Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3000: Threaten

Soul jade!

In addition to nourishing the soul, it can also save broken souls.

In other words, you have a ray of soul, so you can send it in the soul jade.

And sent to the soul jade can slowly recover.

Therefore, the price of Soul Jade can be described in terms of value.

"The price of this piece of soul jade is estimated to be hundreds of millions."

When everyone realized this, all their faces changed.

You need to know if there are so many emperor stones in a three-star civilized palace.

But now Ye Hao makes it easily.

Ye Hao smiled and put this soul jade into the small world.

"Dragon Gate Master, please." Ye Hao looked at Long Xuan.

There was a bad hunch in Long Xuan's heart.

Isn't this guy's source skill against the sky?

If this is the case, does Ye Hao mean that Ye Hao will pick up the good sources of the Longyuanmen venue?

But now it is on the string and has to be sent.

But when Ye Hao was about to leave, Brian stopped Ye Hao, "You haven't told me who you are?"

"Who do you think I am?" Ye Hao asked lightly.

"I don't think there is anyone other than those five who can crush my entire six domains?" Brian stared at Ye Hao slowly, "And you can never be any of those five. Bit."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because none of the five are human races." Brian said in a deep voice.

Brian's words fell to the monks who were all surprised.



Ye Hao turned out to be a human race?

At this moment, whether it was Munorno or Bai Linglong, or Tian Tian's face all showed an incredible look.


This one in front of you is a human race?

Does this mean that they are homologous?

Tiantai's face showed a sudden enlightenment, he finally understood why Ye Hao helped him before?

The other party looks at the same root and the same origin.

"Mr. Ye, I was offended just now." Tiantai finally inserted the words and quickly expressed apology to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao glanced at Tiantai, "I can't talk about offending, I will help you just for the sake of the same race, since you don't appreciate it, there is nothing to say."

"Just now I have no eyes, and please don't mind Ye Gongzi." Bai Linglong said at the moment.

"But weren't you crazy just now?" Ye Hao said lightly.

Bai Linglong's face was pale.

You have to know that Ye Hao's words and deeds may make them lose their lives in heaven and earth?

"Don't go out in the future, don't be so crazy." It seems that Ye Hao also whispered after realizing this.

Bai Linglong's eyes suddenly showed a grateful look, "Linglong will not dare to be crazy anymore."

Ye Hao looked at Brian after a cry, "You guessed it right, I am indeed a human race. In addition, I am not the top five of the six Daoyutian list."

"Are you across the district?" Brian suddenly understood.

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded.

"How long has it been? You cross the district? Do you know that you are a provocation to Liudaoyu?" Brian stared at Ye Hao with a sneer.

Brian's words are provocative.

Because if Ye Hao fails to speak well, he will offend the arrogance of the entire six Dao realms.

"Brian, don't you just go to the line and go online?" Zhengde stood up at this time. "Brother Ye was originally the pride of the Six Daoyu. Before that, but there was something too late to rush back, he was evaluated in other regions."

"Are you the arrogant of the Six Daoyu?" Brian exclaimed.

"Brian, put away your flowery intestines." Ye Hao said indifferently, "Provoked me, I don't mind letting your family break the lineage?"

Brian's eyes flashed with cold light, "My elves have always lived forever, do you think you will be afraid of you?"

"Do you think my human race will be weak at the same time?" Zhengde argued.

"Sorry, your human race is indeed not as good as my elven race in the Six Dao." Brian said one word.

"Ridiculous." Ye Haodan smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Brian sullenly said.

"The first ancestor of the human king's vein is in Liudao. I really want to know how dare you say this sentence?" Ye Hao stared at Brian. "Do you want me to invite the first ancestor of the king to go to the elven tribe?"

Brian's face changed wildly.

And why did Brian change color at this moment?

Ye Hao burst out this is undoubtedly a shocking news.

According to legend, the first ancestor of the human king has reached the peak of this world.

The difference between the human ancestor and the lord of time is that the human ancestor has no possibility of impacting the dominance.

Because the ancestor of the human king is stronger than the master of time.

After all, this shot has no limit.

Brian dared not answer the call.

Because the result of rushing to talk is very likely to be unmanageable.

"Mr. Ye, do you want to go to the meeting place of Longyuan Gate now?" Long Xuan whispered at this moment.

This is to save Brian.

Brian gave Long Xuan a grateful look.

Ye Hao glanced at Long Xuan, "Lead the way."

After arriving at the meeting place of Longyuan Gate, Ye Hao and other talents found that this place is much larger than Wenhui Garden's, and it is more impressive.

Ye Hao used her eyes for the first time.

Under the eyes of fire, Ye Hao's interior was unobstructed.

Soon Ye Hao selected the three most valuable source stones.

However, considering that Long Xuan gave himself ten source stones, Ye Hao had to choose among the remaining source stones.

About half a minute later, Zhong Yehao finalized ten source stones.

"I need these ten pieces." Ye Hao said that Shennian marked the ten source stones.

"Do you want to dissolve the stones on the spot?" Long Xuan asked tentatively.

Long Xuan also wanted to know if Ye Hao's choices are all treasures?

"No." Ye Hao refused.

None of Ye Hao's ten source stones is simple.

Ye Hao estimated that he might cry when he touched Long Xuan.

"You don't want to be idle." Ye Hao looked at Zhengde Yudi at this time.

Zhengde and Yudi glanced at each other to select the source stones.

In the selection process, Ye Hao told them which source stone to choose?

The two pretended to choose Ye Yuan's designated source stone for a while.

"I give these two source stones to two." Long Xuan looked at Zhengde Road.

Although Long Xuan did not know the identity of the two, he also knew that the two were not easy.

"As many as you want." Zhengde refused.

"This is my emperor stone." Jade Flute directly threw a bag of Qiankun to Long Xuan.

Next is the calcite.

Zhengde earned more than one million yuan, and Yudi earned more than 900,000 yuan.

This made Munono, Tiantai and Bai Linglong look envious.

"You also go to pick the source stones, isn't it a rare trip?" At this moment, Ye Hao looked at the three men of Nuonuo.

"Can I do it too?" Munorno said a little nervously.

"What can't you do? Is that why you came here to play?" Ye Hao said lightly.

"But... but my source technique is not good?" Munorno said cautiously.

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