Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3158: Reincarnation fluid

Departure knows that Ye Hao dare not kill himself.

The problem is that he is pulling away from his source now.

Without the support of the source, how can we climb the peak in the future?

Ye Hao stopped now, "I will give you ten breaths to consider compensating me? If you don't have enough chips, I will take away your three sources of cost."

Three cost sources?

Hearing the departure face is green here.

Can the three cost sources be restored?

"One." Ye Hao extended a finger at this time.

The departure suddenly became tense.

His mind is in a hurry.

What is he considering giving Ye Hao?




When Ye Hao counted to eight, he left the country and said sharply, "A pound of samsara."

"Samsara?" Wen Yan Ye Hao's eyes showed doubts.

"Brother, reincarnation fluid is a good thing in reincarnation." Lu Jian said at this time, "When we stepped out of the border, we need to cut off our past and future, and reincarnation liquid can make us cut off faster. ."

"Isn't the Stone of Heaven Dao?"

"The Stone of Heavenly Dao can enhance our understanding of Heavenly Dao, but if we cut the past and the future, the reincarnation fluid is undoubtedly a faster way to improve."

"There is samsara fluid in samsara. What is in your land?"

"There are burial fluids among the dwellings."

"At the same level?"

"The same level." Lu Juan said and threw Ye Hao a Qiankun bag. "This is a pound of Tibetan liquid I prepared for my brother."

Ye Hao was silent for a while and then put it away, and then his eyes fell on the departing body, "Ten catties."

After leaving the country, he could not help laughing, "How can there be so many samsara fluids on my body?"

"Do you think your source is not as good as samsara?"

"Resources of the level of reincarnation fluid are extremely precious even a drop, so, I will give you all the reincarnation fluid on my body." Departure said in silence.

"How many?"

"Two catties."

"Three catties."

"I really don't have one now."

"Give me two pounds first, one pound owed, then give me later."

After leaving the blink of an eye for a while, "Okay."

The situation is stronger than people.

I have to admit my departure.

After putting away the two pounds of samsara that left the country, Ye Hao's eyes fell on Li Xuan's body. "Your strength is stronger than that of leaving the country. I'm asking you for three pounds and a half of samsara, right?"

"You still blackmail me?"

"Isn't the reincarnation fluid related to you?" Ye Hao said as he landed in front of Li Xuan, his big hand on Li Xuan's head, an amazing swallowing force spread out.

"I have only two and a half pounds now, and the next pound will wait for me to get enough, and then I will give you." Li Xuan said busy.

He didn't want to be taken away from his source by Ye Hao.

"You are smarter than the guy who left the country." Ye Hao said with a smile.

I want to say you MMP when you leave!

And leaving the feeling of suffocation is still behind.

I saw Ye Hao came to his side and said, "Your supreme ring is mine."

He said nothing about leaving, and turned and left.

He knew that this time the Supreme Seat had nothing to do with him. After damaging one-tenth of the source, he needed some time to replenish, and if he wanted to return to the peak state, it would not be possible to do it one day or two days.

The problem is that it is only three days before the end.

He didn't have that time or that energy to recover.

"Reincarnation actually damaged a seat." Except for reincarnation, the rest of the monks thought it was a matter of luck.

It is really too much pressure from reincarnation and local government.

"this is for you."

Ye Hao came to the Empress and handed her a pound of samsara fluid.

The emperor's eyes showed a startled look, "Do you know how precious this thing is?"

"How precious can these two guys still owe me two pounds?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Are you really ready to chase it?" said the Empress silently.

"They don't care now, but it will not be as simple as two pounds of saline solution in the future." Ye Hao said lightly.

In the distance, Li Xuan's eyes narrowed.

In fact, he really didn't want to give Ye Hao a pound of samsara.

But now this thought is shaken.

Ye Hao's fighting strength is too strong. Will he be Ye Hao's opponent in the future?

It's hard!

Even if Li Xuan feels that his inheritance is extremely powerful, but who can make it to the Supreme List, which one is easy to match?

In the future, it is estimated that it is difficult to compete with this guy.

"Leave it." Li Xuan finally secretly said.

Let's talk about the empress.

The emperor stared at the reincarnation fluid in her hand and accepted it after being silent.

"I count on you to owe you a favor." The emperor looked at Ye Haodao.

"Say such words and see the outside." Ye Hao said with a smile, "You can stand up for my wife, you are my friend for life."

"Friend?" The empress chewed these two words.

"Emperor, don't you have no friends yet? I think my brother is good." Lu Jian said at this time.

"Shut up." the emperor yelled.

With a smile, Lu Juan shifted the topic, "Brother, I haven't seen you in these days. How did you become so strong?"

"I have been retreating and practicing this time."

"Did you go to reincarnation?" Lu Juan asked vaguely.

"Go." Ye Hao said no one would believe if he hadn't.

"Nine paragraphs?"

Ye Hao's eyes flickered, "Not bad."

Lu Jian's face appeared relieved, "I was curious why you were so powerful before? It turns out that you are the same as Cui Jian's guy."

"Cui Ju?"

"It's that little white face." Lu Juan pointed to a youth in a supreme ring.

"He is the king of life and death." The empress said with a solemn expression. "He is very strong."

Can the Emperor say the word strong enough to imagine how powerful Cuijue is?

"Xinghe." When Ye Hao looked at the King of Life and Death, the voice of King of Life and Death came from afar.

"What's the matter?" Ye Hao said calmly.

"I want to fight you." The King of Life and Death said with a burning look in his eyes.

"We'll find a place after the list is gone." Ye Hao said with a smile.



"Okay." The King of Life and Death recovered his eyes after he finished speaking.

Lu Xuan suddenly became nervous, "Cui Xuan is very strong, are you sure?"

"I won't lose."

Did Ye Hao tell Lu Ju that he wasn't going through the nine stages of reincarnation?

"Your husband and wife have a good chat." Lu Juan saw Ye Hao say so and left.

The female emperor took a deep look at Ye Hao and left.

Ye Hao isolated the surrounding space with a wave of his hand.

"How confident are you of the King of Life and Death?"

"Ten percent."

"Ten percent?" Tang Pian's eyes widened involuntarily.

"I wasn't in Jiuduan during the reincarnation." Ye Hao said leisurely.

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