Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 274: Where there is resistance!

Autumn rain continues.

A thick cloud of clouds shrouded over Casablanca. The continuous rain curtain had lasted for a full two or three days. Bain looked up and looked at the sky above his head with gloomy eyes. Falling from the sky, hitting his slightly thin face. But for Bain, all this is nothing. He retracted his gaze and looked at the parliament hall next to him, where he could dimly see the light of the shining lights.

A full five days have passed, but until now, the Light Council has not formally responded to their request. But more and more people gathered here, and Bain couldn't help but feel a little disturbed. He was originally a member of the military department in the northern theater. During the previous operation facing the kingdom of night, his army was basically wiped out. Bain himself lost a hand and was eventually forced to retire.

Life after retirement is not good, let alone mention the issue of relief itself, because the defeat caused by the invasion of the kingdom of night makes the kingdom of light itself extremely difficult. Many refugees simply cannot find a job to do, and those with sound limbs are still so, let alone a person with a physical disability like Bain. Although on the way to Casablanca, no one helped him physically, but if it was only a temporary help, it would be another thing if he worked for a long time. Moreover, because Bain is doing intelligence analysis himself, and not as powerful as mercenaries like those veterans, he can only choose to retire and return home-although it should have been. But in fact, for Bain, the so-called home has long ceased to exist. His hometown was completely destroyed as early as the invasion of the Kingdom of the Night, leaving no residue.

Now Bain's only hope is to return his own relief and find a peaceful place to spend the rest of his life. His only goal now is nothing more. But Bain didn't expect that even his little hope was going to disappear completely now. After learning from colleagues in the military that relief payments were stopped because of insufficient budget. Bain realized that something was bad. He is different from the soldiers with a brain around him. Bain, who was born of intelligence analysis, knows the situation in the country of light very much, so he had already guessed that such a thing might happen. Bain's plan was to take advantage of the confusion in the election, get his relief money in hand, and then leave here immediately. But I did not expect that in the end I lost to luck.

I thought so, after hearing that the soldiers were gathering in Casablanca. Bain was only able to come here with his teeth, although he was told wisely that even if these soldiers gathered, it was unlikely that they would change the thinking of the parliament. But now I have only this way to go, otherwise, I am afraid I will really starve to death.

But now, as time goes by. When I first arrived in Casablanca, the excitement and anticipation had disappeared, replaced by worry and anxiety.

"What's wrong? Bain, look at your nightmare look?"

"Master Defoe."

Looking at the man who was missing a leg, crutched, and slightly blessed, Baine hurriedly respectfully saluted him. Seeing Baine's return, Diffour waved his hand with a smile. "It's free. It's the same as you, now I'm an old guy who has retired. It's not an army here, so you don't need to be so polite."

"Yes, sir."

Despite saying so, Bain's attitude was still very respectful. For nothing else, it is precisely because Lord Diffour is one of the main characters who gathered those soldiers, and Bain did not know that the other party had called these soldiers to Liberty Square. It was only after coming here that I took on the job of the person in charge, but it is certain that this elder man with a fortunate figure has a very high reputation among the veterans. Even Bain suspected that "Diffur" was only a pseudonym of the other party. After all, not only the soldiers who had just retired were implicated this time, but also some veterans elsewhere. But after they came here, they would respectfully salute Diffour, which can be seen from this. This person's reputation among the veterans is quite high. Although I had thought about investigating the identity of the other party, I finally gave up. After all, here is just a temporary miscellaneous army, not a formal organization, everyone comes here for the same goal. Why bother thinking so much?

"So what's going on with your face? Are you sick?"

"No, no, Lord Defoe ..."

Facing the other party's inquiry, Bain hesitated before answering in a low voice.

"Frankly, I think the situation may not be great."


Upon hearing Bain's answer, Diffur's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Any questions?"

"Yes, sir, I just went out and inquired about the rumors and rumors about us a few moments ago, most of them still support us. But ... there are also some bad rumors." Saying here, Bain hesitated After a while, he continued to speak. "Some people say we got together to be instigated to fight and subvert the Light Council ..."


Upon hearing Bain's report, Diffour grunted and frowned. There was a noticeable anger on the old face. Even Bain, who was also a soldier, instinctively felt his body stiffen when he felt this anger. But even so, he continued to talk bit by bit. After all, things have been very bad for them so far.

"So I doubt ... the Council of Light may be doing something to us. They often do this, and more and more people are gathering in Casablanca. To be honest, I also think that the Council of Light will not be able to come up with this in a short time. Money comes. But the problem is that most of us may not be able to support them when they come out with this money. "

Speaking of which, Bain glanced at the dirty and worn out tents before sighing. As of this morning, dozens of veterans have closed their eyes forever because of illness or hunger. More people are totally penniless. What they can do is to get some food from those good people around them, or to go to the market and put some rotten vegetables in the water and cook them. This is their limit. Life is hard today, even the residents of Casablanca themselves. In this case, the veterans had made every effort to guarantee that they would not starve to death. And in case of illness, it is even more difficult to heal, either to resist or die. Especially since these days have been rainy, many people have become ill. Also consider the risk of infection in this case. The veterans waited for the relief to save their lives. If the Council of Light says it can't afford the money, then Bain can be sure that things will never stop there.

"Do you think they will drive us out?"

Hearing Bain's words, Defoe narrowed his eyes and asked the soldier in front of him. Bain nodded.

"It's very possible, no matter what, although the citizens of Casablanca still support us in a short period of time, no one can say badly what happens over time. And now there are severely ill patients everywhere, and everyone is afraid of being hurt. It ’s contagious, so if the parliament asks us to leave with security issues. The citizens will not object. As for the military side ... ”Speaking here, Bain paused, looked at Diver, and saw the other side. After the expression had not changed, he continued to speak.

"Although we are all retired soldiers, the military also supports us. But after all, they are now very difficult, and I don't think they will think about relying on us to overthrow the Light Council or whatever. So their support is also very limited, If there is any agreement between the parliament and the military, as long as it is not too loud, maybe the military will open our eyes and close our eyes. In any case, we have retired, and now we have trouble for us. The chaos in the country is not in the interests of the military. "

"Benefits, benefits. What do those **** know besides benefits!"

Hearing here, Diffrard raised his beard dissatisfied, and a little anger appeared on his face.

"Huh, that's the way these guys used to be. They haven't changed at all for so many years. I guess so, those guys in the military are just shouting, and this group of goods was persuaded when they really let them out. I have known for a long time that they are useless! "

"One more thing, Lord Defoe ..."

Bain was hesitant to speak here, but he still said.

"I heard that ... we intend to show our affection to Her Majesty the Dragon of Light, and expect her to solve this problem for us?"


This time, Differ didn't answer immediately. Instead, he stared at the young soldier carefully. Feeling the pressure of Diffour, Bain swallowed a sip of water involuntarily. While being watched by the old soldier, Bain only felt that everything around him seemed to be still. Even the raindrops overhead seemed to freeze in the air. He didn't even know how long it had passed. Until the old man slowly opened his mouth again, when he was about to say something ...

"Da da da! Da da da!"

The crisp sound of a horse's hoof broke the silence on Liberty Square, and when he heard the sound of the horse's hoof, Bain only felt his heart sinking, he turned his head and looked towards the surrounding area. Then, Bain's heart sank suddenly, because he saw through the rain curtain, a team of cavalry rushed from all directions, they began to isolate the Liberty Square in an orderly manner, and behind them, full Armed garrison soldiers appeared there, armed. And seeing this scene, Bain felt that the big thing was not good. The Urban Guard is not part of the military, but a department under the jurisdiction of the Council of Light. Therefore, these soldiers and the soldiers of the military are essentially different. Now, the Council of Light actually dispatches all the soldiers of the garrison to Liberty Square, then it means that they are about to make a decision! Moreover, this decision will never be a decision that they can accept! !!

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

At this time, the veterans who had been sheltering from the rain in the tent also noticed the anomalies around them. They clasped the weapons in their hands and gathered uneasily, watching the soldiers in the guard team vigilantly. Perhaps many of them are not as sensitive as Bain, but seeing that they are surrounded by each other, naturally they will not have any good feelings.

Soon, the city defense team completely surrounded the entire Liberty Square. At this moment, it was already evening, and the sky gradually faded. Except for the light provided by the magic crystals around the square and the light from those torches. Almost the whole world seems to be in deep darkness. Bain couldn't help but feel his breathing was difficult. He reached out and clenched the long sword around his waist. Only after feeling the cold and familiar touch of the hilt, Baine felt that his mood was relaxed a bit. .

At this moment, a dark carriage drove out of the parliament and stopped on the high platform in front of Liberty Square. Subsequently. A man in a luxurious, black uniform emerged from the carriage. When he saw so many veterans below, the man was a little surprised, but he calmed down, then stepped off the carriage with the help of his followers, and came to the high platform. And his followers did not miss the opportunity to parachute him. Subsequently, the man coughed and took out a purple gem. Soon, the gem began to flash its bright light, and then a sound-enchanting magic enveloped the entire Freedom Square. Knowing this time, the man slowly lowered his head. Looking at the file in his hand, he said.

"Everyone, I am the President of the Nakvad Parliament, which is authorized by the Parliament to be responsible for relief. Since this time, your gathering from various places to Casablanca has seriously affected the operation of the Council of Light and the stability of Casablanca! I believe that you all It ’s the people who are extremely loyal to the country of light. You are all soldiers who protect this country. You should be able to understand what you are doing for this country now! I hope you will take the overall situation seriously. Think carefully, Don't do things that make the country difficult! And, according to our survey, there are many ulterior motives and criminals among you, and now, the Council of Light, Casablanca, and the entire country. All because of your actions. Was threatened !!! "

Hearing here, many veterans have expressed dissatisfaction and anger. They are not idiots, and they naturally know what they want to express in the line between the characters. The MP completely ignored the anger of the veterans below. Instead, he said with self-care.

"The Council of Light discussed your request and proposal, and the final result-with an overwhelming majority, rejected your proposal to claim relief immediately! We hereby advise you to dissolve immediately and return to yourself In their homes, waiting for the parliament's relief, and the parliament will also provide you with certain tolls as compensation! Please understand this, this is the final decision of the parliament of light! "

"how is this possible?"

"Why it came out like this?"

"what happened!!"

After listening to Nake Vander, the first reaction of the veterans was not anger, but blankness. They stood in the torrential rain, letting the rain wash their bodies. It seemed completely unbelievable what they heard in their ears, everything they expected, their only hope, now like a beautiful soap bubble, completely broken! !!

"Parliament is going to die !!"

"You're talking nonsense !!!"

"Go die! Council die! We will never give up !!! Absolutely not !!!"

Ragged veterans stepped forward, and they glared at Councillor Edward standing on the high platform, and when they saw their eyes, Nakvander retreated backwards, and soon, the city guards Quickly came forward and protected him. They sharpened their swords and aimed the veterans ahead. Above, those soldiers with bows and arrows also pulled their long bows and aimed at the people in front of them. But in the face of this sharp sword and arrows, the veterans did not flinch. They were neatly arranged in a square array, as if they were fighting on the front line, walking towards the Council Hall as if they were dead. At the same time, a low national anthem sounded among the veterans.

"Who has ever seen, those who fought for freedom in the distant dawn, do you see the heroic banner still standing on this land! Whose banner is flying in the flames of war ..."

Soon, the sound of the national anthem rang through the entire Liberty Square, and when hearing this, many soldiers of the garrison were also pale, holding their weapons in horror, looking at those who were not wearing armor and no weapons in their hands. Veterans, as if they were the worst enemy in the world.

"Don't come here !! Don't come here !!"

"There is a military restricted area in front of you !! Killers have no amnesty !!"

"Those who dare to impact the parliament hall will be executed on the spot !!"

A loud voice came from the soldiers of the garrison, but the veterans did not stop there. Instead, they raised their heads proudly, staring at the pale and even trembling soldiers in front of them.

"Come, there is a kind of hands-on killing! Anyway, going back is also dead. If I die, I might as well die here! Let those **** politicians look at our bodies, look at our blood! See who we shed Blood !!! "

"Come, do it, coward. I killed more people than you eat! When I killed, you didn't know where!"

Seeing the veterans and gathering together, the situation became more and more uncontrollable, and Nakvad looked even more gloomy.

"Ready --- hands-on, the eviction begins!"


With the orders of Nakvad, countless arrows flew down from the air. Soon, the veteran standing in the most comprehensive manner rolled and lay down on the ground without a voice! And seeing this scene, those veterans were completely angry! !!

"Brothers! They do it, they want to kill us !!!"

"Go! Sooner or later, let them die, let them see our strength !!!"


With the roar, a long sword was pulled from the veteran's side, and at this moment, the sound of the horn symbolizing the charge also sounded.

"Woo ......... Woo .........!"

With the sound of horns, the cavalrymen who were already ready were also raising their weapons high at the moment, rushing into the crowd in front of them.

The whole Liberty Square was suddenly a mess! !!

ps: I went to the hospital for a checkup today. The doctor said that I had chronic gastritis. I prescribed medicine to eat it, and I had to do a gastroscope after eating ... I don't want to do a gastroscope! !!

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