Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2957: Royal Wind Sword God

Meng Shanbai did not even know that Feng Tongfang had died before he died.

How is it actually possible?

This time things are so big? Furthermore, the case was tried in public. The case involving the Meng family is not one or two. How could Feng Tongfang not handle it?

Could the disciples of Zongmen be chilled?

"Sect Master Feng, I hope that Sword Master Feng will not target Cha Family in the future." Ye Hao solemnly said before leaving.

"As long as I am Feng Jianzong in one day, I will protect the Cha family." Feng Tongfang said solemnly.

Feng Tongfang is not stupid.

Since Ye Hao mentioned the Cha family, he wanted Feng Jianzong to take refuge.

And this is nothing to Feng Jianzong at all?

But this can reap the friendship of Ye Hao.

And after Ye Hao left, Feng Tongfang announced the incident in the nearby territory.

"Feng Jianzong and Cha Family will advance and retreat in the future."

After the news spread, the forces in the nearby territories were stunned.

What a joke?

But Feng Jianzong has a surpassing existence?

How can Feng Jianzong advance and retreat with Cha Family?

Because the Cha family simply does not have this qualification.

The news soon spread.

Everything is because of Ye Hao.

In other words, Feng Jianzong only looked at Ye Hao's face to form an alliance with the Cha family.

When the news reached the Yun family, the Yun family was stunned.

"Feng Jianzong and Cha Jia advance and retreat together?"

"In this case, even if we follow the golden scorpion's vein, why can't we chase the cha?"

"Ye Hao has such a big face?"

"Don't forget that Ye Hao also has a super-level presence around him."

"My Yun family missed this opportunity."

"Now it's too late to say such things. Still thinking about what to do next?" After discussion, the senior executives of the Yun family looked at the ancestor of the Yun family.

The ancestor of the Yun family pondered for a while, "I will say it in three days."

Everyone immediately understood the meaning of the Yunzu ancestor.

Ye Hao said that within three days, the Golden Scorpion would be uprooted.

If the Golden Scorpions were to be uprooted, wouldn’t they swear allegiance to death now?

But what the Yun family didn't expect was that the next day, Bu Tianjiao sent a large army to attack the Golden Scorpion.

In the face of the powerful Bu Tianjiao Golden Scorpion, the family was ignorant.

You have to know that Bu Tian Jiao in these years is too low-key, and even makes many forces forget that Bu Tian Jiao is a fourth-level civilization.

But today it exposed its fangs.

But in the hearts of many monks, this is destined to be a long-term war.

Anyway, the Golden Scorpion family is also a third-level civilization, right?

But only half a day the ancestral court of the Golden Scorpion was beaten down.

After fighting down the ancestral court of the Golden Scorpion, Butianjiao divided the troops and swept across the affiliated forces and residual forces of the Golden Scorpion.

The blood flow is not enough to describe.

The golden scorpion family and its affiliated soldiers have fallen beyond 10 billion.

The Yun family kept silent for a long time after receiving this news.

"If it weren't for Ye Gongzi, our Yun family would have been washed by blood now?" Yun Xi said leisurely.

"The problem now is not this anymore. Ye Gongzi is now standing on the Cha family. Will the Yun family still have a chance after a month's battle in the secret world?" Yun Zhe looked at the problem further.

"The secret realm has been mined by our Yunjia in recent years, even if it is given to the Cha family?" Yun Xi looked at Yun Zhe said.

"The fact is that we have only mined the outer periphery of the secret territory in recent years, and our cloud family has never entered the core of the secret territory." Yun Zhe's words made Yun Xi's face change.

"Core place?"

"We don't know what resources there are in the core place, but we can be sure that it is absolutely beyond your imagination."

"What do you want to do?"

"Ancestor told Yufeng Sword God about the secret realm."

"Yufeng Sword God?" Yun Xi was startled.

Who is Yufeng Sword God?

The existence of the eighth floor of God Emperor Realm!

Even if the entire young generation belongs to top-notch existence.

Furthermore, behind the **** of the wind sword god, but standing behind the sword god.

Who is it?

One of the top ten strong people in the Nine Palaces.

The existence of the pinnacle of the future.

Who dares to provoke?

"But can our Yun Family please use the Royal Wind Sword God?"

"We have exaggerated the resources in the secret."

"Isn't this deception?"

"So you will be needed at this time."

Wen Yan Yunxi's complexion changed, "Dad, do you mean...?"

"Ancestor hopes that you can be the maid of Yufeng Sword God?"

Ji girl?

That's the kind of song Ji.

This feminine status is not as good as the maid.

But what is the identity of Yufeng Sword God?

Where is Yun Xi qualified to be the maid of the Royal Sword God?

Yun Xi's eyes showed struggling colors, "Can I refuse?"

Yun Zhe shook his head.

The clear tears in Yun Xi's eyes suddenly fell.

Ji Nu is the least status in a family.

Because many times the host will not spoil the girl, the girl's biggest role is to entertain guests.

Time passed slowly.

About a month later, Cha Haner knocked on the door of the room.

"Come in." There was a calm voice from the room.

After pushing the door, Cha Haner saw a man who made her heart beat.

But she did not dare to show this feeling.

She knew she was unworthy in her capacity.

"How is the investigation going?"

"This is the data we found by the Cha family this month." Cha Haner said with a respectfully handed over a collated data.

Ye Hao opened it and looked at it.

The font Juanxiu, at first glance, is from the hand of a woman.

Ye Hao put it down after two quarters of an hour, and the document was ignited and turned into ashes.

Cha Han'er's eyes flickered.

She sorted them out.

"If you keep these materials, you will cause disaster." Ye Hao said softly, "I don't care, I'm afraid you can't afford it."

"Mr. Ye, why are you so interested in Butianjiao?" Cha Haner asked with courage.

"What do you think?"

"Is it because of the saint?"

"This is only one aspect." Ye Hao said softly, "To be honest, I don't know anything about Bu Tianjiao. Who hurried to know what will happen?"

"Butianjiao is still too mysterious compared to our Cha family. That's all we can detect." Cha Haner looked at Ye Haodao.

"Yeah, so I hope to invite me to make up for talents. I have been hesitant." Ye Hao sighed lightly.

Why didn't Ye Hao go to Bu Tianjiao for the first time?

Because he doesn't trust.

This is why Ye Hao agreed to make the decision for Yun Family when Yun Zhe found him.

In fact, even if Yun Zhe did not find Ye Hao, Ye Hao would find a reason to leave.

"The Holy Girl invites you to improve your talents?" Zhan Han'er was shocked. "This is a great opportunity."

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