Super Anti-war System

Chapter 1227: Railway garrison

At this moment, these devils in the riots are full of question marks.

There was no sign, or no order was given, why did this armored train suddenly start?


Could it be that the captain got a secret order, and then sent a small team?

Without knowing the truth, out of a strong sense of responsibility, the devil sentinels found their superiors one after another and reported the situation urgently.

Soon, the situation gathered to Captain Shao Zuo.


"Hurry up!"

"In the armored train, you are not your own person, but the enemy!"

"All of them, dead dead!"

"Attack! Kill the chicken!"

Knowing these things, the big devil became angry and immediately issued an attack order.

Give an order, and for a while, the entire Guizi Barracks was plunged into a hustle and bustle.

According to relevant regulations, this devil team immediately activated an emergency plan.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

Accompanied by harsh sirens, whistles, and messy footsteps, 1,100 devils began to assemble in an emergency.

Obviously, their next task is to hunt down this armored train.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred.


Suddenly, an extremely dull explosion sounded from the harbor.


The explosion sounded suddenly, and it seemed to have opened a Pandora's box.

Immediately afterwards, the explosion sounded louder and louder and kept ringing.

These explosions have seriously affected these devils who are urgently gathering.

Subconsciously, the devils all turned to follow the prestige.

In the eyes, thick smoke billowed.

The thick smoke kept rolling upwards, mixed with large expanses of fire.

The most important thing is that there are many large and small iron pieces in the dense smoke.

This is not to mention, from time to time, you can still see trapeze.

These trapeze are no one else, they are the devils on the three warships.

This railway garrison is very close to the port and has frequent business contacts.

Seeing these big scenes, they all realized something.

An anti-Japanese armed force is here!

The point is that they successfully implemented blasting operations in the port.

Immediately afterwards, they chose to evacuate quickly.

Not to mention, a small team also snatched one of its own armored trains.

After understanding this, the devils of this railway garrison brigade, one by one, became angry.

This kind of thing, for these devils, is the first time.

In other words, it has severely subverted their worldview.

They never expected that the enemy would be so arrogant.

Also, the enemy's combat effectiveness is so powerful.

What I have to say is that during the Battle of Songhu, the island nation did not achieve the goal of "destroying China within three months."

That's not even counted. In the Battle of Songhu, although the island nation had won, it was at best a disastrous victory.

In other words, in this large-scale battle, the island nation also killed and injured many people, and lost a lot of weapons and equipment.

After all, during this battle, China dispatched almost most of its elite troops.

However, although the island country has achieved a tragic victory, it does not affect the island country's serious contempt for China.

In a word, the island country looks down on China and chooses to initiate a full-scale war on its own initiative, which is very confident.

The reason is simple. In the 31 years of Northeast Incident, the island nation easily won the huge three provinces in the Northeast.

The point is that they have also seized massive amounts of gold and silver treasures, massive amounts of weapons and ammunition, and massive amounts of food in the three northeastern provinces.

I have to say that this includes hundreds of aircraft, many large warships, and many tanks.

Most importantly, the number of devils who launched the first wave of attacks was several hundred.

In contrast, the Northeast Army, the number is as many as hundreds of thousands.

At that time, China's most powerful combat force, the best treatment, and the most sophisticated weapons and equipment were the Northeast Army, not the government army.

The military strength is so disparity, but the island country has the last laugh.

In fact, the Northeast Army took the path of not firing a shot.

Therefore, this incident gave the island country infinite self-confidence.

It is precisely because of this incident that the island country was so arrogant when it decided to take the initiative to initiate a full-scale war of resistance.

Moreover, the island nation also proposed a plan to destroy China within three months.

The Northeast Incident gave the island country infinite confidence.

After the Northeast Incident, all kinds of massive trophies seized gave the island nation infinite capital.

To put it ugly, in large-scale battles such as the Battle of Pingjin, the Battle of Songhu, and the Battle of Jiangyin, many devil planes, tanks, and various other weapons and equipment came from these seizures.

In other words, Guizi used the captured Northeast Army weapons and equipment to attack the inland areas of China.

This is not to mention, the massive amounts of gold and silver treasures and grain seized by the island nations further strengthened their strength.


Thinking of this, thinking that this place has already become its own territory, it is difficult for this railway garrison team to believe everything in front of them.

At this moment, things that made these devils more depressing happened again.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, explosions sounded in many places along the seashore.

According to the source of the sound and the scene of the explosion, these devils knew one thing very well.

Quite simply, these explosions came from open-air warehouses on the shore and some indoor warehouses.

If nothing else, these explosions should also be related to the enemy who stole this armored train!


The railway garrison was angry, and the devils in the harbor were even more so.

Watching a heavy cruiser, a light cruiser, and a destroyer sunk by a big explosion, watching big explosions in various warehouses, and watching their comrades being killed and wounded, it is very difficult for these devils to be able to. Accept it all.

Apart from anger, the devils wanted to launch a counterattack so as to partly eliminate the depression and anger.

Unfortunately, they can't find the enemy.

There is no way, lest he also be blown to death, or smashed to death. Fortunately, the devils who have not died have to choose to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

On the other side Ye Tian is very happy.

At this moment, Ye Tian was staying in this armored train.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Ye Tian laughed repeatedly as he watched the explosions one after another.

While laughing, Ye Tian made a big move wherever he went.

It's very simple, just order the dead men to attack this railway garrison!

Naturally, for this railway garrison brigade, the old hatred has not been reported, and new hatred has been added.

In fact, in addition to the anger, these devils have already begun to attack.

However, their attacks are not powerful.

The reason is very simple. In addition to the 38 large cover rifle and the crooked handle light machine gun in the hands of these devils, the slightly more powerful weapons are the 92 heavy machine gun and the grenadier.

The two 92 infantry guns are still being assembled and debugged.

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