Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 270: Weird development

It was just the moment when Little Bubble Gum said this, the lively campsite suddenly became quiet. Zagared, in despair, reached out and held his forehead. The eyes of several others following him at this time suddenly looked sad and pitying. Maybe others don't know, but those who have dealt with Little Bubble Gum, Zagared, know very well that this young lady is a master who is not afraid of causing trouble at all. Everything will be fine if she doesn't come to provoke you. If you provoke her ...... think of the fate of the unlucky mercenaries before, Zagared shivered. He should have stepped up at this time to stop the conflict between the two parties, but instinctively told Zagared that it was safest to stand by the side and watch the show.

"What did you say? Imp?"

Hearing the speech of Little Bubble Gum, Stuka's complexion suddenly sank. He was not an open-minded person at first, and as a leader among the younger generation of the Tour de France, Stuka looked forward to him Gao, he looks down on those who are not as good as him, and he is not kind to them. In Stuka's view, sooner or later, he will become the ruler of the Tour de France. Those who have long-sighted eyes should take the initiative to stick to their side and serve themselves. As for those guys who don't have long-term eyes-sooner or later, they will let them know what will happen to them with this attitude.

It is also because of Stucka's arrogant attitude that his popularity in the Tour de France is not good, but Stucka does not care, because those people are just jealous of his strength, a group of stupid mortals. They can't reach their height, so they can only be so ugly to be jealous of themselves, but they can't reach their height even if they are jealous. These worthless wastes don't need to pay attention to yourself!

But now, Stuka may have to change her mind. It was the first time he had heard someone dare not to take himself so seriously. That abominable little ghost. A little ghost with no hair, even dare to speak to me like that!

"Do you know who you are talking to? Imp."

"Shut up, scum, you are not qualified to speak to me."

Little Bubble Gum narrowed his eyes and glanced at the young man in disdain, as if he was nothing but a pile of stinking garbage in the garbage dump. This immediately surprised those who didn't know the little bubble gum was amazing. This is the first time they have seen someone dare to speak to Stuka like this. It is no wonder that even if Stuka itself is not to be seen inside the Tower of the Tour de France, his strength and his mentor can't be disturbed of. So what everyone has done is to ignore him as much as possible. There is really no way to deal with him in a perfunctory way. But at this moment, I didn't expect anyone to be more arrogant than him. This can't help but make those people who have been secretly obsessed with Stuka in the dark, let alone the little bubble gum look better than the one who always has a face, it seems that the world owes him money Guys are much more cute.

Cuteness is justice, isn't it?

"Shut up. Do you know who this person is?"

However, before Stuka talked, the people next to him rushed forward and screamed at Little Bubble Gum, and had to admit that as dog-legs, they were quite proficient. At this moment they saw that Stuka's face was not good-looking, and they also hurriedly started to scold the girl in front of their loyal masters. Although she looks arrogant. But in appearance, the girl was nothing more than a spiritual master. What combat power does a spiritual master have?

"This adult is the most talented person in the Tower of the Tour de France. You dare to insult him so much, and you are not happy to this adult ..."


Three pure white, holy beams of light descended from the sky, hitting the three unlucky ghosts like a sledgehammer, and the dazzling light flashed past. Then the three unlucky ghosts lie on the ground. With white eyes, foaming in the mouth, twitching. And everyone saw their eyes widened in surprise when they saw the scene in front of them. Annie stood beside her, looking excited, while Canary put her hands together in front of her. Watching all this with a gentle smile like a young lady, as if the ordinary scenery in front of her was nothing but ordinary scenery. As for Rhodes, he leaned over and stroked Christie's head lightly.

"Bring the bell and set up our camp with the two elves, Christie."

"Um ... okay ... Rhode ..."

Hearing Rhode's words, Christie glanced uneasily at the little bubble gum with a standard villain gesture with hands on hips, then nodded. Reaching for the bell that had been standing quietly behind him, he turned and left. And Little Bubble Gum turned to the side, looking at Christie's petite back, and couldn't help but poach his lips-it was really boring. Originally, I planned to teach Christie's attitude to life in the world. Weakness doesn't work, little Christie ......... forget it, it's more fun to pack these idiots now.

"Hey, scum over there."

Thinking of this, Little Bubble Gum turned back and looked at Stuka in front of her.

"Is this the owner of these dogs? It is your word that you have to take care of, the barking dogs, sooner or later, you need to chop skins to make dog hot pot."

"…………Hum hum……………"

Hearing the speech of Little Bubble Gum, Stuka's original stiff face began to twist at this moment, and his eyes were bloodshot, so he stared at the little Bubble Gum in front of him for a while. There was a sudden smile on the twisted face, and he began to laugh softly. At this moment, the others had already left the two far away, watching uneasily standing in the distance, but did not know what to do. I don't know if they were frightened by Little Bubblegum's momentum, or worried about Stuka's apparently abnormal response.

"It turns out that you are also the manipulator of the power of the soul. I didn't expect that I could see my colleagues here. Now that you have loyal to me, you should understand what this means. Miss, here, In the name of Stuka Kailuo, I ask you to pay for it! Since you are also the caster. Let me see if your strength is enough to challenge my glory! "


Hearing here, Zagared opened his mouth, but in the end, he bowed his head helplessly and turned his gaze.

Good way all the way, I will mourn you.


As if in response to Zagared's mourning. The dull sound echoed in everyone's ears. Turning his head, he saw that the petite girl who was still standing in the distance did not know when she had come to Stuka. But in front of her, the proud young man who was just proud at the moment was covering her belly and kneeling to the ground with her mouth open and retching, just looking at the scene in front of her already knew that What happened instantly.

"The residue should be like a residue, obediently roll aside. Look at people and look at you, I really don't know why the Tour de France will take you such wasteful waste, you really think you are counting yourself What can't be done? Waste! Get me out! "


"Woo !!!!"

Along with the scream, Little Bubble Gum hit an unusually bold swing kick in Stuka's face. Then he saw the unlucky scream fly backwards, and then fell heavily to the ground. At this moment, Stuka didn't seem to respond at all what happened. While covering his stomach, he raised his head blankly and looked around, and saw his embarrassment, many people murmured Laughed lightly. Although Stuka sees herself as the first person in the Tour de France tower, but all who can come here are elites among the elite, most of them are in the middle of the middle. Stuka is even better than them. But the gap is not insurmountable. In this case, his Lao Tzu's first attitude in the world has long caused everyone's boredom. And now seeing that guy who always has a nostril up there is also today, and everyone can't help but feel dark.

I don't know if he heard the chuckles of everyone, or whether Stuka's resilience is better than he thought, but he has been sober again and again for a moment. And looking at his gray-faced face, Stuka was furious, especially after hearing the laughter of those guys around him. At this moment Stuka was already angry. He has never been treated this way! Even my dad never hit me! !!

"You bastard, get ready to bear my anger!"

Roaring frantically, Stuka raised his right hand, and with his movements, saw the countless thunders on Stuka suddenly burst out. The azure blue lights spread quickly in all directions. Not only that, along with Stuka's actions, several magical arrays appeared out of thin air, spinning the little bubble gum aimed at the eyes. Seeing these magical arrays, Little Bubble Gum did not react at all. She just folded her hands on her hips, narrowed her eyes, and looked at the man in front of her like watching a monkey play.

"Zagared, don't you stop them?"

Just then, Zagared heard the girl's voice in his ear. He turned his head and saw a girl with a long purple ponytail frowning and watching the sight in front of her.

"It's not good to go on like this, anyway, Stuka is also a tower man, and in case he goes crazy, maybe we will all follow the bad luck ..."

"Don't worry, Frey, Stuka's power doesn't play any role in front of that lady. I think we'll prepare first, and hope that lady won't kill him. Just in case If there is a human life here, then we are really in big trouble. "

"Making a life?"

Hearing this, Frey couldn't help but startled, then turned to look at Little Bubble Gum. She couldn't think of anything, how could such a little girl be killed. When it was changed to Stuka, she was not surprised at all, but the girl in front of her ...

"go to hell!!"

At this time, the magic circle in Stuka's hand has also been rotated, and the incomparable force of Thunder condenses in the rapidly rotating magic circle. Just waiting for the holder's order, they will be transformed into an unparalleled destruction Light, completely defeated the enemy in front of them, the condensed thunder and lightning became more and more dazzling, they began to expand rapidly, forming a huge energy ball, and in the next moment ...


Stuka stared blankly at his palms, where there was nothing, the lightning that was raging before. The fast-moving magic circle and the surging and condensing power have completely disappeared at this moment. No trace was left, as if everything that had happened before was false. how can that be? What about my strength? What about my strength? Where did my power go? Why can't I use the power of the soul? Why can't the Magic Circle start, and why? !! !!


"Wow ah ah ah ah ah !!!"

Along with the pain, Stuka screamed and he curled up. But it has no effect. At this moment his legs had been completely broken under the feet of little bubble gum, twisted into a strange shape. Seeing this scene, the people who had watched the excitement around them could not help but take a half step back. They did not expect that this girl who looked very beautiful would be so brutal.

"Isn't it fun? Waste? You see, it feels pretty good to lose power, right?"

"You ... you ... you actually ..."

"What? What more do you want to say to Miss Ben? Residue?"

"How dare you treat me like this, the Tour de France tower isn't wow ah ah ah ah ah!"

Gritted his teeth to endure the pain, but the words have just come out. She was interrupted again by intense pain, and Little Bubble Gum's right foot stepped on Stuka's arm like this. At this moment, the girl grinned, revealing a weird and unmistakable smile.

"Oh, now you know that the Tower of the Tour de France has been moved out? Why did you go there earlier? Do you really think that the Tower of the Tour de France will not bother you for such a scum? Ha, what are you It ’s a man who is happy, do n’t always think about waiting for trouble before moving backstage! ”

"Woo ... whoo ........."


Staring at Stuka's resentment. Little Bubble Gum couldn't help but take a sip. Then she clenched her fists and sneered and looked at the man in front of her. And looked at the contemptuous look of Little Bubble Gum. Stuka didn't know where the courage came, he looked up and glared at the girl in front of him.

"The Tower of the Tour de France is my pride, you ..."

"You're not the pride of the Tour de France, um, I understand. Look at you like that, is that like an apprentice to the Tour de France?"

"You ... you dare to insult me ​​so much, you will pay the price !!!"

As if anger and fear were intertwined and lost his mind, Stuka opened her mouth and shouted, but at the next moment. Suddenly a strong wind passed through his ears, banging heavily on the stone wall next to Stuka's head, interrupting his next speech.


"That's a good word. I don't know how many people in your family have this on their tombstone?"

Pulling his fist out of the stone wall that had been blasted out of a hole, Little Gumball narrowed his eyes dangerously and looked at Stuka in front of him with a smug smile. Feeling her gaze, although Stuka was pale, he stubbornly bit his teeth, even if he suffered severe pain, he did not give in. Seeing the unpleasant reaction of the man in front of him, the little bubble gum's complexion suddenly sank. She wants to have fun, but she doesn't want to have no fun at all. But now, the other party dares not to cooperate with himself crying for mercy, which has made Little Bubble Gum even more angry.

"Master Bubble ........."

At this moment, Zagared next to him hesitated again and again, after all, stepped forward.

"That ... Could you please stop here, if you continue like this, I'm afraid he will be in danger of life ..."

"Danger to life?"

After hearing Zagared's persuasion, Little Bubble Gum's eyes rolled, and then she smiled hehe.

"Who do you think I am? Zagared?"


When he heard the little bubble gum inquiring, Zagared couldn't help it. I have to say that the apprentices of these Tour de France towers are indeed "isolated" for a long time. When traveling, Rhodes and others had also reported their names to Zagared, but Zagared Germany did not think at all. In fact, this is not without reason. In addition to the high degree of isolation from the inside of the Tour de France itself, there are also factors in Rhodes. Although the world knows that Rhodes exists, most people are still accustomed to calling him the Nether Dragon, just like the dragon of darkness, the dragon of light, the dragon of judgment and the dragon of judgment. Perhaps their names are like thunderbolts, but their real names are often overlooked. Some of the famous artists in the Rhodes world, maybe the street people know their stage names, but to ask what the artist's real name is, I am afraid that there are not many people except those fanatics who answered it. So it is not surprising that Rhodes reported his destiny. But if he introduces himself as a dragon of void, then he can immediately know the identity of the other party.

"I'm a spiritual master. What do you think a spiritual master does?"

Speaking, Little Bubble Gum waved her hand, and with her actions, a beam of light suddenly fell from the sky, covering Stuka in it. Soon, Stubana's hands and feet, which had been crushed by little bubble gum, were restored to the original speed at a rapid speed. Seeing this scene, Zagared also secretly reassured that he thought the other party was over. But Little Bubble Gum's next sentence immediately made him feel again.

"Since this guy is unwilling to ask for forgiveness, then let me see if it's his mouth or my fist! It's okay to be disabled, anyway, I'm a spiritual master, and I can cure it if I want to cure it. It's nothing! Ha, otherwise why did I choose a spiritual master for this purpose? "

No, the spiritual master should not be like this!

Hearing the speech of Little Bubble Gum, everyone around them suddenly groaned. And Stuka's complexion was even paler. Originally, he was still relying on himself to be the Tour de France tower. The other party should not kill himself. But now it seems that this is the rhythm that you should die for yourself! !!

And just then, suddenly, a somber voice sounded.

"Let him go! Outsider!"

With this anger, a bright magic beam cut through the air and shot at the little bubble gum. (To be continued ...)

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