"Jiangnan, I still say that you are the best in mathematics. You should join our Mathematical Olympiad team. When you get the first place in the country, you can easily be admitted and have a bright future..."

It was hard to come back to his senses.

Zhou Lingfeng immediately pulled Jiangnan's arm.

He swore...

No one should try to snatch this genius from him.

Even if Jesus came, it would be useless.


As soon as he finished speaking.

The head of the physics group, Lao Li, spoke.

"Lao Zhou, who said Jiangnan is the best in math? Didn't you see that he also got full marks in physics?"

"In my opinion, he is better in physics and should join the physics competition group. He can also get the first place in the country.


And my chemistry, I just saw that Jiangnan spent nearly ten minutes on math and five or six minutes on physics, but only two or three minutes on my chemistry."

"This speed can prove everything. Jiangnan is better at chemistry and should join the chemistry competition group."


"No, if we talk about speed, Jiangnan only took one or two minutes to do my biology paper! ”


“He is the best in biology.”

“I strongly suggest that he join the biology competition group.”



“Mathematics is the foundation of all subjects.”

“In terms of value, the Mathematical Olympiad is far higher than other subjects. What else can Jiangnan participate in if he doesn’t participate in the Mathematical Olympiad?”


“Old Zhou, mathematics is the foundation of all subjects, but it is only the foundation.”

“And physics is the sublimation. Only by taking the path of physics can we explore the sea of ​​stars and the future of the universe.”

“So…” ”

“Jiangnan should join the physics competition group.”


“Old Li, you are also a piece of shit. Physics can explore the stars and the sea, but that is too abstract.”

“On the contrary…”

“Chemistry is closely related to life.”

“If Jiangnan chooses chemistry, he will definitely become an expert and master in the future, and can make great contributions to improving the living environment and quality of life of mankind.”


“I suggest that he join the chemistry competition group.”



“No, no, you are all wrong.”

“What foundation? , what universe, what life?"

"You should know that everyone has birth, aging, sickness and death, and what people care about most is birth, aging, sickness and death, plus who I am."

"In my opinion, Jiangnan should join the biology competition group and become a biologist in the future."

"By then..."


"Get lost!"

"Biology is just a small subject, how can it be compared with my mathematics? It's simply self-humiliation."


"Physics has a bigger future..."


"Chemistry is the first..."



Crazy, crazy.

The four group leaders went crazy in an instant.

In order to grab Jiangnan, they used all their tricks, even swearing, and almost fighting.

Teacher's face?


At this time, what face is still worth talking about.

If Jiangnan is just an ordinary academic bully, it would be fine.

Mathematics has always been the most important subject, and the weight of Mathematical Olympiad is also the highest among the four competitions.

As for physics, it is not far behind.

But chemistry and biology.

It is absolutely impossible to compare with the first two.

But now...

Jiangnan is not an ordinary academic master, but a genius among geniuses, even a prodigy, a genius, and a freak.

No matter which subject Jiangnan chooses, he will definitely become a top expert in this subject in the future, the kind that can achieve great success.

For the glory of his own subject.

At this moment.

The head of the chemistry group and the head of the biology group are also willing to fight.

And they want to fight.

Jiangnan's chemistry teacher Du Ming Huang and biology teacher Tang Ziran helped with all their strength.

But the head of the mathematics group Zhou Lingfeng and the head of the physics group Lao Li also have Cao Tianyuan and Xie Hongwei to help.

For a while.

The eight teachers were tit-for-tat.

Almost lifted the ceiling of the Academic Affairs Office.

Jiangnan: "..."

As the person involved, he was speechless for a while.

In the end.

None of these people won the argument.

Hu Yifei stepped up again to smooth things over. "Team leaders, teachers, I think it's up to Jiangnan to decide which competition group to join and which competition to participate in."


"Yeah, that makes sense!"

"Well, it depends on Jiangnan's opinion."

"No matter which subject he chooses, no one else can object, let alone stop him."



Instantly, everyone stared at Jiangnan.

Since the four subjects and four papers were deadlocked, they could only let Jiangnan choose for himself.

Jiangnan: "..."


"Finally I want toIs it my turn?"

"Speaking of which..."

"I'm a little embarrassed too!"


As the master of the score control system, he naturally hopes to have as many opportunities as possible to take the exam.

After all...

Only through the exam can he have the score control task, complete the task, and finally get points and rewards.


At the same time, he is also very distressed.

All the teachers present think that he can easily get the first place in the country. Is this expectation too high?

You know...

Whether to get the first place in the country.

It's not up to him!

He has to look at the system tasks.

Although the system has been The system has changed its nature, and has allowed him to get full marks many times, but who knows if it will suddenly go crazy like the previous foreign language test and let him get 0 points?

Once the system goes crazy.

Not to mention the first place in the country, it would be good if he didn't get eliminated in the first round.

By then...

It will be difficult for him to explain to everyone!

This problem is a bit of a headache!

It's difficult!


Just then.

A prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding, the task appears, please participate in the four-subject competition of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology at the same time!"

"Fuck! "

Jiangnan couldn't help but swear.




Something is wrong!

The system would suddenly give him a task?

And this task.

It is completely different from the previous score control tasks.

Is it clearly to help him make a choice?

This system!

It is simply a spirit!

He was originally weighing the two competitions of mathematics and physics, but the system asked him to take both?

In this case.

He could only go downhill and reluctantly accept it.

At the same time.

Hearing Jiangnan's sudden swearing, the surrounding teachers' faces condensed and were shocked at the same time.

They thought Jiangnan was going to give up.

After all...

Just now they argued endlessly.

But no one asked Jiangnan's opinion.


Everyone tried to comfort Jiangnan.

Zhou Lingfeng: "Student Jiangnan, what's wrong? Do you have any difficulties? You can tell me directly. "

Physics group Lao Li: "Student Jiangnan, this mentality is the most important thing, you must keep it steady! ”

Head of the Chemistry Group: “We hope you participate in the competition for your own good, so that you can avoid detours.”

Head of the Biology Group: “As long as you can win the prize, you will definitely get extra points in the college entrance examination, and you may even be directly admitted…”


Jiangnan: “…”


What’s wrong with me?

I’m fine!

You guys are making a fuss!


Since you all said so.

I can only agree, “Teachers, I have no problem, and you don’t need to argue. I have decided to participate in all four competitions: mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology!”

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