Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2802: Gambling

"Where does it take so much trouble?" Ye Hao said with a big hand, he headed towards Nianlan and immediately detained Nianlan in front of her.

And just when Ye Hao wanted to go further, Nian Lan said, "Miaoyu, you have the ability to fight with each other in a bright way. What do you mean by men?"

"You-if your realm is higher than mine, how could I not be your opponent?"

"It's nice to say that if you raise your state, you will fight me again."

Nianlan's voice attracted more and more students.

The students whispered aside.

"Bullying the bully."

"Who said no?"

"But who makes Miaoyu's vision good?"

"Yeah, why don't I have such a good life?"

The words of those students deeply stimulated Miaoyu.

She looked at Ye Hao involuntarily.

Ye Hao pondered for a while, and said, "One year later, Miao Yu came to ask you for advice."

"A year later? I'm waiting." Nianlan didn't think Miaoyu could make any breakthrough after a year?

Ye Hao left with Miao Yu.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Dragon Nest."

"Dragon Nest?" Miaoyu couldn't help widening her eyes.

"I can stay in Dragon Nest for 20 years, this opportunity is better to let you."

"There is unimaginable power in the dragon's nest. Ye Gongzi, do you still practice in it?"

"Dragon nest may not have any effect on me." Ye Hao said after thinking for a while.

"No effect? ​​But Dan Ling and Jian Gaoge are practicing in it!"

"I wasn't taking Jiujian Jindan in Shenhuang Realm."

"Is there a higher level of Divine Pill than Jiudan Jindan?"

Ye Hao nodded.

After arriving at Longchao, Ye Hao presented the token.

"I will take her to practice together in the dragon's nest." Ye Hao pointed at Miaoyu Road.

"Yes, but your points will be doubled."

"It doesn't matter."

The waiter at the entrance took Ye Hao to a cave road, "Are you going to practice here next?"

Ye Hao said after feeling it, "This is not the place with the deepest spiritual power in the dragon's nest, right?"

"Not this one."

"I want the supreme cave in the dragon's nest." Ye Hao looked at the waiter.

"The Supreme Cave will not open easily."

"You can ask your boss."

The waiter nodded after thinking about it, "Wait."

It didn’t take long for the waiter to run over, "I will take you to the Supreme Cave now."

Supreme Cave is the most powerful place in Dragon Nest.

The effect is three to five times that of the ordinary cave house.

After arriving at the Supreme Cave, Ye Hao discovered that there were already two figures practicing here.

Dan Ling.

Sword sings.

Both of them saw surprise in their eyes after seeing Ye Hao.

They did not expect to meet Ye Hao before they were about to end their spiritual practice.

"This son, we meet again." Dan Ling said voluntarily.

Ye Hao glanced at Dan Ling, "Are we familiar?"

Dan Ling's face was embarrassed.

"Haha, Danling, do people not have a cold for you?" Jian Gaoge said with a laugh.

"Can you whisper, don't you think the donkey barked?" Ye Hao glanced at Jian Gaoge indifferently.

"What are you talking about?" Jian Gaoge exasperated.

"Boy, don't say that your current cultivation practice is not as good as mine. Even if your cultivation practice is similar to mine, I will suppress you with one finger." Ye Hao glanced at Jian Gaoge contemptuously.

"Are you too confident?" Jian Gaoge sneered coldly.

Ye Hao smiled and pointed a finger towards Jian Gaoge.

This finger instantly turned into a giant pillar that filled the sky, and there was a breath of terror that sentient beings to heaven and earth.

Up to Jiu Xiao, down to Jiu You.

Terrifying and overbearing.

This finger seems to be the will of heaven and earth, so it is crushed towards the sword and singing.

Jian Gaoge's breath all rolled up, as if boiling water.

He is desperately working on the original exercises.

It's a pity that it hasn't been working for a few weeks.

His heart was covered with haze.

Can't resist.


Jian Gaoge roared inside.

But he still knelt in front of Ye Hao.

Miao Yu was shocked and speechless.

You know, Jian Gaoge is known as the first martial arts genius in Danyu.

But now he can't even take Ye Hao's tricks.

It is true that Ye Hao took advantage of the cultivation base, but now he has suppressed the cultivation base.

"It's boring, it's too weak." Ye Hao retracted the Tongtian finger as he said.


Six masters passed on the supernatural powers taught to Ye Hao.

Tongtian refers to the name Tongtianque.

"Who the **** are you?" Jian Gaoge stood up and looked at Ye Hao in a deep voice.

too strong.

Ye Hao's power makes Jian Gaoge unwilling to resist?

"This is inconvenient to tell you." Ye Hao said calmly.

"I will challenge you again in the future." Jian Gaoge said with a fist.

"Yes." Ye Hao said lightly.

Jian Gaoge took a deep look at Ye Hao and then sat down to realize it.

He is realizing that the sky is pointing!

Ye Hao cut off one side of the space with a wave of his hand, "Next we will practice here."

"Can I go further in a year?" Miao Yu said with some concern.

"To be precise, I am going to practice here. You go to practice in the realm of time and space." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Miao Yu said puzzled.

"Only using the realm of time can you quickly improve your heritage." Ye Hao said a jade bottle said in his hand, "This is for you."

"Three times Jindan."

"Three golden Jindan?" Miaoyu exclaimed.

But then Miaoyu smiled bitterly, "But even if there is a three-turn Jindan, I can't keep up with Nianlan."


"Because Nianlan also took Jin Dan three times."

"But I don't think Nianlan will take superb three-turn Jindan." Ye Hao smiled slightly.

Superb three-turn golden pill!

Ye Hao believes that Danyu may not have this level of existence.

"Super?" Miao Yu's eyes widened. "It seems that the super three-turn Jindan has been refined only by Dan Zu."

"In addition to the superb three-turn golden pill, I will give you some heaven and earth pill, and then your background will be able to upgrade two grades at a time." Ye Hao said softly, "I guess I have touched a breakthrough to a half-step taboo Still no problem."

"Half-step taboo?" Miao Yu's eyes showed surprise.

She had never thought about this state before.

But soon she thought of something, "That--that--?"

"what happened?"

"Nianlan's talent is also taboo in half a step!" Miaoyu is worried that even if the potential of both sides reaches the same level, she is still not Nianlan's opponent!

"I will teach you the best supernatural powers, and at the same time I will also start to improve your talents." Ye Hao said with a smile, "rest assured that after one year, you will definitely defeat Nianlan."

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