Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2813: Taboo exists

"But half of the light of life is too much." Li Mi thought for a moment and said, "In this way, you, Ye Gongzi, give us one tenth."

"The light of life can raise the source very quickly." Ye Hao said softly, "but if you swallow too much, it will still affect the foundation, so how to distribute this half of the light of life depends on your arrangement." Here Ye Hao gave half of the light of life to Li Mi.

"Yang Gongzi, so, our medicine incense pavilion will be one-third, and we would be embarrassed to take more." Li Mi pondered for a while and then gave some light to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was interrupted by Li Mi if he had to say anything, "Yongye, if you don't accept it, we won't need this third."

Ye Hao had to stop.

Putting away two-thirds of the light of life, Ye Hao looked at the distance with a staring look, "I look forward to the next attack of the blood corpse."

Miaoyu stopped talking.

But in the end she said nothing.

Before that, Miaoyu didn't think there was anything wrong with Jiu You's reversal, but as tens of millions of blood corpses were refined and turned into the light of life, she understood what Ye Hao said before.

Jiuyou reversing life and death is a big injury?

"What do you want to say?" Ye Hao looked at Miaoyu and asked softly.

"Mr. Ye, if the Nine Nine Reversal of Life and Death is exposed, your body will be stamped with the label of the evil demon." Miao Yu said leisurely.

"It doesn't matter." Ye Hao said carelessly, "I'm not your monk in Danyu." Ye Hao stopped here, "You are worried about Yaoxiangge."

Miaoyu bit her lip and nodded.

The medicine incense pavilion is decent.

But if Jiuyou reverses the life and death battle, if there is no exposure to Yaoxiangge, he will say that he is a decent one?

"If you don't want to join, you can leave at any time." Ye Hao said for a while.

Miaoyu's complexion changed uncontrollably, "Yong Gongzi, I don't mean that."

"I also have your own selfishness in helping you in the Xiangxiang Pavilion." Ye Hao looked at Miaoyu's eyes and said, "No matter what decision you make in the Xiangxiang Pavilion, I support it." Interrupted, "Go talk to the senior of your Yaxiang Pavilion."

Miaoyu pondered for a while and left.

But when Miaoyu told the senior officials of Yaoxiang Pavilion, Li Mi and others' faces suddenly changed.

"Miaoyu, you are stupid," said the master of Yaoxiangge, leisurely. "Maybe you don't know that when Ye Gongzi appeared to help you, our medicine Xiangge was labeled as Ye Gongzi. In other words, no matter Ye Gongzi is He will be affected by evil medicine for all of us."

"Ah." Miaoyu was shocked.

"Yi Gongzi's Nine Nether Reversal of Life and Death is indeed harming, but he is aimed at the blood corpse, a group that only knows to kill." Li Mi said at this time, "Moreover, don't forget that there is no Ye Gongzi , Our medicine incense pavilion has long been destroyed. Are there fewer god-level forces destroyed in these years?"

"I got it wrong." Miaoyu lowered his head.

"Miaoyu, seeing things can't be attached to the surface." Li Mi said to help Miaoyu sort out her clothes. "Do you remember what Ye Gongzi said?"


"Mr. Ye once asked me, would you like to let Yaoxiangge Liufangbaishi?"

"Remember." How could Miaoyu forget this sentence?

"Do you know why Ye Gongzi said this?"

"I don't know." To be honest, Miaoyu is thinking about these days why Ye Hao said this?

"Ye Gongzi doesn't really value Dan Yu's battle situation. He just wants to delay the action of the blood corpse in the blood domain." Li Mi said sharply, "Ye Gongzi is waiting for the person behind him to come, as long as that When a strong man who has escaped from the country comes, Danyu can reverse the situation."

"And in what capacity did Master Ye appear at that time?"


"And our Yaoxiang Pavilion has Ye Zizi's brand on it."

Hearing Miao Yu's heart tremble.

At that time, which force did Danyu dare to move Danyu?

Even a behemoth like Dandao College should weigh one or two?

Liufang Baishi!

Thinking of Miaoyu's eyes here, there was an eager expectation.


Half a month!

Only half a month later, the blood corpse gathered 30 million army of blood corpses and rushed towards Yaoxiangge.

At the same time, there are also three extremely forbidden strong men!

This makes the clan strong who pay attention to Yaoxiangge feel inexplicably panic.

"The three strong taboos are very strong."

"These three are two middle taboos, and one is late taboo."

"Can such a lineup break the wrist with the existence of the taboo peak?"

"I don't know if the one from Yaoxiangge can stop?"

"It's choking."

"Shall we be in solidarity with us?"

"Support the wool? The taboo-level strongmen have been targeted, and there is simply no extra strength to support."

"Fate from your destiny?"


As the top force in Danyu, even if Danyu was fighting everywhere, he hadn't burned to Dan's house. Even the surroundings of Dan's house had no trace of blood corpses.


This is the foundation of the Dan family.

When the Corpse of Blood Corpses rushed to the Yaoxiang Pavilion, Dan Ling's eyebrows appeared worried.

"Dan Ling, wouldn't you really like that one?" Ru Yixian said narrowly.

"If the medicine incense can't stop it, it will be **** again." Dan Ling said leisurely.

Hearing Dan Ling's words, the smile on Ru Yixian's face converged.

"Unless the strong man behind him shows up, can't he stop this army?"

"The problem is that I'm afraid that he has already shot." Dan Ling sighed softly.

"What do you mean?"

"I believe that detachment also has strengths and weaknesses. Do you think the detachment behind that person is strong? No matter how strong you are, you shouldn't be stronger than Danzu."

"You mean that who has joined forces with Danzu to fight the blood domain master?"

"Otherwise why should that restraint like that? It stands to reason that with the big killer of Transcendence, the blood corpses of Danyu can be completely removed." It must be said that Danling was very clever, she saw Ye Hao's scruples.

"If this is the case, it will be troublesome." Ru Yixian said solemnly.

What made no one think was that a layer of prohibition suddenly appeared when 30 million blood corpses rushed into the vicinity of Yaoxiangge.

That layer of prohibition cuts everything off.

One day and one night after that layer of dissipation was dissipated, and after dissipation, everyone was shocked to find that-the three taboo-level strongmen and 30 million blood corpses disappeared cleanly.

The entire Danyu is in an uproar!

This makes no sense at all?

You know, it's 30 million blood corpses?

How can it be said that disappearing disappears?

Not to mention the existence of three taboo levels?

Could it be that a transcendental presence has shot?

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