Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3209: Create a kill

Zhou Caidie looked surprised.

"Mr. Ye wants to help us build formations, exercise magic weapons, etc." Xu Yuanyuan preached, "Relax, Mr. Ye will not plot these things."

"Are you so sure?" Zhou Caidie said in disbelief.

"Yang Gongzi just gave me an imperial battleship."

Xu Yuanyuan originally wanted and asked for it, but in the end it was concealed.

"Shenhuang-class battleship?" Zhou Caidie exclaimed.

"Shenhuang's early battleship." Xu Yuanyuan nodded.

Hearing here, Zhou Caidie did not hesitate to take out all the resources looted by various ethnic groups.

While Ye Hao selected the materials for the battlefield, Zhou Caidie hurriedly left, and it didn't take long for her to move the materials in the library of the Demon Palace.

"Well, the two can leave." Ye Hao said lightly.

Zhou Caidie and Xu Yuanyuan left immediately.

"Everyone, work." Ye Hao summoned hundreds of robots with his heart.

Most of these robots are in the King's Realm except for several King's Realms.

But even forging a magic weapon of the **** level or even the king level in this way is also a matter of hand.

Soon a robot from the early stage of the God Emperor Realm came over and announced, "Master, the materials here are so scarce, and the magic weapon we created will be incomplete."

"It doesn't matter, the incomplete is incomplete." Ye Hao said indifferently. "Remember, the magic weapon you build can be used with ordinary skills. The killing array is also built, no need to use high technology."

"Observe." The robot said respectfully.

"If you can make it, you can make it. If you can't make it, give up." Ye Hao continued. "We don't have to pay for our help. Do we still have to pay in advance?"

Is there no such thing in the whole world?

However, with the full efforts of several **** emperors and nearly a hundred **** kings, the resources put out by the demon palace were consumed by half in only two days.

When Ye Hao told Xu Yuanyuan the news, Xu Yuanyuan and others were all scared.

"Son, you have consumed half of your resources?" the old woman asked tentatively.

You must know that those resources are huge.

Even if the devil's palace was squandered unscrupulously, it could not be done in thousands of years.

"Exactly two thirds are consumed." Ye Hao emphasized.

The old lady opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

"I'll take you to see it." Ye Hao said, lifting his foot and walking towards the gate of Hushan.

Zhou Caidie and other senior officials of the Demon Palace quickly followed.

After arriving at the mountain gate, Ye Hao pinched a French seal, and a five-colored glow of light enveloped the entire Demon Palace.

"This is a large array of mountains protecting the devil's palace-colorful array." Ye Hao said lightly. "Only this level of the **** king's peak can be broken."


Only at the level of God King Peak can it be broken?

There are only a few old monsters from the legend at the level of Wanlei Continent.

But those old monsters are still in between.

"In fact, this formation can be upgraded again, but unfortunately you don't have too advanced materials." Ye Hao continued, "It can only be so good." Said he changed another magic seal.

There was a thunder in the void.

Those thunders, densely packed, very terrible.

"This is the Wanlei array I built for you." Ye Hao looked at Xu Yuanyuan and said, "There are two seals initiating this formation, and this seal opens the group attack mode." He said here Dao Thunder fell sharply.




It really is Wan Leiqi.

"High level with God Realm."

"Every Thunder contains high-level power in harmony with God Realm."

"Which sect can resist this wave of thunder?"

"I think that if the gods of the gods thundered down, the **** king in the early days might not be able to resist it?"

"The recovery ability of the **** king is extremely powerful. The sky-thunder of such scale can't help the **** king."

And during the discussion at the top of the Devil's Palace, the decision in Ye Hao's hands changed again.

The sky and earth suddenly faded.

A terrible depression gave the monks present an uneasy feeling.

At the next moment, a flash of electricity appeared suddenly.

The electric light shone 100,000 square meters.

With a loud bang, the distant space shattered, like the end of the world, making Zhou Caidie, who had reached the middle stage of the **** king, sway.

"This blow can definitely kill the existence of high-level **** king." Zhou Caidie said with a startle.

Ye Hao glanced at Zhou Caidie and said, "This attack can seriously damage the existence of the God King's Peak, and such an attack can probably issue three hits."

"After three hits?"

"After three hits, you need to replenish Wang Shi." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Master, have you buried all the Wang Shi underneath?" Zhou Caidie suddenly realized something.


"If we find more Wang Shi buried underneath, does that mean more attacks can erupt."

"If you want to break out of such tyrannical attacks, do you think Wang Shi is the only one missing?" Ye Hao shook his head and said, "The most important thing is the formation runes on the formation."

"I don't know if you can teach me the rune of the battle line to my demon palace?" Xu Yuanyuan said silently.

"The premise is that you have a king in the demon palace." Ye Hao looked at Xu Yuanyuan, "and the average king can't understand it."

Ye Hao's words let Xu Yuanyuan and other senior officials of the Demon Palace extinguish this thought.

Battle King?

Is there no such level in the entire continent?

"Son, do you mean that after three strikes, this formation was abandoned in disguise?" Zhou Caidie asked softly.

"Yes, after three hits, you can only start the runes of the first stage, but you will consume the above runes once every time you start." Ye Hao said that there was a pause, "So my suggestion If you really face the attack of the **** king, you can use the killing array I prepared for you."

Ye Hao pointed at the two stone lions at the entrance of the mountain.

When Ye Hao pinched a seal, the interior of the two stone lions changed.

There are no caves there.

"There is a killing array in the stone lion."

"That killing team is terrifying, my soul is shaking."

"This is definitely a king-level killing array." The senior officials of the Demon Palace said after investigation.

Ye Hao looked around and said, "These two stone lions contain a killing formation, they can contend with the existence of the middle class of God King." Ye Hao waved and took everyone to a distance.

"This is your Kung fu hall. Did the two brave paws at the door of the kung fu hall see it? It also contains two kill formations, which can contend with the early existence of the **** king."

"This is your hall of deliberation. The two stone dragons at the door also contain a killing formation. They can contend with the early existence of the **** king."

After Ye Hao's introduction, everyone found that Ye Hao had created a total of twelve killing arrays for the Demon Palace.

These killing arrays are at least the level of the early God King.

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