
With a loud noise, Xu Da dropped his fist.

I saw the black giant python fall into the lake again.

The shaking waves even affected the military camp far on the shore.

But now the soldiers in the military camp can't take care of these waves at this time, and their eyes are all on the stalwart man who is suspended in the air at this time, with golden flames rising all over his body.

"Xu Shuai is mighty!"

In the barracks, I don't know who shouted first, but the cheers followed one after another.

The nature of a soldier is to be strong.

Even though Xu Da clearly did not have any merits, the terrifying combat power shown by Xu Da at this moment has already conquered these warriors.

At this time, An Lushan, who was also suspended in the air at the side, also looked at Xu Da with admiration on his face.

It has to be said that Xu Da's move has already won him the military's heart.

It's no wonder that Xu Da secretly transmitted a voice to himself just now not to interfere.

As the commander of Liu Yan's forced airborne, An Lushan and other Chinese heroes understand it.

But it doesn't mean that these ordinary soldiers can understand it, and it is a terrible thing that a handsome man does not have enough prestige in the army.

Previously, Xu Da was planning to take his time, fighting wars while cultivating his prestige in the army.

But the appearance of this black python gave Xu Da an excellent opportunity to show his muscles.

And after the black python continued to sink to the bottom of the lake, there was no more movement.

Xu Da looked at the dark red blood and partially broken scales stained on his fist.

Obviously, this injury is far from enough to kill the black python.

"Pretend to be dead?"

Xu Da sneered.

The grass was about to be eradicated. Since the snake attacked, Xu Da was not ready to let the snake go.

Xu Da stretched his arms slightly, only to see that the golden flames around Xu Da's body grew a little more, and Zhen Yuan wrapped the air waves and instantly covered the entire lake.

Countless waves were stirred up, accompanied by mournful screams.

In the waves that Xu Dazi stirred up, the figure of the black giant python that he saw, stepped out and turned into a golden streamer and rushed into the lake!

Boom! Bang! Boom!

It was only after a few loud bangs that the lake surface regained its calm.

Immediately after that, he saw a pitch-black giant python breaking out from the lake, and beneath this behemoth was a golden figure.

This is An Lushan, who has been making soy sauce, and suddenly appeared, shouting: "Xu Shuai has cut the monster, the whole army will have dinner tonight!"

Before he finished speaking, there was another burst of cheers and shouts in the military camp.

"Xu Shuai is mighty!"

"Mighty Xu Shuai!"


Beside the campfire in the military camp, An Lushan handed a piece of roasted and oily snake meat to Xu Da with a greasy mouth.

Xu Da frowned, then shook his head.

"I don't like to eat snake meat, you can eat it."

Seeing this, An Lushan didn't say anything. At this time, the soldiers in the military camp were already singing and dancing, and their dissatisfaction with the environment of the camp during the day seemed to be forgotten.

Seeing the smiles and excitement on the soldiers' faces, Xu Da also showed a slight smile.

Then he turned around and returned to his tent.

The war is coming, he needs to prepare early.


Compared to Xu Da's drinking and eating meat, singing and dancing.

As a pioneer, Li Jue and Guo Si are not so happy anymore.

There were only 500 Flying Bears under his command. Fortunately, Li Jue and Guo Si gave up the idea of ​​setting up camp.

Speaking of which, a vanguard army with only 500 people is really rare, but there is no way that the Flying Bear Army is so strong.

Previously, Xu Da had intended to send thousands of cavalry to Li Jue and Guo Si as a frontman, but the two refused.

Lao Tzu's Fei Xiong army is invincible in the world, and five hundred people are enough to overthrow the opposing vanguard army!

Li Jue tied the horse to the tree next to him, and then walked to the side of the fire where the fire was lit.

At this time, a few soldiers were already roasting the meat they got from hunting during the day on the fire. Although they only sprinkled a little simple spice, the scorching temperature of the bonfire still stimulated their irresistible aroma.

Although he has been able to achieve inedia for a long time at his first cultivation base, even so, Li Jue and Guo Si still prefer the satiety and taste buds brought by food of flesh and blood.

Li Jue picked up a piece of meat and was about to put it in his mouth, but at this moment, Hu Che, who was in charge of the post, ran over directly.

"What's wrong?"

Li Jue also put down the barbecue in his hand and asked with a frown.

Hu Che'er wouldn't run over for no reason.

"General, we found the enemy's trail ahead!"

Hu Che'er had a happy expression on her face, and the sight of the enemy's army did not make this Xiliang man feel nervous at all.

The fierce blood of the people of Xiliang will only be excited for the upcoming battle.

"it is good!"

Li Jue was equally excited. Since they entered Shengjing, they hadn't had a good fight for a long time.

"The whole army assembles!"


At this time, it was not far from the location of Li Jue and Guo Si's Flying Bear Army.

A well-armed elite cavalry is heading in the direction of the Flying Bear Army.

The cavalry was led by a rough man with a beard. The lieutenant next to the bearded general asked in confusion, "General, why do we have to march at night?"

I saw the bearded general showing a fox-like sly smile that did not match his appearance.

"You know what to say, the art of war is cloudy, and if you are unexpectedly attacked, you will be unprepared. Let's march at night and ambush during the Naturally, we can win with one blow."

After all, the bearded man looked at the thousands of soldiers behind him, and the smug look on his face became even more poignant.

This person is the vanguard general sent by this coalition, Yu Cheng.

The Yu family is the top family in Huazhou and one of the main forces of this coalition.

And Yu Cheng is one of the famous five tigers of the Yu family in the younger generation of the Yu family.

This time, Yu family will push Cheng to the position of vanguard general, and also want to make Yu Cheng famous.

At this time, Yu Cheng didn't know at all that he had been targeted by the tiger who had been choking on people.


The great world of Beiming is vast, and the Dasheng Dynasty is just an inconspicuous corner of this great world.

And in the extreme south of the Beiming Great World, a place that has been regarded as an absolute forbidden area by the human race since ancient times.

Too serene!

The sky was shrouded in darkness, and no light could be seen.

When he looked up, his face was barren, and on the wasteland of demonic energy, there was a deep and silent swamp.

The vitality is extinct, the demonic miasma pervades, and under the dead silence, there is an infinite terror.

At this time, a place was covered by withered vines.

A dark, foul-smelling giant meat ball was slowly wriggling.

Suddenly, this disgusting ball of meat vibrated violently, and one could vaguely hear a resentful voice coming from the inside of the ball of meat.

"Who? Who dared to kill my son? I want to kill him! I want to kill him!"


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