have opened up the land of chaos, you should have already experienced the threat and power of chaos. Chaos is currently trying to penetrate again. In this world, to achieve its purpose. To this end, we must maintain a good balance of order to avoid accidents. And war is the easiest to disrupt order and show chaos. Therefore ... "..."

"Do you wish I wouldn't take action against the kingdom of light?"

Before Higg's words were finished, he was interrupted by Rhodes. He put down the tea cup in his hand and stared with interest at the two heirs of the Dragon Soul. Higel, who was interrupted by her speech, changed her face. She was about to open her mouth to say something, and at this time, Nalea, who was just smirking beside her and selling tea, was holding her sister gently. Hand, then turned his head, staring at Rhodes.

"Ah, alas, Sigel is always so impatient. If you look like this, will others not listen to you?"

"But my sister ........."

Hearing Nalea's words, Hegel instinctively wanted to refute what she said, but she sighed helplessly before giving up, and then gave up the refutation. It seems that she is very accustomed to the off-line thinking of her elder sister. Therefore, he even gave up refuting completely and completely raised the white flag to surrender. And a satisfied glance at Higel who had been completely "submitted", Nalea then looked back, smiled, picked up a cookie, and looked at Rhodes.

"Oh, oh, Your Majesty. We are not trying to interfere with your relationship with the Kingdom of Light. Because I can also see that Her Majesty Lilian is very good with you. If you just feel bored by those human If so, could you please give me a little control? After all, if we go overboard too much, it will be difficult for us. Unlike Higg, I am a very lazy person, and I do n’t want to get into trouble if I can In things. "


Hearing frowning at Nalea's completely conceited tone, he said nothing. On the contrary, Rhode was looking at this moment with an interest and looked at this dragon of judgment, which always showed a natural appearance. Although listening to the words on the surface. Nalea was just complaining, but in fact Rhodes could hear it, and her words implied the two contradictory meanings of threat and plea. Nalea didn't want to cause trouble, and she also told Rhodes that if she could, she didn't want to conflict with Rhodes and the Netherlander. But in turn, Naleya warned Rhodes secretly, if Rhodes did too much. As the dragon of judgment, she would never sit idly by. Although this only represents Naraya's personal opinion, there is no sanction where the trial comes-it also means that Higgler will not stop there.

She just talked casually. Or is it implicit?

Rhode stared at Nalea's golden eyes, but found no answer. It seems that as the player guessed in the game, the young lady is either pretending to be stupid or a natural black. Either way, talking to such people is the most difficult. Because you don't know if she has intentions or unintentions-but no matter which one, it seems that the country of law has already expressed its meaning quite clearly.


"I can understand. However, I never said that I would give up. Indeed, as the two thought, I was quite unhappy with the kingdom of light, whether it was Lilian's friend. Or the enemy of the Council of Light simply It ’s all the same. But of course, I do n’t only do it because of my personal feelings. It ’s just that my personal feelings happen to be the same as what I want to accomplish. You see, Nalea Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Hegel, since they are all the same job, find a like-minded job that allows you to devote your emotions unbridled into it is better than doing a job you do n’t like, does it? Have a happy and enjoyment Isn't it more comfortable to eliminate chaos than to do it seriously? Or do you need me to do it with pain? "


Hearing here, Nalea and Sigel were stunned. Higgler's original cold expression became even more serious at this time, and Naleya's face was slightly loose at this moment. Rhodes narrowed his eyes and watched the two carefully, only a moment later he sneered.

"What's the matter? Two? There is chaos invasion under a rigorous ruling system like the kingdom of night. Don't you think that there is no chaos in the ruling system where the kingdom of light is full of loopholes like cheese? . Or the two really thought that I was just chasing the country of light purely based on personal preferences-of course I don't deny that this is indeed one of my interests. "

"This one……………"

Upon hearing Rhode's answer, Higgler bowed his head a little awkwardly. It is true that, as Rhodes said, they could never have doubted the kingdom of light. In particular, the Council of Light promoted the way in which the successor of the Dragon Soul was so vigorously promoted, although they were not greatly affected in the country of law. But from time to time, hearing such rumors that "the creation dragon soul is a dictator tyrant, their existence is unnecessary, we should overthrow them and use our own hands to build a better future", still make them uneasy. . Of course, if it is just ordinary talk, then the twin dragons will not be too concerned about it. After all, the dragon soul continent is so large that there are always people who are uncomfortable with authority, which is not surprising. But like the Council of Light, it's up to you to do things like propaganda. Moreover, it was spreading to the surroundings. If they did not cause them to feel annoyed, then it was really a ghost.

As a matter of course, the anomalous behavior of the Parliament of Light also attracted the attention of the country of law, but they could not go to the country of light to investigate for such things. In any case, the country of France must uphold the principle of absolute neutrality of. If you investigate without the slightest evidence. Not good for the position of the kingdom of law.

But now, in front of them, there is a guy who doesn't care about their position.

"Do you have evidence?"

Although indeed embarrassing, Higgler frowned and asked seriously. Although their first impression of Rhodes was not very reliable before, but looking at Rhodes for taking this for granted, he couldn't help making Hegel nervous. Only Na Leia was still smiling, and it seemed that he had not taken anything from Rhodes's plate in front of him and tasted it slowly in his mouth.

When he heard Higgler's question, Rhodes frowned.

"Of course, I have very good evidence that the top of the Light Council has been infiltrated by chaos. Is there anything else for the two?"

"Really ?!"

Hearing here, Higer couldn't help but stand up and, to be honest, they suspected that the Council of Light was not a day or two. However, as the heirs of the Dragon Soul of the Kingdom of Law, after all, Nalea and Shiger did not know much about the things inside the Kingdom of Light. Perhaps they could obtain some knowledge from the intelligence. But only those who actually live in that country will understand what the country of light has become.

"Yes, I have enough, detailed. And tangible evidence, what. Will the two continue to stop me?"

"But, Lord Rhodes, if you do this, aren't you afraid that you will be chaotic? I said before that chaotic battlefields are the best time for chaos to invade. When the order is defeated, the power of chaos Will come in while it's empty ... "

"That's why we need to resolve all of this as soon as possible. Since the infected limb can't be treated, it will be cut off quickly, so as not to endanger the life of the subject ..." Beautiful smile. "... don't the two think so?"


At that moment, I saw the moment when this man, who had been indifferent and calm, showed a smile in front of himself. Both Higel and Nalea fell into silence. At that moment, they clearly felt the killing intention of each other and the incomparable destruction **. That wasn't against them. Instead, the sisters looked as if they were just standing by, watching a person draw a sword in front of them indifferently, aiming at their prey. And they are just the scabbard of the onlooker, enough to feel the strong and cold killing intention. After Higgler swallowed instinctively, and Na Laiya's original smiling face was slightly stiffened, it was difficult to regain her original appearance.

"So ... what is your evidence ..."

"History is distorted."

At this time, a crisp voice sounded, and when hearing this, Higel turned his head immediately, and then he was surprised to find out that I do n’t know when Rhodes appeared in a plain dress on his side. Girl, she was sitting there quietly, holding a heavy big book in her hand. This young girl, Higel, was not impressed. After all, she was also one of the men brought by Rhodes. But what surprised Higel was not that she would appear here, but --- she seemed to be here all the time, but she didn't realize her existence at all!

This is simply impossible!

As one of the twin dragons of trials and sanctions, Higel has a very clear grasp of everything in his field. The moment she saw the girl in front of her, she immediately used her ability to investigate, but to her surprise, the girl seemed to have been here all the time. There was no way of teleporting or using stealth, but ... ... how did she avoid the feelings of herself and her elder sister?

"Excuse me, are you ..."

Glancing at Rhode waryly, Higger asked. When hearing Hegel's inquiry, Alice looked up and glanced at her, then lowered her head again.

"Alice ...... Alice Damdalenst, for the first time, the heir to the Dragon Soul of Judgment."

"Alice ........."

Hearing the name, not only did Hegel's face change slightly, but even Nalea opened her eyes curiously, reached out and stroked her cheek, staring at the young girl in surprise.

"Ah, alas, I didn't expect that the six-pillar demon would come down in person, it really surprised us ..."

"I'm just here to make a statement for my Lord."

There was no response to Naleana's seemingly tentative words, Alice flipped through a page of the book again, and then answered softly.

"The distortions of history are increasing, chaos is about to come to this world again, all I can say is this. As for confirming their authenticity ......... you should be able to do it."

"…………indeed so."

Hearing Alice's words, Higel nodded with a subtle expression. Perhaps others are not clear, but just as the heirs of the Dragon Soul have more power than ordinary people in their own Dragon Soul shelter. Higel and Nalea also possessed such power. Under the shelter of their dragon souls, the words spoken by the people who talked with the two were regarded as "testimonies", and as trial and sanctions, The twin dragons, Hegel and Nalea, were able to tell whether the other party was telling the truth or a lie as soon as they heard each other's words. So for them, the so-called evidence was completed the moment the testimony was established.

"That's it, two people."

Rhodes stood up, the smile on his face did not converge, but with unprecedented pressure.

"So, I hope to be able to make a deal with the two. I can help you settle this trouble, but instead, I also want the two to contribute in this regard. In any case, chaos is our common enemy, not ?"

With a soft smile, Rhodes said.

When hearing Rhode's inquiries, Higel and Nalea looked at each other, and then Higel nodded.

"Since it has something to do with chaos and it has been confirmed, then for the sake of this continent, we can indeed give you a certain degree of assistance within our ability-but that's all."


After receiving Higel's answer, Rhodes's mouth slightly tilted.

"Then I have a small request now ..." (to be continued ...)

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