Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1224: Breakthrough

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Ye Tian quickly used his brains.

Soon, several combat plans were thought of by Ye Tian.

And, after thinking about these, Ye Tian continued to optimize it.

Of course, Ye Tian has also thought out various emergency plans for various emergencies that are prone to occur when doing things.

Doing things here is actually seeking skin with tigers.

If you don't think about it in advance, you will most likely explain it here.

Feeling that it was almost done, and aimed at that heavy cruiser, Ye Tian walked over quietly.

There are many devils patrolling on this heavy cruiser.

That's not a big deal, the densely packed searchlights flash across the river from time to time.

Also, there are many small gunboats moving on the surface of the river.

The purpose of these gunboats is very simple, that is, to guard against the dead, and to focus on security and guard against the emergence of anti-Japanese armed forces.

It seems that Ye Tian's previous attempts to destroy Guizi's ships have attracted enough attention from them.

Although the national strength of the island country is much stronger than that of China, it cannot bear these losses.

A ship, although not invaluable, is almost the same.

After all, when it is built, it consumes a lot of precious resources such as steel.

And steel, like oil, is the scarcest thing in island countries.

Even in order to build various warships, island nations have to lean towards the navy strategically, while neglecting the development of the army.

The point is that the construction cycle of warships is still very long.

What's more, it is still a time of war.

In a word, every time an island country loses a ship during the war, it will not be able to get timely replenishment in a short period of time.

learn from mistakes.

With so much loss, the devils had to take care of them while gritting their teeth and hating their teeth.

This is about to get involved. In order to prevent being discovered by devils, Ye Tian is very cautious.

Now, the focus of Ye Tian's consideration is how to climb onto a deck that is twenty to thirty meters high.

The point is that it hasn't attracted the attention of the devils.

In Ye Tian's mind, it was really a pity to simply blow up this heavy cruiser.

There are so many large-caliber naval guns on the warship.

That's not a big deal. There are still many artillery shells and torpedoes in various arsenals.

Ye Tian meant to capture as many spoils as possible before sinking this heavy cruiser.

For the time being, he didn't think of a good way to get on the ship. In desperation, Ye Tian had to install a time bomb under the ship.

Soon, Ye Tian came to the keel of this heavy cruiser.

After studying carefully for a while, Ye Tian found a lot of sea valves.

Immediately afterwards, under a large sea valve, Ye Tian installed a magnetic timing torpedo.

Feeling that it was not very safe, Ye Tian also fixed the torpedo here.

Also, next, Ye Tian will have to deal with that light cruiser and that destroyer.

Also, Ye Tian had to go to the open-air warehouses and indoor warehouses on the shore to play around with sheep.

But before that, once the heavy cruiser drives away and throws away the large torpedo, all the work will be useless.

After following this torpedo, he felt that it was almost done, and Ye Tian planned to get on the deck.

In fact, while installing the torpedo, Ye Tian quickly used his brains again and again, thinking about how to get up.

In the end, Ye Tian still planned to use the first set of plans.

On the right side of this heavy cruiser, many ropes hung down.

Ye Tian meant to climb up along a certain rope.

Do it when you think.

Feeling that it was almost done, Ye Tian quietly came under the target rope.

After looking around for a while, Ye Tian cautiously exposed the water.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian climbed to a place high above one person.

Then, Ye Tian moved his mind.

Soon, Ye Tian put on the uniform of a devil sailor.

After busying with this, Ye Tian continued to climb up.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy.

Besides, the surrounding searchlights still sweep here from time to time.

In order to prevent being discovered by the devils, and thus suspect, and thus destroy his big plan, Ye Tian was very cautious.

Whenever it was swept by the searchlight, Ye Tian began to pretend to be forced, pretending to inspect the warship.

Of course, to prevent being attacked by devils, Ye Tian didn't forget to turn on the warning function.

The weapons on warships are more than just large-caliber naval guns.

Various anti-aircraft machine guns, heavy machine guns, etc., are even more numerous.

The point is that these weapons can all be called heavy weapons.

In other words, once hit by any kind of weapon, Ye Tian would be in danger of life.

For this, he had to do this.

Even Ye Tian was mentally prepared for the worst.

Very simple, I was discovered by devils and attacked by them.

In this way, if you want to do something, the difficulty will undoubtedly increase a lot.

At the very least, Ye Tian could no longer sneak into this heavy cruiser and cause trouble.

In fact, not only could not infiltrate this heavy cruiser, but also that light cruiser and destroyer, Ye Tian could no longer infiltrate.

What made Ye Tian happy was that although he was swept by the devils with searchlights several times, the pretending to be like a pretender did not arouse the devils' suspicion.

The reason is simple, the early warning function does not make a warning.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tian was overjoyed Soon, Ye Tian came to the top of the ship's side.

With his ears erected, Ye Tian held his breath, paying attention to the movements of the devils on the deck.

Coincidentally, at this time, a group of devil patrols happened to pass by.

This devil patrol is a squad with exactly 13 devils.

Those who are high in art are bold and bold in art.

Lurking on the side of the ship, waiting for these devils to enter within 30 meters, Ye Tian thought.

In an instant, these devils came to the Yincao Difu District in the storage space.

In order to hurry up and get things done smoothly, Ye Tian personally took action and conducted a violent interrogation of the devil squad leader.

In addition, in order to increase his momentum, Ye Tian also recruited the Beast Army.

That's not even counted, in front of the devil squad leader, Ye Tian also asked the beasts to chew the other 12 devils.

The premise of gnawing is to gnaw only the non-lethal area of ​​the devourers, and let the devils utter a scalp horrible cry.

At the same time, Ye Tianhao abolished the legs and hands of the devil squad leader.

What Ye Tian liked to hear was that he couldn't hold back this kind of deterrence, and after he learned that he was a urging judge, the devil squad leader immediately withered.

The point is that it is like pouring beans with a bamboo tube, and all kinds of information are honestly confessed.

Disrupted the order of intelligence and interrogated again.

What made Ye Tian happy was that the devil squad leader was still honest.

In other words, it did not fool itself.

Feeling that it was almost done, according to the agreement with the devil squad leader, Ye Tian gave him a happy life.

It's very simple, just cut its throat and let it die as soon as possible.

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that this devil squad leader looked very happy when he saw that he hadn't fooled him.

This is not the case, looking at itself, it still shows extreme gratitude.

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