Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2779: You don't have to give in

If there is a small six-way reincarnation Dan Qiluo is not suitable.

Although Qiluo wanted very much.

But she knew that this one should be given to Tang Ping.

"There are a total of four reincarnations in Xiaoliu Dao." Ye Hao said that he took out two more and handed them to Tang Pina and Ye Qianqian respectively.

Tang Ping hesitated and took it over.

Tang Pina is Ye Hao's wife.

If she is not qualified, then who is qualified?

Ye Qianqin took it happily.

"Because of the limited reincarnation of Xiaoliudao, I'm sorry, I can't do one per person." Ye Hao looked at Kong Ying'er and others.

Kong Ying'er and others quickly said it didn't matter.

"Pina, you take out Jiuzhuan Jindan. After you have Xiaoliu Daohuan Dan, there is no need to take Jiuhuan Jindan." Ye Hao continued.

Tang Pianpin, Qiluo and Ye Qianqian certainly have no objections.

Ye Hao distributed the four nine-turn golden pill to Kong Ying'er and others.

"Don't get frustrated if you don't get it," Ye Hao said softly. "If you want to improve the foundation, it's not just Jiuhuan Jindan, Xiaoliu Daodao Dan, and Tiandan Danjiang can also improve your foundation. I will be right in this regard. Do you lean to ensure that you can step into taboos in the future?"

As Ye Hao's words fell on Qing Qing, Mo Mo and other people's faces, surprise appeared.

Just now they also had smiles on their faces, but that kind of smile was a strong smile.

"Ye Hao, do you still have Heaven and Earth Pills in your hands?" What did Zuzun realize when he heard this?

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded.

"How much is there?" Gou Zun rubbed his hands.

"Not much?"

"Then forget it." Gou Zun's eyes suddenly dimmed.

"Relax, wait until you stabilize your cultivation at the top of the taboo realm, and I will help you to be transcended." Ye Hao said with a smile.

There is an incredible look in Gou Zun's eyes, "You have a lot of heaven and earth mortar?"

"I don't have many celestial mortars in my hand, but it's okay for you to break through." Ye Hao said softly.

Looking at Ye Hao for a while, Ye Hao didn't know what to say for a while, and slowly said, "I never thought that I could break through to the peak of the taboo in my life before meeting you, but now it is possible to break through to the legend. Transcendence in China. Ye Hao, your character is more terrible than my master."

"You have helped me a lot over the years, and now it's time for me to give back." Ye Hao said seriously.

"Actually, you have given back a lot over the years." Gou Zun shook his head.

Gou Zun knows that if it weren't for Ye Hao, he wouldn't have reached the level he is today.

"You don't need to say that." Ye Hao suddenly thought of something here, "Yes, King Kong?"

"Vajra Circle? Vajra Circle is dormant in my world?"

"You give this to it." Ye Hao handed Gouzun a jade bottle.

"What's in the jade bottle?"

"Taiyi God Liquid."

"Taiyi Shenye?" Gou Zun changed his face, and then pushed back. "You still keep it for the sky."

Gou Zun knew that Ye Hao had two magic weapons.

The Green Furnace and the World Seal!

"I found a few drops of Taiyi God Liquid on the battlefield." Ye Hao said softly, "so you can use this with confidence."

"Then I will thank you for King Kong." Zun Zun said heartily.

Taiyi Shenye is extremely precious.

It will not be sent easily.

Immediately, Gou Zun said with a smile, "I won't disturb you."

After talking about Gou Zun, he left.

"This is for you." What made Tang Ping amazed was that Ye Hao gave her the sky.

"I don't need it." Tang Pian hurriedly refused.

Is another taboo magic weapon and having two taboo magic weapons two different things?

"This time I got two taboo magic weapons on the battlefield." Ye Hao said and pushed Fan Tianyin to Tang Pian Ping. "However, you are also the deputy master of Yanhuang Zong. ?"

"But Haoyue hasn't yet?" Tang Pian looked at Haoyue around him.

"I'm ready for Haoyue." Ye Hao said with a piece of red gold in his hand.

"Chilian Shenjin?" Ye Qianqian exclaimed.

"Yeah, this piece of red gold can cast a taboo-level war sword." Ye Hao nodded. "After a while, I set out to help Haoyue refine a war sword."

"I think it's better to give Qianqian." Haoyue said after thinking for a while, "My potential is not as high as Qianqian, and it's a waste to me."

"Nian Niang, you don't have to say that." Ye Qianqian said busyly. "It stands to reason that Xiaoliu Daohuan Dan should be given to you. I've already robbed your Xiaoliu Daosheng Dan, how can I grab your taboo? What about the war sword?"

"Fool, isn't yours yours? What do you say you can't grab?" Haoyue said softly.

"No, I don't want this war sword anyway." Ye Qianqin said in a huff.

Watching Ye Qianqian and Haoyue keep humbled Ye Hao into contemplation.

After taking out these two taboo magic weapons, Ye Hao had only one green furnace on his body.

The Green Furnace fits Ye Hao's road, but it is not suitable for giving to others.

In addition to the green furnace, there is a piece of sky gold.

Tianjin is known as one of the strongest miracles in heaven and earth.

Because Tianjin can be transformed into any magic weapon.

For example, Ye Hao is Jianxiu, Tianjin will become a combat sword; for example, Ye Hao is an arrow, Tianjin will become a longbow; for example, Ye Hao is a boxer, Tianjin will become a glove.

Furthermore, Tianjin can be improved with the master's cultivation.

As long as Ye Hao is refined, Ye Hao's cultivation is improved, and Tian Jin's cultivation is also improved.

There is no upper limit in theory.

This is why he was appalled when the Five Elements Master gave Ye Haotianjin.

Tianjin is too precious.

The green furnace cannot be delivered.

Tianjin cannot be sent.

But Ye Hao has no taboo magic.

Just when he was entangled, Jin Shen suddenly passed a wave of mental waves.

Ye Hao's eyes showed surprise.

His heart fluttered after another, and a circle of light appeared beside him.

Ye Hao shattered an aperture.

At the next moment, the sky's resources poured out, and within a few breaths, the area of ​​a hundred kilometers was filled.

Tang Pianpin and others were suspended in midair, watching the overwhelming resources froze one by one.

what's the situation?

At this time, Chongxiao's spiritual power spewed out from that aperture.


"So much spiritual power?"

"I don't know what influence these spiritual forces have on Fujun's small world?"

Ye Hao found a war sword from the sky's resources just as the spiritual force continued to erupt.

Even if there is no tabu level fluctuation in this war sword, the fluctuation contained in it is far beyond the same level.

"This war sword has the potential of a taboo level." Ye Qianqin said at the first sight of the war sword.

Ye Hao threw this battle sword to Ye Qianqian.

"Okay, you don't have to give in."

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