Super Almighty Student

Chapter 1028: Devour blood

Ye Hao's hands were printed on Kongtong's body while Kongtong was falling.

Waiting for the air to fall to the ground, he spurted a sip of blood.

"Kung'er, gobble up his bloodline." Ye Hao said the injury after being said again, and a ray of blood slowly flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Konger didn't obey to take the blood of Kongtong but ran to Ye Hao's side.

"Are you OK?"

Looking at Konger's worried look, Ye Hao gently shook his head and said, "My current injury is affected, temporarily unable to set up a seal, you immediately gobble up his blood."

Ye Hao said here and looked at the stunned Xiong Bo in the distance, "You continue to put a ban on him."

Bo Xiong didn't dare to delay the time to appear beside Kongtong, and shot three seals on his body one after another.

Kong'er also came to Kongtong's side at this time, and then Qianqianyu's hand pierced his abdomen, and as Konger operated the mysterious method, a series of blood power poured into Konger's body.

There was a shocked and angry look in Kongtong's eyes.

"Kung'er, how dare you steal my blood?" Kong Tong growled.

"You don't deserve to have the bloodline of the Void God Beast." Konger snapped while drawing.

"Break me." Kongtong knew exactly what the bloodline meant to him, so he frantically agitated the residual power shock in his body, and just a few breaths a seal set by Uncle Xiong declared broken.

Uncle Xiong saw this scene with a violent complexion, and then quickly sealed the seal again.

But soon Xiong Bo found that the seal he laid was not as fast as the air pass to break the seal.

"Miss, hurry up." Xiong Bo said quickly.

Konger also knows how important things are.

If you miss this opportunity, you may not have such an opportunity.

Ye Hao stood in the distance and watched this scene quietly without further action. In fact, if Ye Hao wanted to recover again, he would use the power of time. But she has created such an opportunity for Kong'er, and if she can't grasp it, it's her own problem.

So half a quarter of an hour later, all three seals under Xiong Bobu were declared broken, and at this time, space communication went all the way towards the seal under Ye Haobu.

Airlink is now desperate.

Only then did he even burn the original power.

He is not unaware that this will affect his future. The problem is that Konger is now affecting his future.

Some sources of loss say that it cannot be replaced, but where to lose the blood.

Just after the first battle, Kongtong realized that he was not Ye Hao's opponent at the same level, but if he damaged too much blood power, then Kongtong would not be Ye Hao's opponent.

Xiong Bo shuddered.

Fortunately, the seal under Ye Haobu was much stronger than the one he laid, even if the air pass had been hit several times in a row, he could not break through. Xiong Bo certainly could not wait quietly at this time. After he swallowed an elixir and gathered some fairy power, he went on to lay a seal on Kongtong's body.

He knew very well that the seal he had laid could be broken in one blow, but after all, it would take time, right?

Xiong Bo has realized that Kong'er can't draw all the blood of Kongtong, but even if he can draw a quarter or even a third, he can earn it. Because at that time, the blood power between the two people may be equal or even exceed.

Just after the intense pain in Dan Tian's body, Xiong Bo realized that he couldn't take another shot.

At this time, Xiong Bo laid eight seals on Kongtong.

"I hope this will give Miss some more time." Xiong Bo knows that as long as she gets more breath for Miss, the future Miss will be a strong point.

Xiong Bo just thought of Ye Hao's voice in the air.

"The seal I laid is about to break, ready to evacuate at any time."

Ye Hao's words shook Xiong Bo and Kong'er.

Kong'er had already engulfed the technique of swallowing to the limit. Even so, she only swallowed less than a third.

"These are the bloodlines of my people. Give me back." The unsatisfactory operation of the engulfing operation of Konger is a little faster than just now, but in this way, only three breaths have passed and the seal under Ye Haobu has broken. What can be seen is that a fairy light wrapped around Kongtong broke.

"Miss, you still have some breathing time." Just as Konger was about to evacuate, Xiong Un's voice sounded in his ears.

As soon as Xiong Bo's voice fell, a seal placed by Xiong Bo on Kongtong was declared broken.

Konger glanced and continued to devour.

A breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

Airpass cracked the seal faster than Airton imagined. When there was still a seal on Airpass, Xiong Bo pulled Konger and jumped onto the Zun class battleship.


The last seal finally broke.

Regaining freedom, Kongtong vacated and looked up at Ye Haodao solemnly, "I want to smash you corpses!"

Ye Hao said with his hands on his shoulders, "If it weren't for me to leave Konger an opponent, do you think you can still talk to me like this?"

"Who lie?" Kong Tong sneered. "If I guessed it right, you must have used that mysterious magical power to hurt the source? Otherwise, how could you let me break through the seal and not shoot?"

Speaking of this, Kongtong suddenly said, "Lao Tzu lost a third of his blood power today. I just used my source just to break the seal. After cutting you off, I will get all the lost back."

"You must also have this opportunity." Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

Airpass feels too good for itself.

Know how long this has passed.

How could Ye Hao not recover one or two?

The majestic spirit has evolved a feather arrow that will be exposed in mid-air. The appearance of this feather arrow is suddenly mad, because at the moment of this feather arrow he has a A creepy feeling.


In a blink of an eye, Kongtong tore the space and fled towards the distance.


Feather Arrow penetrated the layers of space and penetrated the empty body.

But when Ye Hao chased through the location of the hole, he discovered that the hole was gone.

However, Ye Hao has left a mark of chasing soul on Kongtong. As long as he appears within a thousand miles of himself, Ye Hao can perceive it for the first time.

In addition, with the improvement of cultivation behavior, the range of Ye Hao's perception will gradually increase.

But Ye Hao never thought of chasing and killing Airpass.

Leave this to Konger.

Ye Hao returned to the space above the Zun class battleship and Xiong Bo and surrounded them.

"Young Master Ye, what about air communication?" Xiong Bo asked softly.

"Run away." Ye Hao said lightly.

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