Super Almighty Student

Chapter 76: Lingdan

Lan Qingqing coughed up again just to say something, and this time there was a trace of blood clot.

"Qing Qing." A middle-aged man in a suit saw the scene full of pain.

"Daddy, I'm fine." Lan Qingqing's face barely squeezed out a smile, but the smile seemed pale and helpless.

"It doesn't matter if you're at home," the middle-aged lady said with pity when she passed a glass of hot water.

"Mom, Ye Hao won't lie to me." Lan Qingqing washed his hands softly.

"The Taoist Sect has always existed in nothingness, they will not deal with the world at all, how could a student Ye Hao intersect with this kind of existence." The middle-aged lady Shen said.

"Ying Qingqing's current body is no longer necessary to convalesce in the hospital." Lan Zhongtian shook his head softly. "This time I brought Qingqing to come and want to see Huaxu."

"Hua Xu? Did you make an appointment with Hua Sheng?"


Huaxu is not only well-known in China, but also internationally. I don’t know how many people make appointments every day, but you can’t make an appointment without a certain status.

"Hopefully Hua Shengshou has the ability to cure Qingqing's disease." The middle-aged lady said so, but she didn't have much hope in her heart.

Hua Xu has long said that Qingqing's disease is not cureable.

Even Yi Huaxu's medical skills can only be relieved, and Western medicine is simply helpless.

Lan Qingqing still had no time to go to the Yuanyi Hotel, because she fell into a faint just after the private plane, Lan Qingqing was rushed to the Modu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Because Huaxu was there.

It was two hours after Ye Hao got the news.

When she rushed to the hospital, she saw a pale pale face.

At this moment, Lan Qingqing was sucking oxygen, and she saw a smile on Ye Hao's face.

"You are Ye Hao." Lan Zhongtian said softly.

"Well, are you—?" Ye Hao noticed that the middle-aged had three points similar to Lan Qingqing and had the answer.

"I am Lan Zhongtian, Qing Qing's father." Lan Zhongtian was full of gas, "Thank you for coming to Qing Qing."

"Qing Qing is my friend." Ye Hao said that he would step forward and look at Lan Qingqing.

"Qingqing can't be disturbed now." The middle-aged lady stopped Ye Hao.

Lan Zhongtian shook her head greenly towards the middle-aged lady.

The middle-aged lady gave way reluctantly.

Ye Hao sat on the bed and looked at the weak blue and green road, "What's wrong?"

A nurse beside Lan Qingqing was just about to say, "The patient can't talk now."

Ye Hao instructed Lan Qingqing not to speak, and then his **** rested on Qing Qing's pulse.

This scene surprised Lan Zhongtian.

Does Ye Hao fail to see a doctor?

Truth is a kind of energy.

This energy is good for the human body.

This is what Ye Hao got from the memory of Black Dragon.

In fact, the internal force of martial arts master training is also a kind of energy, but the energy level of internal force is far less than the true element.

Ye Hao didn't dare to input too much at once.

However, with Ye Hao's rhythmic input of blue and green, the heart beat frequency continued to rise, and the various life indicators of blue and green gradually became normal.

The nurse on duty stood up in shock.

"how is this possible?"

"What happened?" Lan Zhongtian said in a deep voice.

"Lan Qingqing's life indicators are almost back to the normal level." The nurse hurriedly pressed the emergency button after saying this.

Lan Zhongtian looked at Ye Hao in shock.

Is it because of the youth that the blue and green life indicators are normal?

It didn't take long for the three doctors to arrive in the intensive care unit.

"This family member, we have to check Lan Qingqing's body." An elderly doctor politely told Ye Hao.

Ye Hao nodded and stood up, staggering as soon as he stood up.

"It's a lot of consumption." Ye Hao thought.

Ye Hao wouldn't be so collapsed if he officially set foot on the body training layer.

Because stepping on one layer of the body will form a big cycle.

Unlike the fact that it is not stored now, the true elements in the body will be exhausted.

The three doctors carefully checked Lan Qingqing's vital signs, and the results of the three of them even if they were unbelievable.

Lan Qingqing's current state is slightly weaker than ordinary people. In addition, Lan Qingqing's life indicators are completely normal.


"It doesn't make sense."

"Please ask the dean." The three doctors rushed to the dean's office as soon as they reached this conclusion.

A moment later, an old man with Huafa appeared in Lan Qingqing's ward.

He inspected Lan Qingqing's body carefully and shook his head gently, "a short bloom."

"What do you mean?"

"Lan Qingqing's physical recovery is only an illusion, and it will be restored to its original state in two or three days." Hua Xu sighed lightly.

The three doctors asked Huaxu again but waved, "You guys go out."

The three doctors did not dare to speak out respectfully.

Hua Xu's eyes fell on Lan Zhongtian's body, "President Lan, who just diagnosed Qingqing?"

Lan Zhongtian's eyes could not help falling on Ye Hao.

"It is beyond my expectation that Xiaoyou can have such a pure internal force at this age, but I hope that Xiaoyou will not give Qingqing any internal force to consolidate her body in the future."


"The bones of internal force contain the power of destruction, so for Qingqing, it is drinking thrush to quench thirst."

"Who told you that this is internal force?" Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

"What?" Hua Xu was startled.

Ye Hao smiled and walked to Lan Qingqing's bed, then took out a jade bottle from his arms and poured out a pill, "eat it."

Lan Qingqing had already pulled out the oxygen mask at this time.

Because it is not necessary.

Now her physical functions have returned to normal.

Lan Qingqing swallowed the pill with a bang.

The entrance of the pill turned into a mellow energy pouring into her limbs, and gradually blue and blue felt that the whole body was filled with endless power.

"how do you feel?"

"I feel like I'm running out of energy."

"That's right." Ye Hao said with a smile. "This pill can greatly enhance your physique. It is normal for ordinary people to increase their life by five or six years if they take it."

Ye Hao's words shocked Huaxu and others.

Hua Xu even stepped forward, "I don't know what magic bullet is in the hands of Xiaoyou?"

Huaxu has now reached the level of Lingdan.

But it's just contact and know.

Ye Hao poured out a hand to Huaxu, Huaxu sniffed in shock and said, "This pill contains three hundred years of yellow essence and five hundred years of ginseng, and two hundred years of snow clams."

Hua Xu spoke out dozens of valuable Chinese herbal medicines in succession, "This pill can really be called a remedy."

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