Summoning Total War

Chapter 36 Massacre (Part 1)

Chapter 36 Massacre (Part 1)

It's late spring and early summer, and the entire southern plains are experiencing a week-long rainy season.

Time is advancing slowly, and the wheat in the fields has sprouted, and after this period of precipitation and accumulation. The trading resources in Athens towns that are recognized by the "Total War" auxiliary system and have statistics are also listed. These developed trade resources brought a steady stream of income to the towns and attracted aborigines from other cities in the southern plains to trade.

On the strategic map of the auxiliary system, there are four types of trade resources that are marked and clearly counted within Murphy's territory, namely timber resources, coal resources, slave resources and wine resources.

These four trading resources made the port suddenly prosperous. In just one month, more and more ships entered and left the port.

However, after receiving the financial revenue, Murphy discovered that the largest trade revenue was not from the jackal slave trade, but from the coal mine and timber trade. These two trades accounted for almost half of the town's total revenue!

The lumberyard has been expanded twice. Because it is close to the Karazhan Mountains, the quality of the wood produced in the territory is very good! In the past, this was also the largest timber trading base in the southern plains. Mining open-pit coal mines is not difficult, because due to the slave trade, there are already Greek residents in the town who have become slave traders. Through other channels, they bought Murphy a batch of kobold slaves from the rear of the southern plains, numbering about three hundred people, who had been initially domesticated by slave traders!

These kobold slaves, who are only about 1.2 meters tall, do not have much fighting power. But because they are cheap and hard-working (they are greedy for life and have no temper), they are undoubtedly a very cost-effective investment for open-pit coal mining. In the town of Athens, the revenue from the open-pit coal mine alone is now enough to reach 1,200 silver coins per month, which is equivalent to three full months of head tax in the territory in the past!

The revenue of the entire territory is divided into three parts. The first is the poll tax, which is the most basic source of taxation. The second income is agricultural income. At present, there is no agricultural income. The main source of supporting cities and towns now is fishery income. The third income is trade income. This is the bulk of the income. It is an important source of funds for town development and is also the key to Murphy's future vigorous development!

For now, the total monthly income of Athens towns can reach about three thousand silver coins. In addition to maintaining the salary of the soldiers and further constructing the territory, this income also allows Murphy to upgrade and replace the original equipment!

The construction of the blacksmith shop has been completed, and further tempering of iron tools is in progress.

According to the prompts given by the current auxiliary system data, it will take about a week for the army in the town to complete the weapon replacement.

More than a dozen newly trained blacksmiths are re-smelting imperfect iron tools that were forged in the past, and are beginning to build the first batch of half-armours. This batch of half-body armor is based on the fine iron half-body armor that the dwarves aided the human city-states and then was resold to Murphy. Although the steel refining technology cannot reach the level of the dwarves, there is still no problem in making rough imitations using existing materials.

These simplified versions of the half-body armor were prepared by Murphy in advance for training the Greek heavy infantry later.

Assistive systems cannot replace reality after all!

Murphy has to plan for these material reserve issues in advance.

Because of the trade with the southern plains and Lady Elizabeth's aristocratic network, iron ore is not a problem for the time being.

But as for horses, there are indeed not enough in towns now!

The original stock of horses in the town was about eighty. These horses were first recruited by Murphy into the general's guard. Then another batch was consumed because of the promotion of Hamilton to general. After Hamilton died in battle, his father became the new general, and a new general's guard was formed again!

As a result, the horses originally reserved in the town were almost used up.

This led Murphy to discover that after building the blacksmith shop, there were no more horse resources in the town to recruit—scythe chariots!

This is a really bad question.

Fortunately, it wasn't too bad. Murphy learned from Lady Elizabeth that on the other side of the territory, on the other side of the Nidoria River, there was a vast basin. In that land called Salma Basin, there are more than ten centaur tribes living! Most of the horses in the southern plains came from trade with these centaur tribes.

The only difficult thing is that these centaur tribes are not very friendly to humans.

And if you want to conclude trade with them, you must first pass through an area called the Wild Stone Highlands, where a large number of goblins live.

Just like the kobolds in the southern wilderness, there are a large number of goblin groups scattered on the rocky highlands like packs of wild dogs.

These goblin hordes range in number from five hundred to three thousand, and they attack all travelers who pass by and are able to defeat them. For a period of time, there was also a goblin slave trade, but because this creature was too lazy, it was not as cost-effective as the kobolds. Coupled with the relatively large number of goblins and the disproportionate investment and harvest, this slave trade was quickly abandoned decisively by black market merchants!

In contrast, creatures like kobolds, who are naturally capable of digging holes, are much more popular than creatures like goblins in many industries that require slaves, such as mining and excavation.

Market demand determines value!

Of course, goblins are much smarter than kobolds!

Some scholars have discovered that some smart goblins have understood some simple human languages ​​through learning and imitation! Some scholars have even suggested that in the near future, this kind of intelligent and cunning creature is likely to evolve into a new intelligent group!

All this is the imagination of anthropologists.

Slave traders would just sneer at this!

They only care about the gold coins in their pockets. As for slaves, it is better to be more honest and obedient.

What does a slave have to do to be so smart?


For now, the slaves in human city-states are composed of three major groups, kobolds, goblins and human slaves!

The last one is mostly composed of prisoners who are not worthy of death, soldiers who have escaped from the battlefield, and bandits wandering in the wilderness. Among them, soldiers who deserted from the battlefield are the most common, because according to the laws of human city-states, cowardly deserters have only two choices, hang or become humble slaves!

The only difference is that after soldiers become slaves, they have another chance to win courage and respect.

Human beings in this era have not yet been completely corrupted. The crisis of survival has caused them to actively seek space for development on the mainland.

The law allows fleeing soldiers a chance to prove their courage!

They can enter the arena and become a gladiator.

Prove yourself to everyone in the battles of life and death, proving that you have regained the courage you lost before!

There is a saying in the ancient East - know your shame and then be brave!

And these people who have experienced the gladiatorial arena and survived are the most elite warriors in the entire human city-state!

They are the Fearless Ones, the Hands of Slaughter, and the Gladiators of Carmona!

At noon.

The busy crowd was taking a rest, and the women and children had already prepared a sumptuous and delicious lunch for them.

The continuous rainy season for a week has turned the roads into mud. Under the orders of the noble Governor, residents of the entire town are repairing the roads and continuing to widen and lengthen them to the original extent!

The prosperity of the town brings hope to the people, and they work hard towards the hope of a better future.

There is food and there is a house.

The Governor promised that all men who participated in the battle would be rewarded with land.

If you join the military, your entire family can be exempted from hard labor!

Murphy stood on the guard tower and patrolled his territory, with a smile on his face, which was a sense of accomplishment from the heart.

"Your Majesty the Governor! General Leo Dallie is back!" A knight from the general's guard rode up to him. The knight's body was covered in mud, and he had obviously been running for a while in the heavy rain.

"Come back so soon?" Murphy looked happy, turned over and jumped off the sentry tower.

He has been waiting for news about Leo Dallie for three days!

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