

"How...how is it possible?"

"Am I dazzled, or am I dreaming?"

As a senior math teacher, Cao Tianyuan has always been famous for his maturity and prudence, but now he is stunned.

Just because...

Jiangnan has actually finished two-thirds of the test paper, with only the last three big questions left?

How is this possible?

He knows that Jiangnan is very good, and he also thinks that although this test paper is difficult, it is not difficult for Jiangnan.

But the problem is...

No matter how good you are.

It is impossible to finish it so quickly!

You know...

It's not even ten minutes before the exam starts!

It's incredible.

Cao Tianyuan pushed the black-framed glasses on his nose, and his brain was working frantically. He wanted to see if Jiangnan was really right because he finished so quickly.


The first question, correct.

The second question, correct.

The third question, still correct.

As for the following multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions.

To be honest.

Without a pen and paper, Cao Tianyuan couldn't do it in a short time just by mental calculation.

For this reason.

He threw it aside.

He looked directly at the answer questions at the back.

"1: Given the quadratic function f(x)=ax^2+bx+cx, the solution set of the inequality f(x)>-2x is (1, 3).

(1) If the equation f(x)+6a=0 has two equal real roots, find the analytical expression of f(x).

(2) If the maximum value of f(x) is a positive number, find the range of values ​​of the real number a."

The answer written by Jiangnan is...


Because the solution set of the inequality f(x)>-2x is (1, 3).

So x=1 and x=3 are the two roots of the equation ax^2+(b+2)x+c=0 (a is less than 0).

And because (b+2)/a=-4.


So b=-4a-2, c=Зa.

And the equation f(x)+6a=0 has two equal real roots.





(2): From 1, we know that f(x)=ax^2-2(2a+1)x+3a=(-a^2-4a-1)/a.


Because a is less than 0.

So the maximum value of f(x) is(-a^2-4a-1)/a.


It can be obtained that the range of the required real number a is (-∞,-2-√3)U(-2+√3,0).





How to describe it?

The cause and effect are meticulous, and there is no drag.

Read the solution process.

Cao Tianyuan was completely dumbfounded.

He was sure...

Jiangnan got this question right 100%.

You know...

This question is not easy!

It is no less than the final question of the college entrance examination.

But for Jiangnan, it is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables, and it seems that he does not need to think through his brain?

This is simply...


Cao Tianyuan only had these two words in his mind.

He thought he knew Jiangnan very well, but now he realized that he did not know Jiangnan at all.

Although he said it before.

Jiangnan might be able to get the first place in the National Mathematical Olympiad, but that was more or less an incentive for Jiangnan.

But now...

He really believed that Jiangnan could get the first place in the National Mathematical Olympiad.

This kid.

It's just a monster!

Cao Tianyuan could not think of other words to describe Jiangnan's mathematical talent, only monster.

At the same time.

When another invigilator was inspecting the examination room, he found Cao Tianyuan standing motionless behind Jiangnan, and he came over curiously, "Teacher Cao, what's going on?"

"Why are you staring at this student?"

"Could it be..."

"Do you suspect he cheated in the exam?"



"How could he cheat?"

"I am admiring and learning. This kid's problem-solving ideas and speed are enough to make people applaud."




"Is he that good?"

"How could he get such an evaluation from Teacher Cao?"

Hearing Cao Tianyuan's words, the invigilator was still quite unconvinced, and stretched his neck to look at Jiangnan's test paper.


The next second!



"How is this possible?"

"It's only been a while since the exam, and others haven't even finished the multiple-choice questions, but he has finished the last two questions?"

The invigilator was also stunned.

It was similar to Cao Tianyuan's mental state just now.


"Did he do it right?"

"Did he just write it randomly?"

As for Jiangnan's speed of answering questions, he was shocked, but he had doubts about the accuracy of Jiangnan's answers.

Of course!

He is not a math teacher.

He can't understand it instantly like Cao Tianyuan.


Cao Tianyuan nodded vigorously at him, "It's not just random, but all correct, with 100% accuracy."


As soon as this was said.

The invigilator immediately widened his eyes and took a breath of cold air. If it weren't for the need to maintain discipline in the examination room, he would have jumped up.

He shouted.


He could doubt Jiangnan.

But he would not doubt Cao Tianyuan.

After all, Cao Tianyuan is the deputy head of the school's mathematics group, a senior master, and the kind with super high mathematics level.

Cao Tianyuan said that Jiangnan got it right.

Then Jiangnan must have gotten it right.

But that's why.

He was so surprised.

Less than ten minutes into the exam, Jiangnan had almost finished the entire math test, and his answers were 100% correct.

What does this mean?

Academic master?

Super academic master?


This cannot be used to describe Jiangnan at all!

At least he is an academic genius, a super academic genius.


He also noticed one thing.

That is...

Jiangnan actually answered directly on the answer sheet, and the test paper and draft paper were all blank?


After Jiangnan finished the second to last question, it took him only a few seconds to finish reading the last question, and then he picked up the pen and answered it directly on the answer sheet.


The invigilator's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Stunned, dumbfounded, confused.


"What the hell is this?"

"Are you sure you're taking a math test?"

"Isn't it said that the final math questions are difficult? But you can answer them after just one look?"

"You don't even need a draft paper or to calculate in advance. You're too cruel, aren't you?"

"You clearly don't take math seriously! You don't take the teachers who make the test papers seriously!"

"You're really #¥%@¥%!!!"


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