
"Tell me honestly!"

"How much can you score in total? Let me know how big the gap is between you and me?"

Qin Yumo stared at Jiangnan with burning eyes.


She knew she couldn't beat Jiangnan this time, but she didn't want to admit defeat. She wanted to know herself and her opponent and make more efforts.

At the same time.

When Qin Yumo asked this question.

Su Yu, Zhang Hao, Tang Tiantian, Xiang Ye and others sitting in the front row also subconsciously pricked up their ears to listen.


all knew it well.

This time, the challenge to Jiangnan was a 100% failure.

And it was a terrible failure.

Among them, Xiang Ye and Su Yu cried in public on the road and in the cafeteria yesterday.


As academic masters.

They all have the backbone of academic masters to a certain extent.

One failure is nothing.

The road ahead is long.

There is always a chance to come again.

Of course...

The premise is to know how high Jiangnan's current level is and judge how high the chance of catching up is.

If it is true as rumored, Jiangnan can be comparable to Qin Feng, who is known as a super academic master.


They will definitely give up directly.

Kneel down and sing "Conquer".


If Jiangnan is only one or two points better than them, then they may have to fight again.

Until the last moment of the college entrance examination.

Who will win.

It is still unknown.

"The gap should not be big. My total score is 600. Even if it is more than yours, it is not much more."

Regarding Qin Yumo's question.

Jiangnan did not hide it and confessed it directly.

He got 0 points in foreign languages.

So the total score of 600 is absolutely true.

Hearing this.

Qin Yumo's pupils shrank slightly, seemingly shocked by Jiangnan's score, but he recovered quickly.

"600 points?"

"How could you get 600 points on such a difficult test?"

"Sure enough, you were hiding your weakness in the past, is this your real strength?"


"You are better than me."

"But I won't admit defeat."

"From today on, I will work harder, and I will definitely catch up with you in the next exam..."


Qin Yumo waved her fist at Jiangnan, cheering herself up, and then turned and left.

That step.

That back.

It was so firm and decisive.


Jiangnan was very strong.

But not so strong that it destroyed her confidence.


Although she did average in the test this time, especially in Chinese and mathematics, she was 100% inferior to Jiangnan.

But as Jiangnan said.

She didn't do much worse.

She had estimated the score before.

Chinese was more than 90, mathematics was more than 90, science was about 245, and foreign language was 123.

Add it all up...

The total score is about 570.

In other words...

She is only 30 points behind Jiangnan.

30 points.

As long as she is given some time, she will definitely catch up.


is her confidence, character and pride as the monitor of Class 4, who has always been the first in the class and the top ten in the school.


On the other side.

Su Yu, Zhang Hao, Tang Tiantian and Xiang Ye and others do not have the confidence of Qin Yumo.

When Jiangnan said the total score was 600.

They all widened their eyes, their faces changed wildly, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

As if...

they had suffered a devastating blow.

600 points?

Damn, that's 600 points!

This exam is as difficult as ascending to heaven. They can't even reach 500 points, but Jiangnan can get 600 points.

This gap...

is not small.

Even the proud child of heaven, the super academic master Qin Feng of Class 301, is probably only at this level!


Completely desperate.

Although they were also called academic masters in the past.

But at most they competed in Class 4, and they were competing for the second, third, fourth and fifth place in the class. They never thought of defeating Qin Yumo and becoming the first in the class, let alone defeating Qin Feng.

Now Jiangnan can be on par with Qin Feng, which is equivalent to a god-like figure, far superior to them by several levels.


It is simply not something they can compare with.

Now think about it...

Before the exam, they declared war on Jiangnan one by one, and the harsh words they said were so ridiculous.

They were so ashamed and angry that they could not face anyone.

Defeat Jiangnan?


In the next life!


It is impossible in the next life.

What we can do now...

is to quickly give up that unrealistic idea.

If it weren't for the fact that there were so many people and it was not for the sake of face, they really wanted to kneel down in front of Jiangnan, "God of the South, you are the real God of the South, we were wrong, please forgive our mistakes..."Conquer the enemy without fighting.

Perhaps that's what it means.

Jiangnan did nothing.

Su Yu, Zhang Hao and other people who were once hostile to Jiangnan all changed their minds and were completely convinced.


What they didn't know was.

From the beginning to the end.

Jiangnan didn't care about them much.

As soon as Qin Yumo left, he continued to fight for five kills, and didn't take Su Yu and others to heart at all.


He didn't take it to heart.

But Bai Yingying always remembered that Su Yu, Zhang Hao, Tang Tiantian and Xiang Ye and others declared war on Jiangnan.


She always spoke up for Jiangnan.

But now...

Seeing that Su Yu, Zhang Hao and others' prestige had disappeared, but their arrogance had not diminished, she felt indescribably sour in her heart.

Especially when she saw her mortal enemy Qin Yumo, who was also ashamed of Jiangnan, she reached the peak instantly.

The only flaw is...

Qin Yumo didn't despair, and actually wanted to challenge Jiangnan again, and wanted to catch up with Jiangnan in the next exam.


How is it possible?

"Am I the only one who thinks that Jiangnan will definitely get more than 600 points in this exam?"

"I checked Jiangnan's answers for Chinese, mathematics and comprehensive science, and I can be sure that he will get full marks in nine out of ten cases."

"Add these three subjects together."

"That's already 600 points!"

"Although I didn't get the last foreign language right."


"Even if he did badly in the exam."

"It can't be 0 points, right?"


Bai Yingying's head was full of question marks.

Full of confusion.

According to Jiangnan's past foreign language exam scores, the passing score is definitely 90 points.

If Jiangnan doesn't hide his shortcomings and gives it his all, Bai Yingying believes that he will get 100, 110, 120, even full marks.

Add them all together.

The total score is at least 700.


It's much higher than Qin Yumo.

Even if he is more talented, works harder, works day and night, and forgets to eat and sleep, he can't catch up with Jiangnan.

Bai Yingying mourned for Qin Yumo for three seconds.

"This woman..."

"She's crazy."

"Jiangnan said 600 points, it's obvious that she was letting you down, she was lying to you, and you foolishly believed it."

"It seems..."

"Your IQ is just like that."

"In the next exam, it won't be you who catches up with Jiangnan, but I who catches up with you, hehehe!"


At this moment.

For defeating Qin Yumo.

Bai Yingying is full of mysterious confidence.

She has Jiangnan's help, and Qin Yumo's brain is not good. If she still can't win, it will be really unfair.

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