Summoning the Holy Sword

Vol 2 Chapter 279: Scuffle

The rotten smell of eggs spread out in the darkness, and in the twisted darkness, a little light gradually emerged one by one. It was scarlet, and the glory that made people feel uneasy just looking at it. Looking up, you can see that these pairs of scarlet eyes are everywhere in the darkness around, as if countless monsters are hiding in the darkness, surrounded by the crowd.

However, in the face of such a dilemma, Rhodes and others did not show panic, only Christie twisted his body a little uneasily and activated the ring on his hand. In the blink of an eye, a faint white light enveloped the girl. But even so, Christie leaned nervously on Bell's body, and she could feel that the breath was very similar to that of the terrible demon ritual she had experienced before, with turbidity, death, and silence but it was enough The maddening roar of trembling, everything is integrated between tangible and intangible.

At the next moment, they finally separated.


Hundreds of demons rushed out of the darkness, opened their sharp mouths, stretched out sharp minions, flashed rotten wings, and fluttered like fire-fighting moths towards the burning flame of fire in front of them . The disgusting, disgusting taste is overwhelming, and the whole space is filled with the actions of the demons.

If it is an ordinary person, in such a fight, it will absolutely hang up completely without a fight. But for Rhodes and others, the demons in front of them are not even locusts, at most they are just a few noisy moths.


Canary raised her hand and made a delicate gesture. Along with her movements, I saw that the wall of flames burning in front of everyone suddenly began to quiver and tremble, and a moment later, a bird of flame split from it. Fluttering wings fluttered and rushed towards the demon in front of him. Soon, a series of fireball burst sounds, and those dark demons suddenly burned as if smeared with flammable liquid all over the body. Not only that, the bright red fire light also spreads to the left and right and forward, for a while. In front of the canary, everything was surrounded by the blazing fire. And those demons are miserably reduced to ashes in the pure elemental flames.

At the same time, others were not idle.

Because Little Gumball was not there, Rhodes took the burden of guarding Christie, and the one responsible for protecting himself was naturally his calling elf. Although these demons are enough to make waves in the outside world for a while, in the eyes of Rhodes's Sword Elf, they are nothing more than worth mentioning.

Celia's offense was as full as the soldier's momentum, the sword-like sword-like sword and the pure white holy flame formed the perfect barrier. I saw Celia waving a sword. The darkness in front of me suddenly screamed back as if a piece had been dug out. On her side, Serestina was uncharacteristically cold, looking at the darkness in front of her. Unlike the canary, which shone with fire, and Celia, which burst into unparalleled power. Serestina's battle at the moment gave a strange, silent illusion. The girl moved forward, the dark chain sword disappeared as if disappearing into the darkness, but with the movement of Serestina, the demons disappeared silently and completely. As if completely decomposed, no trace was left.

but. The most eye-catching is Carlin. At this moment, she is holding her hands down, looking calmly at the front. If she just looks at the girl in front of her, I am afraid that no one will think that she is fighting—but before seeing the girl Tumbled and rolled. As if a kind of meat grinder is as tall as a wall, and it is a trap device composed entirely of silk threads, few people will doubt that the devil's end will be crushed into powder and then buried in the ground as fertilizer. The end ...


On the other side, the fighting continued.

Facing the sharp claws reaching out to him, the two short swords in Bell's hand staggered by. In the darkness, a bright and dazzling soul sword light was brought up. The endless sword awn spread out in an instant, like a surging wave roaring towards the front, and it was easy to repel the demons in front. The bell took the opportunity to back away, and leisurely avoided those sharp minions and splashing blood.

well done.

Seeing this, Rhode nodded. Bell's sword skill is very strong, and very good at blending. So Rhodes also gave her swordsmanship, and now she looks good. Instead of fighting with each other stupidly, he chose the main fighting method, mainly to protect himself. Of course, she is mainly to protect Christie behind her, otherwise, with the sword of Bell, killing seven in and seven out of these demons is no problem. But ... thinking of this, Rhode could not help lowering his head, looking at Christie standing next to him. At this moment Christie is clenching her hands and staring uneasily at the people in front of her. This made Rod sigh lightly. To be honest, he agreed with Carrian's suggestion that Christie may be interested in adventure, but her identity should be protected by the protagonist or players in the rpg game. Characters like Miss Princess who are being watched by evil forces-as long as you don't run out of trouble and cause trouble for others, thank God, you didn't expect her to fight. This is not because of lack of strength, but because of his nature, Christie is not suitable for fighting at all. But Rhodes is not able to understand another Christie's idea, the world is not peaceful, and Christie has a powerful force, whether she hopes or not, will be involved in it. Therefore, she must learn to face herself, so that she can always grow up behind others.


"... Rod ...?"

Upon hearing Rhode's voice, Christie looked up and looked at Rhode standing beside him in amazement. Rhode reached out and stroked her head gently.

"This is also your fight, Christie."


Upon hearing Rhode's words, Christie bit her lip and she looked up to look forward. Indeed, I have always been so perfectly protected. There was almost no danger, as it is now. Although there were so many terrible demons besieging himself, under the protection of everyone, Christie felt very relieved and was not afraid at all. But ... is this really good?

Think of it here. Christie could not help recalling what sister Anne had said to herself before-whether in front or behind, only side by side can be called a companion.

Isn't it here just to do something?

"......... I see ... Rhodes ........."

Thinking of this, Christie raised her right hand, then she stroked the ring in her hand lightly. Soon, golden runes burst out from it, and the bright and dazzling magic ring turned into a quill and quietly fell into the palm of Christie. Then the girl raised her right hand. Along with her movements, a snow-white scroll suddenly appeared in the empty space, which spread out in front of Christie, waiting quietly for the holder's further actions. Looking at the book in front of him, Christie took a deep breath, then. She lowered her pen, accompanied by Christie's movements. Records of the current situation also appeared automatically on the original white, empty books.

"...... the demons who were summoned from the darkness attacked the targets in front of them, they died without fear, and went forward frantically ..." Seeing this, Christie let go. At the end of this passage, it seems to be a continuation of writing, with a short paragraph added.

But it was only momentarily that all these demons were destroyed.

Just moments.

The overwhelming demons quietly disappeared. The thick darkness no longer exists, and everything is as written on the scroll of true knowledge. The torches that had been extinguished because of the chaos and the demon breath lit up one by one again, and soon the original dark maze was brightened again. It was only then that Christie let out a long breath, and then she closed her eyes. Soon, the quill turned into a ring and returned to her slender white tender fingers, and everything ended in an instant. Although under the training of another Christie, Christie's strength has greatly increased, but now she can only maintain a few minutes of work.

"The power of His Highness Christie is so magical at all times, and worthy of being the first person outside of His Majesty."

Looking at the ring on Christie's hand, Carlin pushed her glasses and whispered. Although the power shown by Christie is very magical, the holy sword elves here don't feel so rare, it seems that they are already accustomed to this. On the contrary, Canary stared at the scene in amazement. Although she had learned the properties of the ring from Rhodes, only by seeing it with her own eyes could she find out how cheating and anti-natural things were. One word can change the world, which is completely beyond anyone's imagination.

"If this thing appears in the game, it will definitely be reported to death, Rhodes."

"I know."

Listening to Canary's whisper, Rhode nodded. But this is not the time to discuss whether Christie's equipment should be reported. Because Christie used "destroyed" rather than "disappeared," the demon corpses of the previous ones remained with them. These demons look more than a meter long and look like humanoid lizards. Behind him were a pair of bat-like wings and a thick black tail. Has a dog-like head.

"It's a goblin."

Sailes Tina said in a tone as if she had seen the world's dirtiest and most nasty thing. She stared coldly at the incomplete corpses on the ground, and then waved her hand. With the movement of Serestina, the dark flames burst out, and all the demon corpses on the ground were completely dealt with, and No residue was left.

"It looks like we are dealing with big men from the abyss this time?"

Even if Serestina didn't say it, Rhodes had already seen it, and demons like Goblins were not uncommon in the abyss. Not so decent, for example, they are like countless lice that live on the bodies of those large demons, and when Rhodes fights the demons and ss in the game, they will be more or less Came across these annoying things. They are not high-level, but they have many advantages and simple minds. Add to that the self-explosion and gas-poisoning race. Imagine the thousands of explosive bombs coming at you, annoying and annoying.

In turn, the demon such as the goblin generally only appears next to the big devil. This time, it would appear here to attack itself, and Rod didn't think it was accidental.

"Probably because I was hurt by the bubble before. Want to see our details."

Hear Rhode's words. Canary also responded quickly. When he heard Canary speak, Rhode nodded slightly. Just after the attack just ended, he also locked the apprentices of the Tour de France tower to see if they had been attacked, but it turned out to be none. This shows that these demons are not aimless, but are assigned by someone to trouble them. From this point of view, the teacher Gorla or the thing attached to Teacher Gorla is most likely to be hurt by the divine power of little bubble gum. Although not dead, it is painful enough. And the power shown by others before themselves is also seen by everyone. under these circumstances. The devil will come to test whether the power of others and others will affect its plan. It now appears that its temptations have to end there.

As for the little bubble gum, Rhodes wasn't worried at all. It is impossible for these demons to deal with them. Instead, Rhode was worried that Little Bubble Gum and Annie would be over-excited, and it would be troublesome if the maze was demolished. In particular, both of them are the kind of pure violence ...

"Hey ......... Head ......... you all right !!"

When it comes to Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. Just as Rhodes was thinking, little bubble gum and Annie appeared in the distant corridor. As Rhodes expected, neither of them could see any injuries. This is not surprising. The divine power of Little Bubble Gum is the natural enemy of the devil, regardless of the physical attack type of Celia. A caster like Little Bubble Gum is completely a self-propelled human-shaped nuclear bomb in the eyes of a demon. There is no need to consider and hesitate when washing a large piece of what.

"We are okay, everyone is normal, but you guys, what did you encounter?"

Thinking of this, the previous "bang" was estimated to be the signal of Anne's war with the demon. And it was after that that he was surrounded by demons. After hearing Rhode's inquiries, Annie wrinkled her nose, and then began to explain to Rhode a little bit helplessly. It turned out that she was following the little bubble gum to see how those puppet waves ss went to destroy the monster. But I don't know why, halfway through. Those puppets seemed to be manipulated by some erosion, not only changing their appearance, but even launching attacks on Little Bubble Gum and Annie. Facing the puppet's provocation, the two naturally wouldn't just escape like this, so they greeted them decisively. Their encounter was similar to that of Rhodes and others, surrounded by endless darkness and demons. However, unlike Rhodes and others fighting in situ, Little Bubble Gum and Annie walked in the direction of Rhodes and others while fighting, hoping to converge in the shortest time and then resolve the situation. But now that everything has been resolved, there is nothing to say.

"Eroded Goblin?"

Hearing here, Rhode looked at Little Bubble Gum, and when he saw Rhode's inquiry, Little Bubble Gum nodded with certainty.

"Yes, it's a variant of Shadow Devil. It must have been the shameless **** demon. Damn, I knew it this way. I should have completely crushed him into a residue at first! Damn, I was so mad. Dare to bother us at such times, it's a dead end!

At the same time, Little Bubble Gum pouted her mouth dissatisfied, it was obvious that she was very angry that she had not been able to successfully kill the unlucky egg and was overcast by the other party. However, Annie obviously didn't care, instead, she smiled and patted little bubble gum on the shoulder.

"Oh, it's nothing, bubble. When the time comes, you can call back!"

"Yes, Annie, call back when you come, let the dregs know that we are great !!!"


Seeing the two singing a song, Rod shook his head helplessly, then turned around.

"Well, let's go. There is still a long way to go."

Then he spoke.

And at the same time, on the other side of the maze ...


The mage wrapped up in a black robe all over his body looked up, glanced in astonishment at the seemingly empty emptiness in front of him, then his complexion became heavy.

"Is it destroyed so soon? It seems that these people are really not as good as they think. Then we must speed up the progress."

As he muttered to himself, the mage turned away and looked at the figures behind him.

"Come on, we have a long way to go!"

Facing the mage's roar, the thin figures shook, and then quickly followed the mage and walked forward—the twisted body was constantly changing under the light, forming a new one. Shape.

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