Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3268: Xuanshuizong

Ye Hao's words made Yun Changqi's body stiff.

Immediately, there was a smile on his face, "Young Master Ye, I am here to say sorry to you and your friends."


Ye Hao slapped him in the face.

Yun Changqi stumbled for a moment, almost didn't fall to the ground.

His face was very gloomy, "Young Master Ye, you...?"

At the same time his heart set off and the waves were horrified.

He did not expect that he could not avoid Ye Hao's slap under his full guard.

"How? Have an opinion?" Ye Hao sneered.

"No." Yun Changqi said humiliatingly.

"Broken your arm, can you have an opinion?" Ye Hao said that a lightsaber was lying on Yun Changqi's arm, and the terrible Qi machine locked his whole body.

Looking at the next moment, his arm was about to be cut off, and Yun Changqi's face was panic-stricken, "Yong Gongzi, there is something to say, something to say."

Yun Changqi is afraid.

If this is cut, his strength will drop by at least 30%.

"Do you want to say something now?" Ye Hao said lightly.

"Yonggongzi, how do you say that you should pay?" Yun Changqi said, pondering his language.

"Open your small world, I want half of your small world resources." Ye Haowei said as he pondered.

Yun Changqi's eyes showed a look of anger.

Half of the resources of the small world.

Why do not you go to hell?

But what can he say at this time?

"Good." Yun Changqi opened her small world humiliatingly.

Ye Hao's divine thoughts drove straight in, and at the next moment a lot of resources were pumped away to Ye Hao's small world.

I have to say that Yun Changqi has a lot of inventory.

Even with Ye Hao's cultivation practice, it took a while to plunder two-thirds.

Ye Hao originally adhered to the principle of one-half, but the predation exceeded the standard predatoryly.

If you exceed it, it will exceed it.

Ye Hao didn't care too much.

Of course he believes Yun Changqi will not have an opinion.

Yun Changqi's heart is bleeding.

He didn't know how long it took to get these resources, but now it's more than two thirds of Ye Hao.

He was bitter in his heart, but he could not speak.

"Inadvertently plundered a little more, don't you mind?" Ye Hao looked at Yun Changqi.

Yun Changqi would like to say MMP, do you mind?

"Do not mind, just be happy."

"OK, then you go." Ye Hao waved his hand.

After Yun Changqi left, Jia Dekang preached, "Master Ye, did you just let Yun Changqi go?"

"Do I still kill him?" Ye Hao glanced at Jia Dekang.

"I think this time I completely offended Yun Changqi, and Yun Changqi will secretly send someone to kill me." Jia Dekang said with a wry smile.

"It's up to your brother-in-law next." Ye Hao pointed at the Chujiang River.

"Chu Jianghe?" There was a trace of coldness in Jiadekang's eyes when he heard the name.

Just now Chu Jianghe gave up on him.

"Chu Jianghe, Yun Changqi will give it to you." Ye Hao looked at Chu Jianghe's voice at this moment.

"Yun Changqi's Xiuwei is similar to me, to be honest I don't have much confidence." Chu Jianghe said hesitantly.

"Yun Changqi can't use his blood right now," Ye Hao said lightly.

"He was poisoned?" Chu Jianghe was startled.

"What do you think?" Ye Hao didn't say clearly, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

There was a surprise in Chu Jianghe's eyes.

If Yun Changqi was poisoned, he would be 100% sure to win Yun Changqi.

If Yun Changqi is won, then Tianduancheng is his.

"Mr. Ye, that... Mingyue Dan..." Chu Jianghe immediately thought of something.

Ye Hao didn't even look at the Chu River, but took Xiao Qiao and others into the venue.

An embarrassed look appeared on Chu Jianghe's face.

"Dad, he is too crazy." Chu Qianqian couldn't help saying.

"Shut up." Chu Jianghe scolded.

"Dad." Chu Qianqian stomped.

"What identity can you blame, Master Ye?" Chu Jianghe said coldly. "The elder of the Dange, do you know what this identity means?"

Too elder.

Chu Qianqian showed a dignified color on his face after chewing for a while.

"Dad, how could he have this kind of cultivation and this kind of identity at this age?" Chu Qianqian said he couldn't understand.

You must know that Ye Hao is not much older than her.

"I think he is mostly a world champion." Chu Jianghe said in a deep voice.

"The world champion." Chu Qianqian's heart could not help but slowed down half a beat.

The world champion.

There are only one hundred Soul Sky galaxies.

"Just don't know how much he can rank?" Chu Qianqian's eyes were full of bright colors.

After Ye Hao's identity was revealed, it was naturally impossible to sit in the audience.

He was assigned to the VIP seat.

Xiao Qiao and others also enjoyed a VIP treatment.

Ye Hao sat down and it was not long before a group of Yingying Yanyan came down to Ye Hao under the leadership of a middle-aged woman.

"Young Master Ye, don't come unharmed."

Ye Hao's face was filled with mourning, "Sect Master Song, what do you mean?"

Song Xuanshui is the head of the Xuanshui sect.

"Mr. Ye, you will not forget what I said to introduce Ji concubine to you?" Song Xuanshui giggled.

"This...wasn't that casually said at the time?" Ye Hao said awkwardly.

"Don't, today the beautiful women of my Xuanshui sect are all here, Master Ye, why are you picking two?" Song Xuanshui blinked at Ye Hao.

The group of Yingyingyanyan suddenly came together.

"Young Master Ye, how are you looking at me?"

"Young Master Ye, I will wait for someone."

"Young Master Ye, I have a first-rate massage technique."

The group of girls knew exactly how the boy in front of them existed?

The elders of the Tang Pavilion.

If he could become this concubine, let's say Guangzong Yaozu is almost the same.

I have to say that Ye Hao was a little emotional.

Song Xuanshui is right.

These girls are very beautiful.

Ruyanhuan fat has everything.

"This is still forgotten." Ye Hao shook his head.

"Yonggongzi, they are also poor people, you just accept them." Song Xuanshui's tone suddenly sank. "No one knows when the skeleton organization will appear. After the skeleton organization appears, most of them will know Be the target of insults."

"What kind of spray can't the skull organization turn over?" Ye Hao said calmly.

"The Skeleton Organization is prepared this time, and our seventh domain is destined to be levelled." Song Xuanshui said bitterly.

"What do you know?" Ye Hao moved.

"Xuan Shui Sect has turned to the skeleton organization." Song Xuanshui's words changed Ye Hao's face slightly.

"Why make a hasty decision now?" Ye Hao said in a deep voice.

"Yong Gongzi, if you know who is behind the skeleton organization, I believe you will not say that." Song Xuanshui looked at Ye Hao's eyes and said, "We are destined to have no chance to make a comeback."

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