Super Almighty Student

Chapter 1305: Ancestor of Yue Family

Yue Qingtian is quite conceited.

Even if Chen Guanyue is a giant, she doesn't take her into consideration.

As Yue Qingtian's words fell, a golden light filled his body, and even his hair spit out golden light that people dare not look straight at.

All the monks except Ye Hao looked at Yue Qingtian solemnly.

"Go away." At this moment, a thunderous sound exploded in the box, and then everyone saw Yue Qingtian, who was like a god, and he kneeled on the ground on one knee with blood spouting.

The whole audience was in an uproar.

what's the situation?

It is said that the king of the giant Yue Qingtian can't resist Ye Hao's prestige?

Yue Qingtian struggled to stand up, but there was a mental force around him, which imprisoned him like an iron hoop.

"I really want to know who the courage that your mother-in-law gave you is in front of me?" Ye Hao stood up and said indifferently, "You have eaten one of my seven-piece koi carp halfway, but I can't care, but You should never think about the idea of ​​hitting me koi."

"Chen Guanyue is my friend, you humiliate her is humiliating me." Ye Hao said here and kicked towards Yue Qingtian's knee.


Yue Qingtian's knee broke, and both knees knelt down.

"Do you know who I am?" Yue Qingtian looked at Ye Hao's eyes full of fierce killing intentions.

"It seems that you are very confident in your family." Ye Hao said with a sneer. "Now I will give you the opportunity to send a message to Yufu."

"This is what you said." Yue Qingtian did not expect Ye Hao to be so bold?

"I said."

"You are waiting." Yue Qingtian turned his head and looked at Yue Zhixuan, who was pale and scared, "Send the emergency call for help to Zongmen."

Yue Zhixuan hurriedly took out an emergency distress jade and threw it out.

"And you." Ye Hao's eyes fell on Hua Zhanxiong's body, "You find me stubble four times, do you think I am weak and can be bullied?"

"No-no -" Hua Zhanxiong stepped back a few steps, panicking.

Hua Zhanxiong was very upset.

Ye Hao's strength far exceeded his expectations.

According to his prediction, Ye Hao is probably a fairy king.

"You **** knelt for me too." As Ye Hao's voice fell, Hua Zhanxiong puffed and knelt in front of Ye Hao uncontrollably.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Hua Zhanxiong really knelt down to realize what a shame and how unacceptable it was.

"Now you also send a message to the dynasty Yufu." Ye Hao looked at Hua Zhanxiong and said, "Call me all you can call."

"But what did you say?"

"Not bad."

Just after Hua Zhanxiong threw out the communication of Yufu, the two figures tore the space and appeared in Ye Hao's box.

Chen Dian saw a face change in the scene.

"Senior Chen, please invite you to catch this arrogant generation." Hua Zhanxiong pointed to Ye Haodao.

What was unexpected by Hua Zhanxiong was that Chen Dian shouted to Ye Hao respectfully, "Chen Dian has seen Master Ye."

Hua Zhan is stunned.

What is the situation?

Chen Dian is an immortal king in the middle class!

Ye Hao is not qualified to let him salute!

At this time, Chen Guanyue and others felt incredible.

Did Chen Dian overdo it?

"Do you want to give me a confession about this matter?" Ye Hao looked at Chen Dian lightly.

"Yang Gongzi, your table is free today, and in the future, you will come to Zuixianlou, and all consumption will be free." Chen Dian whispered, "Do you think this explanation is feasible?"

Hua Zhanxiong and others were shocked.

You should know that even a high-powered Tianjiao like Hua Zhanxiong is only 10% off, and all of you who can enjoy 20% off are the fourfold heavens with a head and a face.

But now Chen Dian gives Ye Hao the right to exempt the bill.

Is this too much?

Hearing Chen Dian say this, Ye Hao nodded slightly, "We have exposed everything between us."

Chen Dian's face could not help but reveal the color of surprise.

Chen Dian was too aware of how much energy Ye Hao contained, and they couldn't afford to get drunk at Xianlou.

Emergency communication Yufu is also divided into three, six, and nine.

The nature in Yue Qingtian's hands is the best.

So just then an old figure appeared in Ye Hao's box.

"Old Ancestor." Yue Qingtian shouted after seeing the old figure.

When Yue Xinyan saw Yue Qingtian's appearance, an anger flashed in his eyes.

"Who did it?"

If the sound is thunderous, the vastness is boundless.

Not to mention the diners eating in the restaurant at this moment, even the whole monk of Donghua City was shocked.

They looked at the direction of Zuixianlou in anxiety, wondering which immortal king came.

"I did." Ye Hao said lightly.

"You--." Yue Xinyan looked at Ye Haodao in wonder.

Yue Qingtian's sentence just stunned the whole box monk and the whole drunken monk.

In addition to Yue Xinyan, Ye Hao and Chen Dian stood on the field.

It is normal for Chen Dian to stand.

After all, Chen Dian is a middle-class existence of fairy king.

But how could the boy in front of him stand still?

"Senior Yue, Ye Hao Ye Gongzi is standing in front of you." Chen Dian said at this moment.

"Ye Hao? Which Ye Hao?" Yue Xinyan felt the name somewhat familiar.

"Nine Chongtian is known as the one among the evil spirits."

Yue Xinyan's face changed wildly.

The Yue family is indeed very arrogant, even if it is better than the laurel sacred place.

But compared with Ye Hao, the difference is not a little bit.

When Nineth Heaven Cultivation Civilization reached its peak, Yue Xinyan took Yue Qingtian to find opportunities, and when he heard that Ye Hao was in the Qilin ancestral land, he went to want to discuss cooperation with Ye Hao.

After arriving at the Qilin ancestral land, what Yue Xinyan couldn't think of was that almost all of his levels existed.

Even a lot of strength is still above him.

Yue Xinyan waited for a month in the Qilin ancestral land and finally did not see Ye Hao.

Because Yue Xinyan is not qualified.

At that time, Yue Xinyan felt unacceptable, but when he knew that some forces were more powerful than his Yue family and were not qualified, he was relieved.

Jiu Chongtian's forces owe Ye Hao a lot of infatuation.

Not to mention the other sister Shan Qiye, the single sister of Ye Hao, who would dare to move him?

"Young Master Ye." Yue Xinyan said bitterly.

"Don't you trouble me?" Ye Hao looked at Yue Xinyan with a smile.

"Where's Ye Gongzi speaking? Qingtian doesn't understand the rules. You save me and teach you less." Yue Xinyan's voice just said that an old man wearing a bright yellow dragon robe tore up the space and appeared in the space. Among the boxes.

"Lao Yue, what's the situation?" the old man asked in consternation.

The old man of Yue Xinyan just heard it clearly.

If he heard nothing wrong, Yue Xinyan admitted.

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