Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2842: Strangle

"Yong Gongzi, I don't know how far the Nine Nether Spirit will grow up?" Hei Feng asked for a moment.

"The spirit of the Nine Nethers now reaches a half-step taboo, and in the future it will be able to reach the peak of the taboo realm." Ye Hao said softly, "but it's not possible to escape."

"The peak of the taboo?" Hearing the word Heifeng and other senior executives of the Black Nether Gate were all startled.

You have to know that the strongest combat capability of the entire Mingyu is the existence of this level.

Ye Hao seemed to feel something when he was about to say, "I didn't expect the Green Devil family to be stubborn." Ye Hao said that the space around the crowd changed for a while, and after a breath, they appeared above an area. .

Hundreds of millions of troops have gathered densely beneath this area.

Headed by a spirited old man, his body bloomed with waves that made the mountains and rivers tremble.

He stood quietly, as if the whole world was running around him.

The moment when Ye Hao appeared, the old man's eyes exuded a chill.

"Let the person behind you stand up."

"I have given you a way to live." Ye Hao said leisurely.

"An invincible existence cannot make me succumb," the old man said coldly.

Ye Hao knows why this old man is not afraid?

Because he himself exists at this level.

"Just you didn't think that there was a detached existence behind me?" Ye Hao looked at the old man.

"If there is a detached existence standing behind you, I admit that it is." The voice of the old man felt a terrifying pressure as soon as the voice of the old man fell.

That coercion is so arrogant.

It seems that even the heavens can be crushed.

The old man felt as if he carried several ancient ancient mountains.

His knee flexed at once.

The angle of bending becomes more and more severe with the passage of time.

"No, I am invincible." The old man growled inwardly.

But he finally knelt on the ground.

"Do you recognize it now?" Ye Hao asked calmly.

"Who the **** are you?" the Green Devil ancestor asked unwillingly.

"You don't need to know who I am," Ye Hao said lightly. "I don't know how many years Mingyu can survive? In short, no more invasions are possible within three thousand years."

The ancestor of the Green Demon clan looked at Ye Hao in surprise, "I agree."

Can you not agree?

Not agreeing is a death.

Ye Hao took a deep look at the ancestor of the Green Demon Clan and took Heifeng and others away.

Back at Heiming Gate, Ye Hao said lightly, "You Heiming Gate can stay here for three thousand years, and you must leave here after three thousand years."

"Yang Gongzi, are you leaving?" Hei Feng said reluctantly.

"The resources I gave you are enough to push you to a half-step taboo, and if you are lucky, even taboo is possible." Ye Hao tore away the space and left.

Just go and leave without mud or water.

Heifeng stared staringly at the direction of Ye Hao's departure, "Yeong, I will definitely promote Heiming Gate." Heifeng then looked at Heiming Gate's high-level road, "Zongmen will now transfer. "

"Transfer?" Heiming Men's high-level all froze.

"The Yan family has fallen a legion here. Do you think the Yan family might not investigate?" Heifeng said solemnly. "We are ants in front of the Yan family." He paused and said, "This time Ye Gongzi gave us enough resources to keep us closed for thousands of years."

Due to the different attributes of the exercises, many of the resources that Ye Hao obtained in the depths of Nether are not available.

Almost all these resources Ye Hao were thrown to Heifeng.

It can be said that the resources obtained by Heifeng Feng and others are equivalent to the accumulation of tens of thousands of years in the past.

In addition, Ye Hao also gave Heifeng and others some advanced resources, and these resources Hei Mingmen have never seen in these years.

It's not polite to say that with these resources, the Black Hades can fly into the sky.

In the future, it will no longer be an influential force.

The senior executive of Heiming discussed with him that Heifeng's proposal was correct.

So the Black Nether Gate immediately began to transfer.

And this has nothing to do with Ye Hao.

Ye Hao has said very clearly before, he is just a passer-by, nothing more.


The battle between Ming City and Night Demon Race is still in full swing.

However, at the top level of Mingcheng, it was hard to beat the night demons.

Because the night demons were not only repelled, the human races also entered their homes.

"This time we will kill the Night Demon Clan."

"Even if you don't annihilate the night demons, you have to let them suffer heavy losses."

"We want to build a layer of defense. The defense is no longer Mingcheng, but in the ghost world."

Secretly Ye Hao looked at this scene quietly.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

Are the people of Mingcheng really far-sighted?

Only at this time did you remember to build a line of defense in the Netherworld?

To know how many years ago, the Terrans began to build defense lines in the Netherworld. How could the Terrans easily abandon the defense lines if they were not for the sake of pulling monsters, spirits and other major tribes into the water?

However, the human races of God Territory did not make the demon better. The three lines of defense do not know how many demon masters were buried? So that the Mozu has not recovered for many years.

"How is it?" Ye Hao looked at the mirror avatar at this time.

"The army of the night demons can't stop the warriors of the human race, but there is an invincible flame demon lurking in the nether world."

"Invincible Flame Demon?" Ye Hao was startled.

"There are 300 million elite troops in that flame demon's world?" The mirror image whispered softly.

"Three hundred million elite army?" Ye Hao's eyes narrowed uncontrollably. "This is to invite the king into the urn."

Ye Hao pondered for a while, "Where are you looking at Yan Jiao?"

"Yan Jiao?" Shen Nian, the mirror's avatar, glanced, and quickly located Yan Jiao's position.

"Yan Jiao is fighting on the front line." The mirror image pointed to Yan Jiao's direction.

Ye Hao could not help walking towards Yan Jiao.

It didn't take long for him to see Yan Jiao covered in blood.

Yan Jiao led the guards, killing one night after another night demons.

But what Yan Jiao didn't notice was that the two armies were encircling towards her from two directions.

Ye Hao glanced at the audience and found that the human race army that should have taken care of Yan Jiao didn't know why he didn't keep up.

This makes Yan Jiao fall into the situation of fighting alone.

Yan Jiao noticed this situation and shouted in one direction with a war sword, "Everyone rushed to kill me."

Yan Jiao knew that he had to tear open a mouth as soon as possible, otherwise they would no longer be able to escape when the two armies closed up.

It was just that Yan Jiao's movement was still a step slower after all, and the two armies completed the siege when she led the army to rush.


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