A similar scene also happened in the second physics class, the third chemistry class, and the fourth biology class.

The teacher would comment on each class one by one.

And the comments.

Everyone in the class was heartbroken.

Qin Yumo, Su Yu, Zhang Hao, Xiang Ye and others looked so excited that they wanted to die.

Only Jiangnan...


He slept so soundly.

Mathematics teacher Cao Tianyuan didn't care about him.

Physics teacher Xie Hongwei didn't care about him.

Chemistry teacher Du Ming Huang didn't care about him either.

Biology teacher Ya Ke Tang was even more so.

Especially the latter two.

Although they didn't care much about Jiangnan before, that was because they gave up on treating Jiangnan.

And now...

"This student is great!"

"He can get full marks in chemistry (biology).

"He is worthy of being taught by my old Huang (old Tang).

"This kid has the potential to be the top scorer in the college entrance examination."


The two teachers sighed while teaching, and their eyes occasionally looked at Jiangnan who was sleeping on the table.

Many students in the class: "..."

All fainted.

Jiangnan's good days are so damn good.


The fifth foreign language class.

There was finally a change.

It was completely different from the class with Cao Tianyuan, Xie Hongwei, Du Ming Huang and Ya Ke all smiling.

Foreign language teacher Shirley Yang walked into the classroom with a face full of resentment, and she talked about the test paper right away.

There was no comment on the scores at all.

Even a fool could feel it.

The air was filled with gunpowder.

Including Jiangnan.

This is really...

The storm is coming!

As expected.

As soon as the foreign language class was over.

Shirley Yang stepped on her high heels and walked to Jiangnan, "Jiangnan, come out with me."

"Teacher, why are you going out?"

"I'm going to the office. Our team leader wants to see you."

"The team leader wants to see me? What...what?"

"You'll know when you get there."

"I shouldn't have made any mistakes in class!"

"You didn't make any mistakes in class, but what about the exam?"

Jiangnan: "..."

Here, finally here?

He didn't resist, he stood up directly and followed Shirley Yang out of the classroom obediently.

After all...

He was the one who was wronged first.

Came to the foreign language office.

As soon as the two entered.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Instantly, more than a dozen foreign language teachers turned their heads to look at the two, and their eyes... were really meaningful.

In response to this.

Jiangnan was shameless.

But Shirley lowered her head and pursed her lips.

I don't know why.

Came to the head of the foreign language group.

He was a middle-aged man, like Cao Tianyuan in the past, wearing glasses and a little old-fashioned.

"You are the super academic master, Jiangnan?"

"Super academic master? Teacher, it's too much to describe me like this, I'm not an academic master..."


"Don't be modest."

"You are the only one in the history of No. 3 Middle School who can get full marks in Chinese, mathematics and comprehensive science at the same time."

"If this is not considered an academic master, then the others can't even be considered as scum, right?"


Jiangnan: "..."

I always feel that...

This head of the group has something to say, and it's hard to respond.

"By the way, Jiangnan, what do you think of your foreign language teacher, Shirley Yang?"

"Ah? Teacher Yang? She's...very good! She's nice and good-looking, we all like her..."

"So, it's because you like her that you deliberately got 0 points in the foreign language exam even though you could have gotten full marks. Your purpose is to attract Teacher Yang's attention, right?"

Jiangnan: "..."




What is this about?

He likes Shirley Yang, so he deliberately got 0 points?

Damn, this train of thought is too novel, isn't it?


Shirley Yang is young and very beautiful. She and Hu Yifei are known as the two golden flowers among the teachers of No. 3 Middle School.

I don't know how many students have that thought in their hearts on weekdays.


Jiangnan is very pure.

He has never done that!

"Teacher... you misunderstood. When I said I liked someone, I was just a student's love for the teacher. As for the 0 points in the foreign language test, it was purely because I didn't do well..."

"Oh, did you really not do well?"

"It must be true, but I will try hard next time..."

"Okay, Jiangnan, you don't need to explain. Li Ming has explained everything. He just copied your draft paper and got 140 points, ranking first in the foreign language subject in the whole school."

Jiangnan: "???"

My head is a little confused.

Li Ming?

Where did this guy come from?

He copied his own draft paper and got the first place in the whole school?


How come he didn't know?

"Why, don't you know Li Ming?"

"No... I don't know."

Jiangnan shook his head.

Speaking of which...

He really doesn't know any Li Ming!

"It's Li Ming from Class 301, who is also my student. He sat next to you in this monthly exam."

"Originally, his foreign language grades were only average, but in this exam, he scored 140 points. All the previous questions were full marks, but 10 points were deducted for the composition."

"But when his class teacher asked him to go on stage to share his experience in improving his foreign language, he fainted from nervousness.

"When asked afterwards, he threw it all away."

"He said..."

"Your draft paper fell on the ground, and he couldn't help but copied it, except for the composition."

"This means..."

"Your foreign language grades are very good. ”

“You did all the questions on the scratch paper in this foreign language test, and you got them all right.”

“Except for the composition.”

“You could have gotten at least 140.”

“Even full marks, just like in other subjects.”

“But on the answer sheet, you deliberately avoided all the correct answers, and wrote in ancient Greek.”

“If you didn’t do this to attract Teacher Yang’s attention, I can’t think of any other reason.”


At this moment.

The head of the foreign language group turned into Sherlock Holmes, with a famous detective smile on his face, and talked freely.

Jiangnan: “??? "

He had a face full of question marks.


Teacher, what are you reasoning about?

I can't get rid of it even if I jump into the Yellow River.

And Li Ming.

He's just a pig opponent!

It's okay that you copied my draft paper, but you actually came to your senses afterwards and played a confession game?


It's okay that you hurt yourself.

You also want to cheat me?

"Okay, Jiangnan, go back!"

"Don't worry, in order to attract Teacher Yang's attention, you got full marks in other subjects, but you got 0 points in foreign language. We will keep it a secret for you. After all, it's not your fault."

"Is it puberty?"

"It's normal to have such thoughts."

"And Teacher Yang is not only beautiful, but also wears high heels in class on weekdays, which is cool."


"I'll let her correct it."

"As a teacher, how can she dress too fashionably? ”

“As for you…”

“For now, you should focus on your studies.”

“Remember, in the next exam, you should get the score that matches your ability. Don’t get 0 again.”

“Wait until you finish the college entrance exam.”

“The teacher won’t care about you in love anymore.”

“If we are still destined to be together by then.”

“It is not impossible for you and Teacher Yang.”

“After all…”

“Teacher-student love?”

“There are many examples now.”


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