Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3232: Ling Chongxiao

"What level of Wuhun do you think I am?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"To be able to easily defeat my sword attendant, your martial spirit must be at least heavenly." The man said paused here. "Let me guess, your martial spirit should be heavenly advanced."

"Did you look down on me like that?" Ye Hao said this to the man's surprise.

"What do you mean?" The man looked at Ye Haodao in surprise.

Ye Hao's mind appeared on the top of his head with a mirror.

The golden brilliance diffused towards the surroundings.

The golden light was so bright that the man covered his eyes subconsciously.

But when he saw a purple halo around the mirror, the whole person was struck by lightning.

"Half-step master martial spirit."

Ye Hao smiled slightly, "Not bad."

The man stared at Ye Hao’s Wuhun for a long time before sighing, “I didn’t expect you to be a half-step master Wuhun.”

"So what do you have for me now?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Your martial spirit level is too high, and my heritage is not worthy of you." The man said with a wry smile.

"Senior, but you have this world-class existence, I think your exercises are still useful to me." Ye Hao said softly.

"Forget it." The man thought and shook his head. "I want to find an heir to carry forward my skills, but you are not destined to be my heir."

Ling Chongxiao still knew himself.

Ye Hao's martial spirit is too terrifying. At least such a guy has to stand behind the pinnacle of this world.

And Ling Chongxiao is just an existence in the middle of this world.

"I recommend you a successor." Ye Hao said with a smile.


"Feng Xue."

"Going through?"


After Ling Chongxiao waved his hand in the air, images appeared one by one.

Ye Hao looked at it and pointed to a woman in white, "It's her."

"I was paying attention to her just now, and she is indeed a rare talent." Ling Chongxiao nodded in disapproval, "but she still needs to pass my test."

"Your test can't stop her." Ye Hao said confidently.

Fengxue is close to the founder.

It is important to know that the world-famous people will take the pinnacle of this world in the future, but there is no concern at all, and the strength of Fengxue will be no problem in the later stage of this world.

When Fengxue's Daogu of the Nine Heavens system and Soul's Daogu of the Soul Heavens also keep up, Fengxue can become the best of the world in minutes.

"By the way, that is my friend." Ye Hao pointed to Li Hua at this time, "She shouldn't be able to break through several levels."

Ling Chongxiao glanced and said, "She really can't make it through several levels." In this way, he waved his hand and detained Li Hua from that world.

The painting was stunned.

"Mr. Ye, what happened?"

"I asked my senior to bring you here." Ye Hao said softly. "I think you are already in danger. If there is any bleeding, how can I explain to the Qing Emperor?"

Ling Chongxiao looked at the painting for a while and said, "I have a heritage of the peak of the future here. I wonder if you are interested?"

Ling Chongxiao saw through the painting at a glance.

Martial Souls from paintings will never exceed the mid-level of the heaven, and the level of the high-level will not be too high.

In other words, the painting will stop in the future.

"Future of the future?" Li Hua's face suddenly showed surprise.

Want to know that the entire Lihuozong has no inheritance of this level?

"Yes, yes, yes." Lihua said excitedly.

"I will teach you now." Ling Chongxiao said with a finger at the eyebrow of the painting, and immediately felt huge information flowing into the sea of ​​knowledge.

The sword attendant who defeated Ling Chongxiao when Feng Xue digested this memory appeared here.

She was not surprised when she saw Ye Hao, but she was stunned when she saw Li Hua.

what's the situation?

The speed of leaving the painting is faster than her flushing?

"Would you like to accept my inheritance?" Ling Chongxiao asked in a hurry.

"Yes." Feng Xue said softly.

Feng Xue also saw that the other party's cultivation should be in this world.

This level of inheritance is also useful for Feng Xue.

Ling Chongxiao immediately imparted all of his skills to Fengxue.

While Feng Xue digested the exercises, Ling Chongxiao looked at Ye Hao, "You are the first to come here, how can I let you go empty-handed?" Ling Chongxiao said that he was wearing armor here The soldier appeared here.

"This is my sword attendant, it will be yours in the future."

Ye Hao looked at the sword attendant and shook his head. "Forget it, I'm not interested in your sword attendant?"

Jian Shi was loyal to his master, and Ye Hao did not need such a presence.

"My sword attendant was in the early stage of this world." Ling Chongxiao said with a smile, "This kind of existence is a master no matter where it is."

"I think this sword attendant is still reserved for Fengxue?" Ye Hao pointed at Fengxue Road.

Ling Chongxiao's eyes revealed an intriguing look, "Do you believe me?"

"What did you say, Senior?" Ye Hao said innocently.

"Forget it, since you don't believe it, I don't force it." Ling Chongxiao said that a wave of resources appeared here with a wave of his hand.

"These resources have been collected by me over the years. Take whatever you need?"

Ye Hao took a look and waved all the resources of the hill into his small world.

"Thank you, Senior." Ye Hao arched.

Ling Chongxiao's face showed a dumbfounded look.

Have you noticed my wording?

I said take what you need?

I didn't let you take them all?

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Ling Chongxiao couldn't help asking.

"I have watched these resources." Ye Hao said with a heartless face.

Ling Chongxiao opened his mouth in amazement, and finally said nothing.

Say Mao?

The shamelessness of this guy is beyond his imagination.

"Forget it." Ling Chongxiao finally decided to expose it.

Is it still robbed from the hands of Ye Hao.

At this time, Feng Xue opened his eyes, "Teacher, your skills are profound and unpredictable. I just looked through them briefly, and I feel that I have benefited a lot."

"My inheritance is finally succeeded." Ling Chongxiao said with emotion.

"Teacher, I certainly will not insult your heritage." Feng Xue said with assurance.

"The teacher has nothing to give you, and my sword waiter will give it to you." Ling Chongxiao pointed to the sword waiter beside him.

"Thank you teacher." Feng Xue said excitedly.

This is the sword waiter in this world.

She can still use it in a short time.

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