Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3278: Dragon shop

When the magic pill appeared in Ye Hao's hands, the monks all froze.

"what is this……?"

"Four-pin Super Depot."

"This is not ordinary Sipin Chaotan. Do you not see the blooming Divine Ring? The number of Divine Rings is nine."

"Ninth-grade and fourth-grade Chaodandan?"

"The value of the 9th-grade and 4th-grade Translocene is almost comparable to that of the 1st-grade and 5th-grade Translocene."

"This one doesn't look easy."

Just when everyone was shocked, Lian Xing said lightly, "How much business do I think?"

"Is it?" Ye Hao's words fell into the space in front of him and cracked, falling one after another from Chaotan.

Within a short period of time, thousands of first-class and fourth-grade Chaotan have appeared in his body.

Lian Xing's face changed greatly.

She may not care about a 9th-grade, 4th-grade Super-Tetan business, but thousands of 9th-grade, 4th-grade Super-Tetan business, even if the headquarters can't take it easy?

"This son, Li Xing just offended you a lot. I am here to compensate you." With a smile on his face, Lian Xing hurriedly punished Ye Hao.

Ye Hao glanced at Lian Xing and waved away all the transcendentales. "It's not necessary to make a guilt."

Immediately he looked at Xu Jing, "Is this place comparable to the Abyss Chamber of Commerce?"

"Yes." Xu Jing lowered his eyebrows.

Ye Hao pulled out thousands of four-grade Chaotan, which really scared Xu Jing.

He realized that Ye Hao's identity background far exceeded his expectations.

Even if he tried to offend the Abyss Chamber of Commerce, Xu Jing had to hold Ye Hao's big fade.

"Lead the way." Ye Hao said lightly.

"This son, what happened just now was a misunderstanding." Lian Xing blocked Ye Hao's way. "So, no matter what you buy at the Chamber of Commerce, I will give you a 20% discount?"

Lian Xing also realized that Ye Hao's background was not simple, so she also wanted to take this line.

Moreover, if she can get thousands of four-grade Chaotan, would her commission be an astronomical number?

"Keep off." Ye Hao glanced at Lian Xing.

Lian Xing just wanted to say something, I don't know why Ye Hao's heart slowed down half a beat when he met Ye Hao's eyes.

She was so scared she quickly let go.

Looking at Ye Hao and his entourage, Li Xing's eyes showed a bitter look.

"I didn't give me face, so I must make you look good." Lian Xing gritted his teeth.

Longyuan Chamber of Commerce!

Ye Hao saw the name startled.

"The Longyuan Chamber of Commerce is the local chamber of commerce of Longyuan Star, but the Longyuan Chamber of Commerce has developed well over the years. I heard that they can obtain precious resources from other continents." Xu Jing explained softly.

"That is to say, the Longyuan Chamber of Commerce is not as good as the Abyss Chamber of Commerce?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Good." Xu Jing said frankly.

"It's okay, let's take a look." Ye Haogang said here that a middle-aged man ushered in with a digital manager in a hurry.

"This son, I am Lin Kun, vice president of the Longyuan Chamber of Commerce." The middle-aged speech was full of respect.

He knew what happened to the Abyss Chamber of Commerce in the first time, but he did not expect Xu Jing to come here with Ye Hao.

"Go in and talk." Ye Hao said lightly.


After arriving at the hall, Ye Hao opened the door and said, "I need high-grade soil."

"Can you be specific?" Lin Kun said softly.

"In the early stage of the future, in the middle of the future, in the late stage of the future, the peak of the future, of course I also need this world." Ye Hao looked at Lin Kundao.

Lin Kun's face suddenly changed, and after a while he said, "We can get the early stage of the future, the middle stage of the future, as for the more advanced, we can't figure it out."

"In the early future, I need more than nine copies in the middle of the future."

"So much?" Lin Kun stunned.

"Difficult?" Ye Hao raised his eyebrows.

"No." Lin Kun said as he gritted his teeth. "But we need a deposit on our side."

"How much?"

"Thirty percent."

"Give a number."

"Let me figure it out," Lin Kun said after a while, "Six thousand four-grade super-detan."

"How long?"

"First class."

"What if it's ninth?"

"If nine, then seven hundred will be enough."

"Here you are." Ye Hao handed Lin Kun a Qiankun bag.

Lin Kun’s divine thought swept away, and there was a look of surprise on his face, "In three days, we will put together the soil you need."

"You will contact me at that time." Ye Hao paused here. "In addition, do you know a seller who can buy high-grade soil?"

"I will contact you then."

"Thank you."

"You are welcome."

Then Ye Hao got up and said goodbye.

"Senior, where are you going now?" Xu Jing asked softly.

"Why? You are not going to entertain me?" Ye Hao asked narrowly.

"It's an honor." Xu Jing said busy.

Xu Jing can almost be sure that Ye Hao exists in the future, otherwise how could it be possible to get so many Sipin Chaotan?

The future.

This level of existence is at the top of Longyuanxing.

Doesn't their Xu family exist at this level?

Xu Jing took Ye Hao to Zhong Huamen.

Ye Hao glanced at Zhong Huamen's hypocrisy and reality.

"Your Zhonghuamen is not simple." Ye Hao surprised.

"Why did seniors say this?" Xu Jing asked puzzled.

As the young master of Zhong Huamen, Zhong Huamen has some strong man, he is most clear.

"What is the strongest of you Zhonghuamen?" Ye Hao said in his heart.

"Later in the past," Xu Jing said truthfully.

"But why do I see a presence in the middle of the future in Houshan?" Ye Hao looked at Xu Jingdao.

Xu Jing couldn't help being surprised, "How is it possible?" After finishing this sentence, Xu Jing realized that he had said something wrong, "Senior, I'm not questioning you, but our Zhong Huamen has never seen the future in these years. exist."

"Yes or not, you will know if you look at it." Ye Hao brought Xu Jing and others to Houshan with a wave of his hand.

The figure, who was practicing silently, suddenly opened his eyes.

Eyes fell like Ye Guang on Ye Hao and others.

Xu Jing, Liu Yishan and others felt that their souls would be melted, but as Ye Hao's body burst into glory, the feeling of dying was subsided.

"Who are you?" Xu Jing asked suspiciously, "Why are you practicing in the forbidden area of ​​my Zhong Huamen?"

"When I passed from here ten years ago, I noticed that a stream of purple flowers appeared here, so I practiced here." The figure was a little embarrassed when he said this sentence.

"Zihua Streamer." Xu Jing froze, "Why didn't I see it?"

"This... I finished it all three days ago. I was thinking about leaving after two days." The figure became more embarrassed.

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