Summoning Total War

Chapter 27 Silver Shield Legion Infantry!

"Array up!"

"Turtle shell array!"

The centurion paused at a trot and erected his long shield in front of him. The formation of the entire legion changed from scattered to dense. The soldiers gathered left and right under the command of the commander. The wide shields completely covered their bodies. The soldiers in front stepped towards He shouted loudly and lined up his shields in a line. The soldiers in the middle of the formation followed the flag bearer's command and raised their shields flat on their heads. The soldiers on both sides turned to protect the flanks. The entire formation suddenly became an incomparable Tight turtle shell!

"Defensive formation!"

The infantry commander of the Silver Shield Legion shouted!

The shield used by the legion's heavy infantry is a semicircular, cylindrical long shield with a height of 1.25 meters and a width of 0.8 meters. The shield is a wooden frame, wrapped in leather, and edged with iron sheets. A metal plate with a hemispherical bulge in the center. In battle, in addition to using large shields for defense, legionnaires can also lean their bodies under the long shields to hit the enemy. If they are hit head-on, although they will not die immediately, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. The soldier behind the large shield, on the other hand, suffered limited damage because of the protection of the shield.

The hemispherical bulge in the center of the large shield plays such a role in addition to defending against javelins.


The sudden change on the battlefield caused the charging lizard warriors to pause. The enemy formed a tight and dense formation at an incredible speed, which surprised them. No matter how stupid they are, as a warrior, they know that they are encountering an elite human force today! Because such discipline is unprecedented since they entered the southern plains!

Although the turtle shell formation is slow, its protective capabilities in the era of cold weapons are invincible!

Facing the tight tortoise shells formed by the large shields, the running lizard warriors immediately hesitated. The length and height of these large shields were enough to tightly protect the parts above the knees. Faced with such a difficult to chew Turtle shell, they are not sure whether they can survive if they rush in!

No matter what kind of warrior he is, he will inevitably hesitate when facing an enemy he has never seen before.

And with this hesitation, the lizardman archers' arrows rained down on the turtle formation!


The arrow hit the wide shield. The dense shield array completely blocked the direction where the archer could shoot. Although the lizard man's bow was powerful, it was not enough to shoot through the large shield wrapped in iron. The arrow Hanging on the shield, although the shield formation looks a bit like a hedgehog, the legion itself did not suffer any damage.

"go ahead!"

The officer at the forefront of the turtle formation shouted loudly. Under the suspicious eyes of the enemy, the turtle formation began to advance at a slow speed.

During training, Murphy consciously asked these Silver Shield infantrymen to use the military steps of their previous lives. The purpose was to enable them to form a formation on the battlefield quickly enough and then disperse the formation. Stepping out according to specific steps, it only takes a few breaths for these Silver Shield Legion infantry to switch from being evacuated to a dense turtle shell formation, or from the turtle shell formation to spreading out to form a deep front.

"This..." Arturia's eyes widened and she stared at the changes on the battlefield without blinking. At first, when she saw these large shield heavy infantry with obvious human style in the southern plains, she just thought they were nothing. Just a little better equipped. But after seeing these legionnaires quickly forming a turtle shell formation, she was immediately surprised!

This kind of discipline and cooperation is simply not comparable to those of the indigenous soldiers in the southern plains!

And this unprecedented formation is obviously extremely powerful in defense against bows and arrows, and can even be said to be watertight! The dense formation formed by the shields completely protected the shooting of bows and arrows. In the face of such a tight defense formation, the role that archers can play can be said to be quite limited!

And at this moment, the battlefield changes again!

Because of the hesitation of the lizard warriors, the distance between the two armies was shortened to a hundred steps. Some of the lizard warriors who rushed over first slammed their weapons on the shields that formed the front of the turtle formation. The shield sank, but then A short sword thrust out from the gap. Because of the lizard man's height, the dagger pierced a certain point between its legs very cunningly, followed by an extremely shrill howl!

The inside of the turtle formation is very dense, and the soldiers in the front and rear are closely together. This makes the long shield when it withstands the impact of the enemy, and the power is shared among the several soldiers in the back row, unless it encounters an inhuman force. Brutal force, otherwise it would be impossible to break through their formation. Seeing that the enemy was as airtight as a tight turtle shell, some lizardman warriors even jumped on top of the turtle shell formation, but before they could launch an attack, the all-pervasive daggers stabbed through the gaps in the turtle shell again. out!

The enemy is like a solid rock. No matter how these lizard warriors attack, they cannot shake it!

If you can't open a gap, then rushing forward will just end up dying in vain.

Soon, the lizard warriors retreated.

Murphy has been carefully observing the battlefield. These Silver Shield Legion infantry are all trained by five-star Greek heavy infantry. For this kind of legion to be able to use the turtle formation, there must be a very strict prerequisite. Then It’s all about discipline and cooperation! Only truly elite soldiers can do this, and only professional troops can form a tightly protected turtle formation.

Otherwise, the turtle shell array can only be used to protect bows and arrows, and cannot be used for close combat.

After the turtle formation of non-elite troops enters into close combat, the best way is to disperse the formation and switch to the traditional close combat method. Otherwise, if a corner of the turtle formation is broken, the losses will be even greater!

It is precisely because these three teams of Silver Shield infantry are all trained by elites that Murphy will try to use the turtle shell formation for close combat.

"Array up!"

"Battle formation!"


After the distance was reduced to a hundred steps, facing the lizard warriors who were unable to break through the turtle shell formation and began to retreat, the legionary sergeant at the front shouted and gave the order again.


The Silver Shield Legion soldiers put away their shields, held them flat in front of them, stepped sideways to the left and right, and the soldiers on both wings began to extend, transforming into a traditional four-row deep battle line at a very fast speed. The enemy's formation changed. Just when the lizard warriors were hesitating whether they should rush forward to engage in hand-to-hand combat, the Silver Shield infantry who spread out their formation took off their javelins from behind and aimed at the hesitant lizard warriors. !

Most of the javelins used by ordinary legionnaires are light javelins. Since these three Silver Shield legion infantry are all elite, Murphy equipped them with heavy javelins.

Although the length is only about one and a half meters, a hard iron tip is added to the soft metal rod, which makes these javelins more penetrating!

The Roman javelin was an important lethal force in the ancient Roman army. There is a joking name here, that is, "human flesh precision-guided weapon."

Although the range of the javelin is not far enough, its lethality is invincible by the bow and arrow. When facing the heavy javelins thrown by the infantry of the Silver Shield Legion, those lizard warriors who only had their own natural scales, no armor, and no shields, suddenly felt what it means to be afraid. The distance of death has never been so close to them. Pass!

Less than sixty steps away, the lizard warriors without any shield protection withstood two rounds of heavy javelin throws from the Silver Shield Legion infantry!

Howling everywhere!

The Lizardmen warriors who faced two rounds of heavy javelins from the Silver Shield Legion infantry suffered heavy losses immediately. Those warriors hit by the heavy javelins either died on the spot, or were penetrated by the heavy javelins and pinned to the ground. Death was only a matter of time.


The lizard warriors, whose morale had been severely hit, immediately fell into chaos. Some soldiers who lost their courage tried to retreat, but the lizard officer's shouts prevented them from escaping.

However, before the lizardman officers could regain their morale, the Silver Shield infantry rolled up again like a violent storm.

Perhaps it was because after the battle they understood that the enemy's strength was nothing more than this, or perhaps it was because they discovered that apart from their physical advantages, these lizardmen were not much stronger than the orcs they had fought before. Those legionnaires who had seen victory in sight actually followed the orders of their commanders. They chose to end this war with the wildest fighting method.

"Power and glory!"

They held their shields flat in front of them, looked up to the sky and roared, and then charged towards the rioting lizard warriors!




There were dull clashes of head-to-head confrontations. When the high-morale Silver Shield infantry faced the lizard warriors with a body height of more than two meters, they actually chose the most primitive and brutal crushing impact charge!

Here, we must mention their full names.

Their full name is——!


The enemy's bravery completely exceeded the imagination of these lizardmen. These enemies who were much shorter than them actually bumped into each other with their shields in place!

Amidst the dull impact of weapons, some lizardmen were knocked upside down and flew out.

The morale of these lizardmen was completely shattered.

victory is in sight!

There was a smile on Murphy's face, but just when he was about to order to clean the battlefield, he suddenly heard a dull rushing sound from the earth, as if some large creature was trampling the earth as heavy as it was.

(To be continued).

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