Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 267: Tour de France apprentices

When Rhodes and others arrived, the battle was almost over. Originally, magic belonged to that kind of wide-range aoe skills. I saw this circle of magic came down, and the original dense woods were already a large area that turned upside down. In it, two groups of men and women were confronting each other. One party wore a neat and bright robe and uniform, while the other one looked more like a group of mercenaries. Not only was there no sense of organization in the dress, but even the weapons in his hands were different. It looks like a bunch of miscellaneous troops. But it is this group of miscellaneous military forces who can't lift up those guys who are wearing luxurious and bright clothing at this moment. Many of them were already lying down on the ground in blood. The casters behind are struggling to support the magic barrier and bear the magical attacks of the mercenaries, while in front, four or five people with magic weapons in their hands are dealing with the mercenaries, trying to save the time or delay. However, their resistance was obviously futile, because not only the casters, but even Warcraft, were also involved in the siege. If you continue in this way, it will take no more than ten minutes, and these people will be completely dead.

But Rhodes didn't find it strange to see the mercenaries, and he only recognized them by glancing at the other side. Although it is generally impossible for a mercenary team to have a caster, only this is an exception, especially those who are trying to capture the elves. If they do not bring a few casters, they will simply enter the sea of ​​trees outside. Just to die.

But how could they entangle with the people of the Tour de France?

Thinking of this, Rhodes patted the head of the little bubble gum that was already excited and could not help going out. Then gave up and kept thinking. Anyway, just save the person. The Tower of the Tour de France is considered to be the most famous caster organization on the Dragon Soul continent, and it can count it. There is nothing wrong with selling personal relationships. Those who have rescued them now can at least be able to make them tend to favor the vanity leader in some affairs, and it is not bad.

"Come on, bubble."

"Oh, just wait for you, head!"

Little Bubble Gum seems completely unaware of what Rhodes basically means "close the door and put the dog", or she is too lazy to care about it. Instead, hear Rhode's answer. Little Bubble Gum jumped up in excitement, then raised his arm high.

"Oh, oh, it's time to start the film, it's time for group p! Good healing milk, I'm on !!!!"

With the call of Little Bubble Gum, a white light appeared on her body, and the next moment, Little Bubble Gum "snapped" into a dazzling meteor and rushed towards the battlefield-but then again. Isn't she just healing herself?

The casters of the Tour de France have reached their limits.

"Emma! When will the reinforcements come, hurry up, we can't stand it anymore!"

Wielding a flaming tomahawk, the mercenaries standing in front of him forced back, and the man turned his head and asked anxiously. He was wearing a white uniform with the pattern and logo of the Tour de France tower, if only seen from the outside. Then I would just think that this is just an ordinary uniform with no defense, but the faint silver and white magic radiance from above shows that it is not ordinary. At least in the process of dealing with three or four mercenaries, the invisible barrier covering the body outside the uniform is obviously more useful than ordinary leather armor.

Hearing the men's inquiries, he stood behind and raised his hand to release the guardian barrier against the Warcraft attack. The dark-faced man frowned and shook his head.

"I don't think they will be able to come for the time being. Zagared, we were already behind schedule. At this time, I am afraid that several other teams have almost reached their destination. In this case, even if they see a signal for help, I I think they shouldn't be looking for us anymore. Everyone knows what kind of ghost place outside the sea of ​​trees! "


Hearing his companion's reply, Zagared sighed secretly. For them, this was a true disaster. The students who originally belonged to the Tower of the Tour de France, came to the outer sea of ​​trees to conduct a test this time. This relates to their future destiny as tower apprentices. But I didn't expect that their luck would be so bad. I met an outside "hunting group" here, and even more terribly, this "hunting group" seemed to be returning full. They caught several elves, and they seemed quite productive.

Originally, Zagared did not intend to cause trouble. After all, they came here for their future. In the highly competitive Tour de France tower, any waste means that they are likely to leave the team completely and stay in the Tour de France. In the tower, once you fall behind, you can't keep up. So when he encountered this group of mercenaries by chance, he seemed very low-key and was unwilling to provoke right and wrong. However, the mercenaries did not seem to intend to get along with this sudden group of "strangers". They not only gave pointers to these students, but also taunted the women in their ranks, and even increased their favor. Provocations, such as torture those elves for pleasure ...

The apprentices in the Tower of the Tour de France are all young people. They are also full of vigor and full of justice. Seeing the torture of the elves, of course, they couldn't see it. As a result, the two sides fought. But ... the situation was beyond the expectations of these apprentices. They originally thought that they were elites in the Tower of the Tour de France, in terms of spells and melee, are much better than these seemingly worn-out mercenaries. In the end, I did not expect the two sides to fight. The mercenaries who looked like beggars were completely inconspicuous. Instead, they were caught by surprise. Not only were the strongest members of the team attacked by the other side, even now, they can only Just barely support it.

But what does this mean?

Wielding a tomahawk with a burning flame in his hands, Zagared bit his teeth. Although at the critical moment, their response as an elite still allowed them to save their lives in the sudden attack of these mercenaries, but now they are not only themselves. Wait for a few people other than a few people to either support. Either he was seriously injured and had completely lost his combat effectiveness.

Can't keep dragging on. The longer the delay, the more prone it is to problems. Thinking of this, Zagared frowned. The longer the time was, the more unfavorable his side was. They now did not have enough power to stop the mercenaries from attacking, although they were obviously better than the brutal mercenaries Much stronger. And those mercenaries who do face the spells in front of them are also daunting, but this is also limited after all. The caster is also human, and they cannot release the spell forever to stop these mercenaries. The best way now. Either seize the opportunity to have a storm, and then take the opportunity to escape with others. Either it is time to find a way to capture the leaders of these mercenaries when there is still power, so the initiative is on their side.

As for what it will look like after this, Zagared is no longer in a mood to think about it, first of all to get through the immediate difficulties, if they can't get through the immediate difficulties. Then wait here to feed your body to those groups of Warcraft! Thinking of this, Zagared held the tomahawk in his hand and made up his mind.

"Sammel, Velin, Nila, cooperate with Rael and me to release the burst of fire! Hope. Fabrian, rune traps in front to stop their way, now, attack!"

On the one side. Zagared raised his two-handed axe in his hand again, accompanied by his movements. The blazing flames on the tomahawk burst into flames, forming a flame tornado blasting towards the mercenaries ahead. Seeing this sudden flame, the mercenaries quickly retreated, in order to avoid the raging attack. Although they have rich combat experience, they are not mages after all. Seeing these flames suddenly seemed to come alive and rushed towards their own teeth, they would naturally be afraid. At the same time, along with Zagared's attack, the swordman standing next to him wearing a black, cold face was also holding up the bright red sword in his hand and chopping forward vigorously. Then dozens of wind blades raged forward, and saw the earth and stones mixed with the trunk's residual limbs were torn and split together, whistling and scattered. At the same time, behind them, three men in mage robes immediately lifted the staff in their own hands, accompanied by the sound of the chant, and saw that the flames that had been thrown towards the mercenaries' teeth opened suddenly changed. It was formed into a magic array of five-pointed stars, followed by a series of explosions, and the thick smoke immediately wrapped the mercenaries in them.

"A bunch of waste!"

Seeing that his men were caught off guard by the group of little hair children, they grabbed the upper hand and stood behind a man who was wrapped in a black robe all over his body and gave a snorting cry. Then he raised his hands ...

"Hurry up and evacuate now!"

Seeing the flames and smoke covering the group of mercenaries, Zagared stepped back immediately, then he pulled up an unconscious companion who had fallen to the ground and backed away. At this time, the others also came forward, lifting up the companion who had fallen to the ground or passed out during the previous battle, and retreated toward the rear. Now they have no more power to face the next battle. Their only expectation is to leave here, as long as they can escape into the sea of ​​trees, they will have a way to avoid the enemy. As for the future thing-damn it, wait until later!

"—————— !!!"

But at this moment, suddenly, a violent gale whizzed past, and the flames and smoke that had shrouded the battlefield suddenly disappeared. Not only that, even the rune traps that were originally arranged in front of the mercenaries to prevent them from moving forward After shining the magical light, it loses its effect and no longer has any meaning. And the violent wind did not disappear immediately after blowing off the smoke that originally surrounded the battlefield. On the contrary, they hovered like a creature to close the forest, turning into a substantial wall to block everyone's only retreat.

"how is this possible…………!"

Seeing this scene, the people who had originally planned to retreat into the forest suddenly turned white. They were all casters, and naturally understood what the scene in front of them represented. The ability to compress chants in such a short period of time, and even manipulate materialized elements, shows that among their enemies, there is at least one legendary elemental mage! !!

"This is how to do?"

At this moment, the elites in these Tour de France towers have completely lost their attention. The strongest of them is only at the peak of the master, although this is already considered to be very powerful. But the line between master and legend. It's not so leapfrogging! And now, facing the attack of a legendary level mage. They are almost powerless!

And just then, suddenly, a jolly voice almost unsuitable for the battlefield suddenly appeared.

"Ahhhh, wait for Miss Ben !! Just wait for sacks! Oh, it's not over, it's not over here yet, don't give Miss Ben so easily!"

With this weird shout, everyone only saw a dazzling shooting star burst out from the sea of ​​trees on the other side, and then a petite figure jumped through the air like this. Then fell heavily between the students and mercenaries of the Tour de France. At the moment when the girl appeared, the original tense atmosphere on the battlefield suddenly changed. Either way, you are full of vigilance against the girl who suddenly appears. After all, no one knew whether the girl who suddenly appeared was an enemy or a friend. But the girl herself didn't seem to have much interest in it. She didn't even look at the mercenaries, but instead turned her head to look at the apprentices at the Tour de France, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't die, let's live ......... forget it. I already know the answer by looking at you."

As he said, Little Bubble Gum waved his hands boringly. With her movement, a sacred and warm white light shrouded everyone. Feeling the warm glow, the look of those apprentices suddenly changed.

"this is……………"

The head of Zagared looked at the girl in shock, he could feel it clearly. With the bright and dazzling white holy light, his originally exhausted physical strength and magic power began to recover quickly, but it took only a moment of effort, and the already exhausted himself had completely regained his spirit. Not only that, but even the seriously injured girl beside him. At this moment, the scars on the body were healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, the shocking wound on the original itself completely healed. Even the pale complexion that had lost too much blood was reddened again at this moment.

Such a powerful spirit has never even seen Zagared!

Who exactly is this girl!

But now is not the time to search for the identity of the other side, seeing that his companion whose original life is in distress has turned into danger in such a short period of time, Zagared also temporarily relieved. Although the opponent's appearance is a bit ......... that what, but now it seems that she came to help herself. Thinking of this, Zagared hurriedly grasped the tomahawk in his hand and took two steps forward.

"This lady ..."

"Ah, don't come here, just stand here and watch a show. The pigs are idiots of the hunting group, but Miss Ben doesn't have itchy hands ......... Come on, fight it, idiots! Oh oh oh oh, look at my heaven and the world, I have the sole fist !! "

However, before Zagared's words were finished, he saw a little bubble gum waving at them, and then a translucent protective barrier immediately wrapped them in them. Immediately after that, Little Bubble Gum turned around and squeezed his fists, and then the whole person just howled and rushed towards the mercenaries in front of them.


Staring blankly at the girl's back, Zagared had no idea what to say. From the high level of spiritual skills she just released, it can be seen that she should be a spiritual master, but now why is she rushing to fight like a warrior? Not only that, she hasn't got a weapon yet. Is this really okay?

But soon, Little Bubble Gum told them with actual actions, no matter what!


A small bubblegum rushing into the mercenary group with an excited smile, blasted with a punch, and slammed heavily on a mercenary wearing light armor in front of him, soon, accompanied by a low collision sound I saw the poor mercenary groan like this, and the whole person looked backwards like a rag doll that was twisted and cracked. It can be seen from his body that has turned ninety degrees, that he can no longer live. The little bubble gum that was blown out by one punch had no meaning of recycling, but swung it sideways, and saw that with the movement of the little bubble gum, a thick white light burst from her side, and then Those mercenaries swallowed up.

"who are you?"

Watching his subordinates be wiped out in an instant, the Master in Black Robe also couldn't help sinking and whispering. But in the face of the black robe master's inquiry, little bubble gum was obviously not at all.

"Who cares who I am, idiot, some kind of you call me!"

On the one hand, Little Bubble Gum stretched out his hand again, blocking the attack of two mercenaries, and then punched again.

"Boom boom boom !!!"


Looking through the protective barrier, watching the girl's violent fighting posture, everyone, including Zagared, could not help but breathe out. Although they are the elite of the Tour de France, they have not studied. Melee. Just like Zagared and Rael, both can be considered mages who use melee weapons, so-called magic swordsmen. But ... the holy spirit is on top, such a fierce fighting style, they never really thought about it. Staring blankly at the little bubble gum that showed great power outside, everyone in the barrier suddenly felt a cold, and then someone said quietly.

"Spirit ... can it be so powerful?"

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